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3484131 No.3484131 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know where should I ask this, here or /mu/, but anyway.

I recently started a youtube channel where I will upload my own (mostly) Metal arrangements of anime OPs, Videogame ost, vocaloid songs and any kind of music related the otaku culture. Some great examples are Family Jules, RichaadEB but the one that is the perfect example of how I plan to work is Falkkone.

My question is: How can I get a big audience like these people? What should I take in consideration about promoting? Don't worry about the quality of music.

I remind you that I've just started this month, that means that I'm really new on this so it's not like "maybe you are failing gaining suscribers because your music sucks/your video editing is ugly/etc". I just want to start with the right foot and evade all possible errors I might commit if I don't get advice, so I need every possible advice you can share with me.

>> No.3484180
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>Don't worry about the quality of music.

>> No.3484209


>> No.3484230

1. create a recognizable format. So each video should have the same layout.
2. beginning of video put a subscribe button, and at the end
3. engage with your audience by replying to their comments
4. engage with your audience by making bold statements "song x is def better than song y, what do you think"
5. create quality backlinks to your video for better rankings within google and yt. This also results in more traffic.
6. don't expect to see results immediately, this takes time and patience.

>> No.3484231

Just make your music quality as good as possible
or be hot
or have other things going on in your videos that makes people want to see more.

gotta make em sub

>> No.3484317

Just pay for likes and views like everyone else

>> No.3484318

Mm, I think there are a lot of things that go into something like this. One of the first things is channel name. Is it simple to remember, makes people want to subscribe, etc, etc.

Second is content, but because I'm not analyzing what kind of content you put out, all I can say is be consistent with posting.

Third, consider turning to social media to promote your channel. Soundcloud, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Ask small artists if they are interested in having their music be featured on a small but growing channel in exchange for a shout out.

Fourth, look at SEO and how to increase your channel with certain niche keywords. You're idea isn't exactly brand new, so you'll be competing with others for that front page.

Look up how Youtube's algorithms work. Is it based on views, amount of the video watched, etc etc? Learn how the monetization works. Think of a list of keywords that you'd want to use to look up content similar to yours.

I probably have something else but I really can't remember anything right now. I'm hella sleepy. Anyways, good luck and don't fuck things up.