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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 213x237, darcrus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3511981 No.3511981 [Reply] [Original]

HOLY FUCK, you didn't meme me this time /biz/
I bought darcrus and my portofolio is skyrocketing in value. Shill me on another coin now.
How long do I hold before selling?

>> No.3511987

2 weeks my friend. Goal is 50M market cap.

>> No.3512007

I'm setting a market sell order below a certain point when the news drops (4.5 hours). If the news is shit, well, I'll take my profits (minus a bit) and decide to buy back in or not. If the news is great, it won't trigger the stop loss, and we continue up!

>> No.3512012

This is the first time since China banned ICOs that my portofolio went up in value. Bless you brother.

>> No.3512017

What news is this you're talking about?

>> No.3512045

The reason it moon'd: https://burn.darcr.us/

They are doing a burn of 10% of their net profits for the past period, buy buying back the coins from holders (at a market order, not a limit order). The last burn they did was small (10% of their 1st ever customer), but this could be big, small, who knows? Think of it like a release of quarterly earnings, except with crypto no one knows how they are doing.

If the burn number is high, circulating supply will drop but the market cap will need to stay the same, so the coin values will skyrocket.

>> No.3512062

Take a look at the Triggers chart, and it'll give you an idea of the price goal.

>> No.3512076

noice. sold at 182, it recovered my loss since the latest dip.

>> No.3512081
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>> No.3512083


>> No.3512129

when whould i cash out? after the countdown?

>> No.3512170

We told you faggots. Yesterday there where like 3 threads talking about this...

>> No.3512177

lel rekt, although I wanted to buy eth when it was 11$ and biz shilled it and didn't end up doing it either

>> No.3512182

Holding DAR for 3 months now. I think the coin has potential to become top 50 coin in 2018

>> No.3512184
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1505494909578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>buy 4500 DAR yesterday on the dip
>go to sleep
>wake up
>sell it for $370 profit
Feels good man

>> No.3512193

I wouldn't put too much hope on this. You gotta be able to jump out with some profits sometimes. Jump back in again when it eventually dips.

>> No.3512217

What's a triggers chart?

>> No.3512225

TRIG (triggers coin). A shitcoin that pulled a super pump recently and came back down in the same way after.

>> No.3512276

Bittrex darcus wallet offline...

>> No.3512297

you can still trade it

>> No.3512324
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>> No.3512345

it's just another dip, it'll go up at least until the countdown ends

>> No.3512401

why would you go and lie to strangers on the internet?

>> No.3512411

Please link countdown

>> No.3512415

see you in 3 hours my friend


>> No.3512467

I just sold mine. Can't really complain about a 60% profit in one night. I made a risky trade where I sold all my portfolio to buy DAR at 13k, sold everything around 21/20k and bought back my original portfolio cheaper still.

This was a good day for me. Good luck anons!

>> No.3513295

okay /biz/ ive been trying to trade on my own and i just keep losing money

I siad fuck it abd blindly bought this coin 2 days ago because of all you fags shilling it and now ive gove from a 50% loss on my initial investment to only 20%

So I am only listen to /biz/ shills now

shill me something else to buy and when do I sell this shit coin

>> No.3513305

>when do I sell this shit coin
this desu

i'd say once it starts going down after the burn

>> No.3513355

IOC on Bittrex (I/O Coin) - you'll be happy in 2 weeks.

>> No.3513365

has the burn alreayd occured, or is this just hype buying right now?

When the burn occurs is it all at once or over time?

anyone know?

thanks bro, idc what it is, i'll buy some

>> No.3513379

Dude, you should sell that darcrus now and buy the dip. Don't be a fool holder.

>> No.3513380

Which chart do you like to use anon? I'm vaguely new, been mostly using Moving Average, but I don't know if there's a better one. Google hasn't helped too much.

>> No.3513382

Also got into IOC awhile back. Gonna be good baby.

>> No.3513429

This shit is still going upppppppppppppppp
Make me that moneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

>> No.3513435

What makes you think IOC is gonna go up? Any reason in particular?

>> No.3513441


>> No.3513453

They are propped up to be in a great position for a pump, but they are being held back by lack of marketing. They are releasing their DIONS project after 2 years work, presenting at FINTECH on the 27th, investment group review paper coming (likely) next week, and new exchange listings after DIONS release. Low market cap, low coin count, and low price... set up to be a perfect pump... only if they step up marketing. To me that is worth a gamble.

>> No.3513501

sounds legit enough for me to get on too, thanks guys

>> No.3513559

Dash has a big announcement next week

>> No.3513726

I sold at 23k. Honestly, there is a good chance I miss out on one last pump in the next hour, but I'm walking away with a good return for doing nothing on a sunday, and hindsight is always a bitch. Gonna take a shower, have a beer, and not worry about "missing out"

>> No.3513771

enjoy not having a lambo

>> No.3513808
File: 224 KB, 2014x771, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3k easy
AND it's actually low in price and not up 50%
notice how it keeps going up 10% every once in a while? accumulation.
this is one of the most pump and dumpd coins of all time, you better believe the market makers are going to do it AGAIN

>> No.3513830

why the heck are you posting a chart of gridcoin ?

>> No.3513862

is this true? should i pull the trigger on grc?

>> No.3513877


I'd take some profits now and hold longer if you want.. if I've learned anything its not to be greedy

>> No.3513903

>Shill me on another coin now.
your reading comprehension is not strong is it anon

>> No.3513936

>you better believe the market makers are going to do it AGAIN
it has been pump to above 3k sats two months ago, and you're saying they're going to do it again ? What are the odds ? Why would people buying @3k anyway ?

>> No.3514091

the same people who bought trig at 3000% up.