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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 187 KB, 1080x1350, mia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3512689 No.3512689[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>so what do you do, anon?

>> No.3512698

So what do you do Mia?

>> No.3512706


Normally I don't pay women for sex, but you look like I could give a try.

>> No.3512715

Holy fuck please tell me that's a still from a video

>> No.3512744

I suck cock for a living, hehe! I'm SUCH a slut, I love to have a big fat dick down my throat, especially if it's from a tall handsome man with a solid job that earns him a lot of USD! Now, you share!

>> No.3512756

>oh me? im a blockchain asset manager.

>> No.3512763

Bought espers on yobit in 2017, now here I am, owner of this fine establishment, with 400 locations all over continental North America.

>> No.3512788

That bitch is holding the glass like an idiot, she is warming the wine with her stupid hands.

>> No.3512801

She's got nice tights

>> No.3512811

Red wines are drunk warm you pleb

>> No.3512813

> I'm lead virtual assets analyst at Bittrex

>> No.3512822

>red wine cold

fucking PLEBIAN

>> No.3512824

>they let me work from home

>> No.3512829

accidentally stabbed own palm with scalpel.....
and all shitcoins that i have drop down

>> No.3512833

>i am free to work whenever i want

>> No.3512836

and i didn't get airdrop that i wanted to get. life is pain.

>> No.3512839

> Aside from managing my investments I do whatever I feel like.

>> No.3512848

Youre you fucking morons red wines are to be served at slightly below room temp, and not be warmed at all by your disgusting sweaty sausage fingers.
Pinch the stem with wine, always. This isn't brandy or a can of PBR you fucking know-it-all fratboys.

>> No.3513045

if i have this does it mean mia will take my virginity?

>> No.3513089

good luck with aids

>> No.3513099

> thinking pornstars have aids

>> No.3513160

girl named Sara got aids after working with 2 niggers......her bleeding bumhole catched it.
it was her debut. and last time.

after that tragic fuckup porn actors get checked regularly.

>> No.3513175

she is alive still and wrote book .....
well good luck to that poor Sara

>> No.3513215

No it is a photo I took of my gf

>> No.3513261


The primary exception is mulled wine, which is fucking delicious.

>> No.3513446

she did got aids dude, it was on the news long ago. some nurses fuck up the records and accidentally gave the information to the media and because of that Mia quit on the porn industry or more like she was kicked out but I dunno. Mia tried to cover it up as much as she can by saying the medical papers were fraud etc

>> No.3513494

What a gross, overrated whore.

>> No.3513508
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>> No.3513526

I saw her stream on Twitch a few months ago. I think she is riding the former pornstar lambo atm.

>> No.3513537

>t. virgin

>> No.3513548
File: 68 KB, 580x580, fb1a5c7f3037c721087cae1abeebf209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Heh... Y-Yeah I trade cryptocurrency on the internet. It's like bitcoin if you've heard of that, you know? W-Well it's a little more complicated than that. N-No, I mean, I know you're smart, but like, there are altcoins which have different... They use smart contracts? It's like a bridge between different kinds of bitcoins. Uh... Oh, you have to go now? O-Okay..."

>> No.3513589

I can tell you what I don't do - take dick for cash because that's all I can offer until I get too old to be pleasant to look at and jerk off to

>> No.3513724

>im a blockchain asset manager.

i wonder how many neets actually use something like this

>> No.3513746
File: 62 KB, 475x360, ff8-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shit on wall street, baby.

>> No.3513787
File: 108 KB, 1181x897, 06e[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grating your parmigiano-reggiano into slices instead of a fine grain
I bet you hold DGB

>> No.3513857

Get fucked, roastie

>> No.3513871

>contemplating how did I end up in this situation and want to kill myself.

>> No.3514060

Me? I poo in the loo and wipe with toilet paper after. Unlike you and your kind.

>> No.3514346

>Oh, funny you ask haha. Well, I'm what they call a "Digimarine"... basically we are a band of brothers who work together towards the goal of becoming wealthy through a solid investment.

>> No.3514440

Nvm then, sorry for wasting your time

>> No.3514448

Grab those big fake tits and squeeze and jerk off until the cops crack my head in

>> No.3514456


She's Arab not indian

>> No.3514478

I'm a virgin NEET nocoiner with 5k fiat who's hoping this bounce is a dead cat bounce.

>> No.3514496
File: 324 KB, 1330x972, rocketship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fasten your seatbelts boys. Trendline break soon.

>> No.3514510
File: 52 KB, 600x591, wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's not indian

i want a cute lebanese gf like her


>> No.3514539
File: 47 KB, 600x400, 909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I get gangbanged by a bunch of dudes
>Oh wait, that's you
>Later babe
>*Puts on shades and walks out as Snoop Dogg begins to play*
>10 seconds passes
>Dam I'm hungry. Oh that's right, I was going to eat there with that porn star. Well I can't go back in there or it'll ruin the whole effect I was going for. What do.
>I know, I'll just go get a burger. Now where is my car?
>Did I drive here or did I come with her?
>Lol. "come with her." Haha. I'm so fucking funny. Still got it big guy, still go it.
>Why, w-why would I even be out here about to eat with a porn star?
>Wait, how the fuck did I even get here?!
>Is this a fucking dream?
>Shit, is this the Matrix? Am I literally in the matrix? Has AI taken over humanity and I'm now living in a bizarre simulation while in reality I'm pale, hairless, covered in goo, being hooked up to some alien dicks....
>I have to wake up.
>I have to get out.
>I have to escape.
>*With a look of pure determination he climbs to the top of the nearest sky-scraper, humming that Snoop Dogg song from earlier dramatically*
>*He walks over to the edge, looks down*
>If I make it out of this, I promise to make it up to everyone I've ever hurt.
>This is for you, Mia.

....Aaaaaaaaaand scene.

>> No.3515199


>I'm an elite stud by profession
>get moved around a lot but can use the deep earth supersonic vacuum tunnels criss-crossing the country that the USAF built in the 70's
>I'm basically connected to this huge machine and they don't let me see what beings I'm fertilizing, but it feels like regular sex and there are vaginal contractions I can feel
>during shifts I'm connected to all sorts of IV like stuff with super protein so I recharge faster

>> No.3515293

What is bad whit it?

>> No.3516264

not fucking you tonight because I've got better shit to do

>> No.3516308


Get out, you revolting prole.

>> No.3516313
File: 77 KB, 250x250, absolutely-not-attracted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those problem glasses
Can you imagine the bullshit that would come out of her mouth?

>> No.3516332

so thats a yes?

>> No.3516344

I'd be more worried about what's gone into her mouth, anon

>> No.3516346

Mia Iota Khalifa is hot, cute and ugly at the same time

>> No.3516388

>that 3head

does she even have a brain?

>> No.3516419

>talking to a whore
She looks like a Monkey and would only be worth fucking if you were in a third world shithole and she was cheap. White and asian women only, desu. You disgust me.

>> No.3516574

Oh hey it's pepperoni tits

>> No.3517285

burn the coal...

>> No.3517328
File: 204 KB, 723x1023, tumblr_o6vud2TFjB1utsuz3o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well basically i masturbate to Neko lolis in compromising positions and watch anime all day while i buy and sell some random shitcoins i don't even know what they're there for

now fuck off im not into you filthy 3D shit

>> No.3517519

You can tell by the glasses, the way she dresses, her previous "profession" and that dumb look on her face that she is a degenerate and would only stay with you as long as you supplied her with cash.
A poor investment as you only get cucked when she goes and fucks every tom dick and harry while spending money that should be sitting snugly in the treasury.

>> No.3518154

>Thinks the yellow monkeys are somehow better than the brown ones

>> No.3518201

White women. Now here's ten bucks to go be brown somewhere else.

>> No.3518222
File: 78 KB, 1306x354, 1504814286556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You've got to go back /pol/

Fuck off we're full.

This isn't refugee camp for wannabe nazi weebs that haven't accomplished anything...

/pol/tards are the new furries....

>> No.3518286 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 600x901, Yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3518303

>brags about lolicon
>virtue signals about "internet nazis"
Yes, you are so much better than people who ironically use the n word. You just masturbate to 7 year olds getting raped by monsters. That is so much better. Neck yourself, libcuck.

>> No.3518309

>made $500 a shoot
>drives lambo
She's still paying off her tits m8

>> No.3518373

Christ, that ugly ass chart.

>> No.3518431


>Mia Iota Khalifa


>> No.3518468

You faggots hurt capital gain. Therefore an enemy to /biz/.

When the nazi image becomes profitable, comeback.

until then,



/biz/ is being overran by /pol/faggots because people keep dragging them over here.

Everything that /pol/ touches, turns to shit. Why would I want them touching something I have a vested interest in?

>> No.3518482

People like you hurt gains. Neck yourself, pedo libcuck.

>> No.3518499

Why so butthurt? Did a skinhead steal your boyfriend?

>> No.3518519


imaging a story isn't an argument.

Also I just told you why you fucking idiot.

>> No.3518528
File: 332 KB, 1080x1350, 1505653609782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl is so fucking ugly dude. hot body but disgusting muslim face.

no wonder the sandniggers invented the burka.

fixed it for you.

don't ever poast an ugly girl on /biz/ ever again or i will find you and rayp you myself.

>> No.3518556

honestly thought it was a dude with that nose and adams apple

>> No.3518600

Lol look at all these fucking defense mechanisms. I've got 1.325 BTC that says none of you have ever touched a girl that looks hotter than mia

>> No.3518613

interesting, I didnt even notice the thickness until you erased that mudslime face in which case..

>Im a crypto currency analyst and trader

>> No.3518643

her body is hot, her face is disgusting, and you're overcompensating with your 1.325 btc comment.

having a certain amount of btc won't compensate for your shitty taste in women and your micropenis.

i've only got .08 btc total and i've fucked girls hotter than mia for sure. just throwing that out there. i'm poor as ffuck but at least i've got standards and not poasting ugly shit on /biz/.

go to /hr/ if you wanna jack off to mia caliphate

in general i like /biz/ but faggots like you shit up the board with retarded posts.

>> No.3518670
File: 523 KB, 452x598, 9b7d9f143b8948bba487fb98f7c8fba7d788c3d28fbd617e1f2bb5e30ef3edc8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go home to my wife and kids.

>> No.3518862

She costs more than a lambo.

>> No.3518919

Pornstars literally make like a grand a scene. That is what she is worth. Dirt.

>> No.3518938

Sorry, bro, didn't mean to ruin your day by pointing out how miserable your sex life is. Hope you calm down soon.

>> No.3518943

>defence mechanisms
we call those "standards" where i come from bro

>> No.3518959

I mercilessly assfuck you in the bar bathroom.

>> No.3518971

And yet you've only fucked chicks who look worse than she does? Rofl

>> No.3519057


>Gook goblins

>Better than browns

Found the low-test virgin.

>> No.3519083

Is she your oneitis bro? She has a nice face but you're probably attracted to the fake bod. She's not ridiculously good looking or anything and I'm sure you see more attractive women when you're out and about.

>> No.3519111

whatever you say bro. i'm not the one rushing to defend some pornstar on 4chan.

>> No.3519115


>> No.3519128


>not recognizing when /pol/ pretends to hate /pol/ for no reason

>> No.3519133

>Is she your oneitis bro
She's a pornstar, you fucking retard.

If you think that she is ugly, you are 100% a coping virgin.

>> No.3519139

>"I'm an investor"

I tell girls this and it usually gets them wet AF.

>> No.3519165

Be quiet, cuckmaster.

>> No.3519221


the swine in this place... can't wait till we're all rich so neets can bite the end off cubans, mix their single malt with coke and order tendies at the restaurant and eat them with cutlery in the wrong hands.

all the lambos gonna look mad covered in decals.

always remeber to cut the rind off your brie, order steak well done and never, ever tip.

>> No.3519233

I usually say youtube star of a crypto channel... its a pretty sweet gig, I make a ton of money and bitches always want to be a part of my videos. I just film us banging though.

>> No.3519280

Fuck off balina, nobody cares about your sub saharan whores.

>> No.3519758

bang white and asian girls.

>> No.3519770

you just lost your bet, you can donate to me in equivalent $4CHN.

>> No.3519787

Most pornstars are ugly as fuck, makeup does half the job

>> No.3519805


>> No.3519878


I say I like to diversify between traditional bear market commodities like gold and silver and bleeding edge bull market investments like digital currency.

They almost never ask more questions than that.

>> No.3519900

>dressed like a cheap street walker at a fucking sportsbar drinking red wine of all things.

This better be the start of one of her fucking videos

>> No.3520250

Do you usually date idiots?

>> No.3520279

90% of people would have no clue they're being fed a bunch of bullshit.

99% of women would have no clue they're being fed a bunch of bullshit.

The answer to your question is yes.

>> No.3520280

Jesus fuck I would fist her pussy so hard

>> No.3520291

anyone have pics of her new boobjob? her sugar daddy bought her new tits to replace those frankentits AFTER she quit porn.

>> No.3520340

I'm now a co-founder at a certain popular blockchain company. Previously? Used to work at Best Buy and owned a web dev company.

>> No.3520359
File: 32 KB, 351x400, 34536547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He fell for the roastie meme

>> No.3520383

tfw I see a pic and instantly imagine them being my gf and someone else fucking them, rather than me fucking them cos my poor performance.

>> No.3520399

what's her name? Mia what?

>> No.3520405

Mia Khalifa

>> No.3520408

her bf had a reddit account dedicated to her fucking other men. tfw no bbc obsessed pornstar gf to divorce you

>> No.3520420


>> No.3520481
File: 3.89 MB, 2560x1920, Firefox_wallpaper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard she has AIDS lol. Maybe her cuck bf has it too LMAO.

>> No.3520538
File: 66 KB, 1000x1000, b7d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's... actually pretty good.