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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 992 KB, 805x683, bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3482526 No.3482526 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3482537


>> No.3482539


>> No.3482544

thank you meme magic

>> No.3482546

Fuck all the kike bankers

>> No.3482550


>> No.3482551

basically confirming that the dip is over, celebrate lads

>> No.3482563

they were right about 1800 and 4800 well before it happened
this isn't your typical wolfofwrongallthetime TA, this is the real deal.

>> No.3482568

Forced trips. I don't believe.

>> No.3482581

Both of those were wrong though lol.

>> No.3482589


>> No.3482594

>listening to jews... ever...

>> No.3482596

>what are confidence intervals

oh wait. you fuckers don't know because you're neets

>> No.3482597


>> No.3482600
File: 77 KB, 1457x731, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those were wrong though
what did he mean by this?

>> No.3482609

We hit this today. Does that mean it's over?

>> No.3482613

Yes we will. Just give us 3 more years.

>> No.3482615

Goldman Sachs is literally never wrong.
Prove me wrong without using any events from 2007-2008.

>> No.3482616

>tfw bought at 1100

>> No.3482620

No we didnt

>> No.3482624



>> No.3482632

We were like $10 off I feel like that's close enough

>> No.3482633

> literally never wrong.
>Prove me wrong without using any events from 2007-2008.

Did your mother gave you clorox instead of milk ?

>> No.3482634


>> No.3482700

douchebag goldman sachs is a criminal orginization that robs people using the cover of jew law. they are filthy dead subhumans waiting for a real government to come in and wipe them off the map. when the jews are overthrown from their shortlived apartheid in usa goldman is at the top of the list for military action. The days of mass jew crime are over. the days of golman sachs ended in 2008. they are just dead and gone but you still suck dick cause you cant think for yourself

>> No.3482709

You cryptaboos blindly defend the system that steals from you, with strawman arguments and teenage temper tantrums.
You all need to be bent over my knee and have your bottoms spanked.

>> No.3482719

You sound like a black man from Soweto. I hope you realise that?

>> No.3482727


> Stop drinking bleach bruh

>> No.3482733

there is a term in the financial community for all the people who were burned by bad goldman calls. they are called muppets. this meme didnt come around cause they were right so much, it came about because they hve been WWWWWWRONG so many times. try pulling blankfeins dick out your mouth and do some research

>> No.3482739


>> No.3482751

whatever you say muppet boy

>> No.3482758
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for them not caring about bitcoin, they seem to care A LOT.

>> No.3482770


Let me just weigh my options.

>Listen to a body that advises the government of the world's largest economy
>A handful of recalcitrant teenage NEETs who invested $50 in BTC so they could service their Cheeseburger addiction with their weekly gains


>> No.3482771

It already hit $2700 today

Only a little more to do

>> No.3482775
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That's awfully specific

>> No.3482778

dont put any stock into these normie news or anything from the kike banks

the (((analysts))) are undergraduates at best and 99% of the articles are poorly done. anyone who knows about investing literally ignores everything they have to say or what they think buy ratings and sell targets are at.

>> No.3482780

bro. the latter group elected trump and turned bitcoin into a 1 billion dollar market.

>> No.3482781

get back in the oven, mordecai, you're not done.

>> No.3482791
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I-is it over???

>> No.3482798

>he thinks these normie banks are some sort of high powered geniuses

The people who are smart at finance either work for Buffet, Icahn, Soros, or quant hedge funds

gas yourself

>> No.3482810

not true. the muppets listen to goldman and lose, thats why they are called muppets. theres some jewboy miss piggys up itt

>> No.3482814

Exactly 2221 boys, set your buy orders

>> No.3482816

>he believes this
middle aged normies who only use the internet for facebook got trump elected
20-30 year old silicon valley tech fags, chinks, japs and koreans pumped btc to where it is now

you basement dwellers have contributed nothing

>> No.3482817


Goldman Sachs has a proven history of putting out FUD articles for stocks in attempts to drive them lower. This was proven several times in insider trading cases. It's not a fucking coincidence.

>> No.3482821


>> No.3482835
File: 57 KB, 680x680, image_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't use the biggest and most obvious market crash in history in your arguments

almonds fully activated

>> No.3482922

ow bout the scam cdo bundles they sold thaat were designed to crash? thee fucking jew crooks have been busted so many times if they were white theyd be in rikers for life. they are a cornerstone of the jew finance scam system. they are protected by jew judges. goldman is ltteraly a criminal org whos entire business is theft on a scale that dwarfs the entire crypto market for one days worth of schems and scams.t hese fuckers rob pension plans for more money than all the btc on earth in a single deal

>> No.3483021

the mass media on bitcoin is /biz/ but for the world

just think about it

>> No.3483040

goldman sachs actually made a lot of money off the crash. its what earned them their reputation.

before 2008 they really werent shita s far as investment banking goes

>> No.3483209

Probably because articles coming from a trustworthy source like this directly drive the market.

>> No.3483239

undderated kek

>> No.3483257

Doesn't even matter if their calculations are wrong.

When a financial behemoth like Goldman Sachs makes a statement like that about an extremely volatile asset, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Simply because normies believes they are right.

>> No.3483368

this article is from fucking naturalnews lmfao


>> No.3483384

it doesn't really matter why they were right or wrong.

>> No.3483387

I'm a fucking idiot I bought in thinking that was $3221. Sold quickly after but I just burned $250 on bad reading comprehension.

Guess i'll be writing that shit off as a loss.

>> No.3483396

How the fuck can you be so bad at digging up sources?


Businessinsider also has an article.

>> No.3483401


It's not going to 2221 new coiner

>> No.3483406

my bad
quote's still a month old

>> No.3483411

Any fucking jew with a brain can see that

>> No.3483429

When BTCC is trading at 20,300 CNY (3099 USD) and "everybody else" is trading around 3400 USD, can this really be the bottom?

>> No.3483432


>> No.3483464

please stop investing, for your own good

>> No.3483489

$2,221 isn't low enough for my liking. It needs to go lower. So much lower. My vengeance has not yet been felt deeply enough.

>> No.3483490


>> No.3483500
File: 812 KB, 366x415, Kat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1) OP's Article is from naturalnews.com which has the slogan: The World's Top News Source for Natural Health.

2) The Article links to another article from August 14, 2017 as the source.

3) Fuck your fake news

>> No.3483503

It's already 2450 in china.
The prophecy has basically been fulfilled.
Now buy you fuckers.

>> No.3483506


>> No.3483510


>> No.3483520

Where are you getting this 2450 number?

>> No.3483523


YES. BUY. BUY. BUY! BUY!!!!!!!


>> No.3483546

the worst part is that unless something insane happens, these (((banker))) cunts will fucking keep firm hold of their monopoly, even if the government tried to do something they will just bribe them, the only thing we can do is wait for them to grow old and die

>> No.3483574

t. Faggy pajama boy milennial

>> No.3483587


This. So fucking much. Everybody is shitting on BTC right now, I'd be careful if I were you guys

>> No.3483604
File: 82 KB, 858x536, 00f36808adec1f13a0f8a0187130e3d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it comes out that certain governments have been supporting North Korea's recent actions via cryptocurrency transactions in an attempt to remain anonymous relating to their direct support of nuclear terrorism, things will get rather... spicy.

>> No.3483621

I've made a lot of money overall, I want to make some more i'm just waiting for that floor.
So I can do the dinosaur.

>> No.3483676

Trump's margin was so low, you can bet without the 4chan memes, he'd have lost too much of the youth to muh democrats

>> No.3483747

List the must have coins currently in a good looking dip and is a must have

>> No.3483778

You mean $3221

But you'll listen to those jews anyway and that will make him win even more

>> No.3483792
File: 182 KB, 340x387, 1503952864493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kikes why dont they just shit the fuck up, keep their big noses off crypto and continue fucking the nocoiners and the gvt.

>> No.3483814

>"it will go lower. start opening up short positions now :^)"
>they buy up everything, start the pump, liquidate the retards
they wouldnt say btc is going that low unless they have ulterior motives.

>> No.3484032
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pic related.

>> No.3484042

>market where you can make money
>investment bankers having ulterior motives

lol no ur prolly rite it'll be ok

>> No.3484081

is this a pump/dump or does it have a chance of winning out

>> No.3484094

that pattern just means it's either gunna moon or plummet. don't forget that

>> No.3484101

they want to shake the money tree and pick up everything off the ground, claiming it as their own
crypto is the perfect tool for bankers. it costs them nothing to run and they can monitor everything (in case of non privacy coins). and as seen with blockstream and proposed lightning network they can profit off literally nothing

>> No.3484174

I own a not-insignificant-percentage-of-my-portfolio as QTUM. But it looks like utter shit and has fallen disproportionately based on BTC's decline and mainnet going online. Which is a bigger shame because I sold ARK to get in on it.

>> No.3484306

Thanks for the laugh. That sucks if real, but also too funny.

>> No.3484322


>> No.3484333

monero will skyrocket

>> No.3484353

It's not FUD if they're right. Like for fucks sake the price is literally crashing and you're pretending that nothing is happening by calling it FUD.

Always do the opposite of what /biz/ says.

>> No.3484450

>Goldman Sachs is literally never wrong.
>Prove me wrong without using any events from 2007-2008.

It's hard to be wrong about something when all you do is predict your own actions.

>> No.3484453


>> No.3484737

Why the fuck u sold, none of the underlying fundamentals have not change. Bitcoin is and going to liberate us.

>> No.3484762
File: 40 KB, 640x427, mathphd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cashed out at $4300
I told you retards that $80bn market cap for a coin with barely any real world use was unrealistic. Anyone with a brain could have seen this

>> No.3484803

its not suppose to be used until the market cap is large enough to support it dumbass

we will moon to $500k over the next 5 years, then have a big enough marketcap to be the world reserve currency

anyone who doesnt hold btc will miss out on the easiest money in the history of man. then once the price stabilizes at $500k+ we start transacting with it

dumb to buy shit when you can buy 2x as much shit 3 months later

>> No.3484824

It drops that low because people choose to believe goldman. If we choose not to believe them and that it'll go up then they are BTFO and their manipulation power is done.

>> No.3484871

and yet BTC is the only coin with real world application right now.

ie. ATM's, food vendors and online shops

>> No.3484914

List of companies that BTC at $4900 is worth more than:

Goldman Sachs
Morgan Stanley
Time Warner
American Express
General Motors

This is Tulipmania-tier. You have to be retarded if you seriously think that Bitcoin wasn't massively overvalued. Hell, it still is, there is nothing behind it right now except for gambling and drugs, this ridiculous price is held up by retard speculators such as yourself and nothing more. Like I said, anyone with a brain could have seen this coming. I'm going to buy back in when it falls to $1500-$2000

Sure, I like the coin itself and I'm quite bullish long-term honestly, but $80bn as it stands now is just absurd.

>> No.3484919
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>> No.3484947


that's because they put their buy order at 2222$ as they like quads

>> No.3485007
File: 801 KB, 751x636, 289471094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit

>> No.3485026

>we will moon to $500k over the next 5 years

is this true, anons? i've got the smith and wesson retirement plan all lined up and ready to go, but if this is true.. hot diggity!

>> No.3485100

"Overvalued", "Undervalued" has nothing to do with the companies.

The only thing that determines stock price is whether people buy something or not.

That's it. You're not playing against some advanced system, stock market, whether crypto or not, is a PvP. If people want bitcoin they buy it, if they don't, they sell it.

All there is to it.

>> No.3485166

Some harsh and vulgar language and some useful comments.... I will wait for further dip

>> No.3485515
File: 88 KB, 280x291, 1505422146321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god I hope you're right

>> No.3485586

2500$ is a great buying point tbqh
There is no chance it's going below 2k.

>> No.3485973


>> No.3486450


wonderful opportunity to buy

>> No.3486467

very good bait

>> No.3486485

It will bottom at 3020 or 1950.

>> No.3486815

which currency? please $ or £ please advise

>> No.3486827

It's likely going to sub $3000 today. My estimate is around what GS said: $2221, and it'll "probably" rebound from there.

>> No.3486914

Nice power fantasy, now back to reality.