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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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352225 No.352225[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Apply for jobs
>Dozens a week
>Go over my resume and have it critiqued.
>This goes on for months
>Open up my resume in word and start writing in white font ink
> "Military service" "Valedictorian" "Dux" "Masters degree" "5 years experience". Everything a resume would want
>Send it bulk to companies I had previously applied online
>Went from 1 in 20 call backs to 1 in 5.
>tfw when numerous phone calls.
>tfw when so many options

>> No.352226


Good job fooling the autofilter, OP. Does it get you an actual job though?

>> No.352235

that's a fantastic idea. but wouldnt they see that you've hit all the trigger words for the system to flag you yet your resume is unimpressive?

>> No.352237

Doesn't matter. This can only be positive since fake visibility is clearly better than none

>> No.352244

Yeah op the one thing you don't really want to lie about in your resume is your education background. Everything else pretty much up in the air but education is easily verifiable.

>> No.352423


I wouldn't lie about military service OP, that could come back to really hurt your reputation

>> No.352435
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>Open up my resume in word and start writing in white font ink
mfw /biz/ is full of illiterates

>> No.352443

you guys missed OP's ingenuity completely

>> No.352477

I lold so hard

Also I'm going to do this from now on.

>> No.352485

do you think this would actually work?

>> No.352530


My God... this is brilliant. Thank you, OP.

>> No.352539

Holy shit, I just realized the genius of this.

>> No.352542

Great idea. I wonder if I would have the balls to pull this off next time I'm job searching. Though I would only use it when applying to specific companies, i.e. the big ones which are almost certain to have autofilters.

>> No.352547

I like the idea, but i'd do it with a disclaimer in case you got caught on some long shot later on down the line.

In white ink in super small font so as to not increase the length...

The following words have been added to increase exposure and do not necessarily reflect the candidates credentials:
word bomb of all the stuff filters like

Either way though, it is both genius and a huge gamble, if you were already employed and 5 years later someone finds out, good chance of either being let go or never getting promoted again. Not to mention you probably just fried your future references.

>> No.352584

You do realize that many job application programs now require you to copy & paste your resume text into forms for the machine to read. This instantly destroys your ability to cheat this system this way.

>> No.352602

Top lel at people not knowing that white ink doesn't show up on white paper.

>> No.352607

This is a good idea.

What are the common buzzwords the autofilters like?

>> No.352672

I'm a fucking idiot.
What's the benefit of typing in white ink? I thought that shit makes your letters unreadable on any other white font, like paper.

>> No.352687

/biz/ is fucking retarded

>> No.352696


The idea is that the white ink is invisible to a human reading it, but software will pick it up.

>> No.352703

Maybe shitty application programs for plebs. OP is probably applying for non-entry level stuff.

>> No.352718


>program recognizes awesome ass resume
>employer wants to print that shit out
>it's just plain fucking white
>no human can read it


>> No.352724


Yeah this didn't happen.

Also all it takes is a single person to Ctrl+A and you're fucked.

Also, this didn't happen.

>implying we don't actually apply for jobs
>implying we don't know you're full of shit
>implying every job requires a gay-ass .docx resume

Just no

>> No.352726

I'm sure that some people have tried this before, and that some companies have more sophisticated software that would pick this up. I'm equally sure that there are many companies whose autofilters would be fooled by this.

Trying to make a resume that will pass a company's autofilters is nothing new. What OP is describing is a sneaky way of going around it - showing the machine one CV, while showing the human another.

>> No.352729

No he's saying that he'd have his regular resume in black ink but at the bottom of the page or wherever he would put these trigger words in white ink so the program catches it

>> No.352748

>Also all it takes is a single person to Ctrl+A and you're fucked.
Compared to what, not getting any replies at all?

And like >>352547 said, he could add an invisible disclaimer.

>> No.352758


Not really, if someone knows how those filters work they could easily look for ways of how the resume got past them