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File: 56 KB, 640x640, 09b0b983fbe50b406e065eb85af3969b--bitcoin-mining-money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3476210 No.3476210 [Reply] [Original]

Trying to buy btc and everyone is charging as if it's still at $4000, meanwhile all want my copy of ID and my SELFIE then refuse applications for one way or another, then on top of that they want to charge 10% transaction fee. WTF?!? I JUST WANT $100 WORTH OF BTC! It went from being coin of the future to a present-day nightmare! another freaking bank where you must jump thru hoops! So much fo anonymity, take my info, take my photos and then assign it to the first blockchain and keep track by checking where it was transferred and how much.. GEEZ! How do you people get your BTC so it goes directly into paper wallet and not sit in an exchange waiting to be stolen!?


HELP, I want to buy just a bit while prices are low

>> No.3476251


>> No.3476321

those are even worse, in CR where I am right now they are charging $4000+ per coin and they all want WU first before sending me btc which I know is all scam

>> No.3476372

It's not complicated, you're just stupid

>> No.3476394


I thought the whole point of this shit was to make it easier than fiat shit

>> No.3476418
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>It went from being coin of the future to a present-day nightmare! another freaking bank where you must jump thru hoops! So much fo anonymity, take my info, take my photos and then assign it to the first blockchain and keep track by checking where it was transferred and how much..

You're literally complaining about the fiat part of the system you want to leave here, not the bitcoin one.
You realize that, right?

>> No.3476445

PS bitcoin is traceable, privacy coins like Monero aren't.

>> No.3476455

Just do a wire transfer to my 3rd world exchange where i buy my btc and you are literally golden

And of course no weros allowed

>> No.3476460

Coinbase doesnt require a selfie
verify on CB then transfer funds to GDAX and buy

>> No.3476493

>So much fo anonymity,
what a gem
We aren't actually free, don't get me started on income taxes...

>Cryptocurrencies were supposed to be largely anonymous. But a software tool gives the IRS has a better chance of identifying people who hide their wealth.

>> No.3476520

no selfie but i had to take a pic of my drivers license. then there's a 250 a week limit for 6 weeks then after that i have no idea. they take 3.5% of that. then I have to buy in canadian dollars because canadian, the exchange rate is way higher so i lose more money. then i have to send what little btc i'm left with to an exchange. and yeah there's a fee

>> No.3476521

coinbase wants my selfie because I changed my phone number and now they want copies of my ID and selfie and I've been trying for past hour and they keep rejecting my photos, dunno how much clearer a scan can be?! then on top of that it states that verification will take 48 hours after they pre-approve my ID and Selfie which they haven't


hehe would you like a WesternUnion or a CashiersCheck?

Yes, but what can we do about that?

100$ that, tracking real money is more harder than tracking Crypto since Crypto automatically makes a trace either of IP or Hoops or whatever which can be correlated at any time via database like Equifax

>> No.3476550

that's for credit
a pic of ID is what I had to do. i have a 5 grand limit on bank transfers
>bank transfer to coinbase
>transfer coinbase funds to gdax (coinbases exchange)
>buy on gdax to avoid coinbase convenience fees

>> No.3476596

Why can't people buy btc? I bought from coinbase and it only asked a picture of my id. I bought within the hour

>> No.3476625
File: 202 KB, 451x267, Madly Kenzo Anchor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the not extremely likely but possibe scenario: Right now the economy is doing good, asset market is generally overextended, but the economic gains haven't made it into the population yet. The bubble might pop, institutional money might flood into digital assets to cut losses, at which point it can find mainstream adoption and people switch to pay with their phones using their own private ledgers. Two hindrances: 1. Banks liek JP Morgan are already developing their own "decentralized" ledgers right now 2. Crypto is shit to tax and the gov don't want that. And while we now see a lot of oportunistic fake anarchio-capitalists in the sphere, not having taxes for rodes and hospitals and no gov to protect you from the 1.000.000 BTC owning Mafia man is a horror scenario too

>> No.3476637

how much did you buy?

CC or bank transfer?

>> No.3476638

>Unironically uploding your ID on coinbase


>> No.3476658

is there option for canadian bank transfers? i click add payment and says visa or mastercard only

>> No.3476670

200€ with my CC
why not?

>> No.3476693


>why not?
probably because of stuff like equifax. if equifax can't keep their stuff secured, you think coinbase can? I think

>> No.3476731

Localbitcoins, pay with cash.
The only true way.

>> No.3476742

In what exchanges you don't need to provide ID?

>> No.3476753

How does that shit work

Do you just meet at a café, giv him adress and cash, he sends coins and you both wait for them to reach your wallet?

>> No.3476779


>> No.3476797

if I pay with cash and they want to meet-up, how can I guarantee that transfer has happened and it was legit for the right amount? BTC takes sometimes up to 24 hours to confirm, do I request transfer of BTC first and once confirmed make a cash hand-over or how?

so many scams running right now on all levels it's scary to even think abuot it

>> No.3476821

on coinbase I think you can click more options and it shows you all kind of cards and transfers you can do.. check there, I think

>> No.3476859
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>> No.3476939

These days even 1sat/byte transactions confirm within a few hours.
Txfee high enough will guarantee that your transaction will be mined in the next block. Once that happens - you're good to go.

So just meet up somewhere, ask him to send coins and then wait until the tx is confirmed. 2 confirmations is more than enough.
Use https://jochen-hoenicke.de/queue/#2h to calculate the correct fee.

>> No.3476980


I am trying to use https://spectrocoin.com to buy right now and they want to charge me 0.0009btc to buy $100 and then another 0.0009btc to transfer it to my Paper Wallet so in the transactions I will be losing $50 out of my $100 how does that even work?! Why am I being charged to buy BTC?

>> No.3477019

0.0009 BTC = $3. The fee is sure high, but it's nowhere near $50.

>> No.3477154

you're right however there is another hoop I have to jump thru, they won't accept my CC because it's not from EUROPE! WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?!?!

>> No.3477183

Then just use something else. Literally anyone can sell you some BTC.

>> No.3477284

okay, send me $100 worth of btc and tell me how to transfer you $100?

>> No.3477315

You guys are idiots.

Invest in Tether. Look at that market cap!

>> No.3477342

Fuck no. Why would I sell the dip?

>> No.3477579

because it's the rule of Trading, SELL LOW / BUY HIGH! everyone knows that

>> No.3477952
File: 79 KB, 500x607, when-you-type-ree-and-it-corrects-it-to-yee-2693286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I DON'T FUCKING WANT TO SHOW MY PICTURE OR MY ID TO A STRANGER JUST SO I CAN GET VIRTUAL CURRENCY! Why can't I just buy bitcoins through fucking PayPal. I just want to stay fucking ananomus!!
Isn't this the whole fucking point of bitcoin. Man I'm so pissed.

>> No.3478034
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got a bitcoin atm 5 minutes from my house
damn it feels good

>> No.3478142

Going fiat -> BTC is difficult, sure. The system hates it.

The real future is when you get your salary paid in Bitcoin.

>> No.3478259

can you buy using cash?

>> No.3478271

> get your bitcoins from coinbase
> use shapeshift.io to turn your bitcoins into monero
> transfer your monero once to another wallet
> use shapeshift to transfer it back to BTC
> boom, you now have anonymous bitcoin

>> No.3478276


>> No.3478294

Same here. Feels good man.

>> No.3478305

All coin for sale on lbc is in escrow, once you agree on a tx you have a few hours to send the WU. Then go home and click 'sent.' When seller clicks 'received', your coin is released from escrow.

>> No.3478357

You guys are so fucking lucky that you can't even imagine it.... Btw greetings from Moscow, Russia.

>> No.3478390

What the fuck do u mean "lucky"?

>> No.3478439

and the fees?

>> No.3478444

You at least can buy at normal exchange rates. Look at RUB to USD. And all services are available.

>> No.3478517

If you're in the US its illegal without a money transmitter license which is 250k.. and lbtc is full of feds

>> No.3478554


>> No.3478753

>If you're in the US its illegal without a money transmitter license which is 250k.. and lbtc is full of feds

This is so fucked up. Like really we can't even buy VIRTUAL currency. (((They))) are pushing really against us.

>> No.3478789

>coinbase wants my selfie because I changed my phone number and now they want copies of my ID and selfie and I've been trying for past hour and they keep rejecting my photos, dunno how much clearer a scan can be?
I literally signed up for coinbase today, did a shitty photo of my ID with my 5MBPX and it was accepted in 3 minutes, what are you doing wrong?

>> No.3478821

what you're seeing is another recycle of JPMorgan and Tesla when Tesla invented something that would free people then Banks move in and claim it as their own but set gatekeepers on both ends to collect tax.

AC electricity is free and never ends, it doesn't have to be stored since it is like a ZigZag saw and if you check how much goes into your house vs how much goes out is 100%, so you're being charged to be a circuit breaker in line

>> No.3478840

> my ID with my 5MBPX and it was accepted in 3 minutes, what are you doing wrong?
who the fuck knows, I've sent like 10 different poses full nude and id were scanned so they are top notch

>> No.3479026



>> No.3479056

>10 different poses full nude
dump them on /hm/ or /s/ if you're one in a million :3

>> No.3479067

I'm trying to buy BTC with Paypal from localbitcoins, people are actually fucking charging $7000 per coin and STILL they accuse me of being a scammer and not selling.

This is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.3479188


Same fucking here. Now here is the only way this could work. I've done some research and this could actually work and it would let you be 101% ananomus as well:
>Buy a verified PayPal account for fucking $200.
>Send money from ur real PayPal account to ur new one
>go to VirWox
>get bitcoins and send them to your ewallet

Though really it's all so fucked up.

>> No.3479247

Local exchanges in Russia are all shady as fuck and all have fucked prices, but no one forces you to use one. Just find a miner or two and buy directly from that guy. You both will profit from it.

Selling is more difficult, but still possible. If everything else fails - go to cex.io and be prepared to make a fucking selfie. Lots of fucking selfies.

This is better than being forced to use *convenient* online exchanges which *conveniently* store everything and report it to your least favorite authority.

>> No.3479248

>Be danish

>Find danish website that offers bitcoin sale

>7.5% comission on credit card

>They don't post exchange rate, calculate it to 3650$ when current exchange rate is 3335

So basically how do you get into crypto without getting your money and ID scammed?

>> No.3479296

Look here >>3479188

This is just my idea. If somebody has got a better idea then I'd really like to know.

>> No.3479415

So buy omicron currency from VirWox and then exchange it to other cryptos?

>> No.3479471

stop hacking me, bro.

>> No.3479489

Yes that is how VirWox works. However I still haven't checked their exchange rate. Also they only accept verified Paypal accounts and different payment methods.

Also there r guys selling bitcoins for giftcards (steam/ iTunes etc.) Only problem is their exchange rate is really bad. It's like everyone wants to fuck u over. U pay $600 and get ~$280 worth of bitcoin.

>> No.3479523



>> No.3479619
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From Virwox website:

>the current fee for deposits in Euro for customers with their PayPal account kept in Euro is 0.35 Euro plus 3.4% of the transaction.

>A small commission will be charged for the service of matching and executing your order against others. The commmission for market orders consists of a fixed fee plus a variable percentage, according to the following table:

Linked them in pic

So you would have to pay a 3.4% fee for the paypal transaction + 2.9% fee for EUR/SLL + 3.90% fee for SLL/BTC