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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3502856 No.3502856 [Reply] [Original]

Welp /biz/ I lost 75% of my starting fiat trying to buy the dip and having to sell it when the dip continues. I hope you're happy that you ruined my life and over a decade of savings.

>> No.3502864

Heh... Nothing personal kid why don't you buy some kids coin

>> No.3502866

Why would you sell at a loss? Are you really surprised that you lost money?

>> No.3502880

We didn't ruin your life, you did

>> No.3502882

biz has the extreme of both sides constantly on it, you are the one ho took sides learn to take responsibility for ur mind and maybe ul make sum $$$

>> No.3502885

>having to sell

this is where you fucked up

>> No.3502896

If you blindly listen to people giving advice on a japanese cartoon website you fucking deserve it. Finally we have some natural selection wiping out retarded fucks like you.

>> No.3502898

>Gambling all savings
>Buying high selling low

You ruined your life through bad decision making.

>> No.3502905


When you buy the dip you are supposed to hodl it until it goes back up. If you sell during the dip you aren't buying the dip retard. You need iron hands.

>> No.3502904
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Retard. You buy a little of the dip and gradually average down until it finds a bottom. You don't go all in on what you think is the bottom, that's so dumb, you have no idea if it's going to keep going down or not, that's why you put a little in and then average down. Idiot.

And you DEFINITELY don't sell when it keeps going down, you dumb ass. You buy more.

>> No.3502910

>buy the dip
>sell the bigger dip
Great plan anon! Would you like to work for my investment firm!

>> No.3502919

I know the OP is just memeing but there have to be people who really do this. Like they NEED THE MONEY RIGHT AWAY so they think they can just dump it into the internet and get out 200% an hour later because of some stupid ad they saw on Facebook. The problem isn't that crypto is unregulated, the problem is that there will always be morons and without them it's not possible to make absurd instant gains.

>> No.3502952

Sometimes you are the moron, anon.

>> No.3502957

You should not have fell for Chinese hold no market share of btc meme

>> No.3502988

you're the one who gambled your money based on internet strangers advice.

>> No.3502991

>tfw no qt 3.14 anime gf

>> No.3502997
File: 37 KB, 800x450, peopledie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you sell during the dip you aren't buying the dip

>> No.3503205

Plenty of us warned you and the rest that it was a bull trap.

>> No.3503236

>trying to time the market
>not just dumping your fiat into crypto as it comes in
step it up

>> No.3503243

>you ruined my life and over a decade of savings.

You are a total fucking moron for listening to anything LARPchan has ever said about anything

>> No.3504106


>Use risk management.
>Don't fucking fomo buy/sell.
>Never go all in.
>Do lots of research before every trade.
>Deternine your Take Profit (price level you think will be reached that you intend to close your trade at)
>Determine your Stop Loss (price level at which you will be highly certain that the price is going against you and you close your trade at to prevent further capital loss)
>Plan the trade, trade the plan (this is the most important, don't let your emotions drive your trading)
>When you close every trade analyze the differences from what you predicted would happen and what actually happened and learn from it
>If you lose a trade and it makes you too sad or angry, don't trade for a few days and let it pass
>If you win big don't get over confident
>Unpreparedness, fear and greed is what kills you in the market

>> No.3504164

You're fucking retarded.