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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3497421 No.3497421 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone genuinely believes/trusts/likes crypto more than fiat?

I honestly do, i've got more in crypto than in my bank now.

>> No.3497429

I only believe in the time tested value of gold and silver.

>> No.3497448

Same. I've got about 4x as much in crypto than I do in the bank. Really I should move more into crypto. Money in the bank loses value over time, while the value of my crypto keeps going up. Only advantage to the bank is liquidity, but I don't need that much liquid cash each month.

I do often worry about keeping all my savings on my PC instead of in the bank where it's secured and insured. I always worry that one day I'll put in my password only to find out somehow my wallet had been drained by a thief. I've gotta get me a hardware wallet soon

>> No.3497466

> time tested value of gold and silver.

nigga they didn't even have computers lmao

>> No.3497474

I have more crypto than in my bank, but only because the value of crypto skyrocketed in the last few months. Now I've got too much of a gambler's high to rabalance things by selling off the profits.

>> No.3497906

Really love that quote is such an intriguing idea.

95% of my paycheck goes into crypto. I work but live with parents because Aspergers.

And yes money in the bank is fucking retarded. YOU LOOSE MONEY YOU RETARD WHY THE FUCK KEEP IT IN A BANK???

People don't understand this concept. But anon my money goes up???? How do I loose money??

Cuz you get less then the inflation amount dumb cunt. Stocks, funds, crypto. But get rid of that shit fiat. Keep 5% liquidity or so.

>> No.3497937

do you get autismbux from the gov?

>> No.3497997

Having $100 in crypto and $50 in the bank isn't impressive you neet.

>> No.3498131

Not everyone on four chins a hikikomori

t. HR manager and Health inspector in a fancy restaurant

>> No.3498396

I used to keep low 6 six figures in bank and it always pissed me off how there was literally no good place to put the money for an investment. A good investment to normie wage cucks is 8%/year.

What the average normie will never understand is that their money isn't their money. They don't own it, the government does, just like their kids, their homes, everything. They don't understand that what they have in the bank can be diluted into worthlessness at a moment's notice.

>> No.3498719
File: 222 KB, 1304x892, BITMAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep all my money in Bitcoin from 2014