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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 523 KB, 1076x601, THE_END.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3471831 No.3471831 [Reply] [Original]

We can expect one or two more days of the bloodbath. Expect BTC to stabilize around 3250. We might see 3100 for the space of an hour.

Then the moonshot begins. Make your positions and hold tight.

>> No.3471846

Did you draw this with crayolas?

>> No.3471857
File: 82 KB, 900x900, 1504778036208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, are you hungry? Go find your own crayons mouthbreather.

>> No.3471886

It could go down 70-90 %.

>> No.3471919


>> No.3471939

I'll stick to the glue

>> No.3472090
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two potential scenarios. Lowest we go is ~2750

>> No.3472133



Why ******must***** bounce at you memeline level?

>> No.3472139

>tfw I bought at $4450

>> No.3472169

Because in such a speculative market such as crypto, TA actually works since it's effectively playing into the psychology of people.

The lines that person has drawn are "support levels" where there will be a buyers resistance to continuing falling.

>> No.3472211
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>> No.3472231 [DELETED] 


We are below a strong psycological level and not bounced up from there, why a random level can contain the sell pressure?

>> No.3472284
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Then post your blockfolio and prove that you're some magic fortune teller who hasn't suffered losses the same as the rest of us by jumping into tether prior to this dip.

What a fake fucking wizard

>> No.3472309
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w-we just have to hold, right?

>> No.3472324
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>> No.3472327
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>mfw shorted the drop today

>> No.3472338
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The Captain always goes down with his ship.

>> No.3472369

>Bought ETH
>See that I lost 10$
>Buy Bittcoin
>Lost 5$
>Buy LLoyd's
>Go to sleep
>Wake up with 20$
Good thing I didn't hold.
Now I'lljust wait BTC to get lower to buy.
Then I'll invest a real amount of money.

>> No.3472398

I bought at 4800 and said this was the only chance getting it below 5k. LMAO.

Trading shitcoins is expensive but its fun indeed.

>> No.3472416

why not just post the DataDash link for fucks sake

/biz/ is a shithole of a community

>> No.3472418

>saving a thumbnail

>> No.3472420

not memelines. Red line on the bottom is the weekly baseline. The first bounce should be off the daily baseline (or Kijun-Sen).

it doesn't have to bounce off those lines, the price can crash to zero. but those lines are important resistance/support levels so it will be around those points where we will either break down or bounce up

>> No.3472438

lol hodl all you want, it's over mate, it's over

>> No.3472538

Where is the underlying value? What does this negro of a coin actually do? If the government goes loopy enough to start zergrushing the collapsed economy with fiat, then they can also close down bitcoin, so it can't be relied upon as a safe place to put money. It is, however, in a huge speculation bubble that seems to have popped. It's useful for: buying illegal things on the internet. Yet drug legalisation is working its way around the world, and authoritarian governments could simply ban it if we went the other way (and the West in general seems to be moving away from liberalism). It also has competitors now.
It's only real use (buying drugs) is currently being undermined and we already have a record of one large government (China) cracking down on crypto. Where is the value?

>> No.3472551

Same. Luckily I haven't invested much so I've only lost $350 so far. Gonna buy more at $2800 or $3200, whatever the next support is

>> No.3472558

Lol just sell now and buy something else at the bottom of the impending crash

>> No.3472589

19th national congress faggots, commies got you by the balls until it happens

>> No.3472597

> t. nocoiner

>> No.3472639

They've effectively banned crypto. It's as bad as the news is going to get. The rumour has persisted for two weeks. That rumour has been sold for two weeks. The news was confirmed today. Now you buy the news. No one gives a fuck what the 19th Insectoid Meetup has to say because it can't impact crypto further. China has banned crypto. Fin.

Now neck yourself.

>> No.3472664
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Straw man much?

>> No.3472675
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coming insane dollar rally will destroy gold, wti and bitcoin will also struggle against it as now the exhange bans came same time eurusd is starting to seriously struggle with resistances, so it's not that the bitcoin news putting pressure

>> No.3472687

3000 +/- a few squished dollahs

don't know why everybody is flipping their shit, it was bound to happen

>> No.3472714

china hasn't banned crypto you idiot.

china has banned some exchanges that didn't have the right licences. It wouldn't matter what they were selling it be fucking TULIPS , CARS , or BITCOIN. they were operating without the right licences and thats why they are getting TEMPORARY shut down until they are regulated.

thats all

k thnx.

>> No.3472740

Bitcoin is unstoppable you faggot - you should go hang yourself you bbcsucking cuckold


Thank me later fags

>> No.3472760

They haven't banned crypto. They're simply closing exchanges that did not have proper licences

>> No.3472805


Ichimoku really is great. It's kind of noisy with a lot of lines going on though. I prefer just the clouds and the closest MA to the bars (forgot its Japanese name).

>> No.3472808

For all intents and purposes, they've banned crypto. It won't be traded anywhere near as easily as it has in the past if at all. The chinks have known this and have dumped their coins accordingly for two weeks. For two weeks it has been the US based exchanges who have sold btc at a premium. Up until then, it was the Chinese.
The gooks have gone and that's a good thing moving forward.

>> No.3472810

you brainlets didn't even read in full what >>3472639 wrote. you are so fucking dumb and trigger immediately.

>> No.3472845
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This is in no way a popped bubble. On the daily chart it's a buy climax where it rushed up too fast and people started taking profits during this China dealio. Some are panick selling right now.

Early bulls will buy right now as it's falling. Others will wait for some more trading range price action and buy low in the "box."

To think that this is a bubble heading straight down is just as panicky as the blueberries sperging to liquidate their entire positions they bought at 4800.

>> No.3472939

who is that medic?

>> No.3472982

It's almost like this guy was right last week -


>> No.3473015

it is a lot at first but you get used to it really quickly. you can use it as a checklist to confirm trends and in that sense its very powerful. you may not catch tops and bottoms exactly but your trades should be consistent.

>> No.3473087

What if I bought at the high? I cant make any posistions can I? :(

Also why do you post smoking girls all the time?

>> No.3473251

Yeah, again, where is the value? If there isn't underlying value, why should I assume that it's anything other than a bubble?

>> No.3473507
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If you bought at the ATH and you haven't already liquidated, then just hold the fuck on because you're not going to be seeing your money back for a month bare minimum.

I'm not the only one posting smoking animu girls, it's a common enough meme.

>> No.3473795
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In terms of value, think about its ability to be anonymously sent and received. Think about this: governments have the ability to sieze assets. A drug dealer could have all his assets siezed, but not with bitcoin. Governments have been freezing funds in Switzerland held by various dictators and such. They can't do it with bitcoin. The world's wealthy hold like 30+ trillion in offshore accounts for tax evasion purposes. If just a small percentage of that were diversified into a cryptocurrency like bitcoin that would make even 1 bitcoin worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

>> No.3473842

3500 is the bottom

>> No.3473853


If this was a real crash how would it look different.

>> No.3473865

stop posting thumbnails, it's inconsiderate.

>> No.3473878

It can't be anonymously sent and received. Only Monero can.

>> No.3473888

Still not a real crash you faggot.

Wait for a major exchange to fail. That is when you make your money.

>> No.3473910

Sold at the tip at 4940
Bought back in at 3500.

Happy to see it drop more, I'll put some fiat in.

>> No.3473981
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Wizard here, what would you like to know?

>> No.3474067
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>50 day moving average
>not using 30 and 7 multiples
Do you even TA?

>> No.3474123

It has almost every other time its peaked you faggot. Probably won't. But it could

>> No.3474148

is this a rule of thumb for all time scales or something?

really interested in best practices in this regard

>> No.3474248

The OP has his time scale as days, so think about why 30 and 7 is significant for that time scale.

>> No.3474280

this being relevant times for human routines doesn't tell me why it would produce good averaging values

>> No.3474346
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>> No.3474416

For that I'd recommend Constance Brown's book, 'Technical Analysis for the Trading Professional', especially chapter three 'Choosing and Adjusting Period Setup for Oscillators' (even though moving averages are not oscillators). The book discusses a lot of similarly puzzling topics.

If anyone needs brushing up on basic technical analysis, I'd recommend 'Technical Analysis: The Complete Resource for Financial Market Technicians' by Kirkpatrick and Dahlquist. It's well-written and comprehensive.

>> No.3474431

Lies don't believe this guy major Chinese exchange haulting trading the 31st we aren't going anywhere but down for a little
Screen cap

>> No.3474451

low at 3400 now

>> No.3474456

The chinks are basically buying visas by 500k bucks in the United States of America by a way to evade scrutiny from the government, people in China are about to prohibit such practice yet this month.

>> No.3474494
File: 155 KB, 1000x1400, makifes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accept your fate, /biz/. Cryptocurrencies does not and will never have a future. You could've invested in the stock market and Forex, but you chose the wrong side and got burned. It's not yet too late to go back to the right path, fascists.

>> No.3474514

not enough pink wojak lads

>> No.3474548

I think this is within the ballpark of the truth. crypto is still more or less in the wild west stage of its existence. The hyperbanker investors will want to consolidate it, as an electronic currency could undermine their holdo n the world through fiat. You also underestimate the fact that many of these companies are owned by the same several groups. As far as I know, monero is a safe investment, since it is used by the underbelly of the internet.

I also think the drops in bitcoin should be ignored. Fuck the Chinese. Hoard all the coin you can. Ethereum is also a safe choice.

>> No.3474639
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62.8% of the board being consumed by pink wojacks will not save you this time /biz/, the pink wojack buy signal will fail, you are fucked.

>> No.3474649
File: 2.01 MB, 640x360, crypto-market.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3474653


I don't think that word means what you think it means.

>> No.3474658

dude you cant predict when it will stop, its all emotion going into this

>> No.3474675


>> No.3474676

Don't waste your money. Its pure speculation.

>> No.3474685

With a crash you'd be sub $800 in BTC by now.

>> No.3474775


yes it can.

> monero
> anonymous

fucking lol at what is going to happen to your bags when fluffypony can no longer hide what is going on.

As per usual, if you are not in the WoT, you know nothing, and your opinions are worth nothing.

>> No.3474856

Well, realistically, people who are emotionally manipulated are going to eventually get burned out from this free fall.

>> No.3474866

>the WoT
The what?

>> No.3474879

got link to visa claim

>> No.3474923

First link had the information.
It`s what they use to move there, invest 500k dollars so they enter the country.
So the chinks get away with the money from the party in their country and get a US citizenship.

>> No.3475048

16 year old brainlet detected

In b4
>Heh, I'm 18 you retard

>> No.3475074
File: 54 KB, 597x597, ITS OVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.
Sooooooo... was not expecting such a strong dip through 3400.
Revised estimate is Sub 3k by Saturday morning, 2700 by Tuesday, as per >>3472090
Gentlemen, it's been a privileged, and an honor.

>> No.3475087


Fuck off back to plebit you fucking Faggot

>> No.3475098

this is fucking great. when can I buy? soon I can afford two coins

>> No.3475165

world of tanks

>> No.3475211


lol under 3350 right now

>> No.3475924
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This may help. It's price action analysis based on the way Al Brooks reads charts (google him if curious).

I like him a lot and ichimoku clouds for nice buy/sell swing setups.

>> No.3476008
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Eh fixed one little thing..

>> No.3476030

What does it mean to keep a measuring gap open?

>> No.3476059

t. bag holder

it went up 400% in a month
its going down 300%. minimum on this news.

>> No.3476183
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Measuring gaps in trends indicate strength. For example in a strong bull trend, people are buying so aggressively that price can't fall back into the measuring gap area and close it. It's a sign of a healthy trend.

If price does come down and close the measuring gap, it's just another clue that we are really in a developing trading range because bulls are not even strong enough to keep it open.

It would be good for BTC bulls if this gap doesn't close, but there has already been a lot of consecutive bear days this past 7 days, which is another hint at trading range price action to come. Bulls will want to buy as low as possible and bears will want to scale into shorts again if price gets higher.

There are still people concerned about buying the high and may want to use a bullish move to get out with less pain. That contributes to more selling to possibly get 2nd leg.

>> No.3476382

Again, what does it mean to keep a gap open and close it down? What do you mean by that?

>> No.3476482

What news? That 20% of the btc market is being locked out for a while?

How far has the price fallen from ATH? Over 20%?
Yes? Then we're in the clear.

>> No.3476883

>it's going down 300%. minimum.

stay in school, kids

>> No.3476902



>> No.3477385
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I bought 2 ETH at $330 literally ONE HOUR before Jamie Zircon started his little party.

I want revenge, /biz/
I literally saved every penny and ate beans and rice to save up that $600. Lost 10lbs and have got some nice cheekbones showing, but mother of all fuck I'm running out of calories and the will to live...
>tfw after I post this, I have to shower and get back to wagecuckery so I can afford to pay the electricity this month

>> No.3477400

Can't you move back to your parents?

>> No.3477449

Dude, I got away from my family because they make me kill myself from age 6-18.
I haven't wanted weed or wine since I got my own place, the peace of mind is worth starving for, IMO

>> No.3477466

*made me want to kms

>> No.3477532

We're going to make it bro ,starve a little longer

>> No.3477704
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>> No.3477833

Ok, I had a chuckle.

>> No.3477868

Hold, it will come back up give it a month at most and we will be back to new ATHs

>> No.3478218

>he doesn't want to buy bitcoin for -10k

>> No.3478230


>> No.3478273

Top Kek

>> No.3478280

What about friends? Surely you can find a flatmate, maybe rent a room from a co-worker or school acquaintance.
I mean, you did socially network yourself in school, right? Because no education system I know of is for actually learning rather than building a line of people to depend on.

>> No.3478304

I can't process this

>> No.3478307

>Op thinks this is the end of the dip
no brother we shall be seeing sub 2500 depending on what news comes out for rest of chinese exchanges

>> No.3478688


>> No.3478725

I had a revised assessment, mate.