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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3492787 No.3492787 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw cant decide to quit wagie job or not

>> No.3492825

>Having a job
Why? It's 2017 bro we trade crypto and eat out of bins when we lose before making it back and repeat

>> No.3492854

just quit the job pussie

>> No.3492866

so true.

>> No.3492873


>> No.3492910


>> No.3492982

Quit an actual good job (corner office, six figure salary kinda shit) to move home and chill all day while trading stocks / crypto. It's not the answer to your problems, man. Shit still sucks but it's arguably worse because you're constantly stressed about the markets and you feel like a worthless piece of shit (and your friends / family think you are, too).

>> No.3493010

do it faggot

>> No.3493016

Fuck man whyd you quit

>> No.3493028

Man the fuck up and deal with it. Working at a shitty job is better than not working at all. The only reason you are thinking you can quit if you don't like it is because you have others around that will take care of you when you're unemployed, pathetic. If you actually had to take care of yourself you wouldn't have the luxury to quit because somebody at work hurt your fee-fees. Most people are in a situation where if they quit their job, they'll starve.

Its your own fault you're in a bad job, maybe you should've paid attention in school and gotten into a good paying job in the STEM field or something.

Every job you will have is going to suck because you're a fucking NEET loser who just wants everything handed to him instead of putting in the years of hard work to actually change your life around.

Quit your job and go back to mommies basement and get her to bring you your tendies.

Better yet, stop being a burden to everyone around you and kys.