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3492104 No.3492104 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3492127
File: 574 KB, 1024x683, WhoWouldWinNEET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3492128

once all boomers are cleansed from this earth the true millenial currency will dominate. the dollar is doomed. it was created by white men and will die with them.

>> No.3492140

yes the usd is TOTALLY backed by... well... dont worry about it im sure youll be okay

>> No.3492150

the one that lets individuals not get fucked (or at least get less fucked) in the ass by big-bank manipulation

>> No.3492162

Let me clue you in, that thing on the right used to be worth less than that thing on the left at one time.

The thing on the left devalued so much that the thing on the right is now worth 40x it.

I know which I want.

>> No.3492168


Nigger lovin faggot.

>> No.3492184

nice that you are assuming my gender without knowing anything about me or my life. I bet you are a very well adjusted individual. go back to jerking off to your anime pictures or whatever you do you fucking loser.

>> No.3492189

Wow, this really fires up my electric pulse that travels down the axon until it reaches the synapses, where it then causes the release of neurotransmitters. The synapses are extremely close to the dendrites of the target neuron. This allows the neurotransmitters to diffuse across the intervening space and fit into the receptors that are located on the target neuron. This causes some action to take place in that neuron that will either decrease or increase the membrane potential of the neuron. If it increases the membrane potential (makes it more positive, or depolarizes it.) then it is exciting the neuron, and if it decreases the membrane potential (makes it more negative, or hyper-polarizes it.) then it is inhibiting the neuron. If it causes the membrane potential to pass the firing threshold then it will activate an action potential in the target neuron and send it down its axon.

>> No.3492222
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emancipation was a mistake. Only liberal agenda to ever support is abortion and this guy is why, eugenics ftw

>> No.3492225
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>assuming my gender

>> No.3492254

>it was created by white men
But white men create everything though. Not an argument

>> No.3492264

I know what I'm putting my money on.

>> No.3492287

>created by white men
I have a coworker that literally complains about white men every time she gets a little drunk.

Is anti white men the bullshit that jews are telling people through the media? Also congrats on literally being a passive receiver of information anon. You're literally a Jewish pawn that can be ginned up into action at a news story's notice

>> No.3492309


the world vs less than 3 million autists

>> No.3492311
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>Government promises
>privately owned Central Bank chaired by Jews for decade after decade
>so weak that it's maintained by the initiation of force
>even that force is starting to fail

>> No.3492341

The USD is backed by the fact that it's the only legal tender in the largest economy in the world, the only way to pay taxes to the most powerful government in the world and its acceptance can be enforced on you by the most powerful army in the world.

>> No.3492370

and its gonna work out SO well too! like I said, nothing to worry about!

>> No.3492373

She wants to fuck one, obviously.

>> No.3492413

Who would God almighty side with?

>> No.3492432

The Jews, of course

>> No.3492440

Only one of them has "In God we trust" written on it so you do the math.

>> No.3492446


>backed by oil exports

Fixed that for you, you know what is the petrodollar right?

Have you heard about electric cars, wind and solar farms? Guess what effect they will have on oil exports...

>> No.3492527

>most powerful government in the world


can't even capture a steroid kingpin living like a king in Austria, despite spending tens of millions in operational fees and putting pressure on local governments to do something

"powerful" indeed.

> acceptance can be enforced on you by the most powerful army in the world.

Is this the same army that took 15 years of bumbling ineptitude to capture its most wanted figure who was living like any regular farmer in pakistan? And do you even know what was the actual key factor in eventually finding him? Basic casework the same as the OSS was doing in the 1940s ffs, where the most advanced piece of surveillance on hand was aerial photography by recce plane. Give me a break.

This is how idiots conceive of "power" = if we spend more than everyone else combined, we're definitely more successful

In actuality, the US routinely gets embarrassed on the field despite that very fact, often by people who are barely literate, let alone organized or well supplied.

Spend millions on training "operators", supported by the worlds most expensive systems and have them get chased out of somalia by one bad nigger with an AK. That is literally what happens.

The myth of US "power" is just that, a myth, and there are several countries that routinely make the US look like a cowed dog, and literally laugh at their empty threats, knowing full well the US won't do a fucking thing. These countries are actually powerful, which is why they can invade their neighbors, slaughter, rape and pillage and the US suddenly pretends its non-interventionist, like a guy pretending to not pay attention to the other guy who has just called him on his bluff about fighting.

In fact isnt it interesting, the only countries the US demonstrates any dominance over all have the same yoke it has around its neck... hmmm

>> No.3492550

The jews have betrayed god by their use of usery and slavery while running a monopoly on an unjust market regulated by their own people and interests where they legalize what they can earn from but illegalize it for others.

They're not working in the guidelines of god, where the market is free of regulations, cheating, interest and any act of usury.

let's not start talking about all the blood and prostitution money.

>> No.3492552
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Who are you talking to right now ? Who is it you think you see ? Do you know how much I make a year, I mean even if I told you you wouldnt believe it. You know what would happen if I suddenly decided to stop investing ? Shitcoins with a marketcap big enough that they could be listed on the NASDAQ would go belly up... disappear. They seize to exist without me, no you clearly dont know who you're talking to so let me clue you in. I am not getting jewed anon, I AM THE JEW. A guy loses all his money panic selling crypto and you think that's me ? No, I am the one who spreads the FUD.

>> No.3492576

>nice that you are assuming my gender without knowing anything about me or my life.
this is my new favorit meme

>> No.3492579


This is due to the USA fighting "politically correct" wars due to pussy politicians.

In an all out war scenario we'd mop the floor with whatever pissant country you think makes us cower. Yes that includes China and Russia. At the same time.

>> No.3492608

> Yes that includes China and Russia.
No, it doesn't, any serious conflict with either would result in MAD.

>> No.3492632


So let me get this straight, the most "powerful" government on the planet is so not powerful that it is held on a leash by "pussy" politicians?

This sounds suspiciously like the UStards on here who think you've been "emasculated" by feminism and would be big strong bad men otherwise, to which the only sane response is: really? a girl did that to you?

>> No.3492745


Your greentext referenced the military, not the government.

Would you wanna go toe to toe with our armed forces in an all out war scenario? You really think you'd have a shot in hell?

>> No.3492780
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>> No.3492798


>Vietnam, the epitome of a PC war

Do you have selective reading skills?


I've said it 3 times.

>> No.3492827


Exactly what do you think is an "all out war scenario", because so far you write like a bog standard UStard who has a poorly patched together conception of military affairs and reality from hollywood films and ADHD clicking on wikipedia.

Being extremely generous by pretending that this wouldn't result in nuclear warfare and MAD, why on earth do you imagine a country that struggled to defeat a broken german army, struggled and failed against korea and china in the 50s, struggled and failed with vietnam despite the assistance of several other nations (and no, the "we almost beat them b-but political pressure!!" excuse is convenient but doesn't fly), wouldn't dare invade cuba despite having a ridiculous numerical and geographical advantage, and most recently has struggled to make any lasting impact in afghanistan despite the assistance of over THIRTY OTHER NATIONS and FIFTEEN YEARS OF WORK,

this, would "mop the floor" with two superpowers, in their own backyards, "at the same time" no less? Why the fuck do you imagine this, and based on what? Documentaries and TV shows that are borderline state funded propaganda? The soviets did that too, reality be damned. right up until it was no longer feasible to keep pretending. Well, for the US pretending is getting very expensive as of late

I didn't even give a categorical list of all the embarassments the US has suffered in the field over the years, in my experience UStards need doses of reality introduced slowly and carefully or their brains just shut down.

>> No.3492844


damn I can hear you HOOAHing from here

>> No.3492851

Stop having an all out war with the kike cock in your mouth for a second

fucking government supporting and idolizing retards such as yourself are the sole reason why this filth is not collapsing soon enough.

>> No.3492878

How long can the autists move within the frozen time?

>> No.3492891

>enforced on you by the most powerful army in the world.
haha yeah. Like, if we get another round of big inflation again like in the early 1980s, the US Army is gonna go around and force all the shops to set their prices lower. Tell me some more bullshit, Jamie.

>> No.3492922

An army doesn't back a currency idiot, a currency is backed by its demand, demand of US dollars is tied to oil exports, since the petrodollar agreement in the 70's the arab countries agreed to sell oil in international markets only in dollars, so if Japan wants to buy oil from the UAE they have to first buy dollars from the US.

Now what happens when renewable energy displaces oil and the arabs agree to sell oil in other currencies? The dollar crashes no matter how strong their military is.

The only scenario where their military is relevant is if they strong arm the arabs to keep selling oil in dollars only, but there is jack shit they can do against renewables.

>> No.3492933


the finance war, is WW3, YOU FUCKING IDIOTS

>> No.3492955
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>Why the fuck do you imagine this.

Because pic related.

You clearly have no idea how much force projection the USA has. Let's just look at aircraft carriers, for example. We have 11 IN service.

Do you know how many China has? ONE
Do you know how many Russia has? ONE

We can send 5 times as many war planes to each of their shores as they can to ours. And that's just a sliver of our overall abilities.

I suspect you are one of 3 nationalities - Canadian, British, or Aussie. Any one of which could be overrun by the mere deer hunting population of a midwestern state. Sit down, cuckboy.

>> No.3493065
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Aircraft carriers can't stop a ICBM tho

>> No.3493093


>What is THAAD

>> No.3493143


> we spend more than everyone else combined, therefore we are successful

so my initial assessment of you was correct, UStard with wikipedia "education" and a conception of reality patched together from a lifetime of hollywood films.

smoke another bong retard, this words thing is not for you.

>> No.3493219


>Completely ignores logistics and realizes he actually has no argument, so sputters about wikipedia and movies

More money means more hardware you ignorant fuck, as evidenced by carrier fleets alone.

Maybe you need this laid out to you at a first grade level. So let's try this:

"One boat versus 11 boats. Who wins the fight? Write you answer below."