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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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350112 No.350112 [Reply] [Original]

Is advertising on 4chan a good idea?

>> No.350128

i don't see why not.
moot gets tens of millions unique visitors every month.

>> No.350129

Depends on what product you're selling.

>> No.350135

It's an ambient social location app, but I've never seen an app advertise here.

>> No.350147

A lot of people still use adblock on 4chan, and I would say social apps might only work on certain boards. If you design your ad well so our catches the attention while still looking legitimate, you'll be good.

>> No.350160

I know exactly what you mean by "looking legitimate", since I never trust or click any ads. Damn, this makes me feel bad for using adblock.

>> No.350165

Are you selling dragon dildos?

>> No.350198

I don't think social apps (especially location-based) would do well on most of the boards I'm familiar with (/g/ and /x/ at least, are too paranoid), but it could be good for /soc/.
I've had 4chan whitelisted ever since I heard how much trouble moot has getting enough money to keep the site afloat. It's not hard to do, and the ads here honestly aren't intrusive.

>> No.350226
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>much trouble moot has getting enough money
moot plz go

>> No.350230

That worth is what he'd get if he sold the site (and his other valuables, if canvas still exists). He doesn't actually have that money unless he sells.

>> No.350296

the guy who made the flappy bird mmo advertised here for a bit and got a ton of traffic. for the amount of hits this site gets, the ad space is really undervalued.

>> No.350302

He's not joking when he says get your hands on the disposable income of neets and autists. MLP fleshflights advertised on 4chan = instant moolionaire.

>> No.350361

Considering 99% of 4chan uses adblock extensions, what is the point?

>> No.350376

1% of 4chan is still thousands of people.

>> No.350384

Do a small test ($20, $50, $100, w/e) and measure your ROI. That's the only way to know if it works.

>> No.350412


Marketing performance isn't measured by ROI you retard.

>> No.350506

I actually turn of ad block on 4chan and manga sites, because i fill that it is only fair.

>> No.350510

of * Feel*
i should go to bed

>> No.350798

It's ROAS (return on ad spend) in the advertising industry, but it's the same concept.

>> No.350813

If you're inviting people from 4chan to give feedback on your business model or to test a product, by all means go for it. That's the closest you could possibly get without having your thread kicked. But to be honest, I don't pay much attention to the advertisements on 4chan. I don't even notice them since I got adblock on.

You could also try going to various business forums and mingling with other entrepreneurs. I prefer /biz/ over the orthodox business forum simply because of how raw it is. Everybody is anonymous and nobody has to worry about whether or not the next post they contribute will be a scar against their reputation. When people aren't desperately trying to hop on the bitcoin bandwagon, /biz/ can have some of the best threads on 4chan.

>> No.350825



if your target market is NEETS then go crazy

>> No.351464


his own worth and the worth of 4chan are two seperate things. He tries to keep the chan hobby status as much as possible.