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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.02 MB, 1528x977, ethbet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3502677 No.3502677 [Reply] [Original]



tomorrow is the day

the day whales buy all this shit and im left with none of it after 3 minutes of the sale

yes, finally

>> No.3502693

if you buy in on the first block no one can get in before you

as long as decent fee. it shouldn't be THAT bad, not like 10 seconds. i think you'll have an hour.

>> No.3502736

is this really going to be sold out in a minute?
im not sure im quick enough to compete if it is

>> No.3502748



>> No.3502769

Why should I buy this shit ?

>> No.3502771

well I hope not im tired of fucking missing every coin

>> No.3502781


i see this shit being posted here daily. I got some spare ETH. Shill it to me OP

>> No.3502782

- cap of only 5,000 ETH
- lots of demand
- first peer to peer betting on the blockchain
get in first or enjoy missing out on the free 2x flip

>> No.3502796

Other dicing tokens have done really really well and this one is asking for way less money than they did, so more room for gain.

You should really read the whitepaper it's actually well done and technical like it should be, not some pajeet or over the top marketing bullshit.

>> No.3502803

oh look one of 100 gambling icos sure all of them will x5 immediately

>> No.3502818
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>> No.3502826


Thank you very much!

When is their prototype coming out ?

>> No.3502840

they already have the protocol description done and a working off-blockchain demo on the website, so the dicing one will be really quick i think, maybe within 1-2 months.

even if you're not that patient just try to flip it for 4x, i bet you it will pump at a random time within 1-2 weeks after hard cap

>> No.3502857

fuck off just buy in the first block if you're so worried

>> No.3502889
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>> No.3502938

is the contract live yet, too?

so i can paste address in case its hard to get

>> No.3503003

dont bother. it's not i dont think, or not public

>> No.3503009

>implying it won't meet the hard cap during the first several hours

>> No.3503046

well, here, I can put it this way

if it does hard cap that soon there's enough demand for a 2x flip

if it doesnt shill it afterwords and flip it anyway

but still

>> No.3503047

How and where do i invest/buy this

>> No.3503091

wait until tomorrow

send eth from a working wallet you own to their address


>> No.3503118

I am so hyped for this shit

1) no bullshit verification
2) low market cap
3) it's tomorrow
4) tokens are not even locked so you can do whatever you want

bring it on.

>> No.3503159

but what if you dont

get in

at all

>> No.3503182

we'll all get in unless youre a fucking idiot

the only way you wont is if it's all bought out in the first block with high tx fees

not gonna happen

>> No.3503189

This app is retarded scam.

>> No.3503193

lol found the pajeet

>> No.3503199
File: 58 KB, 615x764, 1502133594744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks to all your fucking shilling, some whale is going to buy up everything with a fucking 50 ether gas price or something so he gets first

go to hell op, you ruined everything



>> No.3503201

by all means PLEASE do not invest in this

i dont need people like you stealing parts of the market cap so totally fUCK off

>> No.3503213

yes, but there will be so much demand if you get in you'll be set for free gains

so you have to at least try. if you miss out then that's that but else it's still a great fucking chance

>> No.3503297

trust me, it will be fine

>> No.3503519

whale confirmed?

how much eth do you have

hand it over

>> No.3503559

ETH? 100

probably a whale compared to /biz/ users

>> No.3503649

How much gas should I put in to get in at the first block? And how much would that cost comparing to putting the usual gas

>> No.3503690

desu imo if you are literally sending in the first block why not just do like $10, i think there's no way it can sell out in literally one block you should be okay

>> No.3503712

But how much gas is 10 dollars? 400k? Im new to ethereum, thanks for the help

>> No.3503733

usually things are like 50K gas, if it's a bigger transaction it can be a few hundred K, a million or more to publish a lot of data or huge contracts

i really dont think you should be worrying about it but I guess since the default transaction fee is like 50 cents, you could 20x it and end up with like 1M gas if you wanted to

>> No.3503762

I don't understand. Why is everyone so pumped up over this, the demo isnt built on the blockchain. the whitepaper is somewhat technical but hardly a guarantee this thing will get built?? You could always buy it after the project is built and token gets traded

>> No.3503782

one word: $1M market cap

again, if this was asking for 20 million USD we wouldnt be fawning over it

but if the supply is way less than the demand, those with the supply (First buyers) will get free gains.

so we dont wall want to hold this for 6 months. that sounds great too due to the low market cap, but a good solid flip sounds really possible.

whitepaper was good yea, but i think it has enough. it sounds like it's basically the 0x of gambling, and 0x is worth like 200M. obviously not a completely fiar comparison

but still. feel free to not buy it since it looks like it's hard to get in anyway

>> No.3503813

at least they arent being greedy jews like the rest of these, setting their caps at 150M just to make sure they get every fucking cent they can

>> No.3503920

nah, this is better since if a sale hits hard cap really easily like this then investors all get great returns

so instantly it builds them loyal investors, good community, etc etc

>> No.3503930

So how does this work? I'm willing to put 1 eth into it. When the crowdsale is open you can register and send them eth to a wallet or some shit or where do you do the exchange?

I've never done anything meme like this but I love rolling

>> No.3503955

theyre doing it by smart contract so just 1) have eth in supported wallet, 2) send it when it's open

no registration needed. 1ETH wont get you much but if youre poorer then go for it yea

>> No.3503978

They'll give you their address. You need to send your ETH to that address, that's it.
Just make sure NOT to send from an exchange. You need to control the address that you send it from (myetherwallet, metamask, etc). You'll receive the tokens on the address.

>> No.3503987

*on that address.

>> No.3504098

>1ETH wont get you much but if youre poorer then go for it yea

How much are you guys putting into this?
1 eth sounds like a lot to me. And I have 45~ total.

>> No.3504111

im putting in 30, some others are putting anywhere from 5 to like 100

if you have 45 total id personally but in like 10, or if you love the risk then 30 or more, but up to you. at least more than 1 though so you can get a taste of the gains instead of not caring

>> No.3504195

if he isn't willing to take the risk he can get out if he's a rich fag and only putting in 1%, leave it for people who actually take risks

>> No.3504228
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WILL they let me buy if im in the USA?

>> No.3504304

pls help

>> No.3504319

fuck off retard

>> No.3504328
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Edgeless FTW

>> No.3504339
File: 16 KB, 181x165, 2AB07F4000000578-3168180-image-a-65_1437395763627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it says on the site to not attempt to buy if in USA, but what happens if i do buy?

>> No.3504351

you will be put into jail

>> No.3504357

What happens if you send it and miss out?
How do I get their address?

>> No.3504491

if you send it and miss out you just get your money back but no tokens
nothing, no one can stop you.

besides the globalists

>> No.3504523

cia gonna rape ypu

>> No.3504585


starting block soon tm

>> No.3504593



>> No.3504604


Dope site bro.

>> No.3504667

So you guys intend to sell as soon as it hits exchanges or..?

>> No.3504759

yeah, to get my initial out, the rest stays
I'm a poorfag tho, only 3 ETH going into it

>> No.3504794

Is this gonna effect the price of ETH tomorrow. What usually happens to ETH during a shilled ICO? I've just recently got back into crypto after a while. I remember bitcoin being at 500$ back then.

>> No.3504798

apparently it is already listed on one exchange, interesting

>> No.3504808


>eth market cap: 23,619 million
>ethbet sale cap: 1.5 million


>> No.3505183

he definitely HAS been gone for awhile.

>> No.3505763

should help out anyone trying to scalp a lot that's cool

>> No.3505819

Peasant here, this will be my first ICO.
Do I need to buy exact multiples, or a fractionary number (like 1.3 ETH) will work as well?

>> No.3505835

looks like anything will work up to like 0.00001 or something so anything

>> No.3505861

good luck getting in

>> No.3506029

Thank you.

I hope it won't be as bad as some people are saying. I bought some BTC today and converted it to ETH just to be sure, even with the BTC prices going down

>> No.3506081

Who's going to bet away their Ether on dice games? Is the platform going to use some kind of operant conditioning like pokies, pachinko & mobile games?

I don't know if there are enough degenerate gamblers out there to bet on a simple dice game when there's nothing to back it up (i.e character building in a mobile game, or the sights/sounds of playing pokies/pachinko, or the rush of watching a sports game)

what's the market like for online casinos, excluding games with a perceived edge like poker?

>> No.3506170

brah, every heard of satoshidice? the site that gold sold for literally like 130,000 bitcoins, and all the other dice sites, that were so popular they were like 50% of all btc transactions at one point

dicing is the shit desu

>> No.3506204

>Who's going to bet away their usd on dice games?

t. brainlet

>> No.3506475

it shouldnt be that bad

unless /biz/ has whales, but i dont think it has real whales, only like 10-100eth max

>> No.3506783

>any intelligent users or investors at all
nice try

>> No.3506872

this looks really good, but what do we do if we dont get in?

just do nothing or do we try to buy it on exchange right after

>> No.3506912

happened with BAT, granted that there's not as much hype here but it also has one of the lowest marketcaps for ICOs we've seen in quite a while.

>> No.3506939

this obviously isnt as big as bat but looks like the cap is so low gain potential is still 10/10

>> No.3506941

I've got 100 ETH and don't consider myself a whale by any means. I know other people here who have more. /biz/ having no whales is a retarded meme and newfags only believe it because they're unaware of how many people here bought in on ETH at under $2.

>> No.3506961

you have 100 but are you going to put 100 into ethbet? that'd be 2% of tokens so pretty big deal if so

>> No.3506966

No, not really interested in this.

>> No.3506982

well then it sounds less important. if the whales just sit in huge coins like eth and btc no one will notice. if a bunch of 100ETH biztards were investing it all in ethbet i'd be worried about getting in really anyway

>> No.3506997
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>tfw already have the tab open waiting to send in the first block and outbid everyone else tomorrow

feels superior man

>> No.3507019

the first block doesn't matter anon

>> No.3507045

just in case it does though, im ready

>> No.3507072

>100 ETH
you're funny

>> No.3507087

compared to /biz/ im sure he's pretty fucking well off honestly, but yea 100eth isnt really that much at all in the big picture

>> No.3507101

Are you guys illiterate? I said above that I "don't consider myself a whale by any means."

>> No.3507114

actually, i am illiterate

damn now who do i make fun of instead

>> No.3507205

>secretly shilling this to piss people off becuase if too many people try to buy this not everyone will get in

nice one OP. nice.

>> No.3507249

if you had read any of the thread at all youd realize it wont be hard to get in so relax

>> No.3507294

you never know. gotta be ready anyway.

>> No.3507500

after day one can we make this the official /biz/ shill coin?

like ark and we all just fucking make 10x or 20x while all the other /biz/friends hop on?

>> No.3507553

dont ask us. just buy in and then start doing it and we'll join in

gonna get rich together famalam
feels good

>> No.3507600

sure but it works out better when it's coordinated. oh well going to buy this anyway and see how well it goes, looking good so far

>> No.3507664

just let it happen. if you want this token, buy it, if you dont leave it for us

>> No.3507671

Doesn't this have a cap of 20m?
And dividends are paid out by using your tokens to gamble on a chance of getting a little percentage of the dividends pool?

There's Better gaming icos out that will have a lot more room to grow

>> No.3507681

>Doesn't this have a cap of 20m?
have you paid any attention to anything?

the cap is 1.5M. Why do people keep asking if it has a 30m or 20m cap, no , it does not. It's 5,000ETH, or somewhere between 1-2M at most.

That's all, and that's why we like it. Go away and buy some other shitcoin so there's more for us

>> No.3507694

this. God fucking damnit

>> No.3507713

he probably just mistook this for etheroll

this isn't etheroll, the difference is this one is peer-to-peer and more innovative

promise we'll get in or i'll send you some ETH for your troubles mate

>> No.3507720


5000 ETH is like $1.25 mil

>> No.3507730
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shut the fuck up idiot

>> No.3507772

how do I buy this scam coin?

>> No.3507795

Legit i thought this was ethroll

>> No.3507797

you dont. it's not open yet, 20 hours left.

just leave.

>> No.3507802

seriously though how can you realistically get in?

This shit is gonna be bought up within seconds.

>> No.3507809

Lmao at anyone who buys this shit. You deserve it honestly.

Just buy Edgeless if you want to make money.

>> No.3507824

>Market Cap: $114,458,674
>No one even uses it.

Just leave. Fuck off to your Edgeless thread

>> No.3507989
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Get rekt americunts

>> No.3508013

>We have added an entry to our Crowdsale FAQ that should help out users that intend to contribute as soon as the contract will allow them to.

look what you guys made them do

>> No.3508247


so all you need to do is send the transaction when it is 1 block before the one they mention?

>> No.3508281

it seems like it yea, but there's no way it can sell out in a block so i might wait a few or 1 just in case

>> No.3508298

what does this mean? cant i just send my money as soon as the countdown is over and the adress is revealed

>> No.3508415

you poorfags have no idea where are you putting your money into.

I checked the code they have released and its mostly copy&paste, no skill at all. These guys wont be able to build what they plan. Also you wont have liquidity to sell.

Dont throw your eth like retards ffs

>> No.3508427

cope they already had a working successful demo

>> No.3508463

its too simple and its not even on the blockchain. Hows this worth +1M USD? should sell for 1k max to one of those minigames sites

>> No.3508506

Just made 'lord /biz/' lose 1000 ETH. What a faggot.

>> No.3508512

>Hows this worth +1M USD?
here is the thing. it's not.

NOTHING is worth what he market cap is.

How the fuck is dash worth 2.2 billion?
how is dogecoin worth 92 million?
how are companies with zero product worth 100-1000 million +

i dont know, but they are. I look at Ethbet's code and the crowdsale contract is custom-written and done very well, also asked about their demo and reasoning behind it, so i have a lot of confidence in them

but EVERYTHING is overvalued here, so just get used to it

>> No.3508526


>> No.3508533

I've asked them to open-source their demo site and they just don't give a shit

apparently a scam

the token will not be even listed on an exchange

don't waste your money

>> No.3508544

we know you just want it for yourself but

im calling you out just because you're blatantly lying instead of being clever.

It's ALREADY on etherdelta. please, try harder

>> No.3508548
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And again.
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

>> No.3508561

k try this one, edge of 10%

>> No.3508568

what exchanges will it be on and when?

>> No.3508569

>it's already on a decentralized exchange
i can print an eth erc20 token out of nothing right now and get it trading right fucking now if you want

no serious exchange will list this shit

>> No.3508588

the exchanges that list hunderds of tokens absolutely will

it takes them no technical work, it's erc20

it gives them free money, they get trading fees.

Will it be on coinbase and bitfinex? no
will it be on etherdelta? yes
cryptopia, yobit, liqui, possible others? dont see why not

already listed on at least one, theyre waiting for crowdsale for more

>> No.3508598

can you stop refuting his points we dont need more people trying to get in in the first minute

>> No.3508609

which one desu

>> No.3508619


>> No.3508629

it's on etherdelta. not the largest exchange but having it at all listed BEFORE it's even tradeable/sold is nice, so you know it's guaranteed to be at least somewhere.

i think you can pay some other shitcoin exchanges small fees to get it listed too

>> No.3508630

> https://demo.ethbet.io

How would anyone want shit shitty program for himself??

If you cannot open-source this shit, apparently you will not open source the final working product that will be deployed on Etheruem network.

Oh, there will probably not be a working product at all

>> No.3508641

PLEASE by all means dont buy this coin then, because as someone who has actually talked to the developer it couldn't be more obvious how wrong you are

again i do not in any way care about trying to change your mind, im really happy the way i am

>> No.3508655

just shut up and stop bumping the thread.

you're making it worse by even replying to him.

>> No.3508670

rekt :)
next stop, 40,000 at top of hiscores

that guy had a 20,000 bet up forever and someone finally got to it and bet against it even though it was 50% edge rofl

>> No.3508685

Who built this? Where can I find out the info of the founders and developers?

I get itchy feet when this information isn't readily available. Are there any advisors?

>> No.3508698

>falling for the 'advisor' meme
it's gambling related and an ICO so it's understandable why they dont put their names on the page.

but just dont invest honestly it's already going to take fees to get in

>> No.3508704

no they are just random anonymous scammers

> account created 3 months ago
> 100% anonymous even on github https://github.com/Ethbet/
> no source code for a proof of concept or the demo site

>> No.3508723

>has publicly done multiple Q&As
>source code for all contracts is published, verified, auditied, and public bug bounties were available and are still visible

3 months is a pretty long time, look at the other ICOs, you'll see plenty of 0-2 month accounts.

Etheroll dev is anonymous too, like the above guy said, people are anonymous for a reason. Really just fuck off and dont invest if you dont like it, it's that easy

>> No.3508732

i think the code is on the github honestly, maybe not the full part of the demo, but they did publish the protocol they intended to use in detail in the whitepaper

>> No.3508743

are you guys retarded?

this guy is clearly helping us by wasting his time in this thread and isn't going to invest anyway

i sware you are all retarded somteimes, i i miss out on this becuase you guys bumping this im going to die

>> No.3508773
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I'll tell you why I'm shilling this, if you don't get it.

I am getting in first becuase I'm competent. I also emailed the developer and so I have more information than everyone else in here, in addition to having read a lot. That's why I'm shilling it.

Because I already know I'm making a great choice, and the more demand there is for this coin, the better my choice is going to be.

If I don't get in SOMEHOW then you were right, but I will, I always do

>> No.3508781


>> No.3508787

if i just send my eth as soon as the adress comes up am i good to go?

>> No.3508795

it's great you think you're superior but i'm probably in the same spot you are, and i say it's better to do it after you already get in, just to make sure.

you might as well.

>> No.3508800

they published a post on it if you check the twitter, well, it's in the faq section.

but basically yes as long as youre quick

>> No.3508809

you're partially right. i'll let the thread die for both of us.

good luck.

>> No.3508811

is this the address we send ether to?

>> No.3508823

im usually mean but i feel bad for you so no

that is the token contract, you have to wait for the crowdsale, it should be clear.

be careful lol

>> No.3508849

if this is true why dont just keep it quiet, buy it and THEN, AFTER YOU BUY start shilling

>and the more demand there is for this coin, the better my choice is going to be

imo you are a paid shill cashing out what probably is the 10% in the crowdsale reserved for "partners"

and also btw do not forget the paid likes, retweets and followers this project has on twitter. 100% scam tactics

>> No.3508871

he stopped bumping the thread for what it's worth.

he's partially right as well because the higher demand is when it caps, the more we can instantly flip for. but just in case he doesnt get in he'd end up with 0 profits

as far as twitter goes the entire platform is bots and censorship what do you expect

>> No.3509106

nice just bought 0k but 100k tomorrow