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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 44 KB, 500x498, Lena Dunham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3534299 No.3534299 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3534306

I can feel the HPV through the screen -

>> No.3534314

I've fucked fatter way fatter

>> No.3534334
File: 181 KB, 1000x582, unsuccessful man vs successful man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder, we're all in the same (sinking) boat, trying to either preserve or increase value through trading various cryptos/stocks/real estate/assets.

men primarily have to do this to "prove their value" and provide both for themselves and any others that are dependent on them.

but the true value in life is not giving a fuck, and this freedom comes from either winning lots of ___ that has value, be it shitcoins or bitcoins or whatever, and thus being able to liberate one's self from this retarded societal system once and for all.

i bid you /biz/bros adieu as i am no longer interested in playing this game.

maybe that means i'll resign my days beating off to tube sites, or maybe not. who knows.

>> No.3534349

Mgti moon mission in progress

>> No.3534371

cool, have fun with that.

only manlets who weren't born into a wealthy family have to strive for "cash money" constantly.,.

i'm not saying i'm a 6'2 chad or anything, and i'm not denying that i'm a manlet, i'm just tired of all this money-cashing bullshit when in actuality it's all very meaningless and the game has gotten boring to me.

>> No.3534377

look, another mooch resigns to his mom's basement
good job mooch
way to be, mooch

>> No.3534406
File: 28 KB, 240x320, IMG_0941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3534542

Dumb bitch better watch out

>> No.3534762


Is that Mooley Cyrus

>> No.3534801

It's a self defense situation

>> No.3535356

You do any meditation, Anon?

>> No.3535366

t. pussy

>> No.3535658

>thus being able to liberate one's self from this retarded societal system once and for all.
finally, another anon who thinks like me. i just want to quit this monopoly game once and for all. the primary options are obviously crypto -> moon or suicide.

Question for you, anon: assuming we end up on the moon, do you plan to have a child, but since you have acquired enough money to sustain you and the child forever, he can live free of the monopoly game and pursue whatever it is he wants? Or do you plan to just wither away? And I don't mean the latter option as a bad thing, because remember, I consider suicide a possibility for myself.

>> No.3535705

I call dibs on your stuff

>> No.3535744


Im having fun with this game

If u want out of the game then leave, why make such a scene out of it?

>>boohoo societys values
>>boohoo me want out
>>muh real freedom is not caring

If you REALLY TRULY didnt give a fuck, you wouldnt have bothered to make this thread

>> No.3535851

t. conservative retard

and yet normie conservatives never have to learn empathy because they were born with everything they need to be part of the in club

>> No.3535997

Nobody cares about your stupid blog.

>> No.3536213


Nice assumptions

Reminder: when you assume, you make an ass out of you and me

>> No.3536478

So have I. There are some cute fat girls, but she's just uneasy to look at.

>> No.3536503

Why is their a refrigerator in that bathroom ?