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3502400 No.3502400 [Reply] [Original]

I have my first somewhat of a big-deal interview this coming Thursday and I need some pointers. I've applied for an internship to an auction gallery with a no doubt competitive interning scene but its essential that I get field experience if I ever want to get into the art market for a career

That said, what kind of advice can you give me for the interview? What should I wear, and would a suit be too much or standard par?

>> No.3502516

>get big interview as new college graduate
>not sure if suit is too much
>wear a suit to the interview
>sitting in the lobby
>manager walks into the lobby, greets the secretary
>he sees me and stops for a second
>think hes going to cough or something
>realize hes laughing
>tears form in his eyes as the laughter becomes too much, shouts "A FUCKING SUIT" and guffaws
>secretary cant help herself either, starts laughing along and texting photos of my ridiculous interview clothing choice to her coworkers
>run out building crying

Thats why i never EVER wear a suit to an interview

>> No.3502517

Well, I don't really have any experience with that line of work, but I do know how to interview.

If it's a sales job, then confidence and smooth talking is key. Anticipate questions that the interviewer will ask you and practice delivering your answers in front of a mirror until you have them polished and memorized. It's key that you should not appear to stall or get stumped during the interview. Maintain open body language and good upright posture. Give a firm handshake. Maintain eye contact both when speaking and when listening. Every detail of your appearance and speech should exude confidence. I'm not sure if you should wear a suit, but red is a key color since this also expresses confidence and is a loud and aggressive color. If you do wear a suit, wear a red tie. If you don't, wear a red polo with khakis. If you get nervous easily then I recommend taking a small dose of xanax before the interview.

Project positive energy with every reaction and response. Smile. Use phrases like "It's great to meet you," "I'm very excited about this opportunity." etc. If you are an introvert at heart that obscure this and make yourself sound like a huge people person. If you have little to no job experience then don't dwell on it, be positive by talking about how excited you are to learn the trade. Speak as passionately as you can and enunciate. It's important not to mumble or speak in a monotone, you are an energetic person who speaks smoothly and fluently. Attitude is really more important than accomplishments, remember that you are trying to make an impression on this person that they will remember when it's time to hire someone. If you do have accomplishments, inflate them.

Other basic pointers include not talking too much about money and not being critical of any previous employers.

Any of this helping?

>> No.3502543

Almost forgot, make sure to talk with your hands! Use gestures when speaking to reinforce your points. People who talk with their hands command attention and exude confidence and self-assurance. Do not let your hands rest in your lap while you're talking, if sitting down. Do not stuff them in your pockets if standing up. Leave them at your sides if you don't know what to do with them, but when talking, they should be constantly in emphatic motion.

>> No.3502557

Do you know the person who will interview you? What they look like, how old they are, what kind of person they are? It could give you an enormous advantage.

>> No.3502558

Christ, where did you interview?

Definitely, and I think I can do that. I'm a confident person at heart so I think I've got that much down. In terms of anticipating questions, that may be a bit trickier. I think they'll be oriented towards what art knowledge I have from classes I've taken but I can manage that much, it is my major after all. I think I will wear a suit only because its in the classy part of the city and it looks like the employees all wear suits as well. If your claim about red is legit, would a suit in burgundy be a sound choice?

>> No.3502559


>> No.3502573

The auction gallery's president will be interviewing me. She's probably in her 40s to 50s but I have no idea what she's like. She looks nice though, if her appearance could give and descriptive qualities

>> No.3502606
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I think a burgundy suit might be overdoing it... but then again, it's an art auctionhouse. I don't know shit about how people dress there. Maybe a louder suit would give you an edge, but there's a chance that you won't be able to pull it off and it will look silly. A safer bet would be something closer to pic related. The splash of red projects confidence and power, but the suit is simple, subtle, and business like. As long as it's well tailored, a look like this is pretty much fool-proof.

As far as the questions go, sit down in front of microsoft word and do your best to think of any question you think they may ask you, and write them all down. Then write your own answers in a separate document. Research if you have to.

If you have someone willing to help you, have them do a series of mock interviews with you where you practice the answers to the questions until they are smoothly memorized. Have them through in a surprise or two to keep them on your toes.

If you have no partner then interview yourself in front of a mirror and practice your body language and delivery while you get the lines memorized.

>> No.3502626

upscale contemporary or low to mid market antique style auction house?

>> No.3502655

Don't ever match your pocket square and tie exactly. Looks costumey

>> No.3502673

pro advice: bring a small gift

>> No.3502688

Okay, this is good info. Females are much easier to interview with than males. Since it is a woman, you can actually dial back the aggressive approach I've been describing, from like a 9 to a 7. Women are generally easier to impress than men and less likely to "size you up." So that makes things a lot easier. Still, she's a business woman and a person with authority, not some HR nobody. Remember that.

Are you handsome? If you are good looking then this will be a piece of cake. Do your best to maximize your appearance. Think handsome, not sexy. This woman is in her 40s or 50s. Think classic look, Clark Gable style.

Regarding her age, older people tend to respond well when they see that you are responsible and level-headed. Try to project an image of yourself as conservative and down-to-earth rather than "cool," or "hip," if that makes sense. You want to try to find some common ground with this person.

>> No.3502760

Its definitely upscale but its not really contemporary. It seems they deal in some trinkets between the 1700s to the current, a lot of furniture and the like. Mostly what scholars would refer to as "minor" arts but anything to get field experience.

Like what? I've honestly never heard of such a thing

I think that's solid info. I usually talk better with women than I do with men anyway, especially older ones. And yeah, I'm like 7/10 handsome so I think rolling up in a suit will definitely give me an edge

>> No.3502794

Sounds to me like you've got in the bag already, man. :-)

>> No.3502811

I think so too, thanks for the advice compadre

>> No.3502902

wear a conservative suit with some flair. Nice medium dark grey suit with modern pattern, white shirt, brown oxfords, no belt, white pocket square. Make sure it fits good.

>> No.3502921

This is gold anon