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File: 145 KB, 764x768, Government_Banks_vs_Bitcoin_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3501002 No.3501002 [Reply] [Original]

Everyday theres more and more illogical fud on cryptos, from govs from banks, from fake paid news, from biz itself, is like something big is about to happen and the world is getting ready , I'd do my guess stocks are about to crash soon

>> No.3501068

"It's his trees"

>> No.3501140

Is apples grow on trees for free?

>> No.3501167

Why would govs spread fud about crypto when they can just ban it all together you retard?
What are "goverment banks"?
Are you literally implying money grow on trees?
4chan is 18+ only

>> No.3501173

Maybe stocks crash. Or a bank needs a bail out again. An event will be triggered soon. If it isn't, then the system is manipulated beyond what I originally thought. War is being pushed. The dollars reserve currency status is at risk. We are on a brink of societal change

>> No.3501181

I thought we got past this cringy reddit-revolutionary phase in 2014

>> No.3501222
File: 271 KB, 2047x929, 1505046861735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The dollars reserve currency status is at risk.
Yes it is.
Everybody want no trade with north Korea, and the only way is Bitcoin.

>> No.3501237
File: 211 KB, 900x762, Ту-160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USA not the world policeman anymore and fake dollars printed well in war areas

>> No.3501250
File: 23 KB, 650x366, KimJongUn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arabian Oil kingdoms not feel protection of USA and stop to buy treasury bonds

>> No.3501254


>Are you literally implying money grow on trees?

Are you literally implying it doesnt work this way in the modern financial system?

Holy fuck are you retarded

>> No.3501256
File: 105 KB, 497x335, ppwoah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to lurk more trilema you cuck.

>> No.3501293

The central bank is the only entity that can issue new money. They do so according to political goals in each country. If you think it's obviously corrupt and fucked up you can vote to change those goals or even abolish the central bank.

Nevermind that the bitcoin metaphor is absolutely retarded because
1. You still need real money to buy bitcoin, nobody's any "freer" with bitcoin
2. If it was an open field of trees where anyone can pick as much as they want it would just lead to hyper-inflation, you learn this in high school, kid.

>> No.3501375

Because they want to buy at a low price.

>> No.3501399

>If you think it's obviously corrupy and fucked up you can vote to change those goals or even abolish the central bank

Implying your vote counts
implying they wont be replaced by another corrupted system or people
Implying you arent a cuck for believing your opinion as a vote matters

>You still need real money to buy bitcoin
Well yes right now but not fot to long

>Anyone can pick as much as they want it would just lead to hyperinflation
Thats exactly whats happening right now if you cant see it by now you're cucked beyond salvation

>> No.3501452

AGAIN, they can just ban it all together and sieze it for free dummy.
The entire market cap of bitcoin is less than the currency reserve of some shitty third world country, it's not like it's a big deal on government level

>Implying your vote counts
USA just elected one of the most establishment hated presidents ever.
>implying they wont
>Implying you arent
>blahblahblah ids a gonsbiracy
see >>3501181

>right now but not fot to long
how do you even imagine that would work retard?

>Thats exactly whats happening right now
Hyperinflation is usually defined as >50% inflation per month. Where exactly is this happening right now?

>> No.3501454

sometimes have on way to make live of people better, other than kill half of em

>> No.3501464

You literally can't type a coherent sentence

>> No.3501472

Nothing is "about to happen". Dumb pajeets and crackheads just think they're clever.

>> No.3501579

>Usa elected one of the most hated presidents
Nobody cares about trump outside usa, trump was loved and hated within usa it was more hated than loved still won
That just proves my point your vote doesnt really matter

Pretty much everything is a conspiracy there's truth mixed with stupid stuff like the "earth is flat" to put all of them in the same box and prevent people to take it seriously

>Where exactly is this happening right now
The dollar is being save by the oil dollar monopoly

>> No.3501637

First of all, stop typing like a 14 year old, your grammar is terrible. 4chan is 18+ only
>That just proves my point your vote doesnt really matter
How? I think it clearly shows that votes were more powerfull than the establishment
>The dollar is being save
So you admit that you're wrong and it's not hyperinflation then. Ok.
>oil dollar monopoly
This isn't even a real term