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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 174 KB, 318x482, vb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3498126 No.3498126 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.3498405

what you didnt know (((VB))) was part of the tribe.

>high level math
>a form of money
>high abstraction

makes sense jew is leading role. just wait until he uses his money and power to do various anti-white policies, he'll start pushing diversity really hard

>> No.3498411

Does that mean we should invest in IOTA?

>> No.3498442


>> No.3498516


I love vitalik C:

>> No.3498643

Who. Cares.

God dammit stop focusing on race all the fucking time guys, its time to grow up

>> No.3498653

>scam artist is a kike

ok, but why repeat yourself, OP?

>> No.3498662

it's the new kids from /pol/
don't give them you's, it's all they care about

>> No.3498676
File: 32 KB, 450x410, 1491708146623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get this fud the FUCK UP out of here

>> No.3498681


>> No.3498720

He says he went to Israel. It's likely he's a Jew, but it needs further confirmation.

>> No.3498754

yeah, but he's ourjew

>> No.3498788

What he's saying starting at 3:20, without saying it, is his idea for Ethereum came during meetings with Technion Institute guys, collab with Operation Talpiot.

Ethereum is a Mossad tool.

>> No.3498830

Of course he's jewish. That's how he's good at eth.

>> No.3498847
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>> No.3498940


i watched this the other day and decided to sell everything next high.

>> No.3498946


is there no coin safe from bankers and ((them))????

>> No.3499018

>January 2016
Ethereum is a russian scam go... guiz!! Believe me, its LISK that you want to invest in... headed by 100% Aryan ubermenstch

>September 2017
Vitalik is a JEW
Sell your shitcoin and buy my Digibyte/Neo/ARK bags

The only thing I have to tell you is that you need to get the fuck back of my board and to /pol where you financial subhumans belong

>> No.3499022
File: 607 KB, 800x792, 1503148052229.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


means I'm going to be rich then

>> No.3499050

he's always been known to have a jewish background

>jewish last name
>father is jewish looking
>knowledge of hebrew
>went to israel before starting eth

thing is, if he's jewish and satoshi isn't, which is more likely to succeed?

>> No.3499139

He is the good jew fighting the bad jews he is our supreme jew lider

>> No.3499354

Oy veyyyyyyyy unfortunately its not only a pol thing. I've started collecting Swiss back coins like mysterium.

>> No.3499370

I've put money into 109 coins now and they've all failed. I blame the coins.

>> No.3499387

he's wearing the exact same shirt from the photo in the interview

>> No.3499407

This guy gets it.
Rest of you retards going "huurrrr im selling" or "durrrrr go back to /pol/" will not make it.
Civilization as we know it will collapse, it's not a "if" but "when".
Make money with Jewish coins that aren't overly Jewish scams (Ethereum yes, Bancor NO) before the system collapses, and live a comfortable life under the radar in the post-white dysgenics world inevitably awaiting us. Those of you who sell too early will be slaves, those of you who stay in the middle of vibrant diversity will get stabbed and raped. Be smart.

>> No.3499424


I'm sorry I doubted you satoshi. I'm out ether.

>> No.3499427

Oh, Vitalik apparently has Tourette's

I do enjoy his nice deep voice.

>> No.3499462

The system designed by said persons? No thanks.

>> No.3499500

Also neo and ark have been more profitable so I don't get your point. Doesn't matter what the price difference between the three. One of them hasn't seen a significant ATH for a year

>> No.3499511

>Operation Talpiot
This is an interesting angle. Operation Talpiot is about Israel having kill switches on the world's infrastructure.

>> No.3499855 [DELETED] 

He travelled the world. Israel has a booming tech sector. Do you have a source saying he is jewish? Jews aren't good at math. Look at Bancor.

>> No.3499904

Since ETH is open source, surely anyone who can read code will be able to see any Mossad backdoors.

>> No.3499967

great catch

he claims to be russian who grew up in canada

but we all know there are lots of russian-jews, and lots of jews who migrated to canada.

for example, the jew who runs american apparel is from canada.

i never liked vitalik and he does have a jew voice and jew face.

no wonder anglin accepts btc donation but does not accept eth.

fuck eth and fuck vitalik that faggot

>> No.3499987

No, they are supporting refugees.

>> No.3500070

No proof he is jew however we need further investigation.
He has absolutely slav features though, ashkenazis don't look like that at all.

>> No.3500091
File: 75 KB, 721x431, IOTAdontTRUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and they are globalists
fuck them

>> No.3500143

>blaming jews for being a mentally braindead nocoiner faggot
Maybe it's your ignorance and fear that keeps you poor.

>> No.3500275


only the paranoid survive ma nigga

this isn't the place to practice diversity and tolerance.

>> No.3500303

this explains why he is so pro open borders.
this means that he is part of "Coudenhove-Kalergi plan"

>> No.3500349
File: 14 KB, 250x250, 28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no ourjews faggot.

>> No.3500419
File: 424 KB, 2048x1536, DIUek2rUQAACm0K (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.3500425


>No, they are supporting refugees.

charity is the elites way of keeping the disadvantaged from thriving. I want to live in a world where nerds are elites.

>> No.3500453

(((modern art)))

jews love it because they hate beauty

eth may not be compromised now but mossad could "hey v, youre jewish right? wanna become one of the cool jews?"

>> No.3500479

>jews own facebook
>jews own google
>jews own the fed
>jews own the most ubiquitous block chain
>jews view themselves as the perpetual other that hates european whites to the death of their entire civilization

>> No.3500485

I work with recovering child abuse/mind control/human trafficking children & adults.

His behavior and mannerisms are like many of them I met. Many of them had dissociative identity disorder and multiple personalities.

It wouldn't surprise me if he is starved and abused. I get the same vibes as I do with my patients. :/

>> No.3500537


theres something odd about him; like someone who was viciously violated when they were very innocent

>> No.3500643


Good vibessssssssss - a common phrase used by normies and highschool drop outs.

please shut up until i get my money back thank you

>> No.3500701


>> No.3500705


>> No.3500734

That's a legitimate concern.

>> No.3500749

Monarch child

>> No.3500752

Nothing wrong with Jews, im Jewish myself as are many early holders of cryptos. Our superior IQs allow to see further than goyim and thus we create and invest better.

>> No.3500761

And there you have it

>> No.3501081

Monarch is something else, dont know what you're referring to

and anon proves this how? by pseudo-psychology 1-liner?

not a chronically pathological skeptic as I'm very much into conspiracy theories

>> No.3501502


hi david seaman, you sure do take trolls a little to seriously

>> No.3501512

This makes me like him as a person slightly less, but it makes me twice as confident in Ethereum now kek.

>> No.3501513 [DELETED] 

>visiting israel because of makes one jewish
>being this fucking retarded

>> No.3501514

Happy days is filmed in front of a live studio audience

>> No.3501521

>visiting israel makes one jewish
>being this fucking retarded

>> No.3501562

And judging from these fucking retarded replies nobody even watched the video. Nothing what he said indicates that he's jewish. OP is a FUDding pajeet newfag.

>> No.3501566

why would you want to visit that place ?
unless you are muslim or jew ?

>> No.3501578

Looks like you're one of those that didn't watch the video.

>> No.3501591
File: 274 KB, 759x422, dotgal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously I knew he was Jewish from the start just because of how fucking smart he is. When people are that many standard deviations ahead they almost always have Jewish blood in them. Pretty funny seeing Jew-haters miss out on the investment of a lifetime because of this.

>> No.3501596

i know that he is pro open borders FOR WHITE COUNTRIES. "refugee welcome" type of guy. that already enough to not like him.

>> No.3501618

>evolution doesn't matter
Ok, thanks for the tip

>> No.3501619

Nothing what you said can be backed up by proof. And if you go to 3:20 like OP said, Vitalik literally fucking explains what he was doing in Israel you dumb faggot nocoiner.

>> No.3501640

90% probability VB starts supporting open borders for white countries and varios zuckerberg/google policies whenever possible

there's a few alt jews and the fact he is a russian jew and that he met with putin may mean he is not a lefty jew globalist shill (all of them are anti-russian), but we'll see.

we may have to check in with pol from time to time for strategy

>> No.3501658

>there is nothing wrong with being a parasite on good societies

>> No.3501662


>> No.3501670

>the semitic hyper intelligence meme
God I can't believe people this dumb are going to be upper class soon

>> No.3501674

>pulls percents out of ass
>"may have to check in with pol"
How's your two-digit portfolio doing?

>> No.3501700

He just said he visited Israel. That doesn't mean he's Jewish

>> No.3501720

>the jews are in charge on everything!
>b-but they are not smart, just luck guys I swer


>> No.3501728
File: 138 KB, 396x385, 1504963924945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jews dominate everything but they're no smarter than the average person

Ok man whatever helps you sleep at night. Btw I'm already upper class and clearly smarter than you. FeelsGoodMan.

>> No.3501741

pretty well known fact. when you combine this with tribal instinct and the huge money networks they have, its a pretty impressive amount of power to push things through.

>> No.3501743

They're not that smart, they just prioritize giving high level positions to other jews. Also Europeans and shitskins are retarded which help them.

>> No.3501754

I'm surprised you even found about this board, being so gullible and dumb. How's daytrading with $50 and losing money all the time?

>> No.3501756

>everything is a pure meritocracy competition with nothing but good faith actors everywhere
They keep people this naive

>> No.3501757

Now you know why eth got so much suppport. its the illusion of success for every jewish kid. Every jewbusiness gets huge financial support from the central bank. fuck this kike fuck eth. NO JEWS KILL JEWS

>> No.3501784
File: 15 KB, 296x300, 1504730649535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know every ethnic group does that, right? You'd think Asians or Indians would own the world considering the massive numbers and strong racial biases they have. And yet it belongs to a tiny tribe of Jews. They must be really lucky I guess

>> No.3501792

Every ethnic group but whites.

>> No.3501793

>jews are good at nepotism so we have a duty to permit them to take over our institutions
That's not correct anon. Also white people will be thrown in jail if they are helpful to other white people

>> No.3501802

I know what monarch refers to nigger
Also it doesnt prove shit
Just confirms my own suspicions
get rekt

>> No.3501804

how do i become jewish
im sick of being a stupid goy
pls respond shalom

>> No.3501805

>t. too stupid to trade and waits for his 50 magacoins to give him a lambo
I would tell you to kill yourself but the fact is that dumb people, that don't know how to trade, make others rich by making stupid decision.

>> No.3501814

good memeing friend

>> No.3501823

Explain what "monarch" means without even thinking about using search machines.
You can't? Come back when you're over 18 and try again.

>> No.3501833

monarch programming sex kitten alters
programmable slaves using broken psyches
basically tool children
kys nigger

>> No.3501853

>he got this mad that I saw through his Conspiracy Wiki "wisdom"

>> No.3501860

you're a retard that is probably playing with 100 dollars, calm down nigger

>> No.3501867

>he got mad again and is projecting his failures in daytrading

>> No.3501872


>> No.3501883

eth is fucked. no wonder, he like all jews was punished by nature in his physical body. oh well jew. never buy eth ever again. the world wide cleanup of jews includes this fucking oven dodger

>> No.3501894


>> No.3501912

a human with a 100dollars earned is a trillion times richer than any jew billionaire. the jews are going to be killed off, really soon too. missles are coming hurricanes are coming civil war is coming. the jews are outnumbered massively. you fucking jews are finallygetting what you deserve. DEATH

>> No.3501931

>missles are coming hurricanes are coming civil war is coming
How loudly were you banging your cumstained and Cheeto covered keyboard while you were typing that in your virgin basement?

>> No.3501962

Where did you get this?

>> No.3501970

Weev advised him because there is a flaw in eth algo. Vitalik turning out to be a jew just confirms things.

>> No.3501971

Im not jewish
Go back to /pol/
I say this as someone that frequents /pol/

>> No.3501978

don't sell your soul anon

>> No.3502003

it's over famalam, desperate times call for desperate meassures

>> No.3502026

Well you were right about you being stupid.
If I told you VB is distantly Chinese-Singaporean because he lives in Singapore, you would probably believe it.

>> No.3502110

>You'd think Asians or Indians would own the world considering the massive numbers and strong racial biases they have.
We will, just give it time. We've carved out nearly 1/4 of the world for ourselves and are now starting to dominate high income positions in western countries without needing to rely on the nepotism that jews do as we're just now getting here. You whites are pathetic though, you let laws be passed in your own countries to keep you from favoring one another. What's wrong with you?

>> No.3502124

Generations of subversive media and politics.

>> No.3502143

Not an excuse, your ancestors should have shut that down as soon as it began.

>> No.3502244

Better late than never.

>> No.3502275

I'd bet on never but good luck I suppose.

>> No.3502359

>Our superior IQs
>average IQ in Israel is 90

>> No.3502453

I don't know how /pol/ even buys anything with pretty much everyone in crypto being ultra liberals or has jews involved. Do you guy just buy pajeet and China coins or ignore that you're supporting liberals with tons of money?

>> No.3502465

Are you daft? Do you think everyone that posts on /pol/ is akin to some sort of caricatured braindead racist? kek

>> No.3502492

Who said anything about racist?

>> No.3502532


>> No.3503055

Noone is crypto is liberal (which mean "socialist" or "leftists" but burgers are too dysgenics to use the word correctly), pretty much everyone is either an ancap, a libertarian or apolitical (ie: they only care about money).

>> No.3503107

everyone on 4chan is an illiterate special little snowflake neck beard with "special" word usage

>> No.3503110

What one wants to flood Europe with more refugees?

>> No.3503237

good go back to aol and facebook toughguy

>> No.3503537


Cant believe this thread is still up

>> No.3503928

Did you meet a White Pride American pure aryan republican Christian redneck who ever invented something or amounted to anything?

>> No.3503941

It's only a tiny subset of Jews desu.