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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 111 KB, 1892x1084, Web-Browser-Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3495023 No.3495023 [Reply] [Original]


Don't get left behind, /biz/. It's the future of advertising.

>> No.3495062

No one is going to be watching mlm ads for pennies. They will just block ads.

>> No.3495074

no one even uses the shitty browser

>> No.3495091

Yeah... Like when? Been holding this shit of a coin since it came to bittrex.

>> No.3495100

Will be enjoying your pink wojacks in two weeks time.

>> No.3495102

yeah i was on board, but i cant even get myself to switch from chrome to brave
made a bit of profit though and i do see this going higher but they will never reach their goal

>> No.3495127

bitch i aint even have a prou blem with bat, but plz explain this shit to me in a.b.c. terms pls nigga. why d fuck would i install a browser to have adds, nigga is i look retarded to you?

>> No.3495141

Who cares about the implementation, the point is once there is some hype behind the coin, maybe an artcile saying "The future of advertising?" on a website, then this shit moons and I dump it and retire.

>> No.3495184

What's the ceiling though?

>> No.3495226

Browser actually works pretty good for me are all you fags on toasters?

>> No.3495250

Better buy adex man who the fuck wants to install a new browser for ads

>> No.3495262

Brave browser is just proof of concept

>> No.3495312

It has a built in ad blocker. You can turn off the blocker and you'll be compensated for having to watch the ads. Advertisers are happy because people are watching their ads from start to finish and there's always the option of turning them off.

>> No.3495348
File: 27 KB, 508x524, like rly pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stfu faggot

on mobile, its LITERALLY google chrome browser, put they taped their Brave Shield onto it which blocks all cancerous ads and lets through green flagged ones and will soon start giving you BAT for viewing ads you were already going to see anyways

Unless youre some degenerate that doesn't support the creators you consume content from. You aren't one of those people, right? Finished watching your 50th MDE video on youtube and blocked ads on every single one of his videos?

>> No.3495363


This is not how it works. You can turn off BRAVE's ads. ALL other ads by default are blocked, and you have the option to ALSO block Brave ads if you want, but you get 0 BAT from then on.

>> No.3495366

Will somebody post the picture of the BAT "team" with the creepy homeless dude and the japanese trap pleaseé It should be posted in every BAT thread so that everybody know that you ask us to invest in a company managed by some type of manga club.

>> No.3495381

Still does more than 90% of the memecoins that mooned

>> No.3495394

but neeegroooo, i have my gay ass broswer, with all my gay ass scripsts, and addons and shiiieeeetttt. even muh madafugin favourits and porn tabs open, why da fuh why i wana switch to that gay ass shit, ps. its prolly buggy af and it might cause my gpu to act all gay an shit whilest gpu rendering.

>> No.3495400

>japanese trap
just bought 100k

>> No.3495401

I just downloaded it and literally can't even access 4chan on it

>> No.3495404
File: 225 KB, 1384x544, AllAboardThePussyWagon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nevermind I found it

Take a look and ask yourself /biz/. Would you give any job to this band of misfts?

>> No.3495431

dat nigga hench boiiiiiiiiiiii

>> No.3495437

I'm on 4chan w/ Brave right now. You must be retarded.

>> No.3495440


>Nosferatu is on-board

Just bought 100k.

>> No.3495444
File: 190 KB, 242x448, Hodldor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3495456


>> No.3495464
File: 218 KB, 1384x544, HELP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit I can't believe people are still posting these edits I made

>> No.3495491
File: 39 KB, 550x960, FB_IMG_1503657344208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 5555 BAT.

Will I make it?

>> No.3495505


Yeah but not as hard as me lul

>> No.3495538


So where would BAT derive its value from then? If used as an internal brave currency, there must be a huge and ever growing supply for it to maintain its functionality right? It sounds a lot like ripple desu.

>> No.3495608

This browser is shit desu, I don't like the feel

>> No.3495658

>So where would BAT derive its value from then?

uhh where does any crypto derive value lol

>> No.3495978

i was going to buy bat until i realized what it was

>> No.3496012

shitcoin is shit. Firefox Adblock on mobile works and isn't a commercial company who will inevitably sell your info

>> No.3496026


>> No.3496038
File: 233 KB, 808x805, IMG_3370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy BAT, they said.
$1 by the end of the week, they said

>> No.3496355

Let's face it guys, bat is kill

>> No.3496365

next week

>> No.3496547

Down $300 on this meme coin where is the moon

>> No.3496635

BATfags have been screaming "soon" for a year now. It's getting pathetic.

>> No.3496640

It doesn't play webm

>> No.3496662

Advertisement just created a culture of clickbait across the entire internet, I'd rather the entire system get castrated back to where it was twenty years ago and the only websites are those that can pay for themselves out of pocket or elicit donations
It won't happen, but it should

>> No.3496690

Its been soon for the past 3 months on this thread.

Just face it, bat is faggy asf. It aint gonna get no traction anytime soon. It might go to 0.30 but nothing beyond that. Mercury wont save you.

>> No.3496756

AdEx, bunch of Bulgarians on milk crates shooting a vid in a room with horrible acoustics for an ad platform tied to a coin. Way to go retards, you looked a lot more unprofessional than you thought.

>> No.3496765

Any important dates for this coin?

>> No.3496817
File: 394 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170916-115002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody uses/ will use / this browser.
>half a million downloads.

>> No.3496897


Only people i've ever seen use this browser are in crypto. Also compare your shitty half a mill to chromes 1bill

Brave has no marketing, its unknown. People will be using mozila/safari/chrome... not some faggy browser that looks like a retouched version of firefox.


>> No.3496905

The browser isn't the end of this project, it's the beginning.

>> No.3496915

BAT is definitely NOT the future of advertising. There's no denying that. But there is money to be made in the short term. Then hype will die off and the coin will die.

>> No.3496932


Yes i agree with this but this coin is seriously overhyped on this thread. Its flip and thats all that it will ever be.

>> No.3496948

A much better option is ZRX. Decentralised exchanges are the future and there are already lots of projects using the protocol including ethfinex which will be launched in the following weeks.

>> No.3496989

I hope everyone has their crypto twitter/reddit accounts ready to shillthe fck out of this coin when Mercury is released, if we can't inflate this pos to 15k sats I'll be disappointed.

>> No.3497030

I'd like you to explain how its not and what you think the actual future is? Unless you have a marketing degree forgive my scepticism. If sites won't let you view their sites until you disable your adblocker I'm pretty sure the current system is on the ropes.

>> No.3497063

Advertisers aren't going to pay people to watch their ads. The goal of advertisements is to drive people to their website, paying for traffic isn't going to do that. I just think the concept is flawed. I would like to know what the CTR is for these ads compared to traditional ads. My suspicion is it will be much worse. You will have plenty of users sure, but you're really going to struggle to find advertisers willing to pay.

>> No.3497076

I started using Brave to block ads on mobile before I knew it was linked to crypto. Fight me.

>> No.3497081

>Advertisers aren't going to pay people to watch their ads. The goal of advertisements is to drive people to their website, paying for traffic isn't going to do that.
Advertisers literally pay for ads right now already.

>> No.3497110

Yes they do pay for ads but they dont pay `people` to watch the ads.

>> No.3497130

They don't give a shit who the money goes to, they just care they get a certain amount of views and a certain click-through rate.

>> No.3497137

Yeah what im saying is the the CTR is going to be significantly smaller if the reward goes to the users. Its simple game theory.

>> No.3497150

im willing to bet people paid to watch ads will pay more attention than those who aren't

>> No.3497169

For example:
>0.1BAT to view this ad, earn an extra 0.5BAT by completing our short survery/visiting our website!

>> No.3497180

I think the thing is if I was a company exec with a million dollar advertising budget I'd rather buy into a direct advertising system like bat than pay some smug marketing prick in a $2000 suit for bad data on how many viewers are allegedly viewing my ads.
At the end of the day I couldn't care less, I just hope it hits $2 so i can 10x my $5k

>> No.3497187

I would put BAT in the same category as the KIN Ico. Its going to do well in the short term but its a completely unrealistic concept.

Natural views are always going to be more profitable than paid views. Its why people dont pay for fake views on youtube but are willing to pay for advertising.

>> No.3497191


lol you serious, theres shit like that out now. I have Qmee installed and ignore it 99% of the time because clicking on some link and staying on a page for 30 seconds isnt worth 0.06p.

>> No.3497195

see >>3497187

>> No.3497196

but fake views aren't people, paid ads to people are people willingly spending their time watching the ad

>> No.3497242

They're not willingly watching the ad. They are being paid for it. There is a massive difference.

>> No.3497253

BAT Mercury (summer 2017)
BAT wallet integrated into Brave
Convert Brave Payments from bitcoin to BAT
Extend Brave’s secret-key sync to include the Brave ledger and wallet
Compile demand-side dashboard data into BAT ad and offer catalog that is downloaded and updated on-device; scraped and mock ads/offers with micro-BAT subsidized revenue
Develop the on-device machine learning models that privately match catalogued ads and place them in user-private slots based on user intent signals, from search queries (you own your query log, Google does not) to surfing, to researching, to purchasing
Design research and engineering development of user-private ad slot form factors
Measure ad engagement and user satisfaction via Basic Attention Metric (BAM) system
Extend the Brave Ledger ANONIZE ZKP-based proof protocol (Zero Knowledge Proof) to convey ad attributions and confirmations as well as transactions

>> No.3497260

BAT Gemini (fall 2017/winter 2018)
KYC (humint + machine learning), rate, and flow control for anti-fraud
User Growth Pool (UGP) grants to users who opt into the new model
Further machine learning development and optimization
Further demand-side dashboard to BAT ad/offer catalog work
Ledger- and Ethereum-attested dashboard analytics for early publishers interested in BAT indirect ad partnership trials
User-private ad trials with select agency and other demand-side / lead-gen partners
One premier publisher partner to co-develop publisher-provided inventory system
Revenue as soon as system performs as well as or better than status quo ad-tech

>> No.3497263

BAT Apollo (rest of 2018)
Real ad revenue that scales with user growth; further UGP grants & growth hacks
Donation flow fee revenue, smaller but scaled as far as possible via incentives to users who get BAT revenue from ads and want to give back to their pinned and top sites
Major work to move from Brave Ledger confirmation and revenue flows to entirely decentralized on Ethereum flows using a state channel with ZKP for anonymity
Evolved BAM options based on premium attention models — price discovery at high end
Aggregated, large-anonymity-set reports and forecasts on the Ethereum blockchain, with competitive demand (advertiser) and supply (publisher) dashboards for performance measurement, optimization and sales planning
BAT integration into other apps based on open source & specs for greater ad buying leverage and publisher onboarding

>> No.3497266

lol nobody wants to watch ads even if they are paid to watch them and marketers DONT want hollow views. Shit like behavioural ads are the thing thats currently in. You think one of the largest industries in the world is going to want to do business with brave? Where people who watch ads will simply watch them to get paid.

get real anon

>> No.3497280

in other words, not just "paying people to view ads"

>> No.3497303

>one of the largest industries in the world

So, even the tiniest partnership will send BAT to the moon

>> No.3497311


lol whats your definition of moon. X2 max?

look at the number of coins and consider the marketcap.

>> No.3497315

That is what it is at its core. And its not going to appeal to a mainstream audience. Can you imagine your parents watching ads for BATshit. Then putting their BATshit on an exchange then converting it to bitcoin then withdrawing and converting to fiat. NO

>> No.3497317

marketcap is all that matters, its tiny considering there are coins with much higher caps that do literally nothing

>> No.3497331

it's not our fault fatman eich doesnt hype his thang

>> No.3497351

Wait, do you unironically believe the future of crypto is with normies using wallets, exchanges, copy and pasting public keys etc? How can you be so clueless?

>> No.3497374

No but what happens as technology advances is it becomes more abstract. Do you know how your computer receives all these packets of information from the other side of the world almost instantaneously? NO but as technology advances the need to know that becomes less and less until eventually you dont need to know. Same applies to cryptos. Soon people will not know what the blockchain is.

>> No.3497380

And so what does that have to do with your first point?

>> No.3497388

Nothing i was just answering your question. BAT will never get to that point of abstraction because it wont work.

>> No.3497414

It will be automated so that your boomer parents never need to know what BAT is. They'll just build small tip jars to send to that nice lady who posts all the funny cat pictures and Beatles lyrics.

>> No.3497422

If bat doesn't moon to 8k Sats I will kill myself

>> No.3497439

Do you really think the purpose of BAT is to make people open a page of just ads just to farm BAT?

>> No.3497440

It most likely will moon because that is how the crypto market operates in the short term. Buy the rumor, sell the news. But eventually the coins with good tech and a good idea will succeed beyond the shitcoins.

>> No.3497458

That is what will eventually happen. There is no advantage for big advertisers to use BAT over say google adsense. When google adsense offers a better CTR.

>> No.3497512

>When google adsense offers a better CTR.

The whole point of BAT is to try and do better

>> No.3497709

you dont work

>> No.3498362

I dont have your smelly edit anymore for some reason can you post it

>> No.3498383

Actually lolled

>> No.3498538


This is not how it works stop spreading lies

>> No.3498560

Yes bat will rise but there's no moon here. You will at most triple your money. Who fucking cares about that? I need 10x returns to even be remotely interested.

>> No.3498780

So you invest $10k and it goes to $20k and that's not good enough for a one week investment? You sound like a greedy idiot who will soon get burnt badly.

>> No.3498828

>5 reviews on the itunes store.

>> No.3498985

I hate Google's and Facebook's shenanigans too, but I don't think Brave would be able make headway in the browser/advertising ecosystem. The browser blocks ads but it lacks many features that modern browsers have. They released their product too early. First impression is important and they failed at that.

>> No.3499003

Nah the browser is pretty good the dude who deisgned it is the same dude that made firefox and created javascript if you come from a browser like firefox you'll find it good if you're a cuck coming from edge or chrome you'll find it awful is all relative