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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3499997 No.3499997 [Reply] [Original]

-it is 2020, Bitcoin is on the brink of going full mainstream
-as bitcoin is decentralized (blockstream drama not relevant for now), no one is in charge of the “company“
-an open discussion is aired on national TV. Politicians are involved, alongside bankers and a bitcoin representative
-for the latter the media chooses bitcoin enthusiast McAfee, because he is good to promote in the news
-this debate will significantly determine the future path Bitcoin will go
-a deep and fundamental debate ensues
-Jamie Dimon points out that McAfee has poop in the corner of his mouth
-McAfee pulls a gun
-securities storm in
-McAfee shoots several officers and then himself
-it turns out the shooter was a south american man wearing McAfee's face as a mask
-the real McAfee died in Belize in 2012
-Bitcoin gets officially declared a scam by the government, now with evidence for the masses

Where will YOU be anon???

>> No.3500012
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I've seen some stupid bullshit posted here, but this... this takes the fucking cake.

Stick to your meds and shilling your bags bucko

>> No.3500030

The requirements of this board is that you be of sound mental health to post here.

>> No.3500080
File: 16 KB, 469x419, 1504838302206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3500993

Saw someone posted this shit here and laughed

>2019 + 1: All exchanges got closed years ago. The government traced the owners and miners, and shot them before the cameramen of CNN, BBC, Reuters, Aljazeera, and other media outlets.
>My 1 million Bitcoin is trapped on this vaporware I created called "crypto". Nobody knows what that word means anymore.
>My regret has never been this great. It's time for my call. Not even my $0.00450 pistol could save my credit.
>The SWAT team is outside my house, calling my name. They keep on yelling outside, "Satoshi Nakamoto you are under-arrest in accordance to international monetary laws. You have disrupted global economic stability and destroyed financial institutions, and with that you are hereby declared a terrorist-on-the-run. Your continued existence is a threat to humanity."
>Me and those who used crypto currencies were declared as "terrorists" years ago, from what I've heard on my solar-powered radio
>the last person who I transacted with, blew himself before the crowds of Wall St.
>he bought 500,000 btc from that $5000 ATH
>and the only btc that I could give to him was 0.00050000 satoshis
>"thank you very much. I will curse your name to the pits of hell, he said."
>I thanked him as the last person who has recognized my name.
>Japan has forsaken and banned the name "Satoshi"
>those who had the name "Satoshi" were evicted from the country and treated as outsiders
>all of them became refugees nobody would accept
>this mountain, whom I have made as my sole headquarters for a decade, I shall miss it.
>I pulled the trigger on the last bullet
>that bullet costed $0.00002000 by the way

>> No.3501294

Okay, I found that funny as well.

>> No.3501730

Kek there is hope for this board afterall