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File: 8 KB, 300x168, panic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3480267 No.3480267 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else get panic attacks due to the volatility of the crypto markets? I'm starting to think this isn't for me. I've got a steady job but I've given up going out with friends and I hardly ever speak to my family anymore because of it. My relationship with my girlfriend is also becoming strained because I refuse to put money towards things like going out for meals, cinema etc.

I literally had a good life but fell for the get rich quick coin meme and now it's even worse. To add to things, I'm now below my initial investment. All this time and I've lost money, friends, family and probably soon, my gf.

I'm done biz.

>> No.3480285

hmm that's odd, I love the volatility of these markets

started with about $600 a few months ago, up to about $15,000

relationship with the senpai and the gf have never been better

maybe you're just an idiot

>> No.3480296

The first time only, then I got used to it, now it doesnt bothers me at all, im in for the long term, im a HODLER.

>> No.3480307

I have an anxiety disorder and I don't even panic when there's high volatility.

My shit strikes outta nowhere and for no good reason, famalam.

>> No.3480325
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Forgot to attach reaction.

Also don't tell your vagina that you're trading. Women aren't biologically wired to take risks. She'll fuck everything up if you listen to her because she'll tell you to quit.

Don't be like that faggot who told his wife and she didn't let him drop $50k on BTC when it was trading under a dollar.

>> No.3480353

I was 15k in debt

I convinced my mom to sell off some of her gold jewelry she had saved. About 18k of about 30k she has.

I promised her I would pay her back.

She didn't want to at first but this was the first time I ever asked her for anything.

I went all in bitcoin from 4,400-4,900 thinking to sell it all when it it 6,000

We are also poor. And don't have much.

Tue only time I ever try to make some money I fail

I'm shit

>> No.3480369

I kind of know your feels bro,i used to give a fuck about money since to me money was to be spent,i barely needed anything since I got used to being a poor fag,so when I started having my paychecks i saved most of it out of lack of need to use it,then I would splurge whenever I found something worth it (going to 400+ euros a night hotels in japan traveling etc etc

But now I keep worrying about investing said money and also making it worth something,so not only do I invest but I also need to buy things for SHTF scenarios,I'm worried because my wife will soon come live with me and she doesn't have a job so I want her to be a house wife yet I keep worrying about the money.

I feel like if my mind had too many one fronts requesting my attention

>> No.3480370

Have faith in yourself OP. And don't be afraid to spend money on yourself and your gf. Nobody likes cheap people

>> No.3480376

you're retarded. just wait, shit goes up and down all the fucking time. have you even looked at a chart that wasn't on 1-30min candles?

>> No.3480409

Now that was stupid of you anon

Just hold, your time will come to break even or perhaps make a little profit

Either way, this game isn't for you

>> No.3480410

I lost about half of my student grant money. It sucks, that's a lot of money to me. But eh, I was poor before and I'm still poor so not much has changed.

>> No.3480435

Stop. Get out. If you can't handle the market, don't play in it. Any money you have left, play it safe and leave it in a savings account or stocks. If this is taking such an emotional toll on you, where you're straining your relationships for literal code, then you need to quit. Money is not everything. Money will not buy you happiness. Yes, fucks will tell you "haha but I have a lambo and girls fuck you!!". But that's not happiness. No matter how rich you are, you can NEVER buy an honest, and loving relationship. It needs to be grown and nurtured. Anyone who tells you otherwise is living a life where they're loved for something they were never even born with, something that has no connection to who they are or what they stand for. For your own sake, please pick up where you left off. It's not too late. Don't wait like I did, thinking it could be fixed with green paper.

It can't.

>> No.3480478

no, because I am not a weak handed faggot and actually understand the inherent value in cryptocurrency

You really don't get it if you get worried by the volatility, the volatility is actually healthy as the crypto market demonstrates Anti-fragile characteristics

>> No.3480524


I'm a digimarine.

The red candles do not scare they. They are my only friend.

>> No.3480540

You are spending more time with it than you need. You are not a trader.
You are an investor.
Buy some bitcoin, go to your fucking day job, fuck your girlfriend, and sell that shit when your kids have to go to college.

Even if you made 1 million tomorrow, you would be bored in 6 months and down 500k.

My best gains have always been made when i looked away. Had a bittrex account that i didnt log into for a year and the thing went up 500% even with some shitcoins.

>> No.3480554

"hodl" if you haven't figured out yet is just a misspelling of HOLD. Hold your fucking bags OP.

>> No.3480569

Good, please leave you weak minded faggot and go back to sucking dick for money.

>> No.3480588

>he fell for the """friends""" meme
>he fell for the """women""" meme

>> No.3480604

meh half my life savings are in crypto and I chuckle when I see a crash

>> No.3480637
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dangerous market cryptos are, many inxeprerienced people to markets got sucked in and got too excited. 5% of portfolio max in cryptos is fine. even with stock indexes you need a balance

>> No.3480679

No but I relapsed, I didn't touch the drugs yet but I'm drinking since monday.

>> No.3480692

I started a year ago using money given to me by my family for expenses. I ate noodles and didn't go out and went all in. I only saw real returns 6 months in. I kissed my money away when I did that, ready 2 dieeeeeeeeeee. im down on profit like everyone else but I'm going to sleep it off

>> No.3480694

I'm starting to panic that Trig isn't coming back.

>> No.3480705

>behind close to the all time high

It sure is biz itt

>> No.3480744

Imagine the feeling waking up tomorrow morning and checking blockfolio for the first time. Kinda anxious just thinking about it.

>> No.3480798
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d..did you buy it recently? it went up almost 3000% in less than a month dude
why the fuck would you buy it?

>> No.3480826

Yea this is like the most fun I've had in a long time. It's actually more fun on these crash days than on the moon days.

>> No.3480833
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Ehh I used to get emotional, but now I feel nothing. Even when my portfolio is in the green I still feel dissatisfied. I only feel good when my portfolio hits a new high otherwise like I said I just don't feel anything. Although I do feel happy when it crashes and I think about the normies I don't like that are invested in crypto who are losing more than me hahaha. This shit has probably burned out my neurotransmitters specifically my dopamine.

>> No.3480869

if you got things to lose i reckon its smart for you to back out OP

on the other hand... i have nothing to lose... gf left me... i lost my job, friends and etc. soon im going to be homeless... maybe a year or 2 once my savings are out.

therefore i must HODL!

>> No.3480992

Ya I bought at 43k just before it dipped again. Why? Because it was down 30% and I thought it could go to 55k before dumping tomorrow!

>> No.3481109

You're dumb not to spend at least some money on gf. Also never put in what you can't afford to lose

>> No.3481146

hear, hear

>> No.3481252

Wow what a pussy

>> No.3481303

100% on crypto, life's too short to be waiting 50 years for your stock to moon, this shit takes 1-2 years if you pick absolute winners like eth, neo, stratis, and soon enigma and kyber.

>> No.3481332

It makes me feel alive

>> No.3481386
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Cut me deep

>> No.3481514

I'm down a lot on my initial investment (re-entered the space last week), but I don't give a fuck because I believe in the things I'm invested in.

If I was holding random shitcoins for the sake of chasing a quick buck and got hit with this then yeah I probably would be freaking out right now.