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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3490947 No.3490947 [Reply] [Original]

What would be the drive behind being financially successful besides:

Or is that all there is?

>> No.3490963

I don't care about either of those

I just want to be able to buy whatever I want without worrying about it.

>> No.3490965

uh yeah thats it. not too complicated, faggot.

>> No.3490968

The most important thing of all OP:


>> No.3490980
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Comfort? Health? Safety? Entertainment?

>> No.3490984

Pussies are the worst investments. I want a peaceful life in the countryside.

>> No.3490986


>> No.3490987

Time and freedom to do what I want

>> No.3490989


Their foreheads are bigger thank my Ark gains...

>> No.3490992
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>You'll never place your face in between mango breasts

>> No.3490994

status gets you pussy.

In a meaningless world in which life is what humans make of it, status in the minds of humans is all one can really hope for.

>> No.3490995

I can't be the only one who only trades out of boredom, right? The money is just a side thing.

>> No.3491001


I can't believe the fuckin omega orbiters who aim for pussy.

Pussy is a natural result of doing the right tings, a kind of bonus.

The main target is always FREEDOM

>> No.3491016

-comfort (financial success allows you to live in better conditions)
-freedom (no longer dependent on single source of income, work stress, or mooching off family)
-peace of mind

it's all relative bud. being rich is good simply because it is relatively better than being poor.

would you rather be poor, on a tight budget and eating low-quality food, and thus becoming unhealthy, or would you rather be financially well-off so you can afford highly nutritious, fresh food and the best fresh water. it's that simple.

i've been poor, homeless, and i've been rich traveling the world, and at the end of it all, the freedom from having lots of fiat is much better.

we don't even have to discuss pussy or status but obviously those are part of comfort.

status is actually unnecessary for anti-social/hermit type people like me. only fame-whores crave status.

>> No.3491020

Freedom, pissing off wagecucks, rejecting golddiggers, pushing your agenda (whether it be in politics or culture), living longer because you can afford the best medical care, zero stress, etc..

>> No.3491034

theres a lot of fedora in this post

*unleashes katana

>> No.3491038

I'm a 5'7" manlet with poor genes (bacne, horrible teeth, big nose, small pecker)

My goal is to improve upon the genetics of my family line

So, when I'm rich, I'm going to fly to Estonia or Latvia or some shit and find some super tall aryan godess with a perfect complexion and small nose and then I'm going to buy her and she's going to have several children (hopefully males)

after about a decade of having my children or so, she can do whatever the fuck she wants as an american citizen

>> No.3491042

how about not having to wake up at 6AM and living the life of a slave for 50 years without even being able to afford anything. fuck society, they arent gonna take my life away from me. I need money so I can do what I want when I want.

>> No.3491043
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my dick actually tingled

>> No.3491044

i'm just waiting my parents to pass away so i can kill myself with no remorse.

this is just killing time, i don't care if i make a cent or lose it all.

>> No.3491053

I just wanna not worry about money at all. As in when I wake up I have the option of going full NEET if I want. That way I can just enjoy my family

>> No.3491063
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You guys are right.
Financial freedom is actually my main goal atm.

The end goal still is pussy.
And it is what motivates me to work hard to achieve my goals.

So my point still stands imo
Goal = Financial freedom
Drive = pussy

>> No.3491068

I just want to be free. I want to live without having to work or care about money.

>> No.3491077

>Comfort? Health? Safety?

The government is obligated to provide such things at existing taxation levels.


Work obligations among other things has strangled creative output, so all that's left is nature, which isn't necessarily expensive.

>> No.3491080

orbiters have a disease of the mind - self loathing./ low self esteem to use the newspeak word for it.

Luckily, eligible vagina holders can easily detect self loathing and press D to delete from genepool.

>> No.3491097

This. Also, if you have a lot of money you can do "philantropy" which basically means paying to change the world into what you want it to become. You can take a nobody and make him president of the USA. Personally, I want to get rich so that I can save the white race.

>> No.3491118

So money is dysgenic?

>> No.3491144

just curious, how old are you guys, that impacts your priorities as well

>> No.3491165
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>> No.3491172

This is what a lot of Jews do. Considering Jewish traits are among the least desirable, they marry hot blonde women who chase money. I don't blame them to be honest.

>> No.3491189

i just want to upgrade my shitty pc.
god fucking damn it.
and every shitcoin and "goodcoin" ... almost fucking everything felt in price.

>> No.3491201

be that as it may, i'm not ready to die until ive had numerous offspring to take my place. my undesirable traits are no match for the traits that i've evolved to have that prop me up (i like to think I'm pretty intelligent relative to most people)

>> No.3491202

1. Making sure my parents are taken care of in the future.

2. Being financially independent so I can read books, write music, and shitpost on 4chan all day.

That's literally it.

>> No.3491204

In order of nobility these are why you should want to acquire wealth:

>Achieve financial stability to retire and focus on science, the arts and philosophy.
>Acquire starting capital for a truly original and ingenious business idea.
>Support a loving and successful family.
>Travel the world in style
>Buy fancy and expensive material posessions.
Power gap
>Getting pussy

>> No.3491206


I've been waging since I was 16, come from a very poor family and I'm getting really really tired of it. I've got the hunger.

>> No.3491211

I just wanna be able to buy my own stuff instead of asking my parents for everything desu

>> No.3491224

Financial freedom. I couldn't care any less about pussy or status.

>> No.3491232

well I'm not jewish and I've actually got blonde hair and blue eyes too, but I certainly do wonder if i got some jew blood in me

>> No.3491238

>buy whatever I want without worrying about it.
I can do this, I do it everyday, then again you do not need 10 million to do that, all comes down on how you live and what do you want to buy.
I would like to work whenever the fuck I want, that would be nice.

>> No.3491240

I just want a Tesla and a house on the beach. Fuck women they just want to steal my money. Fuck status, I hate most people why would I care about impressing them? But basically you're right OP, it's just an instinctual thing your DNA forces you to do.

>> No.3491264
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1. fear of poverty
2. autistic interest in accumulating money

>> No.3491265

I can't play video games anymore after trading. They're too boring. I think I may be addicted to day trading.

>> No.3491331

But most governments fail to do that. I can say it for myself since I live in a shithole called Brazil and I am trying to immigrate to other country that does that better. I really need the money to achieve that.

As for entertainment, nature is nice, but travelling to see other biomes also require quite a lot of money. Also, after working 7+ years at the same place I'm kind of getting used to the "reward" mechanism that triggers when you provide creative solutions to problems.

>> No.3491336

>The government is obligated to provide such things at existing taxation levels.

Maybe it is obligated but It doesn't, the western government are cracking on the welfare state since 10 years because they thought it was a good idea to borrow during 40 years, import legions of unskilled/violent immigrants and promote feminism (which crashed individual income and birthrate).

>> No.3491352
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>it's just an instinctual thing your DNA forces you to do.

Yeah this was kinda my point.
The evolutionary reason why men want to aggressively climb dominance hierarchy's is because women like status.

Why not find out how to regularly sleep with women without risking your finances.

>I hate most people
Yeah most people suck

>> No.3491370

Cocks...it literally comes down to cocks.

>> No.3491373

And that's exactly why jews are losing their status progressively as an elite.
All these traits selected by environmental and social pressure during centuries that made them extremely successful in service based societies are slowly being diluted.
Won't cry on it though.

>> No.3491394

i just want everything to stay as it is right now

>> No.3491406

They're intermixing with a gentile elite which leads to.... and elite which is more rapidly lengthening the genetic distance between itself and the rest of the white population.

>> No.3491414
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What incredibly shitty drive.

pic related is best

>> No.3491485
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Pinoccio detected

>> No.3491489

This, any male changes their opinion about pussy and status after the age of 25. We just want fucking financial freedom and stop this worrying the whole time about bills etc. The fear of that stress is higher than the motivation to get pussy or status.

>> No.3491506

Someone should calculate the reduction in the working week possible had America not fought Asian land wars nor continued to pay a trillion dollars a year for black subsidy.

>> No.3491550

Gentile traits are different from jewish traits no matter if they are from the elite or not.
Also around 50% of the kids in these mixed marriages don't stay in the community and they don't marry all with whites, lot of them marry with mulattos/latinos/asians/indians/whatever mutts the US and Europe produce.

You probably can't talk french but here you have Jacques Attali, the most influential jew in Europe, speaking about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0pLPAG465Q

The jew of the future will be an israeli and the diaspora will slowly vanish which is bloody good news, maybe the West will make it out thanks to that.

>> No.3491558


>> No.3491596

>This, any male changes their opinion about pussy and status after the age of 25. We just want fucking financial freedom and stop this worrying the whole time about bills etc.

How could this possibly be true. Not everybody has an issue with their bills. And there's not even a male/female devide with that.

>> No.3491672

Ethically, taxes ought only be levied in proportion to the strength of the public's sense of kinship and social affiliation.

>> No.3491695
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Pussy? Fucking pathetic. You don't even need to be rich to get pussy, just not be an autistic manchild. Don't be a roastie enabler.

If I had succes I would invest in science. Money is power, and I would use it to make progress. I have a few ideas in mind.

Second of all it's the freedom, I'm currently waking a soul crushing minimum wage cuck job. I can't even spend time on my own hobbies and fulfill my drea.s

You're never going to make it if you want pussy or status

>> No.3491712

To triumph over nature.

If work is equivalent to hunting and gathering, I don't want to hunt anymore.

If I do hunt, its because I want to or ill get other people to do it for me.

>> No.3492045


>> No.3492062

So I don't spend half of my time, the most important resource in the world, wagecucking

>> No.3492087
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All these beautiful women in the world

Not a single one is here with me or ever will be

>> No.3492096

Planting trees whose shade I will never sit in.

>> No.3492102

I just want to live the hippy lifestyle on a big bankroll. Chilling, working out, fucking girls, staying at different AirBnBs by the beach, and playing video games.

If my parents died I'd be set. I think they're going to live another 40 years though. Idk what I'm going to do.

>> No.3492112
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>The government is obligated to provide such things at existing taxation levels.
maybe I dont want to live with just enough money to survive

>> No.3492207

just to warn you guys, enjoy it while it lasts. i've been pretty healthy all my life and yet my libido is just completely fucking gone now, out of nowhere. it somehow went from normal to completely vanishing over the past year. girls now look as hot to me as a piece of furniture. there's just no feeling whatsoever when i see them. also, getting my dick touched feels about as good as getting my elbow touched. i'm 33.

>> No.3492279

Start lifting heavy weights and eat healthy.
You are still young anon

>> No.3492364
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>when you transcend ooga booga cock in cunt bullshit and the only reason you want money is to form a militia to bolster secessionists in a Second American Civil War to establish a new Byzantium insulated from Leftists

>> No.3492390


>girls now look as hot to me as a piece of furniture

You have become a real man. You see women for what they truly are.

>> No.3492400

ayy dis my fav hentai

>> No.3492476

dumb old bitch, those mats were put there to dry and shes just throwing water on them

>> No.3492531


I trade because I hate jobs, hate being told what to do, don't like getting paid for my time, want to spend half the day at the gym, etc.

Who needs a lambo when you can live wherever you want and answer to fucking nobody?

>> No.3492734

You simply have low testosterone levels. Start working out and get on TRT like Jeff Bezos.

>> No.3493971

Cтo пyдoв этo ypoк пo гeoгpaфии... нo кoмнaтa выглядит кaк бyдтo этo биoлoгия...

>> No.3494882

not really. hes marrying his superior intelligence and inferior looks to her superior looks and (probably) inferior intelligence. his average kids can then go on to marry up or down from there. its a wash.

>> No.3495304

I want to take my folks around the world before they die.

>> No.3495318

>wants status

fuckin lol please consider kys

>> No.3495355
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Lambos, tall blondes, caviar, and yachts. Who wouldn't want these things?

>> No.3495833


>> No.3495877

This. Now all you have to do is rewire your brain to find furniture sexually attractive.

>> No.3495879
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>The government is obligated to provide such things at existing taxation levels.
goyim actually believe this

>> No.3495884

It's a bunch of vaginas, so they are probably posing.

>> No.3496085

The ability to take on whatever hobby I want whenever without fear of financial death. Not even fancy hobbies. Camping, river panning, fishing, lifting, etc. And one gold bar for shits and grins/ if I ever needed a bar of gold.

>> No.3496202

I'm the same bro at 28
I had a prostate infection out of the blue and ever since I feel absolutely no sex drive. My testosterone levels have plummeted.
It's crazy how much of my life before this was around chasing pussy, now sex just feels like a chore. I might get onto that TRT come to think of it..

>> No.3496719


>Freedom not to work for living
>Own land + home outfitted for maximum sustainability(minimum upkeep cost)
>Free to be true to yourself whether it is painting crappy paintings or shitposting

All precedes "pussy" and "status". God help the lonely fool who gets a bunch of money and first thing you're doing is wearing some stupid expensive shirt at a dumbass club telling girls how you got rich off doge coins. You'll go broke in a few years once your "pussy" is finished with you.

I honestly feel real bad for anyone who wants companionship and thinks pursuing money is going to solve their loneliness. You'll be lucky if you don't end up putting a bullet through your own head.

>young poorfag from poorfag family
>didn't stop me from buying a one way ticket to Europe for $300, exploring some cool towns and fucking a QT
>didn't stop me from working whatever job I could get so I could rent my own places
>Women just materialize for me when I stop giving a fuck

Don't chase money dumbasses... Chase freedom, passion, morality, self reflection, steadfastness, self confidence, etc. etc. and everything else will come to you.

>> No.3496903

Wait...isn't this a good thing?

How many of us are NEETs plagued by idea of not getting any pussy while chads slay.

Wouldn't it be good to not be plagued by these thoughts and insecurities?

>> No.3496925

Good goyim, the government doesn't owe you nothin'. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country!

>> No.3497650

I have 40-60 years left and I would rather spend that time doing what I want rather than wage slaving.