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File: 679 KB, 2622x1670, ethbet bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3488485 No.3488485 [Reply] [Original]

Despite the recent crash, still planning on putting ETH into this?

Now that the market cap is technically even lower in terms of USD it might have even better mooning potential.

Shit might still sell out real quickly.


>> No.3488517

>Now that the market cap is technically even lower in terms of USD

No shit

>> No.3488532

yeah. i guess now that we're all poorer it might not really help out, unless anyone was short this entire time...

>> No.3488540

Ohh yes, everyone "invest" in this ico its guaranteed to be a winner! Hehhe

>> No.3488566


kys, dont invest if you dont like it, keep buying your neo or omg or whatever it is you buy

>> No.3488582
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 1504280084237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not getting to 20,000 on the demo

do you even dice bro?

>> No.3488605

Yes i agree. All those others are shit. THIS and only THIS is the best investment right now. Focus on it. Invest in it.

>> No.3488620

glad you agree anon.
not like im going all in on it but with the market cap i should own a good bit of it.

>> No.3488621
File: 9 KB, 300x168, 1494129273526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shhh my friend.

>> No.3488633

we wont have problems getting in. with the eth crash recently all of the newbies have already been scared out of the ecosystem if you ask me

>> No.3488678
File: 104 KB, 300x432, Myself_by_anticide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would have to be fucking retarded to NOT invest in this

was looking over this and their reddit account is posting on /r/ethdev about solidity development which is a really good sign to me. everything else looks fucking great like the paper.

now if only I didnt lose all my fucking money from china FUCK

>> No.3488715

Fuck this shitcoin, I lost all my money in the demo!!!
But yeah, I'll buy some.

>> No.3488735

you think whales are retards? any one of them with half a brain is waiting to hoover this entire ICO up.

>> No.3488747
File: 536 KB, 1920x1080, m0f1i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just hit set->reset balance, then keep playing until you get to like 5K, then put up bets between 1-2.5K for a high edge, give it a few hours and then before you know it keep doing it and you'll end up with 20K


thats about all ive done in life so feelsgoodman

>> No.3488837

you might be right. I read over the dev talking about it on >leddit and he said he thinks it will last longer because they have a much lower marketing budget than the ICOs that sell out in one minute. I am watching for the starting block value to be posted anyway so it shouldnt be a problem.

good luck with it to you too

>> No.3488871

on this subject do you think ETH has bottomed out because i want to pick up another $5k?

>> No.3488916

the way I see it is that it's way way better to buy now, than to have bought awhile ago at 300 or 400

obviously that is obvious, but it looks like a good buying time, or, $200 did, a few hours ago.

It might go as low as 150-200 but nothing wrong with buying now as long as youre patient

>> No.3489034

how am i supposed to buy this after eth crashed so much

>> No.3489143
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buy it?
not sure what your problem is

>> No.3489177
File: 68 KB, 877x613, fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a metric fuckton of FunFair. The "crash" (dip) happened right before their scheduled roadmap which involves traveling Asia and shilling their coin to Koreans and Japanese people—and you know that the honorary Aryans love gambling. There's basically a bunch of good stuff in the pipeline now and very little in the way of potential downside.

ethbet looks okay and edgeless looks okay, but they've got nothing on FUN.

I know this looks like a shill post but look it up. Read their white paper.
>fate channels
>Jez San, OBE
etc etc

>> No.3489204

Since this shit wont sell Out Like Avalon. What ist the benefit over all the other gamble and Betting icos?
Why this? Only because of the Peer to Peer reason?
Who is srly investing?

>> No.3489215


>fate channels
>just renamed state channels except it's closed-source and theyre trying to patent it

edgeless is way overvalued and looks dumb,. barely has anything working after months of working with millions

funfair just looks like a huge marketing deal that markets to normies, but it wont surprise me if they get some gains

ethbet is gains heaven due to low market cap but i understand the desire for funfair,but it sure does get shilled a lot here

>> No.3489226


>shilling a gambling coin in countries where gambling is illegal

>> No.3489235

Etheroll is still the king of ethereum gambling.

>> No.3489238

>funfair just looks like a huge marketing deal that markets to normies, but it wont surprise me if they get some gains
Your prescription is half right, but it's not just marketing. They have the dev and they have the tech and it works already. If you just skimmed, do a full read and check out the demos on their site. You can actually use the tech right now with some testnet ETH.

>t. clueless

>> No.3489240


>fate channels

You're literally shilling a black box miracle cure, by the way.

>> No.3489259


See page 3 and onward

Even if you're just a shill or an obstinate cunt, anyone can read this

>> No.3489286

meh I'm gonna put a thousand in jade to gain like 5% of the market cap. i like being a whale

>> No.3489304

Easier said than done.

Basically funfair is all off chain so there will be no guarantees that the code wont be screwing over the players.

Etheroll operates on-chain only. Meaning the contract code is verifiable. Meaning it is the only truly provably fair method of gambling that exists in the world.

>> No.3489311

>a real coin

>> No.3489318

This is gonna turn into the lightning/raiden/whatever vs "muh traditional values" argument, fundamentally

I like and hold both, I'm just sharing the huge opportunity in FUN ITT since it doesn't get talked about much

>> No.3489328

>Since this shit wont sell Out Like Avalon
except it will, its market cap is almost nothing becuase they arent asking for 5000 million like other icos.

we're investing for mad gains, duh.

>> No.3489359

Bitdice anyone?

>> No.3489383


i dont know


>> No.3489388

Isn't Funfair doing a second ICO? That's what put me off in the first place.

>> No.3489415

yes, they're grabbing all the money they can since 8 figures surely isnt enough to pay some stupid fucking graphics artists jack shit and developers a bit more to write their stuff

>> No.3489428

>Isn't Funfair doing a second ICO? That's what put me off in the first place.
No, they're doing some kind of roadshow in SK and Japan, offering some kind of sale there, and then burning a huge portion of what amounts to the premine

>> No.3489461

bitdice is 'okay'. has a lot of problems for investors in that instead of being pumped up like crazy it will just give you small profits over time, and who knows what will happen with securities laws and ruin it.

i think they're closed soon anyway so Ethbet is the thing thing im looking forward to

>> No.3489626

i emailed them to ask a question about it and they responded in like 30 seconds

wew, maybe i should invest

>> No.3489724

how do i find out what block this starts on

>> No.3489763

from the contract looks like they will announce it later

>> No.3489924

>not already predicting it and getting in instantly

>> No.3489983

that is not how it works
block time is estimate not a gurantee

>> No.3490257



>> No.3490392

so how much better is this going to be than the other icos recently?

>> No.3490442
File: 140 KB, 1920x737, penis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This 'lil nigga finished it's ICO yesterday and it'll rape Etheroll.

>> No.3490453

>takes cryptocurrency money for tokens

>isnt actually on the blockchain at all

>> No.3490473

Yup. I bought 2k of fun at like 3.5 cents, and kicking myself for it, but not selling. Threw like 30 bucks at this ethbet thingy for shits and giggles.

I could have had well more than double FUN had I waited for this dip, but what the fuck ever.

>> No.3490510

>people actually buy into 80 million dollar bullshit like funfair and bitdice instead of just being patient and waiting for ethbet


>> No.3490541

>80 million

>> No.3490545

however much. they're not really a blockchain thing at all they just want money, so whatever

>> No.3490579

8M = 80M fck this logic

How is +50% bonus sustainable? How can you justify such a bonus?

No team? Looks great, buying 100k

This is nothing else than a luck flip, they will develop nothing.

>> No.3490623

It's not like you get 50% of your money for free. The bonus is irrelevant if everyone buys in on the first day. It only gives you an edge if people buy in after the first day, where you bought in on the first day.
No one is buying for a 'bonus', they're buying due to the low cap and huge potential.

They've already developed some great smart contracts, had them auditied, open sourced, have a working demo, etc.

>No team? Looks great
Just like Etheroll. Have fun missing out boyo.

>> No.3490631

8M is still a lot when Bitdice already has everything they need. If they're so profitable why are they taking millions from people on the blockchain when their platform doesn't even function on the blockchain?

i'm sure bitdice owners will be fine with their small rewards over time but like >>3490623
said we're interested in Ethbet for other reasons mostly

>> No.3490656
File: 5 KB, 158x158, 1249777982813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP asks about Ethbet
>FUN and bitdice shills come in every time

every time.

>> No.3490736

Will this save all of my losses?

i guess eth doing better now but I need a solid 2xer

sell me in 2 lines or less

>> No.3490761

1. market cap is 5000ETH, aka $1-1.5M max
2. going to sell out so there's enough demand to 2X regardless of anything else


>> No.3490786
File: 6 KB, 416x121, last ned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3490803

the big problem with ethbet is that they have no fucking product

all they have is a damn demo

expect to be holding bags for months down the line after ico before it picks up

>> No.3490817

im willing to hold for a few months, but one huge thing is if it sells out like I said in >>3490761 then we know for a fact there's more demand than supply, so it should be green even before any product

>> No.3490949

sry senpai but >>3490761 sounds a bit better

>> No.3490996

I put 1eth into bitdice

and I'm going to put 1eth into this

poorfag here, only have 4 eth total so hoping at least one of these boys makes it big

>> No.3491019

bitdice is if you want to invest in a casino and get a small share of profits over time

ethbet is if you want to invest in a new type of platform and potentially have a token that moons hard

there's nothing wrong with either one, put the rest of your eth in a margin long or something more fun maybe if not ethbet

>> No.3491071


tell me it's the one

>> No.3491106

yes, wehave already established that if youve been paying any attention at all.
just get in early and youre set.

>> No.3491138

but i need a solid 10xer

>> No.3491140

fuck it

2 eth into this if I can

i bought most of it at ~300USD so why not

>> No.3491180

the only problem with ethbet is it might be difficult to sell, i just looked at etherdelta and they seem to already have it added though?
thats weird, but if you are looking for mad gains you could try out margin trading too.

either that or shitcoins are the only way to 10x but be careful anon

>> No.3491218
File: 281 KB, 526x339, 1367289655212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good, leaves more for us

>> No.3491228

Meanwhile edgeless moving toward an all time high and about release their full working product , plus casino license for fiat gambling in yr next 2 weeks. And it pays profit share via edgeless lottery

Good luck with this shitcoin

>> No.3491253

still missing the point.
Edgeless is already worth 81M. It is never going to 10X.

that's the entire point, if ethbet was going to be worth 81M we wouldnt invest because it's never going to 10X. at 1.5M it totally can

>> No.3491308

this basically is half of what convinced me, plus how amazing other dicing tokens always do

>> No.3491384

nice Op

im going to buy 100k

then there's none left for you.

:) this is what you get

if i could take them all from you i would

>> No.3491430

great LARPing.>>3491384

no, really, you almost had me

>> No.3491446

would be awesome if we let the moontalk aside and we talk technicals

how much eth do they plan to rise?

>> No.3491915

5,000 max, it's all on their site really

>> No.3491933

srsly lol etheroll raised 125000 if i remember correctly.

what im trying to say is that etheroll high marketcap comes from the appreciation of the eth. if you compare what etheroll is worth today with the actual eth value you can see they actually burned millions.

Hows ethbet gonna be better than that?

>> No.3491987

i dont think ethbet is going to pass the cap of etheroll any time soon, maybe after many months if things really work out for them

but i am expecting an easy 2x or higher due to the low cap and demand

>> No.3492460

ethbet fucking blows, why would you buy that piece of shit. You should have bought bitdice. They already turn a multi million dollar profit and have been established since 2014.

>> No.3492871
File: 444 KB, 593x492, 1505065228548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BitDice > All