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3516205 No.3516205[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

any anons out there care to explain to an illiteratefag how to purchase ICOs? I know you receive a "token" but is that the actual coin? Is it exchanged later? And how do I store it since wallets aren't yet available? Pic related.

>> No.3516249

delete this fucking thread right now and shill another coin

goddamn it

>> No.3516262
File: 25 KB, 131x135, IMG_0807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not shilling dude, I'm fucking clueless

>> No.3516301


>> No.3516439

Don't bump this. Make a new thread without mentioning it.

>> No.3516466

you picked the wrong coin, I will answer then you'll delete the thread

Tokens are a promise of coin, you have a right to the coins once they are available. Then they are either sent to your wallet or you have to go claim them (see their website). Use myetherwallet.

>> No.3516470
File: 334 KB, 884x903, STOP IN THE NAME OF AWOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3516482

We'all thanks for the response, but why the hate? I'll delete it but I'd like to know what you know.

>> No.3516499

(((They don't want the atombrains that thrive on this board to get in so they tell you to stop spreading it.)))

>> No.3516504

All in. This coin doesn't exist. FUD immediately.