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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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354516 No.354516 [Reply] [Original]

Blogger General thread

-share any tips or tricks on keeping your blog up to date and profitable.

Q&A for anyone that wants it

my question is: does anyone have a views/click for views/click community that is T1-T2 countries (i.e. not 3rd world)?

>> No.354561

Are you with adsense? let's see what happens when, after months of hard work, you're starting to make like 100$ a month and adsense decides it's time to stop the money machine for you

>> No.354576

yes i am with adsense and no that won't happen so long as you know what you're doing to avoid suspicion

>> No.354588

When you surpass a threshold they just ban you, without excuse.

Are you into internet marketing? Do you know warriorforum?

>> No.354591

I've been doing this for about 2 years now on and off (lengthy off periods because of school)

and even though I've only racked up $50 throughout those 2 years in total, and 7k hits, I haven't got caught of gotten a warning

I'm just trying to make it bigger now during the summer months and need a click/view community

and no i don't know about warriorforum, what's that?

I don't do internet marketing, seems too competitive and a lot of work for minimal results. I only post my blog on fb, twitter etc

>> No.354595

>>and no i don't know about warriorforum, what's that?

A place where you can find a click/view community.

And internet marketing too. IM is okay if you know what you're doing (if you're one of those retards selling viagra or making niche sites, then is when you don't do a cent)

>> No.354601

Also, if you haven't got any warning yet is because you haven't made much money

Can I see your blogs?

Also, you wanted tips to keep them profitable, right? an you chose the ads you have on them? that's the first step, not every company pays the same. If yu can fidelize a company by constantyle publicizing them, go ahead and send them an e-mail, tell them who you are, offer them a better price for their ads than what they pay to the ad company, you'll get more money.

also... 50$ for 7k? what are your CPM/CPC earnings?

>> No.354612


just put it in with tinyurl, 4chin thinks i'm spamming and i can't post the link

>> No.354614

ppejklw in tinyurl

I just do my ad cycle through adsense, but I yea you're right. I heard that somewhere before, for instance; insurance ads always get more money

and i'll tell you what my cpc is CAN$0.58

i'll check out the warriorforum when i get home, thanks for the referral :)

>> No.354623
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>> No.354626


you should post more.

As I see it, yur blog can have some authority, but is underused.

More posts means more pages indexed and more topics talked about, which translates into more people finding you on google on their searches, which means more people visiting you and more money.

>> No.354641

Good look on being penalized in search engines after paying for your SEO

>>pro-tip: the pain is even bigger if you created original content yourself

>> No.354648

>does anyone have a views/click for views/click community that is T1-T2 countries (i.e. not 3rd world)?

Does anyone in /biz/ actually make money through legitimate means on the internet?

>> No.354652

>Good look on being penalized in search engines after paying for your SEO

First penguin update a few years ago slashed my then-traffic by 60%.

I feel your pain.

>> No.354878

do you mind if i check out your blog if you got one?

>> No.354977

holy shit, I'm looking through Black Hat World and I'm lost, where do I start??

I'm a bit new to it, but I'd just like to get a heading...It seems to have potential! It doesn't have a chatroom for pay per click communities

>> No.354985
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Look in the picture there a link to my group. password hamlove << i will change it once this thread dies.

>> No.354991
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There over 450+ members.

>> No.354995

oouuuhh this is just what i was looking for

thank you :)

how is your blog going by chance? good gains?

>> No.355000
File: 56 KB, 211x473, Screenshot - 05272014 - 08:21:11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My blog is fine. I have been doing this for about 3 years now. Hope you join soon i have to take a walk now. So join and ask in public chat for help. There also a guide in the welcome bot read guide plus rules.

>> No.355006

wait a sec, shoot i have parlingo, what's the group name so i can search it?

>> No.355008

this stuff is easy. just change your ip address everyday and do your trades honestly.

keep your ctr% (view to click ratio) as low as possible and you could potentially make 1000s a month.

But it's always advisable to have some backup accounts ready if you get banned. and it's not just with adsense. if you have a media.net account for yahoo ads, you can double your money.

keeping your ctr low is as simple as buying traffic for a month which is cheap.

it's a very good system to make money.

the only reason we're getting away with it is because google hasn't developed the technology yet to detect these things to the T, and it is well known they're not even really addressing this issue all that much since they're so busy robbing legitimate publishers anyways.

>> No.355020

So what is buying traffic exactly? just paying someone to generate traffic to your blog? how much does it generate and how do they generate it exactly?

>> No.355022
File: 396 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2014-05-27-20-41-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its password protected hamlove. adsense boost exchangers

>> No.355026

Buying traffic is normally for lowering your CTR to keep you from getting banned

>> No.355031

aaaaah! how much traffic can you buy up?
like up to how many imprints?

>> No.355036


it's pretty cheap. and many of the members on the groups offer it.

For 5 dollars, I bought a deal of 30,000 hits a month (1008 views a day/42 views an hour).

Along with this, I try to find ways to generate more traffic myself by posting on message boards and optimizing my site. Right now, I'm averaging 3000-4000 views a day on my blog, and doing about 20 clicks a day. I could easily do more, but i need to make time.

My plan for the month of june is to do at least 25-30 clicks daily and hit my boost so i can start making 5 dollars a click.

i'm also working on a securing a backup account.

the more you spread your clicks around the safer. the more you spread it around different accounts, the better. but doing that requires more effort and organizational skills. but it's not hard and easy to do.

it's pretty simple man and zero risk involved. just requires a bit of your time.

>> No.355076

so ham, would you be able to answer some of my questions on parlingo?

>> No.355093

this is a good loophole for making money, but to make the big bucks for least amount of effort, i would suggest coughing up 5-10 bucks a month to get automatic traffic into your site so you can focus all your time on getting clicks.

of course, this is unless you can find ways to generate traffic to your site yourself

>> No.355102


Where did you buy this much traffic?

>> No.355112

hmm it seems the people promoting this scam are the ones selling the "hits" or "traffic"....

>> No.355131


Most of the people in the room just trade. There are only a handful of people who sell services like helping you generate traffic. But it's a good deal because it takes a shitload of effort off your hands.

They're just providing a service that you can do yourself. Or you can just get on hitleap.com and buy traffic yourself, though it'll cost you a bit extra.

It's not a secret you need to generate as much traffic to keep your ctr down, so you can do it by optimizing your site or posting on message boards, whatever you need to do. Or for 5 bucks a month you can get it done for you automatically

I've been doing this on and off for awhile and this is the first time i actually bought traffic. Before i just used to drive traffic in my own ways while getting clicks.

>> No.355162

It just invites me to join Palringo, it doesn't direct me to a room.

>> No.355163

>this stuff is easy. just change your ip address everyday and do your trades honestly.
I'm 12 and don't understand this can anyone help??

>> No.355478

Is n't this illegal?

>> No.355558

what are you gonna do, stab me?

>> No.355632

>>3554Is taking a coin from the floor illegal since its not yours its stealing right?

>> No.355743

- quote from man stabbed

>> No.355771

so how long does it take until you start making the big money?

>> No.357042

i heard it takes about a month to really start seeing good results like 1k+ a month

>> No.357068

Vouch, this works and has consistently helped me in making $

>> No.357075


One of you is being conned, the other is an asshole

>> No.357084
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Has anyone here actually made money with Adsense via legitimate websites instead of just scamming them?

>> No.357112

what about .wordpress.com blogs?

>> No.357116

yea those are just the same,

the cool thing about blogger though that i liked is that it was a google tool and adsense is integrated into it so you can access it interchangeably

>> No.357160

FFS just find a legitimate way to make money. Enjoy your pennies and bans.

>> No.357164

If your blog relies on search engine traffic, you're doing it wrong.

This is my blogging strategy:

> Build a mailing list.
> Get subscribers via PPC and solo ads.
> I'll get some organic conversions through the blog...
> But building a relationship with the reader will always come before SEO bullshit.
> Post podcast transcripts to the blog as well, which means more long tail traffic.
> But don't rely on that traffic.
> When people subscribe to the email list, they get a gauntlet (aka autoresponders)
> In the autoresponders, I ask direct questions. Readers respond and I respond back, building a direct relationship with the reader.
> I then manage these reader relationships using contact management software like Contactually (or emacs orgmode!)
> I build raving fans
> Organic growth continues, but I never rely on it because I keep reinvesting revenue (and a big portion of my day job income) into leadgen
> By communicating with the reader, I get ideas for products
> I build products
> I use the mailing list to do big product launches
> I make bank
> I build an online empire
> Everybody walks the dinosaur/

>> No.357197

I always wanted to go this route but the only blog idea I can think that works with this is motivational kinda thing

>> No.357211


It's a good model for informational niches. Helping people solve problems with money, dating, fitness, etc.

>> No.357233

Yeah...any advice or blogs to look at for inspiration?

>> No.357243


These are some solid examples of the business model in action:

- smartpassiveincome.com
- nerdfitness.com
- sovereignman.com
- wellnessmama.com
- marksdailyapple.com
- internationalliving.com
- dailyreckoning.com

The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau is a good introduction to the basics.

>> No.357310

Sorry to keep throwing questions at you but how do you make yours stand out? What would give you the edge that yours is better than others?

>> No.357314

Quality content
Understanding your niche

>> No.357317

it's all about the content!
making sure you're not just copying and pasting, but actually putting in your words and thoughts into blog posts

>> No.357355

Isn't everyone doing quality content. It can't be hard to come to original conclusions or ideas. I mean this is great advice and I'm taking notes and ideas but it seems like something that should have been beat to death by now

>> No.357373


I know it sounds hard to believe, but I was one of the founding 'fathers' of this on 4chan many many years ago. I built the first desktop app that was designed to rotate through your own list/circle automatically for you, than websites to do similar stuff all to help this 'group' make money. Some, including myself, went on to make massive amounts per amount (read: $4000 AUD).

I love coming here and seeing that people STILL do this.

>> No.357379


There is a way, but you will need massive amounts of content, heavy use of social media, like 5 or 6 SEO tricks, create a name yourself, become an influencer and a junkie of the information of your niche, basically something that will take the whole summer and little more.

But you will have lots of fun and if you success you will own a big house in 10 years.

>> No.357383


I'm writing a lengthy reply right now. But yes, there's a hell of a lot more to it than writing great content.

>> No.357384

I dont mean to pass the idea of entitled and lazy. But could you point me to a good guide on how to get stated on this from scratch, from setting the blog to augmenting your earnings.

>> No.357411

Why did you stop?

>> No.357414

1 of 2

> What would give you the edge that yours is better than others?

You don't necessarily need to be "better" than others. You need to be different.

Blogging is all about perspectives, and a successful blogger offer a unique perspective. You need a unique selling point. That one thing that makes your blog unique among the other blogs in your niche.

Nerd Fitness has a great USP. It offers fitness advice for nerds! Clear target market, great branding, super-profitable niche, and a unique perspective that nobody else was offering.

But having a perspective isn't enough. You need to find a product-market fit. Your unique perspective needs to be compelling enough to engage and inspire loyal fans who will want to buy what you're selling.

Branding your blog will not be easy. You're gonna constantly debate with yourself. You'll fall in love with your ideas one day and be disillusioned by them the next. But you'll find that some ideas stick. Pursue whatever sticks the most, and be prepared to pivot if the product-market fit isn't there.

>> No.357416

2 of 2


Don't skimp on the branding. I paid $1,700 for my domain name and just spent $899 for a logo that I may not even use. And I've put countless hours into the web design and development because I want the user experience to perfectly fit the brand. When people go to my blog and read my content, they'll remember it.

And if you're really serious about making your blog stand out, offer a personal touch. When people subscribe to your email list, always ask them personal questions at the end of mailings. If your blog is about dating, ask them what their #1 regret about dating is, or something like that. Some people will respond, and you can respond back and build personal relationships with your followers. Always respond to blog comments. Get to know your followers.

The key to getting 100,000 followers is to get 100 followers who won't shut the fuck up about you. Offer something unique and valuable, and give it a personal touch. And run some PPC campaigns. Your signal will stand out among the noise.

>> No.357470

Thanks for reporting this possible Terms of Service violation. We will examine it soon and take action as necessary.

find a better use for your time, child. stay away from wf *and* bhw, lest you find yourself sitting in your furniture-less house filled with boxes of some bullshit vitamin supplement in a few years.

repeat after me, "I will not make money blogging."

>> No.357610


that's the thing i guess, nerd fitness hit my niche. since I'm a nerd it seemed like the easiest way to get involved...I guess if I try something that isnt 100% fitness related it would have a chance.

>> No.357614


One path is to create your own niche. Find two or three interests of yours that you can combine into one coherent thing. Pursue a blue ocean strategy.

Make a list of your problems, passions and fears. Which of these can you turn into information that people would be willing to pay for? Do you have a unique take on any of them? Is it possible to combine some of them together into a deeper, more original niche?

>> No.358503


well, would you recommend any books besides the 100$ startup for this kind of thing?

>> No.358535


Nah, I've always been more of a doer than a reader.

The best way to learn is probably to get a job at a company that does this kind of stuff.

>> No.358565

This seems so easy but damn I'm afraid of getting banned. With google getting bigger and branching out their services I fear that it may really bite me in the ass later.

People make it seem as easy as making a blog, posting stuff for 2/3 weeks, joining a group, clicking on each others stuff (not too much because you want to make it look like your site is building viewership), and enjoying 1k to 2k a month for maybe a hour of work a day.

>> No.359649

Just do what was described later in the thread that I was pestering people about. Start a blog and sell a product when you get enough viewership. I'm still reading into it but a few ideas are running in my head

>> No.360881

Last semester I copied and pasted my homework solutions from my online biz class onto blogger.com made $127 in ads

>> No.360920
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$124 I made not $127. Visitors have gone down after the spring semester ended but Ive noticed today that its gone back up due to summer semester starting at some schools.

plan on getting a legit domain name and posting my teachers notes for the fall 2014. not bad for copy and paste job.

>> No.361546

How can i join the group?

>> No.361558


>> No.361779

I was planning to do something similar this summer, but I just realised it would get no hits when everybody's off for summer.

What do you plan to do with yours now?

>> No.361822


After you installed palringo, in the top menu just find the "groups" tab. You should see a "join group" command, use that.

>> No.361829
File: 270 KB, 700x894, 1351535855977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its me HAM i be posting old guides. Remember the only active group is in palringo. if you cant find my group join any other group and find HAM or ask for HAM. i send you an invitation.

>> No.362307


>old guides
the memories :°D

>> No.362317

No matter what some people say, this method still works.

>> No.362342

i'm well on my way to getting my 1st $100 earnings from the past 3 weeks. it's only a matter of time before it gets to be bigger in views and in payout!

how long did it take y'all before you started seeing 1000 a month/?

>> No.363154

From my experience you can get that in 2nd/3rd month. It's all about how much time you invest in it. It is kinda "free" money, but you need to click others and that takes time

>> No.364111

Join now get free money, why wouldn't people not want to do this????

>> No.364141
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Ask someone who has earned this much money over ~5 years anything.

>that's a long time for not much money

The majority of my website was created over like a 3 month period 5 years ago. Most of this earnings has been totally passive income. I did however waste a lot of money on stupid shit over the years that didn't work out (ie SEO packages and such).

>> No.364144


Holy shit I just realized this is the same exact thread from days ago.

Man /biz/ sure does move slow.

>> No.364234

Ok, so lets say I made a Wordpress blog about something I like. I don't want to make any monetary investments and I am patient enough to wait for a long time for things to pick up.

What should be the first thing I do to promote it? What should be my basic game plan in general?

>> No.364238

social media whoring, twitter, facebook, youtube, hell even post youube video on 4chan that has links to the blog. post that shit on pinterest, fuck even google+.

>> No.364239

What about blog aggregators?

Do those help at all?

>> No.364281

Did you engage in clickrings?

600k views seems like a lot even over 5 years and as you rightly say $5.8k isn't a lot. Was it worth it in your view? Why didn't you keep it up, expanding it and making new blogs?

>> No.364308

this shit doesnt work. dont waste your time with that palringo group

>> No.364316


It was all legit traffic and clicks to a legit website, although I did experiment with paid SEO work that for the most part wasn't worth the money spent on it.

I would say the experience was worth it because I learned a lot. The website is still running a profit today although it has decreased due to my neglect because frankly I'm a lazy NEET and also been battling pretty bad depression the last couple years.

But I do plan on doing more internet marketing in the future and hopefully making it a full time income. It is definitely possible.

>Why didn't you keep it up, expanding it and making new blogs?

Just being lazy and depression. The business model I ran involved writing lots of unique content and frankly I hate writing.

>> No.364341

Did you get buy hosting right away? Or start out free?

>> No.364549

I've been wanting to do this for a while, but I have a few ideas for different blogs. Each would target a wildly different demographic.

Is it possible/what are the extra risks involved with doing more than one at a time? Is it even possible? I'm unsure how adsense works in regards to multiple accounts.

>> No.364583

I got banned from adsense how do I get a new account?

>> No.364840


I started out by buying a website and hosting. If you plan on working hard and being successful long term then you definitely want to own your own website and hosting.

It's possible to be successful in some business models without owning your own website but there's risks and limitations involved in doing so.

If you really plan to be successful then you will not be deterred by the relatively low cost of startup-level hosting. A domain name is like $10/year and hosting for a new website can be as low as $6/month or so. Anyone dedicated to making money online should be making more than enough to pay for hosting after a couple months or less of work (depending on your business model and how much time you put into it).

I've talked to people that were making decent money within 1-3 months of starting their websites, because they put a ton of work into it.

>> No.365245

If you just join the group and ask there is help to get domain and hosting, just gotta get to know people.

>> No.365509
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What is your country? If you USE need EIN. if your not from usa then is super easy. Do the same thing you did as you apply before. HAM

>> No.365761

I'm in the USA, how do I get a EIN?

>> No.366071

if you guys have any more questions it would be the best if you just join us on Palringo. There is a lot of people there to answer them. We need to help each other to survive:)

>> No.366420

I am seriously looking to bring in money and fucking hell, I have been trying to get an adsense account using some method I came across, where you apply for it through doc cash or something.
I must not of done it right, so now I don't know how to apply to get a full adsense account.

>> No.366486


I want to.
But I have like one post in my blog and I don't have a smartphone right now.

>> No.366527
File: 572 KB, 1280x1707, bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is palringo for PC linux and mac just google it for some reason palringo website pushes the mobile version. HAM

>> No.366614
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Yes, thank you. It is my sole income for years now. I will say, calling business online legitimate is about like calling brick and mortar corporations legitimate. We're savage fucks for the most part, but it's all above the board business.

I don't understand what op means by: :views/click for views/click community.

>> No.366622
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truth, thanks for saving me the same explanation

>> No.366768

I was just wondering if someone could help me with this question that I posted?

>> No.367234

there a group were we click each other read the other post please.

>> No.367235

NEW Palringo Group [Official T1 Exchange] PW: goforgold

Only T1 Countries allowed! Let's rule the world

>> No.367236

google adsense.

>> No.367863

Google says that one person in the house, can each have their OWN adsense account, but when I put down my wifes name and details they said "no".
I don't fucking need them.

>> No.367892

I remember. I earned $200 from a dozen of shitty entries I cared to publish. I'd love to get back on track. Does it still work as before? we all circle jerk our blogs in order to accumulate views?

>> No.367903

>but it's all above the board business.

Not sure about that. I've seen shitloads of scams online including egregious pyramid schemes literally hosted out of the lawless Caribbean islands.

Not to mention the product that made Frank Kern famous about a decade ago also got him sued by the FTC. I'm sure hundreds others would be sued if they were stupid enough to put their real name on the products they are selling.

>> No.367934


Yes, I have. I run a Tumblr with images I've scraped from other people's Tumblrs. It's pictures of Justin Bieber. I shit you not.

I always have 300 images queued to post. I'll link to my own pages to have people served ads.

I've got 16,000 followers and have made 100 bucks this year. I've gotten one payout. I haven't even looked at it in a few weeks because it just runs itself.

>> No.367967

>have made 100 bucks this year.

I'm talking about real money. In the amateur internet marketing business (ie teenagers/20's kids with dreams of an easy income) "real money" is usually like $1000/month and up in profits. Basically "real money" means enough to live off of the income whilst you continue to build your business.

>> No.368008

Sell your boypussy.

>> No.368568
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Those using linux wine need to put legacy mode in palringo app settings if not you wont be able to see messages. Some guy name JT pm me but he cant see my stuff. i use linux also. HAM

>> No.368624


And what do you think most people do to get real money? Do this same thing 10 times.

>> No.368639
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That's not that much yet but you're on a good path!

>> No.368682

Has anyone tried the 'empire building kit' thing? He's charging 150 for a daily email for a year and saying that you will make a decent yearly living with it.

>> No.368699

I am in the Internet Marketing/ Online advertising business.

I run direct media buy campaigns for my own leadgen and multiple companies.

I would not say its brick and mortar, I would say however the technology changes every second and if you don't adapt you get left behind making blogspots for adsense pennies.

>> No.368704

Sounds like every warrior forum product ever complied into one shit storm.

>> No.368819


So... People in this thread, and in previous threads have called bullshit on the Palringo group. I've seen your earning pics, but I'm still not sure about how you guys work.
About a year and a half ago I stumbled upon this site called gnomes/private gaming, they had long guides about how their system worked.
Do you have guides like that?
Can you explain how your click exchanging works?

>> No.368862

Can anyone tell me why my site is so terrible and hasn't gotten much traffic yet?


>> No.368890


>no constant flowing information
>Very niche situation
>Obvious affiliate links

>> No.368918

If I were to begin a blog, and write some articles based around something popular (Celebrity articles, game of thrones etc) and pay $5 to a few people on Fiverr to direct traffic to the website. Would that create enough buzz to get some money from advertising?

Also, it seems that adsense is lacking in my opinion, are there alternatives that can provide better money?

>> No.368922


Nowadays if you want real money you either scam people with a shitty clickbank product or you build an authority website that sells ebooks/affiliate products.

>> No.368925


If you want search engine traffic you need to learn SEO.

The tldr is that you need lots of keyword-focused content pages that are SEO-optimized.

From what I can see, your website has a whopping 3 pages of content, and the word counts are pretty low.

Everyone I've spoken to that makes real money via search engine traffic has created large authority websites with 100+ pages of valuable content to capture lots of search engine traffic.

>> No.368955

Should I do this?

To those answering: What are your credentials? Honestly, what is the downside?

>> No.369283

I am confused, do you want see my diploma for graduating magnum cum louder at Harvard in Internet Marketing?

The downside of doing what op is doing is, when adsense finds out they will ban you for fraud clicks because that is was it is.

No you should not do anything to do with Internet Marketing I can already tell you would think WAY too much about it and not do anything then wonder why it doesn't work.

Get a 9-5 then ask your boss what his credentials are.

>> No.369304

Lol, ouch!

>> No.369940
File: 103 KB, 500x500, 1301168051752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>368918 >>368918 Im HAM the owner of the biggest adsense exchange group i sell traffic 30,000+ from google twitter ect for $5 picture is from the past. My group is in palringo check the old post here.