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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3502800 No.3502800 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become wealthy as an artist ?

> ib4 draw furry homo porn

Should I just quit and start doing something boring like selling Chinese products or gambling shitcoins ?

>> No.3502903

By trading crypto. Art is for faggots (you)

>> No.3502937

Learn to code and market. Start ARTCoin ICO. Be rich.

>> No.3502961

commercial art. Graphic design, merchandise, products, etc. Anything massed produced.

Put all your earnings into crypto and get rich.

Also, furry homo porn. You're welcome

>> No.3502980

Hello anon,

It's simple. let me explain guide for poor artist anons guide to be rich fag anon.

>research some form of mafia
>go find these drug dealing freaks
>tell them you want to launder there money
>sell paintings for millions to drug mafia and then spend money on other mafia
>they pay you for this
>you are now rich fag

Pros: your rich, get some drugs and bitches
Cons: risk your life, FBI fags, always scared, your art stays shit

>> No.3502982

draw furry homo porn, I think you'll be good at it

>> No.3503114


>> No.3503146

become a Pimp

>> No.3503175

>selling Chinese products
Is that even good money anymore? Anyone and their mother already buys shit via AliBaba. Can't profit of them anymore

>> No.3503772

Furry homo porn is the most lucrative thing you mentioned to be honest.

>> No.3503838

Draw porn. For real. Sex sells.
Also accept requests for custom artwork and charge accordingly. Do be prepared for some really weird request though. Like vore MLP hoof sticking in ass while the hoofed pony eats the other pony's anal prolapse. And shit like that.

>> No.3503854

Where would one post offers?

>> No.3503866

I don't know what half that shit is but I know it's a money maker. Better start researching furry anatomy, OP.

>> No.3504033

/artist/ here

Being a literal merchant is fun and can be rewarding. First off, you need to create something people want. Next, you have to sell the product to people. Try not to be a raging faggot for the selling part. Lot of artists have trouble with the selling part.

Or just draw fucked up furry porn. The fags have lots of money and like art.

>> No.3504323

Hey OP, i actually do art as a full time thing and it's my main source of income besides crypto.

Anyone that makes a living off doing furry porn, or any individual level commissions, is either broke as hell or exhausted as hell from working overtime. The goal you need to get to is to be able to turn one piece of art into a mass produced product where you can just shit things out and reprint them for a few years.

Doing one piece of porn can pull you a couple hundred, but turning something into a poster, a shirt, a bumper sticker, etc etc means that you can make thousands off it, and you never have to stop making money off of it. Most of my money comes from selling prints at conventions (pulling in a profit of 5k ish a weekend) and online store sales (I don't have an online following, so maybe like 2k/month? Popular artists can easily make more though). I'm not super wealthy, but I'm easily over the poverty line. I've pulled over 10k at a con before.

Money is easily doable in art. But you've got to stop chasing after individual people with small bucks that'll make you work over time to get their $. If you really don't think you can create a business with your art that would appeal to the masses, and you insist on doing commission work, stick to as much industry as possible since you're selling the rights to use it commercially and can charge much, much more.
It's not like you wanted the commercial use of furry porn anyways, right?
Work smarter, not harder.

>> No.3504348


which part of "I dont like drawing horse dicks" dont you people understand ?

seriously guys I dont like drawing furry, is there a way to make lots of money without being a slave to furries ?

it would no different than wageslaving, you are doing something you dont like just for the money.

That pretty much applies to any industry, Create something that people like, market it then sell it.

How do you know what to create ?

>> No.3504370

That's literally life. Doing what you hate for money so you don't die. Enjoy your horse cocks.

>> No.3504378

Commisions for /d/
probably at the level of furry homo porn

>> No.3504382
File: 16 KB, 178x269, 1496939064756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become a controversial edgy artist that hints prime pussy but subtly announces legal age.

>> No.3504431

Thanks for the input bro,

that's what I've been thinking, every time art comes up in /biz/ everyone says "draw furry and make lots of money", for some reason people have this skewed view that its easy money.

I've done commissions before and its a lot of work for the kind of money you get, it won't make you wealthy unless you have a product like you say, that you can sell many many times.

Biggest issue is knowing what to create and market.

btw do you do erotic or normal art ? how do you pick what to turn into a product and mass produce ?

>> No.3504446

I dont want to get in jail, shad has titanium balls.

>> No.3504506

I do a small amount of suggestive, but for the most part sfw illustrations. While I love drawing tits and ass, the fact of the matter is that most people, no matter what age, aren't too comfortable putting erotic stuff on their walls. Online, people have no problem liking and saving lewd stuff, but a physical purchase requires a certain kind of person and I've decided that I can make a lot more money off the percentage off the population that doesn't. The only time I do erotic stuff is for pre-order online sales, so I don't end up overstocked.

Unfortunately, I can't tell you what to make, obviously, but there's a decently straightforward process. It works the same as creating any other business or brand. What do you like/feel you could put your passion into? (hopefully it's not shitty modern art that most normies look down on). Now find an audience, one definitely exists. Now find out what other people in that field are selling, or how they're making money. I've put in years and years of research into my market, my demographic, etc. The art is 25%, but the business sense is 75%. I promise you there are bucket loads of god awful artists making far more money then either of us could ever dream of.

What kind of garbage do you like to make, OP?

>> No.3504618

I'll add another 2 sats.

I don't draw horse dicks either, just amused at the idea of artists so desperate for a sale they gotta draw furry shit.

You gotta create what comes to mind. Be inspired. Be a god damned artist. If you have no talent, creativity or ideas, you should probly go get a dishwashing job.

I personally do not draw. I'm a gold/silver smith. People like shiny metal, esp if I make it into something nice. Think about what people buy. Look around. Go to a few art gallaries. Go to an art show. Go to a museum. Most of all, get the fuck off 4chan and go make something.

>> No.3504717

I'm not into anything specific, maybe more into dark creepy stories or pinups, anything like that, obviously straight erotic/porn art is great but I feel that there's an over-saturation, I could be wrong though.

Months ago I planned on creating an edgy/controversial comic but again creating something original could potentially be a huge waste of time and money.

Biggest problem I believe is finding an audience, that's why everyone keeps repeating the furry thing as its an easy to reach mass of people.

do you create fan or original art ?

>> No.3504843

I'd honestly suggest you stay away from comics unless it's an absolute passion project, since it's an entire booklet of art for just dollars, until you at least build up a fan base.

Unfortunately, I don't know very much about horror communities; the closest I can think of is gore. But I think a good place to start would be to check out if anyone's doing stuff similar to what you want to do on Patreon, clothing design sites like Teefury, store sites like etsy and storenvy, even try to get some leads on a community on Reddit (which is also great for self advertising). On all of these sites, you can see who's making the most and what they have to offer. Stay away from /ic/ in terms of actual advice, it's a cesspool where most people don't even draw anymore and they pushed out all the people legitimately trying to help. No one makes it on /ic/.

Also, obviously I wouldn't tell you to spend money on a comicon (which would probably have some similar style vendors, since they attract all genres), but if your city has a First Friday, you can give that a shot too. Most people are willing to help out and talk about their experiences so long as you aren't prying too much into specifics.

So don't do:
>how much money do you make?
>where do you get (unconventional merch) made?
>what should I draw to make money?

The reason it's so easy to make money at an event vs trying to grab at money online, is that everyone attending the event assuredly had an interest in what is there, and probably came expecting to spend money on what they like. Your customers come to you. Online, the easiest way to build yourself a customer base is to update often, as much as you can (this is where I lack, since I only draw maybe twice/thrice a year, choosing to focus on the business side of things). But focus on what others are doing right, and just do as much studying and research as you can in on what others are doing to succeed.

Also, I do a mix of original and fan art.

>> No.3504859

draw girls and make money through Patreon.

>> No.3505198
File: 779 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_0907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Move to New York City
2. Go to art galleries and art museums
3. Learn what the elite likes (study the type of art made)
4. Make similar art
5. NETWORK; get involved in the scene; TALK TO PEOPLE
6. ...
7. Profit

It won't be easy. Just saying.

Study Damien Hirst, too. He's the wealthiest artist in the world.

Pic related is a photograph I took in one of the Chelsea galleries.

>> No.3505233

They don't make money because their art is good they make it by money laundering. He's selling drugs or child sex slaves to elites and they pay by buying his shit art.

>> No.3505255

furry art or mlp art
some make good 5-6 figures