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3480178 No.3480178 [Reply] [Original]

I resigned from an accounting job I had for 3 years yesterday. I took a bunch of files with me on an external hard drive. The reason I did that is I was fishing for an independent contractor gig from them. They've done that for others. I have an ongoing thread about the situation here: https://www.wallstreetoasis.com/forums/corporate-politics-job-outsourcing-might-get-fired-how-to-play-cards

Today, I got a cease and desist letter from their lawyer. They want that hard drive and they're threatening legal action if I don't respond by tomorrow. They contacted me via email.

Seems to me they're trying to scare me into giving them that back so they don't miss payments to clients. I was the sole person handling that. What are the chances they actually sue me? And for what? My net worth is nothing comparatively. I've gotten these for torrenting before and just ignored them. Is this different?

>> No.3480203

just hodl, they're bluffing.

>> No.3480257


Let's talk real here.

You took company, proprietary, data on an external drive after leaving your position.

Your failure to relinquish that data in a timely manner may cause the organization to suffer financial harm.

You are attempting to extort them (receive payment or other incentives) in order to return the drive.

Here's some advice (and I'm not your fucking lawyer):


Don't put ANYHTING about this in writing to anyone. Your WSO post is fucking retarded. This /biz/ post is retarded. You're a gigantic fucking idiot.

What you're doing is so plainly done in bad faith that when they sue you (if the data is worth anything, they will) you're fucked. You may not be able to discharge any judgement they levy on you via bankruptcy because judgements of this nature are not always discharged via bankruptcy.

The easiest, and smartest, thing for you to do is to return the drive.

God damn, you're fucking stupid.

>> No.3480315


>> No.3480359

>just hodl, they're bluffing.
sounds like a long term HODL to me

>> No.3480891

back up hdd to different serialized disk. microwave their disc and hand it back.

>> No.3480919

You're holding their data for ransom and you think you're going to get away with it?


>> No.3480968

>clone data
>give original drive back in perfect condition

>> No.3481025

this, HODL op, you've got bags of gold. long term gains guaranteed

>> No.3481243

OP, I've read the first page at WSO but I cant read the shocking conclusion unless I sign up. Last I heard you were on PIP round 2 and working fake overtime till 9PM. Can you summarize the rest?

>> No.3481255

This spacing is a atrocious. Not every sentence needs its own line, you know.

>> No.3481268


>> No.3481298

What the fuck does this have to do with bitcoin?

>> No.3481356

> I got busted selling weed shortly after starting and am on felony probation until September.

You are gonna get so fucked up beyond repair if you get this IP theft on your record it is not even funny.

> I'm married

Not after the courts take everything you will ever own, from now until you are 65.

> I'm very good at my job. I'm the most senior person on my team and I've trained 4 people since starting, implemented new processes and improvements

You are deluding yourself. The only thing the company sees is you slacking of. Even a monkey that doesn't take on any responsibility and just sits at his desk to kill time and look productive is more strategic than you. You actually put in the semi-hard work, just to destroy it with your entitled fuck-ass attitude.

> my personality is very not work appropriate, so I have to mask/repress almost all of it, so I come off like some weirdo drone to these complacent fucks. I get it.

No they see right through you for the impossible team mate you are.

> they're in the process of outsourcing a portion of my job to India.

You are telling us you are good at a job that can be partly outsourced to India. Think about that when you estimate your job security, now and in the future.

> put me on a 45-day "performance improvement plan" for seemingly no reason.

The reason is they want to fire your underperforming entitled asshole ass.

> his shit is even wilder than mine and he's gotten no talking-to.

That's because he is more strategic than you. Also his father used to play golf with your manager. Life is unfair. Don't expect to be treated favorably, just because some good looking chad gets the royal.

> Looks to me like they're gearing up to fire me


> cause because they're getting confident with these India people.

No, because you are a stupid cock sucker and they made a mistake hiring you. You also tried too hard in the first months/years, so seen as trend, u are not improving, but declining down to unprofitable

>> No.3481405

> hey want me to sign the improvement plan they gave me and send it back. I'm thinking I should politely refute the mistake points and attach the screenshot of Gymbro's hours, sign it and send it back.

God damn you are fucking stupid.

Anything I say can't change that rock of a mind you got.

Really re-evaluate your choices. You won't have any friends left after you keep pulling this childish rat shit.

> How would you play this in my shoes with my goals in mind?


- Clear up your act. Work hard. Work your future network and business skills. We are entering a future where you can't do the same job for longer than 10 years (at least, not in the same manner).
- Tell 'em to fuck off and go work at McDonalds.
- Play nice, show some effort, and stick around until you get fired.

>> No.3481438

And for FUCKS SAKE send them a reply right now that you overlooked the HD, and will return the HD tomorrow first thing in the morning, with a signed letter stating: I, Cocksucker McFuckface, hereby sign over all work possessions and the data entrusted to me during my employment for JewCorp Inc. I swear that I have deleted any traces on my personal computer and cloud networks to the best of my ability and knowledge.

Signed -------->

>> No.3481461

>yfw OP gets blacklisted from his profession and sued into oblivion

>> No.3481490

lmao you're a dumb mf.

Why couldn't you just steal some small office supplies and your coworkers lunches?

>> No.3481532

>That WSO post
>OP can't hold down a job offer because he's on probation
>Thinks stealing IP from his employer will help this

>> No.3481550

This is why white people are in fact niggers.

Get fucked nignog

>> No.3481597
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