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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 39 KB, 640x400, 01b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3505009 No.3505009 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>be the smart kid
>know about crypto since 2012
>never buy into it because the fundamentals looked shaky
>follow the market for 5 years
>know about ethereum when it was $1
>it gets hacked
>never buy in
>fast forward 2017
>still a nocoiner
>all my friends are bought in, making huge gains
>their parents are proud of them because they are making money by trading and startups
>paris hilton and floyd mayweather are bought in, making gains
>crypto ads on the streets
>normies are raving about the crypto future
>i'm still a loser

I'm good for nothing. Make fun of me and tell me what a piece of trash I am.

>> No.3505015
File: 980 KB, 305x320, 082.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was supposed to be the image btw

But I can't get anything right. Don't expect me to.

>> No.3505039

It's not too late, you can still kill yourself.

>> No.3505046

im in the same boat bro...
sold 16k BTC in 2012 and I watch the graphs every hour of the day.
such is life

>> No.3505047

you weren't the smart kid. just a pretender that needed an ego boost by ripping on cryto, whereas the actual smart kids were buying in.

>> No.3505056

At least you aren't that guy who got his face scalped off by the mexican cartels

>> No.3505068

BS. Post your btc address.

>> No.3505071

if you know crypto since 2101 and have followed the rise of Eth, then sorry but you have no excuse. For fuck sake

Wait for the next crash and get in then.

>> No.3505087

I sold high still can't believe it dropped that much in a couple of days just watching the shit show from the sidelines sitting comfy on cash

>> No.3505107

Pull up your panties and get to work faggot.

>> No.3505112

It's still early you know?

>> No.3505123

cryptocurrency will rise ALOT over the years. it's not too late to invest.

>> No.3505137

LOL bro, you are worried even though you are right. the fundamentals are shaky for this thing. this is just a tulip bubble

heck, warren buffett also agrees with you and so does jamie dimon

dont be worried bro

you were right and you are still right

>> No.3505178

I know they are shaky, but I think the market interest will fix the issues. Eg, there is enough interest now to fix a broken protocol, because billions are to be made.

>> No.3505184

>be the smart kid
>be the smart kid
>be the smart kid
>be the smart kid
>be the smart kid

OP you are not smart. You THINK you are smart because you are an egotistical faggot.

You are the normie.

>> No.3505216

I knew about cryptos because I'm into technology and online privacy and I liked the concept of TOR. From there I found out about cryptos way early. Now I'm still left behind, because I didn't buy in. I guess you could say I'm cowardly.

>> No.3505249

Warren buffet admits he misses moons frequently because he takes very little risks...

JP Morgan bought the fucking dip.

>> No.3505293

well, you're clearly not the smart kid

you're just some dumbass shut-in that heard about crypto from people smarter than you talking about it on the internet


>> No.3505308

That sucks anon.I first heard about this shit in june and bought in a week.You can still buy though

>> No.3505328

You are right. I'm a stupid asshole. This is the worst part. I can't even call myself a tech enthusiast because that's what my Facebook friends with girls, jobs and money are.

I'm literally worthless.

>> No.3505363

maybe he's just risk-averse, like to the point of it being debilitating.
or maybe he tends to be a contrarian, but sometimes that bites him in the ass.
i know what that's like - it's taken me a while to get more comfortable making any trades.
his problem is obviously a bit more severe.

he needs to learn from his mistakes, become a stronger man, and overcome his fears

>> No.3505454

I tried mining ethereum while it was still in alpha. Also wanted to buy it when it was $7 per eth, but didn't. Wanted to buy bitcoin when it was 200$, but I didn't. I tried mining bitcoin when you could still do it using your gpu only, but soon gave up on it for whatever reason.

I got over it eventually and bought into my first crypto in may. Now my portfolio is up 2000%. Just take action and stop crying about the missed opportunities, crypto market still has plenty of space to grow

>> No.3505466

what's a noicoiner

>> No.3506463
File: 556 KB, 540x540, sadcatdiscord1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't commit suicide over this!

Why would you commit suicide!?

That's a stupid idea, bad bad idea!

I used to think of killing myself a lot of times too. Everyday my dad hits me and yells at me and my family is not very good. We have problems financially and my dad sits at home and watches youtube videos instead of works and my mom slaves away everyday. I always used to think of suicide. Then i came to understand life is not only about myself. life is not only about myself, we have end game. Aristotle says that most things have a telos, a final ultimate objective, one true goal.

We are supposed to help others. If you live in north america you have a very blessed life, you can make a living in capitalistic society and not only survive but thrive. Never kill yourself. Worry about others first then yourself and you will in the process be taken care of automatically. Best happiness derived from giving others happiness.

If you need someone to talk to who gone through tough times as well, talk to us in the +2200 member bitpam /biz/ cryptocurrency trading/mining/coding discord server. My name is Parson91. glad to talk to you, please be rational.


>> No.3506891

that was over drugs not crypto