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File: 8 KB, 480x480, jew_overload.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3473851 No.3473851 [Reply] [Original]

>you doubted at $4500
>you doubted at $4000
>you doubted at $3800
>you doubted at $3500

do I really need to post this shit every $200?

>> No.3473871
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They were actually looking after us...

>> No.3473884

We should have listened.

>> No.3473903

It has resistance now.. maybe... it'll go up again

>> No.3473912
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gold man sacks

>> No.3473920

I bought one BTC at 3500 and will buy 2 more at 3250, 3 more at 3000, 4 more at 2750, and sell the house at 2500. I'm done being a nocoiner.

>> No.3473923
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>> No.3473932

Big money shorted the shit our bitcoin at $5000-$4500.

No chinks fiat going forward next month.

Will slowly drop $10 each day for 4 months to $2200.

>> No.3473939

>when you Jew so much no one actually believes you when you're telling the truth
Something something boy who cried wolf.

>> No.3473941


>> No.3473968

>stops being nocoiner
>starts being homeless

>> No.3474001
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>premium macfuck potato steamer afterwhile

>> No.3474004

It's convenient that they say this after bitcoin reached an ATH. Based on previous trends, it takes months to build up momentum to reach new highs. He will be praised for his insight until November. Oooo jp how did u no? So clever so smart u no money

>> No.3474018

The year is 2023, btc is not doubling anymore, jp saw it coming folks

>> No.3474200

I worked for Goldman Sachs for a few years. They are jew scum. They hated me from being a whitey, but was too good to let go.

They are really good when it comes to analyzing the past. Reaaaally good.
Buy they have no idea about crypto.

I quit because I got into a figt with my Macro investments director for not opening a crypto division in 2010 and putting basically all the money of a portfolio in bitcoins. I quit, I did it myself and now i could have a fucking Lambo.

I'll give you the quick rundown, Cryptos cannot be regulated and banks hate it. However, the good thing is that the value of Bitcoins, the expected future value is EXTREMELY high. So if you haven't margin traded and are not day trading, stop looking at the market, go to sleep, get ajob, get a hobby, call a hooker, and just sleep the dip and wake up in two months. The downs hurt much more than the ups, so if you actually believe in what you invested, go to fucking sleep.
What other things are worth investing? Silver, Gold, Plat. Super Conds need it.
Oil is gonna go down soon. Arabia knows it has it's days numbered (most of the arabia elite live in London, NY (ever wonder why there is one spot with a permanent SA flag in NY?).

Also, there is a new tech that will allow to grow food indoors with cheap energy that will be better than outdoors, that will revolutionize the market. Why? Everyone that has a basement could install one and have fresh veggies all year around.

All in all guys, Banks are here to steal from you. Goldman Sachs as well. They give the impression that they "know", but they depend on you. So stop giving so much power to JPMorgan jackass and these fuckers, they are Bankers. They make money out of your fucking money. They are fucking scared that you imbiciles will be the end of them.
It's the typical tricks schlomos have been doing for a few thousand years. Bitcoin and the rest are the emancipation from the chains of the banks.
Fuck the banks. Bitcoin is Jesus coin.

>> No.3474242


If you were too good for GS to let you go you would have been able to buy multiple lambos every year without ever even hearing about crypto.

>> No.3474277

Was being payed more than a milion a year and created a semi famous model on systemic risk.
Good luck poor fag. Never your gods.

>> No.3474287

this is the root wallet Goldman Sachs is using to manipulate the price


>> No.3474299

LARP or not, anon shares my thoughts exactly

>> No.3474326
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oh boy can't wait for people to start begging you for some shekels

>> No.3474348

desu if it hits $2200 i'm going to buy so fucking much oml

>> No.3474351

They're accumulating, they sold at 4800 causing a dip, then because BTC stagnated they spread false info of China banning bitcoin to FUD the price even lower. It's a shame that we have so many idiots in crypto falling for the FUD, I guess it is a good thing to weed them out so btc becomes more stable.

>> No.3474396



I left for a month and came back and I'm still up even with this correction

>> No.3474422
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thanks for the coins, dude
sent ;)?

>> No.3474458
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>trusting "experts" on bitcoin

>> No.3474493

It's true OP. And people were just being the usual nopers they are. Look at this, it explains why GS said what they said:

>> No.3474554

>Also, there is a new tech that will allow to grow food indoors with cheap energy
hydroponics in its modern form has literally been around for a century, anon. the only 'new' things are aeroponics etc, which are still decades old

of course its no miracle thing, u still gotta buy the specially-formulated plant nutrients and use distilled/filtered water, the nutrients being something youll always need abig business to sell to you

>> No.3474581

whats this grow tech? is it based on the hempy buckets idea or led lights? will the weed price crash soon?

>> No.3474600

Cody of cody's lab successfully made a simple aquaponics using fish, commonly accessible components and chemicals

>> No.3474609



I left for a month and came back and I'm still up even with this correction

>> No.3474612

Oh and by the way. most people in Acadeima are fucking cucks. Academia are cucks that have to whore to the university and governemnts for funding. in other words, they say whatever the government wants. Ever wonder why there are so many Climate Change Models lately? Government wanted it, so it recived funding. Whores go to the best corner.
Every now and then, a whore (an expert (acadmeic)) will find a new corner that no other whore tried out (figure something out) and suddenly all whore will want it. NEVER trust someone on a payroll. He is shilling. AKA, never trust bloomberg, never trust banks. Would you trust your dick? No. Then why are you trusting bankers.
They are clowns that can do "some" math. Remember Galileo was agains't a LOT of fucking experts about the world. But he za wurldod everyone.
This is the same. Don't let "experts" academics tell you what to do. They will bank rupt you while they drink wine in their yacht getting hand jobs from your daughter.

AKA, don't trust the fucking jews and whores.

>> No.3474630

aquaponics takes a lot of space right now we dont have that much space in europe and asia

>> No.3474647

>za wurldod
did you get a stroke or did i miss a meme?

>> No.3474651

Okay, if I'm a total noob with $2000, what should I do?

I really don't know since there are like a million opinions flying around this board, but can anyone provide a compelling reason to do one over the other??

>> No.3474657

there will be loads less people in the future, as long as we don't get overrun by illegal aliens and their (((sugar daddies)))

>> No.3474671

Goldman Sachs said $3000. Not $2200 stop spreading false news you shorting idiot.

>> No.3474681

Don't try to catch a falling knife. Wait for BTC to trade sideways or establish an upward trend.

>> No.3474693

honestly? probably wait a few weeks until stuff has settled down a bit.
or, buy $200 of btc every 3 days until ur done. cost averaging

>> No.3474711

>Would you trust your dick? No. Then why are you trusting bankers

ahaha. thank you. obviously we can't trust them. every time we regulate them they use their "friends" in the gov and influence (money/lobbying) to deregulate themselves, and then promptly crash the economy and/or prey on people for profit.

in no one's ideal society do banks run everything... this dystopia must soon come to an end.

>> No.3474736

>Bitcoin is Jesus coin
So it's going to get crucified?

>> No.3474745

GMS did say $2200. And I believe it. After China FUD get ready for a hge wave of Blockstream / 2x FUD. After this is all over, $50k-$100k by end of 2018.

>> No.3474749

JOJO Meme. www. youtube.com/watch?v=VtzvlXL9gXk

Hello noob. Listen to me. You probably want to moon. The best thing you can do is wait until china becomes regulated. Then put it all in NEO. Once it hits the high, put it all in bitcoin. Let it sleep for 2 years. Enjoy your lambo.

In the mean time, get a normal job. Get reputation. Become beautiful, be smart, play chess and never bend the knee to a banker.

>> No.3474765

After that...

>> No.3474794

>So it's going to get crucified
Crucified, resurected then worshipped ma nigga

>> No.3474796

Yes. Who crucified Jesus? The Jews.
Then Jesus came back, people were stupified. Then he ascended into heaven (moon).
However, he said, I will come back for my third comming, when the apocalypse. That means Bitcoin (AKA Jesus Coin) will remove all bankers from earth and we will rule the intergalactic universe with them. FIat money was useful on earth, but not on my interdimensional yacht.

>> No.3474810
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>> No.3474817

I'm really pleased with myself for that analogy

>> No.3474821


Illuminati confirmed.

>> No.3474825

Do I really need to google that for you?


Ctrl+F for $2,221

>> No.3474835

Are you single ?

>> No.3474840

jesuscoin already exists anon
its called jesuscoin

>> No.3474841
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what is the low that the jew street jews "predicted?

>> No.3474845
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>> No.3474863 [DELETED] 


Cool larp

>> No.3474873

I liek (You)

>> No.3474926


Holy shit are you enlightened.

>> No.3474948


>Do trust random schizophrenic 12 year olds on anonymous internet boards though

>> No.3474960

as someone who studies economy in a german university i can agree with you

Academics will defend the status quo like a mother bear her cubs.

also is true about goldman? I heard (((their))) influence was overhyped. isnt the ceo white?

>> No.3475019

a 20min crest whitening strip can turn any asshole white. that means nothing. nothing.

>> No.3475021
File: 241 KB, 2954x939, bitcoin price evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is having an original analysis

>> No.3475028

Illuminati is a meme. Want to know why? The "new" Illuminatis are Blacks. Blacks were banned from all the mason groups for a reason my friend. Once the masons figured out that Illuminati was a meme, they started using it against the masses. However, Masonery, Satansits and the shit Freddie Mercury believed in is all true.
God exists

Yes and no. Women are a waste of time (usually). So are most men. But men can get tings done. Most women want you for your value. Figure that out and start investing in yourself. But don't do as most american men that only have dollars in a bank but suck. Some women are good. But the value in a women is: Genes, Loyalty, Beauty and Harmony.

THat's a fake coin. Its dressing up as God to trick people.

>> No.3475036


Christ, that's a lot of coins moving at one time, most recent over 400 at once

>> No.3475090

I'm an academia whore, and I've been on a depression leave of absence so I can spend more time trading crypto

>> No.3475097

turns out no he isnt white

>> No.3475111

I retract my offer as you've lead me to believe you're a bisexual ultra leftie

>> No.3475123

I know you guys are gonna get pissed at me for not knowing the lingo, but you mean don't buy right now that it's headed down, right?

Can you spoonfeed me plz man? Why would buying $200 worth of BTC every day be better than just buying all $2000 at once in a few weeks when it's at its lowest?

Is NEO a good coin? I've been lurking for a while and was thinking of buying a bunch of the super cheap coins like XRP or ADX based on what I've learned. Is this a shit idea? Any reason why NEO is better? And why wait until China becomes regulated to do this? By then won't the price have gone up?

>> No.3475125

>Would you trust your dick?
I would trust my peepee

>> No.3475143
File: 304 KB, 1199x675, JR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, he is not white. This is the guy at the top that decides the CEO and the president of america.

Funny thing is, they need whites because white people are among the most creative. Fuck I sometimes hate white people. We should not be on earth fuckers. We should have been cryptomining since 2000, by now we should have been mining asteroids.

>> No.3475183

How drunk are you?

>> No.3475225

80% human, 20% iguana. goddamn reptilian chimeras are running the show.

>> No.3475267

i think this familys power is overestimated. The rothschilds banks aren't even big names in the banking business.

Or do you know sth i dont

>Fuck I sometimes hate white people. We should not be on earth fuckers. We should have been cryptomining since 2000, by now we should have been mining asteroids.
dont tell me i bought into the go to school and university meme. In the meanwhile i could have made real money

>> No.3475276

I'm not interested in mediocre women you shit. Last women I courted in Jew York was a princess working as an intern in the united nations. Hint, the country is european, she was blond. Not the prettiest girl in the world. It ended because she wanted to go help refugees in Syria and help "end the war" using her diplomatic skills. Fucking butter skin people.

Neo is good. What you have to understand is people have to trust a coin for it to work. People already trust neo, which means it'll go back up to it's 40 with ease. Once china is regulated it'll be one of the first to moon (not to the intergalactic, so no lambos if you don't margin it).

>> No.3475319

>you doubted at $3300.

>> No.3475342

Sounds like you're carrying very heavy baggage (get it?!) I am on a role!

>> No.3475354

I don't drink. Water and some nutrients that are better absorbed with water and some juices.

The Rothschilds banks? You mean the FMI and the World Bank? You mean the bank of international settlements?
They "are" the money.

>> No.3475355

This. This man is my hero

>> No.3475365

Learn to spell, you larping retard. It makes your larp half believable.

>> No.3475398

but it's not worth 40 to people who trust in Neo.

>> No.3475416

>That means Bitcoin (AKA Jesus Coin) will remove all bankers from earth
"""They""" wont let this happen

>> No.3475505

>Who crucified Jesus?
The Romans. Death to all Italians.

>> No.3475506

Oh, the Rothchilds are also called the "Guardians of the Vatican Bank". The pope bows down to nobody. Except...
It will. It'll be a hard road, but it will. They will try to create better coins, but it's really hard to tear down Bitcoin. JP Morgan was biehind ETH, and where is ETH? In a fucking Limbo. But ETH will have another run in the future.

>> No.3475619

Noooo Italians = edgeless

>> No.3475663

Again, I'm new to this so sorry for the slow uptake, but what do you mean margin it? What would be the recommended steps to take starting this very moment if I wanted to achieve lambo?

>> No.3475666

It was the jews.
Sorry bro, it's not everyone's third language.

>> No.3475679
File: 4 KB, 634x58, YR7yjvV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no fucking stop this cant be right stop right fucking now the jews have to STOP

>> No.3475698

>you doubted at $3200

>> No.3475708

I meant don't playa hate the Italians, edgeless has great potential.

So you're a foreign bisexual bag holder, take me now

>> No.3475723


>> No.3475767

I hate such companies so I don't want to believe them.
It's as simple as that.

>> No.3475781

nah fuck them, let everyone down in WW2

>> No.3475809

Margin trading. http://www.investopedia.com/university/margin/
The Exchange you use to Trade coins (Coinbase, Kraken, Lykke, doesn't matter), might have the MArgin Trading option. This is basically the Exchange allowing you to use their money to trade. You put an initial 1000, and they might put ten times more. So you can make ten times the amount. However, the downside is that whenever you lose your own investment (the 1000) the exchange will take your funds from you and will be left with, nothing. Therefore, I would not recomend doing it until you are more familiar with trading. It is very easy to margin trade during a bull run and make a few lambos, however, during bear traps (low price periods) you can easily lose everything you invested.
So, put all your money into an exchange and get ready to buy once the dip ends. THat means opening an account on any exchange, and transfering the money from your bank account to the exchange.
Step 2: Wait for the prices to stop lowering. Once we hit rock bottom, you buy everything like a nigger in KFC. Bitcoins and NEO's. Both will rise in price, as well as many others, but start with one or two and then start investing your new money in other coins.

Step 3: Wait for it to rise.
Step 4: Go party with models and wear your crytpo hat.

>> No.3475860

No, you don't need to keep posting it, because it's fucking retared. Are you suggesting Goldman Sacs predicted China news? Because that's what is going on. Therefore, their prediction is wrong. GTFO.

>> No.3475875

he'll live in his decentralised home

>> No.3475929

kek gud joke

>> No.3475931

Sex keeps you all fucking hyptonitzed and thinking about where to put your dick. You can do better things with your time. Again, women will want you according to your value. Different women will value different aspects but basically they want a man that makes them feel like they are worth something. So, social reuptation, money and your character is what will get them interested in you. Models, 99% of them, are so fucking bored of useless jew bankers that the moment they find a guy that has looks + character, they will marry him at the age of 27-28. So to all of you fucking defeated hentai masturbaiting faggots, get out of your home, join the chess club, write poetry, be the best in mathematics and physics and become a fucking super human.

>> No.3475968

you could say the same for physical metals.
if everyone actually bought even small amounts of actual gold/silver it would obliterate the paper market fraud.

>> No.3475983

I actually have not even opened an account with any exchange or done anything yet, but I will do so now. I've had Bittrex recommended, but does it really matter which you choose? Also, how do I know what rock bottom is? Since I've only recently joined this community, I haven't seen the highs and lows of the different coins. What would you define as "the end of the dip"? Finally, since I only have $2000 to start, would I even be able to invest in both Bitcoin AND NEO? If I must choose one, which would be the better option? Bitcoin is already rather expensive considering I'm starting with basically nothing compared to everyone else here, it seems.

Also, thanks for taking the time to reply to all of this.

>> No.3476071

So seem new and retarded, so here's a fair warning: If it were that easy to get a lambo, everyone would do it. Think about that.

If you don't spend a couple days learning everything there is to learn about investing and you just start opening margins left and right, you're going to get absolutely destroyed.

Now, that said, I don't really care what happens to you, but understand that there are people who spent much more time than you and me and their job is LITERALLY taking other trader's money.

>> No.3476089


false teachings

>> No.3476101

You can invest in bitcoins. They are dividable up to 8 decimal units, that means you can buy aroudn 3/4 of a bitcoin right now.
The prices vary with the exchanges however, they are minor except when a exchange heavily holds the money in one country.
There is no definition for the end of the dip, but in this case it would be the end of the correction and the start of the next bull run. You can check the different exchanges in the world and see what is the lowest price for a bitcoin. The lowest one is around 2,8k right now, so the lower end of the dip, in technical terms is around there. However, nobody can really tell.
Only buy bitcoins for sometime and get used to the market going up and down. As time goes on, start selling the highs and buying the lows. Accumulate more bitcoins by doing that, and once you are confident, start investing in high risk coins. But for now, buy bitcoins which will rise higher than the price as it is now.

>> No.3476142

Idiot, do you actually think that the chinks in goldman sachs, with their MBA's are smarter than you?
Take my word for it, they are usually not. Some of them will be. 90% of the traders no nothing about markets. It is REALLY easy to be in the 10%. Like chess. You learn a little bit about openings, a little bit about endings, you'll be better than 90%. Most people just don't care. It is really easy to get ahead of the curve, since most people jsut want "in" on the curve.

>> No.3476155
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>> No.3476161

I am in the 10%, someone who doesn't even know what margin is, isn't.

Don't be cocky, or you will pay for it. Market doesn't care how you feel.

>> No.3476236


>I quit a cushy high paying banking job because they wouldn't let me invest in buttcoins at work.
>Now I spend my days on /biz/

These stories are getting stupider by the day. Just because you write a lot doesn't make it believable.

>> No.3476246

Good. Not good enough. Break through the centis now.

>> No.3476262

You talk a big game, but you haven't shown me your portfolio.

>> No.3476276

High paying jobs are really easy to get pleb. ANything below 100k a year is modern slavery.

>> No.3476300


You are all stupid, I'm not sure what thing the larper was referring to, but I work in a lab on this, but nobody talks about it, (yet!).


>> No.3476351

Lay off the modafinil. It's making you believe your bullshit a little too much and I can guarantee that you'll end up in the nutter.

>> No.3476526

You'll see me one day. I promise.
In the news.
Give me your wallet and don't change it. I'll send you a gift when the time is right so you can know.

>> No.3476534

I appreciate the though, but I don't think I need gifts.

Best of luck.

>> No.3476551

It's not a gift mate. It's a signal.

>> No.3476556
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i'm all in at 2199

Thanks papa GS

>> No.3476579

Fair enough. Is there some kind of wiki or something that I can invest (hah) time into reading and learning, or do I just have to pick stuff from all over the internet?

So the way I understand it, I should buy bitcoin at ~$2800, hold onto that until the price for it goes back up, and then sell it when it goes back up to $(?)?

>> No.3476585

Alrigth, I'm curious.

I will hold on to 1fCFLti1YJ1V5aRLZW95Ry7LygrGmPjUy.

>> No.3476671
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>> No.3476710
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>> No.3476749
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No. You do not need to look like a Bisexual.
Who was able to reproduce with Adriana Lima? An ogre called Marko Jaric. Don't be fooled. Getting good women is really easy if you are worth anything.

>> No.3476772

Look at the Oscars in three years.

>> No.3476911

nice LARP into shitposting

>> No.3476930


>> No.3477109

What is this tech that allows people to grow food in their basements with low energy? Got any papers or companies I can look at?

>> No.3477386

Companies that are investing into AI, robotics and biology.
There will (already is) a huge cancer solution. To age will be a disease

>> No.3477409

Follow peter theil and look (and not just google), really dig what his subordinates are investing in.
There you will find the pot of gold.
Elon Musk is a cuck compared to whats possible. He is there to be the gatekeeper because they could not contain the technology anymore.

>> No.3477460

>Eyes R wun
>Eyes Are One

>> No.3477760

From two, one.
The two fall to form one.
The two Babylons have to fall to form the New World.
Europe is the second one.
They are forcing the Hand.

>> No.3477784

God is real