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File: 333 KB, 1727x911, chainlink-ico.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3533376 No.3533376 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain the value of this?

>> No.3533381


>> No.3533386


Ayy lmao

>> No.3533394
File: 606 KB, 1024x768, Tulips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't look too closely

>> No.3533397

It solves the Oracle Problem.

>> No.3533400

Normies will be able to participate. Im assuming anyways.

So when is it gonna get added on bitrex, how much do you think it would be after the presale?

>> No.3533420

shit that's right
the oracle problem
i forgot
the oracle problem

>> No.3533425

how do i get some link without presale?

>> No.3533445

the oracle problem
just check etherdelta after they release the tokens
the oracle problem

>> No.3533448

The value is that everyone wants in but not everyone will get in.. simple supply vs demand.

Only a 32mil marketcap and a whitelisted only crowd funding ICO. There will almost definitely be some people who have whitelisted accounts that wont get their LINK if they aren't quick within the first hours of the ico launching

>> No.3533459

Will the tokens be tradeable right after the ICO? Or do we have to wait 3-4 weeks like with the Enigma ICO?

>> No.3533498

when will they release?

>> No.3533521

Price predictions 1000X Oracle problem?

>> No.3533680

Do you know when does it get released? And will it be on bitrex or an other website?

>> No.3533889


Literal retards.

ChainLink is not only the Ripple killer but the version of Ripple that crypto has always deserved. Instead of bending over to serve the banks, ChainLink created a truly decentralized product, and the banks will need to join crypto instead of crypto joining the banks.

Not only does it preform Ripple's single, narrow, and fully cucked use case BETTER -- ChainLink is the first decentralized Oracle that allows anyone to securely provide smart contracts with access to key external data, off-chain payments, and literally ANY OTHER API YOU CAN DREAM UP.

Anyone can now engrain off-chain data directly onto the blockchain in a DECENTRALIZED way and use that data to directly inform trustless smart contracts. This is the skeleton key we've been waiting for to actualize the blockchain in real world use cases.

Whats the price for someone to use this revolutoinary service?

LINK tokens.

>> No.3533907

Well shit. Going all in.

>> No.3534031

so if i buy $7ks worth can i retire in a few years?

>> No.3534055

My question is, how does this create the need for banks to join crypto instead of make crypto join them? The Oracle does provide a way for banks to make decentralised transaction but what reason to they have to forego constructing their own developing a crypto which better suits their own needs?

>> No.3534196

These things always sink the instant they're listed on etherdelta. Then it will pump some time in the next two months

>> No.3534212

Nice try pajeet. White man gave you a copy-and-past response sheet to use on imageboards.

>> No.3534268
File: 329 KB, 1220x1446, SWIFT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When you went to sign up for the ChainLink sale it asked you if you want to be a node operator. The reason they want node operators is because they want the most secure network which means more nodes which means more decentralized which means more impervious to attack.

ChainLink, as a decentralized Oracle service -- the first decentralized oracle service--brings you the ironclad network that you can trust. The data you represent will be untouchably secure.

When you want to confirm huge fiat transactions or confirm flight patterns or shipping containers or RFID tags, do you want each of these companies to make their own McBlockChain? Chase bank creates their own blockchian and who the fuck is securing it? Who are the node operators? A blockchain where 95% of the chain is run by one party isnt a blockchain and its not secure.

This is why SWIFT -- Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications -- and a global provider of secure financial messaging services that processes 90% of traditional international GLOBAL trade transactions per year is not only a paying customer of SmartContract.com but is setting up an oracle to run on the ChainLink network when it releases.


Wrong. These are my words. Try again.


Wrong. Many ICOs look like they're dumping when they're really just pumping less. If the ICO price of something is $1 and the first candle on the exchange is red, going from $7 to $4, brainlets think there isa dump when really the ICO buyers at worst just 4x. And thats for ICOs that aren't hyped like this one. The good ICOs sell out and keep going up. See: 0x.

>> No.3534317

Join this discord, we focus on ICO investing


>> No.3534320

>"ironclad network that you can trust"
>1 developer
>built on ruby on rails

>> No.3534341

chainlink is BANCOR 2.0 lmao at all the fags falling for this scam

>> No.3534363


>quoting in green text

>not reading the whitepaper

>not checking the github

>> No.3534373


>comparing a 300 million ico to a 30 million ico

>not understanding why this matters

>> No.3534375

I read the whitepaper and checked the Github, and I came to a conclusion that it is a shitcoin.
> terrible typo's and too much buzzwords
> no codes on Github
Nice try pajeet.

>> No.3534376

Can someone link me the bitcointalk thread on this?

>> No.3534422
File: 113 KB, 541x549, 1239012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3534437

> picture proves my point
Nice try pajeet. Go make me some curry.

>> No.3534499

The address on their website leads to here: https://www.google.com.au/maps/place/334+Kearny+St,+San+Francisco,+CA+94108,+USA/@37.7913472,-122.404135,3a,75y,105h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1skhun_wZuo85S1h0rhLYFAg!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo1.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3Dkhun_wZuo85S1h0rhLYFAg%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D105.18132%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x8085808a2a2b9b6f:0x38782601cc0cadba!8m2!3d37.7913915!4d-122.4040025

>> No.3534557

this coin is an easy 10x to 30x

>> No.3534558


sorry you missed out new friend

>> No.3534575

looks comfy im all in desu

>> No.3534593

> I-I-I... ah shit their whitepaper is just mumbo jumbo
> They have no codes on their Github
> I will just type "sorry u miss out new firend xDD"

>> No.3534608

its value is we get rich as fuck

>> No.3534610

ChainLink is not only the Ripple killer but the version of Ripple that crypto has always deserved. Instead of bending over to serve the banks, ChainLink created a truly decentralized product, and the banks will need to join crypto instead of crypto joining the banks.

Not only does it preform Ripple's single, narrow, and fully cucked use case BETTER -- ChainLink is the first decentralized Oracle that allows anyone to securely provide smart contracts with access to key external data, off-chain payments, and literally ANY OTHER API YOU CAN DREAM UP.

Anyone can now engrain off-chain data directly onto the blockchain in a DECENTRALIZED way and use that data to directly inform trustless smart contracts. This is the skeleton key we've been waiting for to actualize the blockchain in real world use cases.

Whats the price for someone to use this revolutoinary service?

LINK tokens.

>> No.3534618

stay poor faggot

ico is only 30mil and this coin is guaranteed to have a market cap of atleast 200mil.

do the math

>> No.3534620
File: 546 KB, 629x454, b0f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the pajeet now?

>> No.3534643

Nice try pajeets. Stay poor.

>> No.3535315

ChainLink is not only the Ripple killer but the version of Ripple that crypto has always deserved. Instead of bending over to serve the banks, ChainLink created a truly decentralized product, and the banks will need to join crypto instead of crypto joining the banks.

Not only does it preform Ripple's single, narrow, and fully cucked use case BETTER -- ChainLink is the first decentralized Oracle that allows anyone to securely provide smart contracts with access to key external data, off-chain payments, and literally ANY OTHER API YOU CAN DREAM UP.

Anyone can now engrain off-chain data directly onto the blockchain in a DECENTRALIZED way and use that data to directly inform trustless smart contracts. This is the skeleton key we've been waiting for to actualize the blockchain in real world use cases.

Whats the price for someone to use this revolutoinary service?

LINK tokens.

>> No.3535340

huh it actually is a copy and paste. That kind of worries me

>> No.3535420

Oh wow they use latex. This MUST be a solid coin

>> No.3535472 [DELETED] 


Reminder the Chain Link white paper is one of the most institutionally accredited peer viewed white papers to date. Which is fair given it will need the highest point of security upon full release.

>> No.3535486

>Reminder the Chain Link white paper is one of the most institutionally accredited peer viewed white papers to date.

jesus, what a fucking mess of buzzwords.

>> No.3535648

confirmed my friend, I'd put a downpayment on that lambo you've always wanted right this second

>> No.3535665

Timeframe for 10x?

>> No.3535677

2 months max

>> No.3535683

Like a week.

>> No.3535706
File: 52 KB, 720x719, 1504949403804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else's hoping for a hail mary on this? I've been making terrible deals left and right lately. Just hemorrhaging money. China's beating me in trade, Korea's beating me in trade, even India is beating me in trade.

I'm going all in boys, this is it.

>> No.3535776

Nothing to worry about, it's the truth anyway.

>> No.3535813

Easier to copy and paste then rewrite it out

>> No.3536796


>> No.3537011

Based on my constant lurking, this seems to be the most highly anticipated ICO in a long time.

>> No.3537024
File: 164 KB, 1073x1200, 1505789762722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every financial institution will be built off the LINK decentralized oracles. Happy Lamboday.

>> No.3537030

I missed the ICO and I am still getting verified on kraken. Is there any chance I can still get in?

>> No.3537068

Did you get a whitelist email?

If not, no.

If yes, you'd have to be pretty lucky to get ready in time for 15:00 UTC.
But if you do get that lucky, don't forget to send them the ETH from a private wallet like myetherwallet, and not from the exchange.

Chances are you're too late and you're going to have to buy in as soon as you can when the token hits the exchanges.

>> No.3537235

Hey you seem helpful and know stuff about this ICO. I dont have etherwallet, i dont have whitelisted email.

If i get these things set up in next hour, is there still chance for me to get LINK?

How will it all work?

>> No.3537257

>i dont have whitelisted email.
>Did you get a whitelist email?
>If not, no.

>> No.3537276

i can buy one from someone here. Please continue explaining. i just created myetherwallet

>> No.3537377

You can probably buy in on someone else's whitelist address, but be aware that legit whitelist addresses will only be revealed at 15:00 UTC.

Any address you see before that is probably a scam as I understand it.

Also, know that you're not "supposed" to buy into other people's links, even though there's no real way of knowing if a whitelisted person is simply using multiple addresses.

>> No.3537385

Nigga their throwing away code in the slack. DO

>> No.3537880

>tfw my whitelist cap is only 7eth and i missed the presale

is 7 eth investment enough for a ticket to lamboland?

>> No.3537889








>Tesla not a Lambo

>> No.3537923

Anyone know what to set gas and gwei to?

>> No.3537926

You posted a list of reasons to suggest a price rocket, but then suggest the price rise will be moderate with that "Tesla not Lambo" remark.

Pls explain.

>> No.3537929

>their whitepaper is just mumbo jumbo
Their whitepaper is pretty clear, maybe you're just a retard if you can't understand it.
If you want an example of a bullshit cargo cult whitepaper just look at Timereum or something.

>> No.3537953

>he only put in 7 ETH

>> No.3537968
File: 134 KB, 736x402, xtd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing is ever going to beat XTD.

>our code is like any other crypto code
>we just want to be popular

>> No.3538014

Got one more 7eth cap whitelisted account left for 0.5 eth, email at theyungjimjohnson@protonmail.com if interested

>> No.3538044

i have 3 whitelisted links for sale, 0.2 eth each or 0.5 for the bunch.

you can e-mail me at jan.rijpma@yandex.com i will supply you with my wallet address.

once the 0.2 eth is received, ill send you the url.

>> No.3538212

1 whitelisted account for sale here @ 0.25 eth. okden@protonmail.com

>> No.3538222

Fucking crypto Jews

>> No.3539201

selling 1 whitlesited account for 0.5 eth


>> No.3539240

Ill sell it for 0.3

>> No.3539254


>> No.3539345

lmao, 0x

>> No.3539354


Selling for 0.1 ETH per Account

>> No.3539385

the fuck are you responding to, I'm whitelisted and won't even participate in this

>> No.3539410

I felt that you need one bro.

>> No.3539553

nah dude. Just don't feel this ico. 0 Communication is a big NO for me

>> No.3539590


it's crazy people are willing to pour thousands of dollars to only a proof of concept, a team with absolutely shit communication (so many things unaddressed like the ethereum that went over presale cap), and shady business practices. We are truly in a bubble.

>> No.3539609

Then how come I know everything I need to know?

>> No.3539617

Why the fuck are you guys trying to convince those retardeds? Let them buy it when it hit exchanges and the price is 20x higher.

>> No.3539856

>so many things unaddressed like the ethereum that went over presale cap
Protip: you weren't supposed to go over the presale caps.
Those presale caps were intended for ONE person to fill, as EXPLICITLY communicated.
So the devs naturally assumed one person would be able to stay below the cap.

What happened is people pooled together to fill the caps, which was EXPLICITLY against the rules.
Be glad someone from the company even took the time to address questions related to this in the slack.
Had this been a major finance company, you probably wouldn't ever get a reply.

And fyi, they addressed this pooling phenomenon pretty damn effectively with the current whitelist system, where the receiving address is only revealed at the time the sale starts.

Everything you actually needed to know was communicated very clearly.

>> No.3539892

how could you forget? it's the single biggest threat to our existence right now.

>> No.3539923


that's not my issue, my issue is the the only thing they've said regarding the refund process is that "it will be refunded over the coming weeks". Had they used a smart contract like what their company is built on, it would have been refunded immediately. Now you have no clue what's going on with your ETH and how long it will be locked up for.

>> No.3539925

Forgot to add; the devs said in slack that any excessive and/or untimely contributions would be refunded. This applies to both the presale and the current public sale.