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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3544514 No.3544514 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3544529

your mom with all the cash she gets from sucking my dick and i pay her 1 bitbean for each round buttboy

>> No.3544534

wtf what is this and why did imiss it

>> No.3544642

Buy now?

>> No.3544648

pump & dump shitcoin

>> No.3544698

Up another 200% in the last 5 mins

>> No.3544756


>> No.3544790

check their website and convince me this is not a huge scam

>> No.3544793

its going to 1000x

>> No.3544818

people here are orgazming about future LINK gainz while I make bank RIGHT NOW with IOP hahahahaha fucking faggots

>> No.3544819

no this is a legit natural rise in price
I notice you only recently started trading crypto, this would be the perfect opportunity to get a head start with your portfolio

>> No.3544830
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imagine the bags

>> No.3544842

What exchanges have this coin?

>> No.3544918

I dumped my other shitcoin bags by jumping in, stay poor

>> No.3544931

No point buying in, already pumped hard

>> No.3544946


>he doesn't know

already made like 5 btc off this

>> No.3544977

Is it too late? How much will it shoot up still?

>> No.3544993

Who knows , it used to be worth 0.01btc

>> No.3545002

Will he ever recover?
More in the next episode.

>> No.3545010


it's gonna hit 500%, do it anon put all your money into it

>> No.3545011

Sad though that I didn't get in, how are you supposed to know this would happen

>> No.3545012

where do you find out about these coins before they get pumped? telegram groups? discord?

>> No.3545031

this was a donnycryto pump. he is bragging about it on his twitter lol

>> No.3545037

just but 100k, thanks anon

>> No.3545046
File: 29 KB, 676x414, pnd group.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe its a telegram group.

They were also the ones to pump TRIG i guess.


>> No.3545053

proof fagboi

>> No.3545063

Looks like he sells access to the moongroup for .33 btc per year...

>> No.3545064

Volume kept increasing.
If a shitcoin makes it into bittrex top 10 by volume and it keeps going up then it has a good chance to moon.

>> No.3545084

Should we now wait for it to dump, them catch the kitty on the bounce?

>> No.3545101

where are you seeing that?

>> No.3545117

Top of his twatter feed, moonshot for .33 btc per year

>> No.3545129

I don't know enough about this coin desu, research, if it does not seem legit and like a good coin then it was most likely a p&d, and trying to get in on the dead cat bounce is risky as fuck.
I would wait for the next one.

>> No.3545135

Literal pump and dump

>> No.3545146

It was a p&d, donny did it and by god he'll do it again!

>> No.3545154

Moonshot worth it?

>> No.3545156

i can't tell if that would be worth it, even if it's some sort of pump and dump group if it can turn out like this then it might still be worth it

>> No.3545172

Youre paying for nothing there were posts here on it

>> No.3545173

then wait for the next one.
You might make some profit, but if you are too late you could loose 10+% in a few minutes.

>> No.3545176

Gamble as always...

how many of these things is he likely to pull in a year? Enough to make back the .33 BTC? Most probably.

>> No.3545187

There are posts here on every shitcoin between us and the sun

>> No.3545190

I was just about to ask where to get his news for free.

>> No.3545198

that's mixed in with all the other shilling here though, if i had seen someone yesterdaysaying to buy IOP because it was gonna go up 300% today it's not like I wouldve done it, unless someone here just leaks everything he says

>> No.3545208

this basically

>> No.3545212

Welcome to crypto, where total dogshit rises 100% and good stuff dumps to hell.

>> No.3545235

If people are interested, I'll invite 10 other people to a private discord group, I can pool the money to buy it, and I can post his updates on the discord group.

I can show you proof that this isn't that much money to me so that I won't scam but I just don't really want to pay the full price.

>> No.3545244

Anyone know who I can follow on twitter that has the info on these pump and dumps? Obv without paying for some fucking Moonshot type group.

>> No.3545247

yeah, its different when coming from an actual pump and dump group people paid for access to. idk, I could afford it and maybe i could hit some moonshots, but i feel conflicted about it.

>> No.3545256

I'm definitely interested in thinking about doing this

>> No.3545259

So what's stopping /biz/ from clubbing together and getting an anon inside the Donny Crypto group then the anon spills the beans on here whenever something's about to go off and we can all get rich af

>> No.3545274

IOP pump today and him bragging about it on twitter is probably going to earn him a lot more people into the moonshot group today... so not only did he probably make 10-25btc profit today (in his words, a years worth of wagecuck salary) he will get .33 more for each person to join... boy i tell u wot m8

>> No.3545281

On top of that he might not even be making the calls

>> No.3545283

It's .33 btc? Jesus that's what $1200? Fuuuuuck there's gotta be a way you can just snoop on his twitter followers

>> No.3545290

We could make a crowd-sourced fully automated pump and dump scheme. Either vote for the coin, or choose based on certain criteria. After the dump, everyone is sent BTC based on the percentage they put in.

>> No.3545292


>>3545235 might be a good idea then if we all end up paying .033 instead of the full thing for it

>> No.3545297


Here's a link that'll accept 10 invites. Please only join if you're willing to pay.

>> No.3545321

why cant we ban together and get rich tonight. all the other boards sort themselves the fuck out, why cant we have nice things?
we can get wealth before the normies.

>> No.3545325
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now you're thinking with blockchains

>> No.3545361
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>> No.3545383

We could set a certain amount (something that would amount to a sizeable pump) if the amount isn't reached in a specific time period, you send all BTC back to the holders. If it's reached, it automatically buys the coin and sells at a specified increase (100% or something). You're sent back the money based on how much you put in percentage wise.

Someone with better programming skills than me could whip it up in less than a couple hours probably.

>> No.3545386

buzcoin is up 200%

>> No.3545393

Still can get 2 people

>> No.3545404


>> No.3545440

We are going again boyz

>> No.3545462


>> No.3545465
File: 717 KB, 1000x581, aAvENN5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? He could be just like this guy
>>3545274 getting paid to hear someone elses calls. There could be an entire chain of people. I wonder who's at the top.

>> No.3545547

and the discord group forming now in this thread is the next chain link.

>> No.3545566

Yeah I know, I wonder too.

that just makes me feel more conflicted about forking over $1200 to join the group

>> No.3545567

I missed the boat

>> No.3545568

Going up bro

>> No.3545587

jp morgan or some big bank.

>> No.3545592

I also missed the boat. Why not allow more people on the discord? That way the price per person is going to be much cheaper.

>> No.3545611


here's a link for 25 more

>> No.3545630

I'm always suspicious of these things. Anyone else in his group?

>> No.3545645

I wanna join a group!

>> No.3545656

this isn't the actual Moonshot discord Donny's a part of

>> No.3545866
File: 49 KB, 750x499, carton7n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He want to have a conversation with this guy about being a loudmouth con artist.

>> No.3545880

4 groups of people.
Pump starter - accumulates a chit ton of the coin before pump
Insiders - Get the first buy signal
Outside insiders - Think they're the insiders, meanwhile just future bagholders.
Uninvolved FOMOers, will be the largest bagholders. If you're part of a PnD group. be certain you're an actual insider.

>> No.3545992


unfortunately i don't think any of these shitcoin pump and dumps would be high enough of a priority for LE to go after. people need to really lose A LOT of money for that to happen

>> No.3546010

Suppofag is pumping this

>> No.3546144
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>> No.3546194

Maybe... maybe not. They might be looking for some poster child they can use for muhregulashuns

>> No.3546232


These shitcoin pumps are completely small time. Boomers don't get mixed up in this ergo LE won't bother.

>> No.3546234
File: 90 KB, 1228x454, Screen Shot 2017-09-19 at 23.56.12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who think's this is not over

>> No.3546272

Over. It was so high because btc was about 5 bucks back then.

>> No.3546451

So who's got the balls to jump in for that DCB?

>> No.3546545

any room?

>> No.3546558

looks like it's another episode of dead cat didn't bounce

>> No.3546675

this shitcoin looks pajeet af

>> No.3546713
File: 9 KB, 288x175, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir please buy internet of people good coin many cars big pockets full money big boobs to you soon

>> No.3546754

let me in lad. i will pay.

>> No.3547373

Any new links or did you guys already buy?

>> No.3547454


>> No.3547581

Hit me up on my youtube channel @crypto coin talks
I would most def like to join.

>> No.3547596

Hey man I should be the leader of this group, get in contact with me on youtube "crypto coin talks" and we can make this happen. well all win.

I think we would have a lot to hash out for how these things would go, but I can be your leader.

>> No.3547609

What the fuck is this TAFKAP shit?

>> No.3547644

dude do you have like an email or telegram or something. not sure how I can message you on youtube lol but if we get enough people I would be interested in pitching in for a membership

>> No.3547803

All you faggots interested in joining, message me on telegram @smokw33d we have other groups too.. (wolf, cryptocat, cryptonigger, many more)

>> No.3547815

Im not putting my email in here are you crazy?!?!?!? just get in contact with me through my youtube channel. We can work out a deal here, as a matter of fact, I can make a video about it tomorrow and we can figure out the specifics there. Ill lay out the groundwork and we can take it from there. I think there is a way for us to do this and make boat loads of money in the process.

>> No.3547829


>> No.3547845
File: 25 KB, 418x418, bojack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are /The_People_of_the_Internet/

>> No.3547865

I didnt get a comment, Idk if you really tried to email my youtube page or not, but Ill make a video of this tomorrow and we can work something out, it doesnt even have to be a pay to play kinda deal, we can just make it for starters to amass capital and then once we do it enough we can work it out.

>> No.3547872


theres the email though.

>> No.3547888

alright make a discord group and post it on your video description

>> No.3547929

heads up

the next major pump is going to be rlc

watch the charts, massive accumulation, sometime in the next month it will 3x

>> No.3547941

this thread is INFESTED with pajeets holy shit

>> No.3547960

Im watching AEON right now... a few groups saying its next IOP

>> No.3547986

thanks will check it out, need a big pump had a really, really bad month but knowing that just one pump can bring it all back keeps me going

>> No.3547989

Checkk it out then... people calling for 30k but i feel like if it hits 30k it will certainly break thru

>thats a lot of gains anon

>> No.3548005

>7BTC daily volume
Fuck off pajeet.

>> No.3548011

IOP was at 4btc daily volume before it happened

> you probably missed that too huh?

>> No.3548023

Really active Reddit too. On Bittrex. I think you might be on to something.

>> No.3548056

Niggers, as said text me on Telegram @smokw33d me and a couple friends already have a paid group sharing gig going and we'll be happy to let you in and share the costs. Not a pajeet, white as fuck, super legit.

>> No.3548057

I think they have news coming out soon... IT COULD BE ONLY THE BEGINNING

>> No.3548158

500% tomorrow!

>> No.3548231

sounds like a big bunch of good ol bs to me but bought 100k just in case.

>> No.3548427


>> No.3548449

I bought in at 23k sats... whats everyone setting their sell limit to? I got mine at 30k, but Idk if thats too low.

>> No.3548476

Blows my mind that $25 million dollars of this worthless vaporware is being traded right now

>> No.3548482

I got in around 23-24. I didn't get much though. No sell order in, if this hits 30k it's going to rocket maybe even triple.

>> No.3548508


Never be too greedy, I think thats a good sell order, it'll probably dip and you can buy back in if it you want

>> No.3548528

bought 500k feelin so fuckin happy

>> No.3548547

>white af
>smokw33d is telegram handle
>user name is ozzy baby
Nice try darkie

>> No.3548560

Crypto is worthless to begin with. The "tech" is just bait to attract investors.

>> No.3548567

It might need some more time, its volume is so low right now, it probably needs way more volume to get it hyped up. Going to have to wait on it overnight maybe.

>> No.3548632
File: 85 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really activates my almonds


>> No.3548747

inb4 SEC

>> No.3549667
File: 913 KB, 1184x1002, Screen Shot 2017-09-20 at 4.21.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here want to split a sub to donny crypto, heres a discord link https://discord.gg/cdhUrH.. We are only allowing 30 people to join. dont stay poor

>> No.3549959

Where are the SEC?

>> No.3550336

respond to msg