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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3504310 No.3504310 [Reply] [Original]

Hello biz. Just your friendly neighborhood insider here. I thought you should know that someone was watching biz last week and saw that instance of a bunch of white nationalist get stinky rich with the whole IOTA drama. They weren't pleased, In fact to paraphrase what they said "I was shaking with fear. What are we going to do if even more white nationalist are getting richer and start fighting back using the same weapons we do".

Long story short, Everyone agreed they are going to start pushing for regulations and using them as a political stance. So be prepared for it, Fight them. Remember, it wont be the whole world getting regulated, Just the US (Only if they succeed). We've already seen Americans being barred from ICO's, so whats next? America will be locked out of crypto trade if liberals get what they want. You can't allow this to happen.

>> No.3504324
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this thing is fukked up to look at.

>> No.3504333

Luckily I'm not american
I'm a proud kekistani citizen and the Donald won't allow it to happen

>> No.3504334

Libtards won't win, they are that of evil

>> No.3504343

The moment your politicians can benefit from fucking you over they'll regulate. I can't see how they benefit at the moment though, which is probably why it's still unregulated.

>> No.3504350

If you're too dumb to realize that there are literally a million ways around these regulations then you shouldn't be in crypto.

>> No.3504361

fuck outta here /pol/ you poor fucks lmao

>> No.3504368

>We've already seen Americans being barred from ICO's
The laws concerning ICOs in America existed before ICOs existed.

ICOs are not banned in America. Any ICO can be bought within regulation. Any registered ICO can be bought by any American with out exception.

Any ICO that is not a security can be bought by any American with out exception.

>> No.3504573

Fucking dumbass. There is a huge political liability with cryptocurrency and it needs to be discusses freely. The hurr durr pol memento needs to get fucked

>> No.3504589


Regulations literally mean they are afraid, raising the value.

Ever heard of the streisand effect?

>> No.3504605

I don't give a fuck. My parents have a studio smaller than a rathole in Monaco which means 0 tax for me. Not paying into the welfare state so niggers can get free gibs.

>> No.3504608

>he still lives in the USSA

>> No.3504642

If I leave and cancel my citizen ship I have to pay 40% tax on my assets :[

If I leave and don't cancel my citizen ship I have to pay tax on all my foreign earnings to the USA and then to whatever country I'm in. :[

I was born into slavery.

>> No.3504645
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>Implying that Right Wingers are smart enough to use cryptocurrency.

>> No.3504654

The Islamic Organization of Terrorist Attackers will dominate the west. Just as soon as it stops crashing.


>> No.3504656

Do not invite them. This kind of people is not welcome. Crypto is crypto. You do whatever you want with what you got and you are responsible for whatever happens. It's no walk in the park.
That's the reason adoption needs to be slow.

>> No.3504683

My tax advisor told me that there is 0 tax for fighter of the IS? Is that true?

>> No.3504686

jesus christ
>land of the fee home of the slave

>> No.3504689

>so whats next?

Look at Britain for examples. The US would eventually require IDs to purchase anything with sharp edges or points (e.g., knives, sporks, razors, pencils). Freedom of speech would be regulated. You would get prosecuted for making offensive statements. Guns would be completely banned, followed by other weapons. No more collectible samurai swords for fedora-wearing weebs.

>> No.3504708

This is our casino. No kikes allowed. Fuck off back to Wall St, faggot.

>> No.3504712

Just leave on a holiday, then claim political asylum
Or hop a border after smearing some dirt on your face in western europe

>> No.3504729

/biz/ was born out of /pol/ and /g/ alt threads fool

>> No.3504742

Anzu has tits? I thought she was flat

>> No.3504750

>Implying a socialist knows how to feed itself without a trough.

>> No.3504755
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>tfw he GENUINELY believes that /pol/ was a driving force behind the creation of /biz/

How new are you?

>> No.3504757

how ugly are you?

>> No.3504783
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>Implying a whole generation of shut in, anti-social, anime watching, and pseudo-right wing NEETS know how to sustain themselves.

>> No.3504784

So exactly how ass blasted are you over rich nazi autists? Apparently quite so

>> No.3504806
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>and saw that instance of a bunch of white nationalist get stinky rich with the whole IOTA drama

Are you retarded? Every single alt-right cuck sold at a loss because "muh feelingz were hurt". Dumbfucks put politics before money and sold earlier than they should've.

That's a terrible larp by the way, you alt-right cucks should really do a better job at larping when it comes to your circle-jerk.

>> No.3504823

>How new are you?

He probably migrated from r/the_donald around to /pol/ last year. Please be gentle with him.

>> No.3504826
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>> No.3504833
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>Unironically considering yourself a "Nazi" just because you post on /pol/ and have right leaning beliefs that you will NEVER act on in public.

Consider suicide.

>> No.3504867

Eh it's pretty sad really. Poor cuck watched his crush get rammed by some black guy and now he focuses his inner hatred on racism exclusively on the Internet. At least luckily for us, once a beta, always a beta, we have to deal with his kind on the Internet where he feels like he has power but never so in real life.

>> No.3504917

Nice projection there queerboy
I dont consider myself a nazi, might want to sharpen up those reading comprehension "skills" bud. The thread is about some nancy complaining that white nationalists are getting rich off crypto. Which is apparently what has triggered your sissy asses too. :D

>> No.3504936
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>> No.3505017

>1 post by this ID

>> No.3505118

You were right op the liberals are here and thay are scared.

>> No.3505154

The irony is that you're probably the whitest cunt here. You've been afforded such a privileged existence that you can waste time here shitposting about a game you have no skin in.

>> No.3505173

always hilarious to see poltards come on /biz./ and assuming everyone is as retarded as them. Have you considered kys,OP?
you should.

>> No.3505224

Why do /pol/ tards always type like such obnoxious cunts? Idk why but reading stuff from both SJWs and the Alt right makes me really mad, even when they're not talking about politics. I hate that "I'm better than you" attitude that so many of these disgusting nerds seem to have.

>> No.3505239

Yeah, we know that those /pol/tards LARPing as nazis are all actually shitskins, you don't need to remind us.

>> No.3505302


poltards aren't 'alt right' that was a label invented by the (((media))) to smear any voices that don't fit into their little overton window.

>> No.3505347

Crypto seems great now, but its only a matter of time until government start rolling their own and making it mandatory. They will use code to make sure all transaction are traced and taxed, and if you are wanted for a crime they will be able to turn your money off. People wanted crypto for freedom and privacy, but soon the Gov will put DRM in our money.

>> No.3505774

you need to go back

>> No.3506317
File: 75 KB, 721x431, IOTAdontTRUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IOTA is pro-globalist and anti-white. They also had major, unforgivable, security errors.

>> No.3506337

Alt Right has had a like 10 definitions. It never was clear. Richard Spencer did coin. Basically the media saw a term that some said was WN, and others said wasn't, and immediately chose Spencer's side because it helped them smear Trump.

Never forget the lies they spread about Pepe. That was fucking peak 2016. Pepe on Hillary Clinton's campaign's official website. Then the ADL and SPLC picked it up. I can't help but laugh.

>> No.3506353

Roaches are not welcome on this board. We only post asians here.

>> No.3506356

The most pathetic part of that is it is peak Moot. Brag about lolicon. Virtue Signal against "Nazis". Work for Google. Bugpeople must be squashed.