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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3484005 No.3484005 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3484043

ur about 2 ;>

>> No.3484058


>> No.3484064

I would too, brother. Many brave people will die to support what's to come with blockchain technology. A great blockchain war is coming.

>> No.3484090

Than pick up the torch, put your autism to good use and lets fuck up the people trying to manipulate our hard gains away from us. We memed a president into the US. We've uncovered thousands of high position pedos with pizzagate, we survived endless shilling of bots and paid posters. Now it's time to do the same here on biz and deffend the thing we hold so dear to our hearts. It's time to step up and say we wont be pushed around by a group of dirty rich kikes, and we will strike back and cause them to feel fear for the first time in their lives. We will fuck them up, and we will find the truth no matter what. Let's do it, if not for bitcoin, If not for yourself, At least do it for the lulz!

>> No.3484095

It would also die for you.

In fact, it's dying right now

>> No.3484098



>> No.3484107


>> No.3484130

which one of you did this >>>/adv/18723683

>> No.3484142

You are right sir. First order of buisness: Buy 100k of Ringcoin on yobit. Go!

>> No.3484157

>we memed a president
No. You. Did. Not.
Middle aged normies put him in office. Not underage fucks on rthedonald that cant even vote. Stop with this bullshit its so cringe worthy

If you want to achieve something go shoot up wall street

>> No.3484166

Fuck off EEA shill, We're going after you, we're going to find the dirt, and we're going to fuck you over.

>> No.3484178 [DELETED] 

What dose it mean when I get a "connection error" when trying to post on a board? It happens on /adv/ and one other one that I've tried recently. I'm not sure why.

>> No.3484183

Go draw some pictures of cartoon frogs while the big boys play, faggot.

>> No.3484219
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>> No.3484302

>It's time to step up and say we wont be pushed around by a group of dirty rich kikes

how fucking delusional can /pol/fags actually be

somehow the chinese government pressuring chinese exchanges is part of your jewish conspiracy theory?

where does it fucking end my guy
enough already

>> No.3484319

Its the shit (((Goldman Sachs))) is saying in (((MSM))) that is throwing fuel on the fire. Besides Jews created Communism, which is what is enabling China to arbitrarily threaten to or actually ban exchanges.

>> No.3484326

just wow dude

>> No.3484382

Oh look its the (((delusional))) kike again. Is that your keyword for the week?
>muh bad optics