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3471783 No.3471783 [Reply] [Original]

what if I have a high paying job, a loving family and everything to lose? Tell me why I should stop holding cash and stocks and gamble it on your shitty ponzi coins.

>> No.3471792

So you don't need to work a job anymore.

>> No.3471804


i like my job though, i get to travel the world and meet interesting people, I get to learn valuable insights and gain experience.

>> No.3471826
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Ponzis are great if you get in early. That's why ICOs are so hot right now.
You know it's too late when stacy is buying a bitcoin package.

>> No.3471840

Nice just bought 100k bitcoin packages

>> No.3471863

if you were as smart as you think you are you wouldn't be flexing a screenshot with 50k in a checking account

>> No.3471866

Do what you want, but the wisest thing to do is set aside a percentage of your income for risky investments. No risk no gain right?

>> No.3471873

Because honestly, it's fun as fuck

Hard to beat the euphoria of waking up and seeing a gain of more than your monthly/yearly salary and then the absolute terror of waking up the next day to a similar sized loss.

It's addicting

>> No.3471885

Don't stop holding cash.

Don't stop holding stocks.

Don't stop holding real property.

Don't ignore the potential for returns that crypto offers.

It's really that simple.

I use Crypto as my high-risk investing instrument. My returns have been exceptional.

>> No.3471993


I trade options for high risk/returns because I understand option pricing convexity. Crypto is for fat worthless neets who bag hold a handful of poop from Ching Chong

>> No.3472025

you have less money than my gainz this month

started with $5k fiat, throw away cash. now i dont even have a real job anymore.

but as insufferable as you are, it would probably be worse if you were able to be home with your kids all day

>> No.3472107


Yeah let's see some proof

>> No.3472130

Have fun being a sheep for your whole life. You will never accomplish anything great because you live a safe, boring life without any ambition to be your own person.

>> No.3472171
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Gotta risk it for the biscuit

>> No.3472182

>stocks move so slow you can literally print them out on paper
Top kek. I'm to autistic to sit still for something like that.

>> No.3472188

Whats the easiest way to get into trading options and futures? I really don't what to have to deal with a broker every time I make a trade which is why I love trading crypto.

Would love to get into commodities if theirs a simple way to do it online securely and easily

>> No.3472204


Great. You've got your strategy. I hope it works for you.

I'm only sitting on 80k cash and a 200k brokerage account so you're ahead of me in life, but my crypto gains over the last 3 months are 240% measured in USD.

I'm sure you're doing better than that with well-timed options purchases considering you "understand" convexity.

Everyone here - you know - the traders who have no idea what they're doing, can't read a chart, and don't understand ultra-high-risk trading psychology / behavior are all just crying their way to the bank.

Good job. You're risk-averse enough to have not bought into a market that exploded over 1000% in 12 months and would have provided 1100% returns if you just shrew shit at the wall and left it there. Nice risk aversion. It saved you from making a bunch of money.

>> No.3472253

I've reached the point in my life where I'm no longer looking to risk money to make money. Most of my money is in bonds and CDs because I have more than enough to live off of forever. I swing trade stocks and crypto for fun

>> No.3472313


I have made 10x from options before so what? I don't have any faith Bitcoin or any crypto is the future of payments or money because I actually studied financial history

>> No.3472340

I can respect that. Tbh im young and with the state of the world as it is, i don't feel i really have a future anyway. So I may as well have fun, be risky, enjoy the ride. I think a lot of people my age feel that way.

>> No.3472393

how'd you make your money? I'm a top 1% earner for millenials and I feel like 7 figures is still a long ways off for me

>> No.3472397


Young people are stupid in every generation, you didn't invent it

>> No.3472413


this lmao

>> No.3472435

thats the main thing the oldfarts don't get

the stock market is basically a ponzi too. the boomers all have to cash out to fund retirement. the young folks dont trust it, not buying in. so, we have a few middle age bag holders doing 5% of the lifting and the fed printing 95% of the rest

bitcoin is seeing healthy gains, but not too insane unless you benchmark it against asset classes that are collapsing like the dollar

>> No.3472446

A lot of us fucked with no prospects and will be stuck in poverty / lower middle class due to a wide variety of political reasons.

>> No.3472448

That's something i've wondered about. How will the stock market continue if the new generations won't and don't buy into it?

>> No.3472478


I'm in the same generation, I know the excuses

>> No.3472483


>> No.3472488

My parents grew up in communist Poland and they said the exact same thing, no future in Communism. No matter how bad it seems, it can get worse and you need to prepare for that possibility.

Although you may be right about the future, never go all in on one idea. It is infinitely harder to start from 0 than when you still have something left. I was kidding when I said that you have to risk it. Yes you do but intelligently.

Even if I wanted to swing for the fences I would not put more than 50% of my money into crypto. That way if crypto bubble bursts, you still have a lot of your money left. If we go to the moon then you make half the money you could have. I know missing out on half of your potential gains sounds like a lot, but if you truly make it then the difference doesn't matter much, either way you're well off.

Also once you hit the 10 million mark the numbers just start to blend together. 10 or 15 or 20 million all feels the same to me. I've already purchased everything I need, all my toys are paid off, I'm out of the game. No point in me making another few millions, I just don't care anymore

>> No.3472518

good for you. hope I can hit 8 digits too. you sound like an oldfag so enjoy the fruits of your labor.

>> No.3472543

I keep my sanity by doing survival prep. Basically one of the last things i need/want is a bunker, which was the driving force for me getting into crypto to begin with. It might sound silly but at least im always prepared for the worst.

>> No.3472579

Why are you here asking questions then? Seems like you already know the answers.

If you're trying to get some neets on a polish knitting board to try and convince you otherwise you might need to sort your priorities out.

>> No.3472603

>I keep my sanity by doing survival prep

>> No.3472615

Conpiritard/survivalist/doomsday prophet It's just a hobby. My fat stack of batteries, guns, ammo, and tobacco will make me the richest post apocalyptic fag around!
But seriously, My generation has no future.

>> No.3472653


pussy cuck mengina

>> No.3472708

Merrill Edge Preferred Rewards OP? Those free trades

>> No.3472715


Lol look out those stocks on the right, what fucking joke.

Bro you are already risking everything with those picks in your babbys first portfolio lol. Who uses Merrill edge too Jesus Christ you're a faggot role player.

Take your chump change somewhere else "expert stock picker" lol.

>> No.3472853

its dead already. look at that dumb fuck OP. he has over 15% in AMZN .... a company that is trading at like 300x PE. except its worse, the earnings are phantom. if you subtract the margins from their CIA data contract, AMZN runs a loss.

trillion dollar company that literally exists by the grace of uncle sam and a massive ponzi, nothing else. and that dumb fuck put 30k into it. lol

stock bagholders are gonna take a 90% haircut over the next decade (unless you picked very carefully and well) as bitcoin goes 100x. after we defeat the federal reserve and transfer wealth, then the economy will finally start back up

>> No.3472888

If I gave the impression that I'm millennial, I'm not, I'm in my early 40s. I went to a very good med school for plastic surgery and opened a my own high end private clinic, so straight out of med school I was making almost half a million a year.

I've also been studying stocktrading since my 20s because I was always interested in the stock market.

My "claim to fame", and my biggest risk was when I dumped 20% of all of my money into Tesla when it was still very young. I made good money from my practice, but Tesla exploded and that is really what let me retire early.

This is what you should be doing and I think crypto is the way out for you guys. Go big or go home, but don't get stupid and go all in on a shitcoin. I didnt go all in on Tesla and I still made a lot of money

>> No.3472913

Then don't, you're obviously too old for this.
Crypto is a young man's game.

>> No.3472933

stocks are for old people

crypto is for the yungpeopple

>> No.3472946


This isn't true, stocks are held by the rich, it's not like a house where everyone has one. 80% of stocks are owned by like 10-15% of people, and most of them won't need to sell much to fund their retirement

>> No.3472951

the problem with your advice is that all the goldbugs and stocktards intuitively know that their criticism of bitcoin applies to gold and stocks too

they don't want gold or stocks. they want food, houses, cars, etc. so they need a fresh crop of bag holders

except those bag holders are not showing up. they are going to crypto. the only willing bag holders left for gold and corporate-state phantom companies is the federal reserve

even worse, bitcoin kills the fed.

>muh stocks muh bonds

will be LUCKY to only take a 90% haircut. might end up in a systemic liquidity trap and take 99% liquidation haircuts

>> No.3472976

Mark my words, after this crash capital flight will start to take place into crypto.

>> No.3473017

>Kill the FED

It's literally a gov't backed business that can print infinite money. Also fiat SlaveCoins are traded a pretty high volume.

>> No.3473045
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Except I am actually an investment professional you dumb fuck. I study markets for a living and travel around the world doing PE deals

>> No.3473113
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Yet people hire me to DD and manage hundreds of millions of dollars and wouldn't even hire you to scrub their toilet

>> No.3473150


I'm completely stunned that someone who works in PE / big money is against crypto. It's almost as though the democratization of money is something that's completely contrary to your interests and is in direct competition with what you do.

A universal, immutable, peer-to-peer store and transfer of value should be terrifying to you. It's also why I'm in. I think that the cryptocurrency market won't be anywhere near saturated until market cap exceeds 10T.

>> No.3473173

just remember this: in 2008, his portfolio went to $0 if not for robbing the taxpayers to prop him up

next time around, bumping FDIC from $100k to $250k aint gonna do the trick. everyone bails on fiat for crypto, his bags goes to $0 like they should have 8 years ago.

OP will be broke soon, and we can all sleep comfy knowing it.

>> No.3473191


Hahahaha. You're 40 and a plastic surgeon and this is all you have. I'm 2 years out of rad onc and I have way way more than this in my account. You're a fucking loser of a physician. Gtfo out of here you pathetic surgeon loser.

>> No.3473227


Send some munies senpai

>> No.3473246


Yeah I am so scared of your Ponzi funny money that will goto zero the second Apple or Amazon announce their own currency. I bet you are a communist too. The fact of the matter is that the ways the things are what they are was to prevent grandma from getting scammed by a bunch of scrupulous people selling dubious investments (i.e.: crypto). You are way too far gone if you think owning real businesses is inferior to owning a bunch of digital bottle caps

>> No.3473264

>ponzi coins
pretty fun anon, pretty fun

>> No.3473281

fuck off and stay away from cryptocurrencies, CNBC target demographic scum

>> No.3473317

I find it hard to believe you've been making 10 million a year out of school but I can't prove that you're larping.

Doesn't matter to me how much you have, 20 million is plenty for me.

>> No.3473444
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>trusting a weeb with hundreds of millions of dollars to invest