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3529867 No.3529867 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most optimal way to establish finances between a married heterosexual couple?

I wanna see what this boards beliefs are.

>> No.3530022


look at this cuck, lmao

>> No.3530033

You don't marry and you don't share finances.


>> No.3530044

women don't get to touch the money and are confined to the house like a common pet should be

>> No.3530069

I've been with my gf for 4 years. She has her bank account, and I have mine. We split the bills 50/50.

We still fight about money constantly, because she is retarded with money, and is constantly behind on paying me for bills. She borrows money from me and acts resentful when I make her pay it back, but I always make her pay me.

I probably won't ever marry her. I couldn't imagine having a joint bank account or owning a home or car together with someone so financially irresponsible.

Take my advice, keep your financial accounts and assets separate.

>> No.3530230

OP here

I'm a single 22 yo. I'm just thinking ahead to determine if there's any efficient, productive, and or equitable to split money. Of course, it depends on career trajectory, income, children, family history, etc.

>> No.3530287

it's simple, keep everything separate

>> No.3530297

why not break up? It's been 4 years

>> No.3530336

If your wifey has the same mentality as you do about money, it COULD be a profitable enterprise.

For the anons that hate the idea of marriage, the key is to find someone who makes as much as you or makes more than you.
They will not get 50% of you in a divorce if they make as much as you. If they make more than you, you could get alimony from them.

>> No.3530471

>What is the most optimal way to establish finances between a married heterosexual couple?

I opted for DON'T.

There are tax breaks that come with obligations, so for me, I wanted to reduce obligations so there is absolutely no establishment of any joint agreement.

>> No.3530475

Between a MARRIED HETERO couple. Jesus people say on topic. For my husband and I (femanon here) we did a little co financial agreements years before we were ever married. I got on his car insurance policy. I paid every month. He got into truck loans and student debt and I showed him how to negotiate some debt and how to pay it down fast. He is better at saving than me and I am better at negotiating than him. I am also better at investing research and he is better at hodling what i pick....but my picks yield higher returns. I think a key is to find someone with a good work ethic (regardless of how much they make) and some one who is interested in investing and building a family empire with you. After that you will find one person is stronger in some aspects than the other and hopefully you can be honest enough with yourselves and each other to exploit each others strenghts and help each other to better your weaknesses.

>> No.3530504

>separate personal accounts with spouse on as a beneficiary
>one joint account for household expenses

>> No.3530516

Literal leech scum kys before some poor person has to fall into your sweaty trap.

>> No.3530529


Wait, so you opted to pay more in Taxes?

>> No.3530531

Smart Contracts.

>> No.3530537

Do you invest in crypto ?

>> No.3530538

Your hetero marriage sounds gay AF.

>> No.3530562

>I am also better at investing research and he is better at hodling what i pick...

I have a similar dynamic with my wife. Curious, what do you do differently that gives you an edge when it comes to investing choices? Does it all boil down to simply thorough research?

>> No.3530571

Yes and stocks.

>> No.3530589

You give her a $50 allowance every week. That's basically it.

>> No.3530599

For long term holds yes. For mid term holds no. For mid term holds I basically wait for 4chan and Twitter to light up with pink wojacks or battle gifs and buy whatever they're crying about and sell it when it bounces. That's gossip stuff though and my husband doesn't like Twitter although he doesn't mind 4chan.

>> No.3530736

1. "Joint" checking account for paycheck direct deposit, all bill payments, most household purchases, etc.
2. Separate small checking account for the wife for sundries that's funded periodically from #1.
3. Savings account.
4. Two credit cards, neither of which ever carries a balance, just for convenience/online shopping. All purchases over $[amount set by you] to be OK'd in advance by the husband.
5. Retirement account(s) with a financial advisor if it suits you.
6. Smaller stash of speculative investments - gold, crypto, whatever.
7. All of the above managed by the husband.
8. Periodic updates to be provided by the husband to the wife if she's interested.

If you don't know what's coming in and what's going out and manage it for your household with a gentle but firm hand, you're going to end up with a mountain of debt.

t. married 13y

>> No.3530744
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> tfw no wife to buy low and sell high shitcoins with

>> No.3531562


>> No.3531575

If the male is the only breadwinner, he controls the finances. If both have jobs, separate accounts and split the bills.

>> No.3531873

In the first case, how would you deal with allocating fund the woman can spend. Either for household stuff or luxuries.

>> No.3531903

My gf is surprisingly good at maintaining her finances.

She works two jobs and always saves up.

This is a very good quality desu

>> No.3531917

This is a good framework. I'll add that a ton of credit cards allow you to add an "authorized user" to your account for free. This lets you add a second card to the account that'll be in someone else's name.

Importantly you can separately set the credit limit on that card. So you might have a $50k credit limit, but you can set wifey to have a max spend of $1000. This will protect you a bit from her going nutty

>> No.3531925

Preferably you discuss it with your partner and come to an agreement that you both agree on and work it out as you go

>> No.3531944


Set a clear budget, maybe separate checking accounts

Don't marry a person you can't have a healthy discussion/arrangement regarding this with

>> No.3531991

I'm married.

Here's what I got. She's got some bonds from before we met that I let her keep and a house in a foreign country that her sister maintains but it's still hers (ours). She also has some bank account in a foreign country which is empty (I've seen the statements) but she doesn't close in case we go back there.

Here in the US, we have a shared checking account, a checking account where my paycheck goes into, and a shared savings account. That's all shared. Fine. And she's not allowed to have her own accounts besides that.

Now for me, I have 2 hidden checking accounts with 2 different banks from the ones above where I keep most of my money that I take from my paycheck and trim off the top of our budget before she notices. And then there's my investments and crypto, which are like 90% of my net worth, that she knows nothing about. She thinks I'm fucking poor and we live on scraps. That's just the way I like it while I actually have good money in my investments. When she wants to see, I might show her a little investment of a few thousand and just say that's the whole thing, when it's not even close.

Besides that I budget her to about $500 per month max for everything, to be taken out of my paycheck once a month, and that's it.

>> No.3532002

Clear budget is the most important thing here.

But I go a step farther and don't let her have her own checking accounts while managing all our investments and having separate accounts of my own.

Women can't handle money. I give her a budget and monitor it and the rest goes 100% to my investments.

>> No.3532052

just keep it seperate until she files for divorce. if you married an American woman its not if she files its when

>> No.3532053

that seems like how you'd have to treat a girlfriend, not a wife. how can you be in a marriage with someone you trust so little? moreover, WHY?

>> No.3532057

Did you not see the thread earlier about the married guy getting btfo?

>> No.3532063
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I'm married for 5 years. I pay for rent and food etc., she pays for elecric/water/internet.

I have my 2 own bank accounts and I can do with my money whatever I want. Eg. I could put all my money into crypto without telling her a single word. What I do with my money is not up to any debate. She has vague idea how much money I have in my account, but that's it.

Having join account is definitely no go. Taking any loan or mortage is biggest no go. I would never discuss financial matters with any female partner. Since they are childish and irresponsible.

I understand that this is not modern approach in marriage. My opinions on marriage are more like from 50s or 60s.

>> No.3532075

>key is to find someone with a good work ethic
This really

>> No.3532086


>Women can't handle money

Almost a universal truth, for a variety of natural as well as conditioned reasons. Nothing to get mad about, just accept and mitigate. Investing will always be my job.

>> No.3532098

Are you married?

It's not about trust. Women don't know how to handle money. They can save, some of them, but investing? Not a chance.

Let her think this is where you are and let her be happy with that and then you never have to worry about finances, ever.

This is the stress-free way to do it. Everyone's happy and you haven't got any financial problems and she doesn't either.

>> No.3532122

>Besides that I budget her to about $500 per month max for everything
What is the "everything"? How much do you earn?

>> No.3532124

Open a shared bank account.
Both deposit an equal amount on it every month.
That pays for your housing / bills / food.

>> No.3532141


why do women make these ungodly blogposts?

>> No.3532144

Everything meant like gas, food, going out. Anything that's not included in insurance, 401k, bills, or taxes.

Right now I was recently laid off but before that I made about 74k per year. I'm very young to be married to be honest but it's alright. She doesn't work, so that was fine for us.

>> No.3532159

Chicago has one of the world's top 10 skylines IMO

>> No.3532163

damn what a lazy bitch. are you at least going to have a child she can take care of?

>> No.3532170

> find a woman that earns more than you

She will not respect you. It might not be now or next year but as a high earning woman she is going to be in constant contact with high earning chads through her work. Situational alpha is a thing and as I don't care how much of a Chad you think you are now - you cannot compete with superchad who owns the staff meeting every week or delivered that great speech at XYZ conference last week and earns 5 times what you do. Career women are high T. She WILL cheat on you. You WILL break up. You're still the man regardless of income levels so you WILL get fucked over especially if there's a child.

t. Oldbro here. Seen it many times. There are exceptions but you do not load 5 rounds into a revolver and then proceed to play Russian roulette

>> No.3532173

Maybe the finances are the only issue and he's smart enough to understand that most women are shit with them so finding someone else wouldn't help.

>> No.3532202

look at this faggot

>> No.3532207

See what I don't think you're getting here, and most people maybe, is that women really DON'T think about money the same way men do, at all.

A man looks at his money, his worth, and some part of him thinks "man, that's my value. I worked for that. That's my livelihood man I can buy anything with that."

Women don't do that. They're not supposed to. A woman's livelihood is about what kind of man, and what kind of lifestyle, she can attract. Most women use their body like we use money, so it's not worth the same. It's a different way of thinking.

>> No.3532219

as a currently unemployed recent college graduate, ending up with a woman that earns more than me is the stuff of nightmares

which is annoying for me because I value hard-working girls and the girls Ive ever been into/with currently have better credentials than I

>> No.3532228

I agree. You don't want that. I don't let my wife work specifically for this.

I don't let my wife work or get a job. Yeah we might have kids though.

>> No.3532229

wanna be my gf? I am rich

>> No.3532242
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dont get married

live with parents until forever

t. nip

>> No.3532245

>paranoid about her cheating
>I don't let my wife work or get a job. Yeah we might have kids though.
So you give her all the free time in the world while you're on work to get on tinder and have Chad come over and fuck her instead.

>> No.3532269

My wife married me while she had a job in a foreign country and I was still an undergrad in college. Convinced her to quit her job, which paid well, and come to me halfway around the world. She stuck with me for 6 months, I graduated, and had a 74k job fresh out of college.

I'm laid off now, but the point is that you gotta make sure your girlfriend knows that you could be with whoever the fuck you want before you get married. Don't ever let her think she's done anything to provide for you because that shit will come back to bite you.

>> No.3532290


>> No.3532306

Fuck that she knows damn well she works for me if she wants to get paid.

I'm my girl's boss and if she wants that fucking budget she'll have 3 meals a day ready for me, laundry and vacuuming done every other day before I can even notice.

This girl's busy as hell but I'm her fucking boss. That's the difference.

>> No.3532319

>3 meals a day ready for me, laundry and vacuuming done every other day before I can even notice.
Takes about 2, 3 hours max to do that, plenty of time for fun with Chad. You'd never know.

>> No.3532327

Nigga I'm unemployed sitting in the other room 24/7. I know this shit.

>> No.3532353

Open a joint account, stick your money there, let her pay the bills. Discuss big purchases, don't worry about small ones. If you can't make that work then you haven't selected a good woman. It doesn't hurt to have your own accounts for things like Christmas gifts or crypto, but you stop thinking about it in terms of my money and her money - it's our money. That's marriage.

>> No.3532356

and when you were at your $74k/year job?

>> No.3532373

>controlling as fuck
Sounds like your marriage has a bright future. Enjoy raising your wife's kids.

>> No.3532395

I kick her out on the street too if she fucks up and she comes back crying.

If something's not done right her Internet goes away.

When I was at my job she made lunch and walked to my company, then waited there til 4 to go back home and make dinner.

You HAVE to maintain control of this shit. You HAVE to stay in control.

>> No.3532417

Nice LARP, if you had anywhere near this level of control you wouldn't have to be hiding any bank accounts.

>> No.3532418

OP here
Prior to making this thread, I was definitely thinking of going along these lines. I believe that I'll be able to find a sensible person that won't ultimately blow me the fuck out, regardless of statistics.

>> No.3532424

On a scale of 1 to landwhale, how fat is she? Be honest.

>> No.3532435

sounds like a happy marriage

>> No.3532463

Lmao get the fuck out of here faggot

If you're going to bullshit at least make it believable. If you "kick her out of the house" she just laughs her way to a lawyer and kicks you out of yours. This isn't how the real world works dumbass.

>> No.3532486

I got incredibly lucky finding a good woman, it was easier 10+ years ago when I met my wife. My parents had a terrible marriage, I've tried to model our relationship after my grandparents'. I can't imagine it's easy finding anyone worthwhile in today's culture of tinder and social justice. If I had to date in 2017 I'd probably look at conservative dating apps and areas which voted for Trump - attend a university like Liberty if you can. On the other hand I'm sure it's easier than ever to fuck degenerate sluts, so make sure you spend a few years doing that to get it out of your system.

>> No.3532488

Lol I don't larp. I'm just saying for the people who aren't married here so they don't fuck it up.

Because you can fuck it up. You let your woman know she has options and let her think she's got the "right" now, now that she's got that fucking title, to start demanding shit from you, and your marriage will start to fall apart. You still want to like your girl don't you? So let her feel special, but make her remember you're the leader here, so to speak. I mean give her her place so she can do well and feel good about supporting you.

She's thin, Korean. Like a 2 in terms of weight.

It IS a happy marriage.

>> No.3532506

No bullshit. I know it sounds fucked up, but we're happy. She's happy because she knows her place and when everything works at home I get shit done. I don't know much about western wives but she's from Asia so maybe that plays some role, I don't know.

>> No.3532511

I'll probably make a separate thread about this on another board but how do I explain away my poor GPA when it comes to job interviews?

I graduated from a top U.S. school (according to USNWR) with a degree in Economics but I struggled with depression throughout my four years and spent all my summers taking classes instead of gaining work experience.

What do?

For the record, im more interested in Public Health than anything particularly Economics or Business based.

>> No.3532515

Marriage is a shitty contract for men. You invested more time and money into your career, and are getting less value since women lowered wages by entering the market. (Higher supply of labor = lower wages)

Yet society still expects that you pay give her half of your assets when she gets bored of you. You're basically giving her an call option that never expires, and the value of the option is constantly growing. 80% of women eventually exercise their options.

I'll never get married, but if I did, I'd keep our finances separate. If I wanted to do something expensive together that she couldn't afford with her wage, I'd make it affordable for her, but not pay all of it.

>> No.3532521

What's your GPA and what's your school?

Top is pretty vague.

>> No.3532523
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Buy 100 Chancoin.

>> No.3532534

Don't marry. Don't share accounts. Give her a $10 allowance a week to keep her happy. Any more and it's cheaper to just get a hooker.

>> No.3532538

Charge her for the dick.

>> No.3532541
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>married a korean
If you're white that's hilarious, now I understand you completely - my Dad married a Korean, I don't think he understood what he was getting into.

>> No.3532556

Don't put your shitty GPA on your resume, just list relevant coursework.

>> No.3532558

Don't bring up your fucking GPA.
If they ask, tell them you took ambitious classes, give an example of a class with something technical in it, and show a lot of passion about it, especially if it's related to the job. If they ask about it, describe a project you worked on in the class or some lesson that fascinated you and walk them through it. You're showing off your communication skills by guiding them through a complex process that you're passionate about and if it's related to the job you're showing off your expertise.

You can tie all that back to the job.
That way, you should have effectively changed the subject and made something positive where something negative might have been.

Don't fucking whine that you had depression and give them an excuse, even if it's a damn good excuse like a death or something. Maybe casually mention it, really, and then do what I said above. Because even though it probably totally explains away your bad grades to anyone reasonable, it's contributes nothing for what you can do for the company. And you will be overlooked if you do this. Not for your grades, but because you're a useless sap who didn't demonstrate his value effectively.

>> No.3532574

Meant to say top 15
Vanderbilt University
2.1 GPA

It annoys the hell out of me because I'm definitely more than my GPA but i have nothing else to show for myself on paper other than my elite-ish university (which doesn't matter outside of Nashville, TN/for my first job)

lmao, of course not

>> No.3532579

I'm the most stubborn asshole she's ever met and I also speak fluent Korean, so I beat right through her entitlement shit.

If you understand that, good.

>> No.3532594

>top 15
Kek nice delusions.

>> No.3532596

Do >>3532558
and don't fucking list your GPA.

If you aren't applying for jobs directly through your university, most people won't ask.

>> No.3532620

>She thinks I'm fucking poor and we live on scraps.
> I made about 74k per year
Damn, your bitch is dumb as fuck.

>> No.3532621


>> No.3532638

I'm paying a girl in another country 500/month worth of Eth to be my gf. She usually sells it and buys stupid shit with the money while she’s in college and I just do my own thing. I feel like a cuck sometimes but the emotional support is really nice, far better than anything i’ve gotten in traditional relationships. I also think it’s cheaper than regular relationships so whatever.

>> No.3532649

>I feel like a cuck
As well you should.

>> No.3532662

lol I was going to say if you went a top tier school known for its rigor with a lowish gpa it would be fine.

But neither your school is good enough or your gpa acceptable to justify how much you fucked up. Damn good luck, maybe try to do an internship before actually finding a job.

>> No.3532670

Damn bitch you're dumb as fuck.

>> No.3532673

Why? Women don't look at all their money and go "damn look at all that money I got. my money makes money" like guys do.

She looks at their life with a nice man, good house, lots of food, all that and know that if she need something her man is gonna get that for her because she treats her man right. So she feels good about doing good for me. That's what matters.

>> No.3532682

Lmao this larping nigga paying some bitch from another planet more money than I budget to my wife.

Go to a fucking bar man.

>> No.3532710

Girls at the bar don't call me daddy and send me nudes on demand. When I text them they just play bullshit mind games. I wish I was larping lmao.

>> No.3532734


Noted. That is my biggest obstacle. Being able to effectively demonstrate my value in spite of my GPA. I do have projects refer to and things of the like but I still feel discouraged about the whole process.

Most entry level jobs that I'd apply to would probably inquire about my GPA. In addition, my GPA is gonna keep me out of A LOT of graduate schools down the line. I'll need an absolute break in that department.
Also, my good friends literally are either in med school (Yale, Northwestern, UChicago, etc), law school (Columbia), or working full-time for massive firms like Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, and Google. Of course, path doesn't matter and I don't need to make bank immediately since im a 22 yo single guy but I need to get my career going.

I need money though. An internship worth working would probably be competitive and I would get beat out by a current undergrad with a better resume.

Ultimately, I just gotta put myself out there and talk to people I know and see what happens.

>> No.3532735

For 499/month I'll send you nudes and call you daddy.

>> No.3532752

Found a girl when i was around 15, been dating pretty much since then. Am 21 now, we've had a joint bank account since 18. We both agree saving until we can retire is the primary goal and she's super stingy and loves cryptos.

Sharing finances works but you both need to strongly agree on what the plan is. We've never really had any problems. There have been times i've been unemployed and there have been times she has had trouble with finding work. Neither of us have ever been resentful when needing to support each other because it's gone both ways.

>> No.3532779

If you're a hot brunette and willing to prove it via kik you can send me an email at throwaway1994692@gmail.com and we can work something out.

>> No.3532788

You can take like 4 or 5 stories and use them to fit any interview question. Do it. Have a story that has you dealing with data. Have some that have you dealing with conflict in the workplace/on a project at school. All that. Just use the same material but mold it in your interview so it's right for the position.

>> No.3532791

Does it matter that I have a penis? It's a very feminine penis if that helps.

>> No.3532810

I'm not gay but honestly if you convincingly look like a girl I'd consider it. Crossdressing doesn't count, you'd need actual hormones and fake tits.

>> No.3532833

This is exactly how I do it, and I never have to worry about the money shit anymore.

>> No.3532864

I screenshotted this because it's pretty fucking funny. If she ever disrespects me I'll show it to her so she knows how good she has it.

>> No.3532890

I don't know why the fuck you're doing what you're doing but good luck man.

>> No.3532907

what do you mean by "her entitlement shit"? Is there something stereotypically negative about korean wives behavior? Never heard about it so thats why I am asking

>> No.3532922

Mainly because I don't have the balls to tell anyone irl about my kinky fetishes. And giving girls money gives me the illusion that I'm rich even though like 1/3 of my (disposable) income.

>> No.3532933

Yeah. You can see what I mean by watching any Korean drama ever.

>> No.3532937

how the fuck can you realize your kinky fetishes if all she does is send you nudes?

>> No.3532957

Idk man I have a good imagination. She texts me what she wants to do to my dick and then I jerk off to her words. It's way hotter than it sounds trust me

>> No.3532961

nigger your paying 500 a month to talk to a girl like nigga just take a zoloft imao

>> No.3532962

Shut up dude, that's my new sugar daddy you're talking to.

>> No.3532966

the only one I saw was The Handmaiden, does that count?

>> No.3532981

thanks babygirl but you didn't even email me yet

>> No.3532983

I cant believe you seriously pay 500 a month for some fantasy service that a hairy pajeet with photoshop could do for ya

>> No.3532986

I don't know that one. It was just a general statement

>> No.3533016

yeah i'm a fucking pimp dog. in a way the 500/mo is also a business expense because I'm using our logs to build a chat bot that will talk dirty to me. I'm naming it after her. This is why I cant get a real girlfriend lmao

>> No.3533035

thats unfortunate, lots of hot korean lesbian scenes

>> No.3533040

Just started the hormones. Tits grow quick, right?

>> No.3533064

Just take extra to speed it up. I'll start paying as soon as you get to a C cup.