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3506974 No.3506974 [Reply] [Original]

It seems like a great project but surprised it isn't worth more, am I missing something?

>> No.3507002
File: 955 KB, 1920x1080, 1503671068782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought some nxs and have no clue what it really is

>> No.3507028

i kno that feel

they're quantum resistant and have a conference or whatever

buy buy buy

>> No.3507088

the american __________

>> No.3507103
File: 1.15 MB, 3000x1708, nxs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3507129

it's the american something or other

also ron paul

>> No.3507164

It'll be a top 15 coin in terms of marketcap.

>> No.3507187

For reals though anons, it looks like the chart will form a perfect cup and handle just in time for the conference. Lots of big money going, and if they announce that NXS will be accepted on Overstock.com or something then who knows

>> No.3507213
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>> No.3507273
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Go back to physics class lol this meme is retarded

>> No.3507279

i love how this is the best FUD there is against nexus

>> No.3507327


The best FUD against Nexus is telling people to actually read their whitepaper.

>> No.3507388

Why do you think that?

>> No.3507467

I guarantee you haven't read past the first page of their whitepaper without just skimming through. The whole FUD that circulated with that was based on one paragraph obviously written towards normies, and left out the other 20+ pages of math, equations, and use cases for NXS. Lol nice b8 though

>> No.3507485

>it seems like a great project
oh, you're an idiot.
thanks for letting us know

>> No.3507521
File: 486 KB, 1758x1244, Screen Shot 2017-09-17 at 10.04.07 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fig 1: Shit writing "As is seen that blockchains do solve many monetary challenges"

Quantitative easing graph literally just pulled from another source with no articulation of why it's relevant.

"Oh, you know, just like, banking stuff. Regular money goes down, crypto money goes up, or something"

If an undergrad was constructing an essay like this they'd get a C.

>> No.3507535
File: 52 KB, 1706x270, Screen Shot 2017-09-17 at 10.07.10 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"The fundamental basis for change and freedom"

Peak hand-wavy vague bullshit.

>> No.3507549

they don't call it the american ethereum for nothing, bro

>> No.3507561

What wallet do I store this baby in?

>> No.3507566



They go on for pages and pages about aspects of crypto that are relevant to bitcoin.

From cryptographic functions to hashing to difficulty.

Here's my question for you. Why does a contemporary whitepaper need to spend pages and pages going over shit that relates only to the blockchain space as a whole, not to their coin in particular?

I'll tell you why, because they want to impress idiots with a fuck ton of math and algorithms, but they don't actually have any technological innovation of their own, so they literally just copy and paste shit about bitcoin in the hope people skimming over it are wowed.

A whitepaper is supposed to be a concise document that lays out your innovation and unique model.

By page NINETEEN all they have done is made some vague statements about the problems of the current economic system and then given everyone a beginner course on crypto.

I've never even made it this far into the paper and it's worse than I imagined.

I'll keep going.

>> No.3507572

seriously you're such a cuck. take your english grading back to middle school

>> No.3507603

i hope you stop making these stupid fucking shill threads every day, at least change the op picture so we don't see how sad this bag holding gets

>> No.3507605
File: 176 KB, 570x605, quantitative.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol okay so now we know you either just trolling or skimming and not reading. Anyone can take some shit out of context. The relevance of the quantitative easing graph is shown in literally the next paragraph that you conveniently chose to omit.

Also, they start going into detail about NXS in section TWO. Lol and section 3 is all about what makes NXS different than bitcoin. This is such weak level FUD, but I hope you have driven people to actually read through the whitepaper themselves.

>> No.3507606

nobody is bag holding anything here, dude. it's barely down from ATH, lol.

>> No.3507630


Oh my god, I just reached the conclusion. I don't even know what to say.

This whitepaper literally says absolutely nothing.

The first part talks in the vaguest possible terms about the problems of our modern economic system.

The next part talks about basic cryptographic features in pretty much essay form, with no attempt to explain how/why nexus is adopting or improving on any of them.

The last part talks about quantum issues in the same essay format.

There is literally nothing in this entire document that says:

1) How Nexus is innovating

2) How the economics of their token works (buy pressure, distribution philosophy, token use case)

3) Anything. It's literally two essays about crypto basics put back to back with an intro written by a sophomore. It says NOTHING about hwy this token will be valuable, what Nexus aims to bring to the crypto space, etc.

I can't fucking believe this.

>> No.3507654

>This whitepaper literally says absolutely nothing.
no, that's just your stupid brain being unable to discern anything.

>> No.3507656


What is that graph saying in relation to quantitative easing?

What is the y axis referring to? How is this explained and made relevant in the whitepaper?

How is the inclusion of this graph tied into the broader points they're making?

It's not. They mention quantitative easing and have literally just grabbed an unexplained graph from a website and jammed it in there.

It is insanely amateur. It is literally undergrad level.

>> No.3507661

>Obvious troll is getting even more obvious

>> No.3507670

This kind of anti-shill/fud makes me think it is actually more legit.

>> No.3507693

then buy it you faggot, i hate people who can't see through obvious bullshit more then i hate the people creating it.

>> No.3507697



What innovations are Nexus bringing to blockchain?

What is the economic case for buy pressure on their tokens? What will drive buy pressure down the line?

What specific problems are Nexus addressing and why is blockchain the preferred solution?

>> No.3507705

I can answer all those, but won't.

Don't buy any.

Good luck.

>> No.3507727
File: 90 KB, 477x768, nintchdbpict0002705231652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and guess what, this shit is going to hit $7 pretty fucking soon, kek

>> No.3507742


Ahahahahaha I see Nexus shills are about as skillful as their whitepaper authors.

"I can tell you why my coin is good, but I won't! It's a secret!"


>> No.3507774

Lol how can you accuse them of being "undergrad" when you don't even have the attention span to fully read what they've written? If you had, you'd know the answers to all those questions already. So you must have just skimmed through it looking for points to highlight your argument.

>More decentralized than bitcoin with much longer keys making it much more secure
>Space based network will be protected by maritime law
>Earn NXS by holding it (remember all the NEOmarines freaking out about this concept?)
>Mathematically determined slow drip system until max supply reached

Your other can be applied to any speculative token right now. As far as buy pressure, it will all come down to marketing and acceptance of the token. We will just have to wait and see. But the developers are already rich, and rich people are full of pride. They will not want to see their project fail.

>> No.3507786

If u like ron Paul and your a real American then invest in NXS if ur Indian then gtfo

>> No.3507829


>More decentralized than bitcoin with much longer keys making it much more secure

Bitcoin is currently secure and can transition to quantum resistant wallets in future. Nexus hasn't actually created longer keys, they're just using them. QRL, for example, is a project that is actually innovating when it comes to quantum security.

>Space based network will be protected by maritime law

If this half-arsed, terribly articulated project actually manages to launch a swarm of satellites I will eat my fucking words.

>Staking rewards

Same as tons of other coins

>Deflationary supply model

Same as tons of other coins.

Look, I appreciate the effort in laying that out. You've done better than the rest of them. But can't you see that none of the things you've listed are remotely groundbreaking. (except for the satellite thing, which let's face it is insanely unlikely).

Using 517 keys, having a staking bonus and an emission program are things that just make it a crypto. They don't make it a desirable or groundbreaking crypto.

>> No.3507865

Reversible payments (if both sides want to send that way).

Payments sent to invalid address will be returned.

Suck it.

>> No.3507887

They already have a preliminary deal to launch the satellites. Primary dev's dad is part owner of satellite company.

A lot of you do not deserve to be rich. You're nigger brains.

>> No.3507906

>literally using "my dad works for jagex" logic

>> No.3507952

>Same as tons of other coins
You mean the ones that have rocketed to $50-100? I'm fine with that.

As far as the satellites, their partner company Vector Space has already had successful launches and released pictures of the cube sat prototypes. I would imagine the amount of effort you're putting into all this means you are hoping for a dip to buy in cheaper. More evidence that this project is attracting attention. Good luck anon!

>> No.3507972


I'm not going anywhere near this thing. I'm honestly gobsmacked that it has had any growth at all.

I stand by my criticisms of the whitepaper, I think it's a farce.

Having said that, I don't want anons to lose money, so if people are intent on holding this stuff then all I can say is best of luck.

>> No.3508062

this coin could seriously be huge

>> No.3508143

If this was some shit coin I could see it, but I am trying to be rationale here, the dad OWNS a rocket company and they want to launch satalittes

>> No.3508387


>> No.3508395

the only way this coin will fail is if space really doesn't exist and the flat earthers were right all along

>> No.3508631

Hahah, I like that.