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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1504997469836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3518119 No.3518119 [Reply] [Original]

We are mooning in 6 hours. Get on board faggots.

also for the shilling /pol/tards on IOTA

You've got to go back /pol/

Fuck off we're full.

This isn't refugee camp for wannabe nazi weebs that haven't accomplished anything.

/pol/tards are the new furries.

>> No.3518134

allah akbar

praise iota

destroy the west

>> No.3518148

Yes brother, show these infidels allah will show no mercy to the non-believer

>> No.3518150

People from /pol/ are low iq and inbred, just ignore them. They are just angry that women have rejected them and now place blame on external factors rather than look inward and realize that they are sad, pathetic excuses for human beings.

>> No.3518179

what's happening in 6 hours anon?
only holding like 145 miota

>> No.3518183


Thats right!
Identity politics are for poor fags.

Feels good that these naziweebs will never be rich.

>> No.3518185

well said brother, inshallah

>> No.3518220

Praise iota, praise iota, Allah akbar, those pol fags will get what's coming to them

>> No.3518237

Agreed brother, these apostates will never experience the joy of an arranged marriage to your cousin. Strong blood ties make strong muslim babies inshallah

>> No.3518240

what do you think is going to happen???

>> No.3518244


no thanks anon, im not buying your bags.

>> No.3518260

IOTA will announce it's partnership with ISIS.

>> No.3518266

>everyone I don't like is a nazi
kek, projection game is strong with this one

>> No.3518310


>every other thread is praising hitler and jizzing themselves looking at pictures of 1938 germany.

yeah ok, you keep telling yourself that deluded nazifurfag.

You faggots hurt capital gain. Therefore an enemy to /biz/.

When the nazi image becomes profitable, comeback.

until then,



>> No.3518320

you belong in an oven.

>> No.3518353
File: 32 KB, 486x412, 1505318535719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You shouldn't even been born little yiffing adolf.
I love it that you know that I'm right, yet you can't comprehend the truth so revert to one lined insults..

Great now back to /pol/, were full.

>> No.3518388

what's the info?

>> No.3518439

i'm preheating the oven now.

>> No.3518545
File: 32 KB, 255x345, 1505013464373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls out shilling /pol/tards
>is literally shilling a shitcoin
good job

>> No.3518553


>> No.3518587


This board is for shilling shit coins.
Not ideology, thats for women in the women board known as /pol/.

>> No.3518766

from the mouth of babes.

>> No.3518847
File: 842 KB, 1396x1704, Screenshot_20170917-161629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throw acid in the faces of those who insult Iota!

>> No.3518947
File: 498 KB, 1600x1200, iota_akbar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the glory of Allah motherfuckers! Iota will rule the world! White bitches for all devout Iota hodlers! Pic related is the glorious future. Iota Akbar!

>> No.3518969

Here have a free helicopter ride out into the ocean.

>> No.3519238

I like it when the poorly bred basement dwellers act like rhe are saving the white race by posting memes on 4chan.

Ever seen a pol or k meet up? I Lmao my ass off whenever I see pics of their meets or videos of kekistani altrightcucks on YouTube

>> No.3519277


Just let them squirm in their own filth and fade into oblivion anon.

>> No.3519329

>he says as he actively makes threads talking about them

>> No.3519351

Jokes on you two, I have more in crypto than most people on this board and am a /pol/ack. If you get rich I'll probably be richer unless you're so delusional that you think iota is going to surpass BTC.

>> No.3519358
File: 99 KB, 1080x1080, 1502306107535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iota is a shitcoin

I held those bags at .85 and at .82 dumped it all for ark
Best fucking decision ever

this piece of feces is now at 49cents while everything went only up since a month ago and this shit tanked over 50%

This coin's devs were literally called "rookies" and one of them went sperging out on reddit telling people to fuck off and sell their coins for simply disagreeing with them

Would you trust your money to an emotionally unstable man? Fuck no

get the fuck out of iota
it will only go down and down

>> No.3519436

Nice fud just bought another 100k

Brainlets get hung up on the most hilarious things. People in the know about iota just keeping quiet and giggling.

>> No.3519472

>>be a polack nazi
>>can't afford an oven
>>pretends to heat up an oven as a comeback
>>dies of hunger

What did they mean by this?

>> No.3519514

So why would this moon? I'm already in and I'm tempted to sell since I think we are still bearish

>> No.3519564

moon to what its already mooned

>> No.3519566

VW, Ford and IBM
That dev on reddit sperging about white genocide or whatever has done a very good job keeping his fat mouth shut about the important stuff. Maybe nda's

>> No.3519578

22Gi reporting in. You are a piece of trash and need to kys swiftly so your 'bags' can be scooped up by iota believers.

>> No.3519604


This about IOTA, but you weebs keep invading IOTA threads like sandniggers.

Get the fuck out you adolf dick sucking naziweeb.

>> No.3519613


>I'm a faggot no evidence of what I claim.

t. /pol/ittor

>> No.3519644

I don't care about nazis or SJWs. What does that make me?

>> No.3519654

Why 6 hours. Evidence to this? Or are you just another shill?

>> No.3519656

A rich man or a not as rich man depending on whether you keep iota or not

>> No.3519674

>look at all these true points this guy brought out
>I'm just gonna disregard as fud lol

have a nice time holding your bags anon
this shit will be sub ICO levels soon

>MIT literally called your shitcoins devs "rookies"


>> No.3519698
File: 75 KB, 721x431, IOTAdontTRUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IOTA's security flaws weren't small. The crypto community and the academic community have universally been aghast at how these errors could ever occur. They aren't like issues that ETH and XMR fixed, not closed. We are talking the most fundamental errors you could possibly make. Do some research. Ask non-IOTA shrills. Not fans pumping other coins. Just neutral observers like the academics in this article. IOTA is shit. It will fail. You have all been warned.

>> No.3519744

>fud still ensues

This only scares away chump change such as yourself. The big money is still in iota and it won't be coming out until q2 2018 at the very earliest.

I've done my research. Actual research.
Stay left behind.

>> No.3519746

so is anything replacing IOTA?
Scaling zero transaction costs and near instant confirmation is insanely powerful. If not IOTA, who will do it correctly?

>> No.3519755

>not IOTA
That is the point.

>> No.3519871
File: 137 KB, 1111x597, 1498530027866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>telling people to commit suicide because no one will hold his bags

Hahahaha you pathetic loser
you sound like a poor faggot from the third world who put all his money on this shitcoin because he saw on a faceboook group it would replace bitcoin
just fucking kek

you were meant to fail since the beginning

nobody will hold this shitcoin any longer and you will lose all your money

>> No.3519893

>when teenagers post on /biz/

>> No.3520334

if you needed anymore proof that iota is a shitcoin, read these posts by iota holders
they're as deranged as the dev that sperged out on reddit

>> No.3520425

and if you want the truth about iota, just read the ex-iota holders posts on this thread

case closed. shitcoin.

>> No.3520459

To anyone wondering about buying iota. Just look at how desperate these fudders are.
And remember, if they aren't fudders they are just retards. And always do the opposite of retards :^)

>> No.3520462

omfg stop feeding the fucking troll. /biz/ is already so shit up by fucking emotional teenagers and shills.

>> No.3520495

Daily reminder IOTA is a scam. It is centralized like XRP so it is not a true cruptocurrency. The IOTA team has deliberately built security flaws into it, which they claim is supposed to function as copy protection.

>> No.3520507

I had this shit, thought it was going to be big. Came out with top 10 MC (lolz) and literally shit wallet/tx times. Sperg developer and fanatical base. No thanks, I'm lucky I got a profit, never looking back.

>> No.3520524

Blockstream controls bitcoin and AXA controls blockstream
Lightning network implementation is straight up centralization.

There are only a couple of true crypto currencies and they will never ever see adoption globally unless it's in the underworld.

Keep doing research new friend

>> No.3520542

will never buy this refuge-helping shit.

>> No.3520562