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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 12 KB, 257x257, Shitopia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3529798 No.3529798 [Reply] [Original]

I'm pretty sure they are insolvent and are scamming people left and right. Here's my personal story...

I owned some Signatum for a time and when I sold it I accidentally left $10 on cryptopia so i bought the coin CHAO for shits and giggles. A few days ago, I woke up and CHAO was delisted from cryptopia, weird. I got zero notification of this, but whatever, it's only $10. However, I have OCD so I looked into it and CHAO got 51% attacked.

After it got 51% attacked, they left the wallet open so people could rush on the remaining coins, instead of splitting them up via the stake of the investors.

This seems totally fucked to me, because what it basically means is if you're not on your computer 24/7 when something like this happens I guess you can just fuck yourself?

A few moments ago, I went into the cryptopia discord to try to resolve the situation, and the response I got was to not buy coins with insecure networks? I asked them how it was fair that they opened their wallet for people to rush on and I got straight up banned?

What the fuck cryptopia, I don't even care about the money, but now it's about principle and I will destroy you on social media.

>> No.3529813

Pretty fucking crazy for a moderator in their discord to tell me that I shouldn't buy coins that they list because the network is not secure.

>> No.3529828
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>> No.3529851


I'm not surprised.

>> No.3529854
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>> No.3529869

the owner is swedish

that should be enough to not store any significant amount of coin on there

>> No.3529874

Quite a lot of technical problems and bad communication as of late. Still fucking pissed about the nubits/nsr delisting... Childish behavior left and right

>> No.3529876

This is a glimpse into a future where the world is run by autistic NEETs that got rich gambling on cartoon coins.

>> No.3529881
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>> No.3529894


Shouldn't they be making informed decisions when they list a coin? What he is basically telling you is that they will list any scam coin and they couldn't give a fuck about their customers.

>> No.3529905
File: 20 KB, 755x274, adminsoftopia4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

done for now!
make informed decisions you guys, consult with your parents.

>> No.3529926


Looks like the pot calling the kettle black. Wow.

>> No.3529931

they are scammers
I asked a normal question and got banned

>> No.3529969

Cryptopia arranged the Chaincoin scam. Keep the fuck away from these cunts

>> No.3529976


Please explain, I'm working on a document to share on social media.

>> No.3529977

they still can't sort their shit with waves.....and waves tokens....
and they still hold signatum hostage again

>> No.3529988

high on coins arranged that.
hate him so fucking much.

>> No.3529989

A lot of bullshit is talk in here from people they dont know how things work or are !

>> No.3530001


Ok, cryptopia mod, care to explain yourself on a forum where you can't ban people dipshit?

>> No.3530031

no guys you don't understand. They work hard for you to save your money, not steal it. They love money so much they take it and hold it for safety for you.

>> No.3530043
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Sounds to me like they liked the coin so much they decided to steal the 7,000,000 shares of signatum they had on the exchange...

Being that the coin goes through tor theres really zero recourse here. Tfw we got btfo by our own technology.

>> No.3530074


I don't own Signatum anymore, but it's pretty pathetic that cryptopia is fucking them over for wallet issues and they are the only one having them.

>> No.3530090

Cryptopia is a scam. They are pulling off an exist. Can't even run a small shit exchange.

>> No.3530107

There are several coins having this issue on craptopia rn

>> No.3530128

I’ve also been banned from cryptopia and signatum discord. I literally have 2,000,000 coins I sent to cryptopia wallet, then about 3 weeks ago the signatum wallet goes under maintenance. Both these companies are straight up scams.

>> No.3530129

Cryptopia Admin in relation to Signatum:

sa_ddam213: I suspect the LevelDB is too old or is setup incorrectly

Incompetent fucks. Set up incorrectly by Craptopia!

>> No.3530136


I'm pretty sure they are pulling off an exit scam now too. I don't have money on there anymore and I would recommend my fellow autists do the same.

>> No.3530154

sa_ddam213: who cares, its getting delisted, and we will start processing withdrawals today, so the rancid community can go fuck over Nova or wherever they are heading next to terrorise people
sa_ddam213: no, I run a software development company
Mystere_Miner: To be fair, I don't think any other coin's users would have reacted any differently. There are nasty people everywhere

Great way to run a business Craptopia! Abandon ship, this shit exchange is screwed.

>> No.3530176

Fuck you peice of shit scam artist.

>> No.3530186

Help me understand how delisting a coin = exit scam

>> No.3530211


Did you literally not read this thread?

>> No.3530246

this. but also regulation.

>> No.3530261
File: 62 KB, 640x775, IMG_4753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>learn to code because socially awkward
>get into cryptos because what else do?
>create platform to trade but dont really gaf about it and kinda hate people
>no social skills so i cant hire anyone worth a damn
>business failing due to bad customer service
> notice untraceable currencies trading on my platform that show the best wncryption and promise.
> realize if my wallets get hacked i could be a billionare in like 2 years and surely purchase waifu
> be me founder of craptopia

>> No.3530270


Haha, sounds about right.

>> No.3530284

Tradesatoshi is also de listing sigt, but the wallet there works fine and never been on maintenance, hope dev can do something to let sigt remain on ts

>> No.3530294

Nice, just withdrawed 100k

>> No.3530312

OP, you haven't actually posted screenshots of what you'd said - why?

>> No.3530338

Cryptopia de listed waves and all waves tokens because they are to dumb to update waves wallet, but not NZDT a cryptopia waves token

>> No.3530353

nova is last exchange.... but that is place where coins get sub 1 sats

>> No.3530362
File: 69 KB, 762x1024, IMG_6648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone from the sigt community was banned from craptopia discord. I have an email saying the wallet issue was bcause of an update the devs did but they said on discord the problem was because of not doing updates. I dont know what this means but it looks like they are just doing damage control.

They banned me on discord just for asking about it.

>> No.3530373

Sigt is on yobit and nova. Both work great.

>> No.3530387


When you get banned from discord it wipes all of your messages. I guess I didn't have the foresight to take screenshots when I asked legit questions about my money.

>> No.3530416

Here's the thing - we get exchange FUD all day every day. OP is posting responses to things he'd said without posting the things he'd actually said. That's pretty suspicious, I'm thinking he spilled spaghetti.

>> No.3530417

>What the fuck cryptopia,

They are delisting coins left and right in an attempt to decrease bandwidth so they can concentrate on more profitable trading pairs.

Its not personal numb nuts

>> No.3530436
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>> No.3530476

Fake, look at the a's and e's

>> No.3530490

waves is basically offline for 2/3 of month.
sigt was maintenance roller-coaster for quite a long time too.

it just feels bad.

>> No.3530507

The font appears to change 1/10

>> No.3530552

I just want to see what OP actually said before they reacted this way, it seems like he failed to capture that. If you're going to screenshot a conversation don't you typically... screenshot the conversation?

>> No.3530557


Post the logs then. Oh wait you can't because you banned me. I was also very civil and the only reason I could have possibly been banned for is saying "what the fuck?"

Furthermore, I'm an administrator of a 2000+ member cryptocurrency discord and I'm also a marketer so I know how customer service is supposed to work. Your website has none.

>> No.3530585

Are you retarded? You can not capture a screenshot of fucking conversation because you get banned and its WIPED. You get banned for asking A COMPLETELY FUCKING NORMAL QUESTION and you DO NOT expect to get banned for that hence you DO NOT make a screenshot.

>> No.3530587

You really think they would shut down their entire operation over a pajeet shitcoin?

>> No.3530596

Eat shit you lying poojeet shitopia fuck face. I hope you drown in tyrones cum you spunk guzzling cum dumpster.

>> No.3530616

Now I know you're full of shit - I've seen you samefagging while shilling your discord. I hope your Dad stops hitting you, sadshill.

>> No.3530625

Damn, looks like Cryptopia is ready to pull a exit scam

>> No.3530633


How am I shilling my discord? Do you see a single link to it here?

>> No.3530663

Exit scam indeed

>> No.3530675

I'm the one who taught you about IDs, I wouldn't be surprised if this thread is just the two of us.

>> No.3530714

Idiota scammer jew.

>> No.3530740

I had a dream where the two of you had this exact conversation. It was a long time ago.

>> No.3530765

This happened months back to CasinoCoin, claimed it was 51% attacked but the problem was they required so little confirmations that someone deposited non existent coins but withdrew very real BTC. Probably happening with other coins

>> No.3530768

I love how the scammy dev tries to calm situation
here by saying that everyone in this thread is the same person. What a fucking horrible exchange

>> No.3530772
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>> No.3530787


It's hilarious that he is asking for screenshots when several of them are posted, just not mine because they banned me.

>> No.3530804

He's a fucking moron

>> No.3530837

You sperged at some faggots and they banned you, it doesn't need 3 threads. How many IDs are you up to, 4?

>> No.3530894
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>> No.3530969
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>> No.3531049


You should go outside before winter comes, it will give you a healthier outlook than thinking that everyone on biz is the same person.

>> No.3531070

Alright you spooked me pulled off all my msp from cryptopia. Guess I have to trade on hitbtc now.

>> No.3531082


>> No.3531295

pulling out ltc off craptopia

>> No.3531650

how am I supposed to withdraw it if the fuckin wallet is still not working?
sick of this delisting crap from cryptopia.

Along with RBX, WAVES, NBT and NSR its now the fifth coin I was holding/accumulating within a few fucking weeks which gets delisted because of some bullshit reasons. done with that exchange. I recommend everyone to take a look at coinexchange and novaexchange instead.

fuck that shit, srs

>> No.3531663
File: 273 KB, 618x472, 1415831881979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to withdraw from bittrex
>Suddenly .025 Bitcoin limit per day


>> No.3531752

Bro this happened weeks ago and is the reason I stopped using them

>> No.3532129

I too own waves I can withdraw my coins

>> No.3533263

How do they even rationalize this? That's so minuscule

>> No.3533281

Use Binance

>> No.3533315

They did it to protect user funds because it is the most high risk exchange if self reported hacks are to be believed. 2FA mysteriously gets bypassed there.

>> No.3533340

That project died in 2015...

>> No.3533388

why so many people shilling this chink exchange?

>> No.3533407

Use a sms app and verify your phone number using that.

>> No.3533463
File: 453 KB, 1280x1844, 1474626495365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not chink. they aren't ruled by the sec or pboc. development news and announcments every other day. good community, great support and listens to the community. gives you airdrops on the new listed SingularDTV, also gives you Gas(by holding Neo)