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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3488484 No.3488484 [Reply] [Original]

>2018: The Chinese government buys 60% of all Neo. Shorty thereafter, they announce plans to release a digital version of the Chinese Yuan, the 'Neo-Yuan'.

>2020: To compate with China, the US Federal Reserve announces plans to use a decentralized blockchain to regulate the supply of the US Dollar.

>2021: the new cryptodollar will use the Bancor reserve and the Ethereum network.

>2022: governments around the world follow the US and Chinese lead, announcing plants to shift from fiat to crypto. Some adopt Neo, but the majority implements their native currencies using the Ethereum network and the Bancor reserve.

>2023-onward: the shift to crypto creates unseen economic stability. Bancor allows people to trade any asset without spread or fees. Early adopters of Bancor become billionaires.

>2025: Satoshi Nakamoto is declared a hero of humanity by the United Nations.

>2035: Galia Benartzi receives the Nobel Prize in Economics for the creation of the first smart token and solving the problem of the double coincidence of wants.

>> No.3488508

>he fell for neo AND bancor and copes by trying to force a shitty meme on a japanese forum for pedophiles

>> No.3488570

Why would a government buy in to a premined crypto scam if they can premine their own scamtoken and force it on the population?

>> No.3488583

they already did that. its called bitcoin

>> No.3488585


>Premine and ICO shit, not even once.

>> No.3488598

Because op is a freaking idiot.

Fact of the matter is crypto currencies can be created at any time and there is absolutely no reason for existing ones to be adopted

>> No.3488600



>> No.3488654

>Fact of the matter is crypto currencies can be created at any time and there is absolutely no reason for existing ones to be adopted

It might be cheaper to hire Neo's devs and buy their 50 million premined shares, than to design their own cryptocurrency from scratch.

>> No.3488842

Your /biz/arro timeline will never happen. It's like saying the Axis have won against the Allies.

Here is the real timeline:
>2019 + 1: All exchanges got closed years ago. The government traced the owners and miners, and shot them before the cameramen of CNN, BBC, Reuters, Aljazeera, and other media outlets.
>My 1 million Bitcoin is trapped on this vaporware I created called "crypto". Nobody knows what that word means anymore.
>My regret has never been this great. It's time for my call. Not even my $0.00450 pistol could save my credit.
>The SWAT team is outside my house, calling my name. They keep on yelling outside, "Satoshi Nakamoto you are under-arrest in accordance to international monetary laws. You have disrupted global economic stability and destroyed financial institutions, and with that you are hereby declared a terrorist-on-the-run. Your continued existence is a threat to humanity."
>Me and those who used crypto currencies were declared as "terrorists" years ago, from what I've heard on my solar-powered radio
>the last person who I transacted with, blew himself before the crowds of Wall St.
>he bought 500,000 btc from that $5000 ATH
>and the only btc that I could give to him was 0.00050000 satoshis
>"thank you very much. I will curse your name to the pits of hell, he said."
>I thanked him as the last person who has recognized my name.
>Japan has forsaken and banned the name "Satoshi"
>those who had the name "Satoshi" were evicted from the country and treated as outsiders
>all of them became refugees nobody would accept
>this mountain, whom I have made as my sole headquarters for a decade, I shall miss it.
>I pulled the trigger on the last bullet
>that bullet costed $0.00002000 by the way