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3485618 No.3485618 [Reply] [Original]


>After cracking down on cryptocurrencies, China now wants a regulatory framework to support digital tokens.

Bitcoin crashed about 40% in two weeks after hitting 5k ATH.

For reference:
- bitcoin also crashed 40% after hitting 1.2k ATH in January
- bitcoin also crashed 40% after hitting 3k ATH in June

And we all know what happened after those January and June crashes.

Strap in for the next moon phase, buttercups.

>> No.3485647

The bottom will be found today or in a few days.

If your nerves are shot, don't buy in now. Wait for a couple of days of green, which should be late next week.

>> No.3485708

Is everyone sleeping or what?

>> No.3485755

not enough A's in your OP

>> No.3485814

Those "crashes" were corrections. This is the real crash. When I started to see blond chicks on MY FB who never read a book in their lives, I started seeing the resemblance of the DotCom bubble. During the DotCom bubble, my local bar bartender was raging every day about how much he was making. He had no clue what he was investing in. Just rising a bull wave.

What's happening here for BTC is the same bubble story. Don't get me wrong. This is not bad. This is actually really good. The crypto world is plagued with 1000000s of shitcoins and ICOs every day to products that don't exist at all. All valued based completely on speculation is. This downward spiral will make people think twice about what they are investing in from now on, and now just blindly throw internet coins at whatever is green today.

This crash will be like separating gold from rock. You throw the rock in the fire and gold melts. We keep the gold and throw away the rock. This is what this crash will do. It will forge a new wave of crypto that's more stable, reliable, and secure.

Enjoy this ride. This is the end for a few months at least. When you see the price stable for 2+ weeks, start accumulating. That's the time to get in. It might even stay low for more than a year. Keep collecting. Eventually it will be more than it's worth now. You just have to buy and hold.


>> No.3485841


>> No.3485879

nice story but i kinda doubt your bartender was day-trading .com stocks... gtfo larper faggot

>> No.3486011


>> No.3486065

you weren't even alive during the dotcom bubble you fucking retarded piece of shit larper

>muh real crash this tiem!1
said the clueless newfag/the piece of shit FUDer for the 33432th time

>> No.3486134

>Those "crashes" were corrections. This is the real crash.

Because it's "big"?
There have been multiple 40% crashes this year alone, and many GARGANTUAN crashes in bitcoin history.

Because it's "quick"?
Bitcoin crashed 40% in ONE week in January.
The current crash took two weeks, and hasn't even reached 40% yet.

>> No.3486165

just wait for $2200 and stock up

>> No.3486191
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>> No.3486221

You could've posted that pic at the height of the January 2017 crash, but guess what happened to the bitcoin price since then?

>> No.3486224

It may go further down as this is possible...
in the meanwhile her eis some news about china form C. Lee the LTC inventor....


Please read to end and do not panic... the Chinese government wants to regulate and control everything....

>> No.3486283

> posts salesforce

Are you on an Indian support team? Is this a customer ticket?

You are supposed to be working now, not browsing biz