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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3523698 No.3523698 [Reply] [Original]

see how i lost all my portofolio ( 6k )
making the same mistake twice

press S to spit on my face !

>> No.3523720

>buy high sell low
I don't understand why I'm not rich yet

>> No.3523730


>not understanding margin and why you should never apply it in crypto

>> No.3523767

you're probably one of the retards that refutes technical analysis.

>> No.3523778

Why did you buy where you did in the first place?

First buy is probably ATH. Never buy ATH. Was there a reason for you to think the momentum would continue? If anything your stoploss should have been at 11500.

Second buy, why? Why did you buy there? Just curious, cause all I see is a relative low volume, high volatility region with zero TA signals behind it.

>> No.3523782

OP, that second buy order was a fair play, you were probably trying to catch a reversal/ breakout to the the upside. Just shit luck :(

>> No.3523794

I lost 8k doing stupid shit like this... It's cool, as long as you have done capital left learn from your mistakes and make it back

>> No.3523796

first one was because of the over confidence in OMG.
second one i tough it would bounce back

>> No.3523834

You're not using stop loss?

>> No.3523848
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>> No.3523850

Then buy in on the goddamn upward movement, not exactly where you think it's gonna bounce.

Analyze where you think it's gonna reverse and then check whether it's actually bouncing using e.g. volume, ichi and support/resi lines. Volume is highly important.

Don't just buy because you think, buy because you know.

>> No.3523858

1. not using stop loss
2. use 50-60% of margin on trades
3. not using take profit
4. not trading on major movements

>> No.3523859

Buy on higher highs and higher lows wait for confirmation. Start small and increase position on the way up. if a new lower low is in place you look for an exit. never watch your position go to liq. At least have a mental stop in place.

>> No.3523872
File: 55 KB, 991x902, ya+fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the giggles anon

>> No.3523885

wtf. this is how they trained money not to do things the second time.

i learned my lesson with margin.

margin, not even twice.

>> No.3525001

You will learn from your mistakes. Just never put it all your money on the line. Or you interrupt your learning curve.

>> No.3525019

Lost 3,7k of my 5k.
Back to 2k now.
I regret, but i am confident that i will make it back in time and still make it.

>> No.3525046


>> No.3526006

I really dont understand how you made your decisions care to explain?

This seems like some noob just decided to be rich and failed miserably by listening to /biz/ memes

>> No.3526647


>> No.3526683
File: 272 KB, 743x838, ChinaCucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>selling BTC ever

serves you well

>> No.3526715

Sucks bud margin is a scam kraken went down when I shorted from $3700 to $3000

>> No.3526831

you really are a fucking retard and should leave crypto forever

>> No.3526865


so, 90% of /biz/?

>> No.3527474

I understand the 2nd buy but not the 1st.
I would have probably bought the 2nd time as well, right as prior support. Well sometimes these don't work and that's why you need a 10% stop loss

>> No.3527489

buy high sell low you're a genius OP

>> No.3527512
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Hahahaha, even when the minimum needed to trade is ~$5 you still go into debit? Stick to fiat, you are made for eachother.