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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 316x160, walton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3545456 No.3545456 [Reply] [Original]

Goys, I went all-in at $2.43.

How fucked am I?

Is Abby /ourgirl/ ?

>> No.3545482

Just hodl

>> No.3545493

I'm right there with you anon, I put half my stack in between $1.5 - $2.5. Not scared though, the market as a whole is bleeding out, but will recover. You'll be ok

>> No.3545508

I have mixed feelings about this, and also about half my portfolio in WTC. I'm scared, but hopeful. Hold me close, Walton bros

>> No.3545529


there are ppl with their life saving's in WTC and holding weak hand pussy

>> No.3545594
File: 358 KB, 2000x1125, walton drone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


srsly look at their slack ppl with their life savings in it

>> No.3545751

Any chance WTC gets listed on bittrex or poloniex soon?

>> No.3545778

Not sure about this coin with all the china developments. I have a feeling they will close the whole crypto shop in china and the team will have to stop operations or move to hong kong. Will wait to see how this plays out

>> No.3546265

Relax lads. Once this whole China thing is sorted and made clear the market is gonna go crazy. China isn't going to turn its back on blockchain technology.

>> No.3546487

just buy the dips in the waves and sell the tops till your weak hands cant handle it anymore!

>> No.3546929

>move to Honk Kong

They're already there

>> No.3547309

wtf is this retarded shit. blockpholio didn't alert me that it went over 2 dollars.

>> No.3547701


This will either moon big in October or be pulled imo

>> No.3547747
File: 140 KB, 1388x887, binance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dial into Binance for available now!

>> No.3548076

There aren't reasons for being pulled out. Binance did everything -regarding the chinks- on advance.

>> No.3549154

I believe we'll get some important news on 30 november. Just because the project was launched on that date on 2016 and that date is the sixth anniversary of charlie walton's death.

>> No.3549167
File: 345 KB, 2048x1536, Larry-Silverstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pull WTC

>> No.3549244

加入了生态系统就是相当于加入了一个诚信的商业 联盟

Joining the ecosystem (waltonchain) is equivalent to joining a business alliance with integrity

>> No.3549257

>trusting Chinese people
Yeah, nah

>> No.3549276

6, Walton chain project in the role of South Korea team?

The Walton ecosystem is based on creating a common business ecosystem around the world. Korean sponsors have a certain influence in South Korea , South Korea is the chairman of the Council of SMEs, to help Walton chain in South Korea quickly landing. Imagine, if you open up the trade and commercial interaction between China and South Korea, and then extended to other countries is relatively simple and easy, so the South Korean team can help Walton chain project in South Korea to quickly commercial landing , get through China and South Korea's channel, to expand into the global business ecosystem pave the way.

(courtesy of google translate)

>> No.3549367

>ching chong ping pong
It's your funeral buddy

>> No.3549373

little known fact...abby is the original CryptoAnna...add her on skype

>> No.3549772
File: 73 KB, 1214x1140, 1505426345479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went in at 2.46 brother. I also went in to TNT at .11 and now it's so low

>> No.3549954
File: 1.13 MB, 733x1024, AbbyLamboJesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coin will easy be 10 USD, ant or neo dipped and rebound retard, besides for the china FUD it's holding it's ground.

Have faith in abby and the kingdom of lambo's is yours

>> No.3549985

Came back in to say fuck you.

>> No.3550027
File: 1.24 MB, 640x360, lol excuse me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck did you say to me

>> No.3550565

It'll go up as soon as they stop being so silent and provide a single good news.
When it comes people will not be selling so there won't be resistance and it'll reach a new ath quick.

Until then it'll continue to drop slowly but I hope for a reversal this week.
I don't want to go out because a single tweet during chink time while I sleep and I miss the train.

>> No.3550707
File: 225 KB, 585x817, Cheetah Logistics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3550812

Wow, they keep mentioning the official Slack. It is an absolute shitshow and an embarrassment to the project. Walton pls.

>> No.3550883

Yes I know the product is great, also when it comes to clothing and china you know the market is gonna be huge.

They're just no used to the crypto market, the founder is in his 50s and think investors are rich old dudes that can wait a month between updates and won't just take back their money with 2 clicks to go gamble it on another coin or ico.

I just hope they don't fuck up too much in the process, hype it up a bit and I can quit my job a few years in 2019.

Their first client, septwolves, is a 9billion$ company.

>> No.3550965

So tempted to increase my position in WTC. It's a surefire moon mission. Already in for 40%

>> No.3550996

You literally bought a coin called walton. JUST

>> No.3551022

It's Trump marketing. All publicity is good publicity in the long run.

I set an order a couple days ago at $1.70, considering doubling my holdings now that it's $1.50.

>> No.3551041
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>> No.3551369


You're fine, OP.

WHat could get people more excited and involved in crpyto than Chinese manufacturing and RFID.

The money will come flooding in, it's such a hype area of interest.

>> No.3551449

Walton will pump like nobody's biz. The chinks bounced, but these little rippers already registered their shit in the greater HK. So suck it up pretty boy, cause this doozys gonna tear ass and I'm gonna make a metric shit tonne.

>> No.3552524

beyond screwed