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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 53 KB, 665x722, 0lxm0uf0wnmz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3531967 No.3531967 [Reply] [Original]

>he doesn't even own the real BTC killer yet
it's not ETH. it's not Bitcoin Cash.

It's the Nexus.

>> No.3531987

Could replace that with 99% of alt coins and that graph would look the same lmao.

Bitcoins value is due to its rarity and difficulty - it is digital, everyone uses alt coins for lower fees and faster transactions

>> No.3532026

>reversible transactions

got my attention

>> No.3532029
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99% of alt coins don't have the Nexus' secret weapon: cube satellite nodes.

>> No.3532038

But its been pumping for like 5 weeks straight. This somabitch is going to come down sooner or later.

>> No.3532068

Cube satellites sounds good on paper, on practice not so much. The fact that you need an entirely new communication protocol to make it work, plus new hardware and an special frequency band to communicate data is not a good signal.

I like the idea behind Nexus, but they are way too idealistic.

>> No.3532072

It's been consistently growing in general lol look at the all time chart

>> No.3532100
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what's the point of cube satellites?

>> No.3532119

>reversible transactions


>> No.3532120
File: 70 KB, 450x657, Zumwalt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To keep the network out of (((their))) hands. Until we have our satellites, things like the China FUD will continue to happen.

>> No.3532126

maritime law

>> No.3532135

nexus boutta moon, check the charts. cup already formed, handle forming now. buy quick

>> No.3532137

it's only for a brief period after sending a transaction. this is to help normie adoption, as everyone knows that will be a huge hurdle.

>> No.3532267

Volume also tripled the last 24 hours lol

>> No.3532295

it actually is ETH

>> No.3532307

It's been pumping slow and steady all year.

>> No.3532317

And not all transactions will be reversible. I believe it will have to be enabled on both ends.

>> No.3532659

how to buy Nexus?

>> No.3532891

Come on.


>> No.3532921

If you don't have at least half your portfolio in NXS and IOC, son...

>> No.3532949

LOL this is so stupid, you can't just say you are going to launch satellites freely you have to send your telemetry data to NASA and basically go through them which essentially means if they do allow it this is now a government NASA coin

>> No.3532988

dump incoming during/after disappointing Liberterian conference

>> No.3532995

They're having a conference in Aspen with wash up celebs including the mighty Peter Schiff next week.

Moon time after that shilling?

>> No.3532994

keep dreamin

>> No.3532997

nope it's a shitcoin. Enjoy the pump while it last but don't forget to get the fuck out before it collapses.

>> No.3533025

you'll see.
this conference is going to be EPIC

>> No.3533062
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>> No.3533088

Your Connection To The Future - Of Finance

Peter Schiff - CNBC contributor

Your Connection To The Future - Of Politics
Ron Paul - Former Congressman & Presidential Candidate
Jesse Ventura - Former Governor & TV Personality


>> No.3533141
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> Jesse Ventura

>> No.3533159

the name literally means centralization. "the central and most important point or place"

>> No.3533185

I'm definitely interested, is this on bittrex? I'm splitting around 12btc between this and scooping up some BMC because i missed the ico (Wifi was shit while traveling).

>> No.3533197

If you're this illiterate get out of crypto.

>> No.3533234
File: 81 KB, 502x410, KMyzfsJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds bretty stupid

Literally Cubes in space????

wtf don't we already have a cellular network pretty much every where?

You know what, i'm gonna buy it. But the first sign of trouble I'm out of here. I feel this is ARK 2.0

>> No.3533297

it seems like a highly autistic tax/jurisdiction argument. their analogy is how booze cruises avoid liquor laws by going into international waters. they propose to avoid banking and other laws by using satellites. I first wondered why someone hasnt run a bank in international waters and quickly realized it would be attacked or otherwise shut down. I'm wondering why these satellites would be any different other than the fact that there is not openly a precedent for space warfare. it will be entertaining at the very least especially given their speaking lineup at the conference

>> No.3533343

No dev that I've seen has ever mentioned avoiding any laws. They want decentralized internet and the currency to go with it.

>> No.3533352

how many feet will these cube sats be?

>> No.3533373
File: 564 KB, 600x674, 1505455030608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

technically in space the laws of the country of origin apply

space shuttle = US law for example
but there's no space police
and Idk how cube satellites would process fast enough but it is very interesting
I imagine like GPS or phone networks
it's still tied to BTC
and decentralised exchanges seem like a much simpler solution

how exactly does it prevent (((government))) regulation?

>> No.3533499
File: 76 KB, 320x480, 1505563072845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a good idea
better than seasteading imo

internet too?
damn I really should research this

>> No.3533706
File: 89 KB, 1024x664, Vector-Space-second-stage-Cube-Sat-deployment-1-e1485294753345-1024x664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally not a single piece of proof that this company can do what it claims.

>> No.3533734
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>NASA logo

>> No.3533816
File: 22 KB, 646x236, NASA-deceive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess 52 million dollars a day of taxpayer money isn't enough of a scam now they want to control crypto wealth as well.

>> No.3533867
File: 182 KB, 340x387, 1505453013610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'National Aeronautics and Space Administration'
drop the jew meme already
and find some triangles in the logo
that's the final redpill

>> No.3533902
File: 699 KB, 2128x1486, Screen Shot 2017-09-18 at 7.15.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Department of Defense
>Council of Foreign Relations
>Captain in US Army

Get out of this Elite controlled opposition NWO coin while you are still ahead. Fucking cucks playing right into the enemies hands because greed

>> No.3533934

astro nots have to use a swimming pool to fake space instead of a plush hollywood set like the good old days, but they still get brand new corvettes

>> No.3533955
File: 1.82 MB, 850x1137, 1505239600875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kys you faggot flat earthers im sick of this shit

>> No.3533971
File: 105 KB, 724x270, nasa-satan-flat-earth-4-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people that argue with me that make me want to feel like a fucking idiot. Thats not you talking thats your Ego and pride talking you have to convince yourself verbally to someone who is challenging your own beliefs to make you feel better and help you sleep better.

Every little thing that you have Nexus lovers bring up all of you can be explained. But you refuse to look at the facts and information. You refuse to see it. That is the definition of ignorance. Contempt prior to investigation.

>> No.3534000
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>but but muh outer space
>but but my cube sats
>they wouldn't steal my money or lie to me

>> No.3534042
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>> No.3534080
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>keeps working for the enemy that enslaves the human race because your a greedy little anime loving necropheliac cuck