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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 505 KB, 587x587, milo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3543321 No.3543321 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when this was a thing? I wonder if Milo even knows that there is a dead shitcoin named after him.

>> No.3543346

i hope this faggot dies

>> No.3543384

Has anyone ever become so irrelevant as fast as Milo? Press S to spit on this scam artist faggot's fucking face.

>> No.3543394

I'm quite lucky selling it at 150 sats

>> No.3543397

how many children has he molested since he doesn't have to hide his secret anymore

>> No.3543410

he GOT molested you fairy victim blamer

>> No.3543455

Milo is about to become bigger than ever with his 4 day event at Berkeley kicking off new tour.

>> No.3543602

>bigger than ever
He was already as big as he will ever be when his sugar daddy was working for the president. He's irrelevant now and he's trying to keep his head above water by pulling the same tricks as before.
>go on tour to call trannies insane and muh liberals
>start riot
>buy my book!
He needs to get a new act. His harem of closeted alt-right cucks are the only people who give a fuck. I wouldn't even be surprised if Antifa stops falling for his transparent routine.

>> No.3543655

His greatest accomplishment was getting banned from Twitter. This fag is just scamming retards by saying insanely obvious shit and pandering.

>> No.3543865

Is anyone still hodling this? I doubt it's ever going to have a pump at this point.

>> No.3544091

Holding 40k.. HOLD