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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3467438 No.3467438 [Reply] [Original]


I made 900k in 4 months off crypto and have cashed out almost all of it already. I'm out the game bitch paying around 350k in taxes and walking away with almost half a milli... Leaving 100k in crypto though

Thanks for taking my heavy, heavy bags (for you) faggots. Good luck with your "ark" "black moon" "fat cat" "block cat" retarded shit coins you idiots.

Here's a tip. Do some actual research and invest in coins that are actually currencies. You might still make it but probably not cause you're greedy and stupid.

Peace fags.

>> No.3467457


>> No.3467479

Nice larp. No proof. 100k bought.

>> No.3467497

>do some actual research
So... buy more ANT?

>> No.3467499

Are you autistic?

>> No.3467536
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what proof do you want? My savings account number or something? Coinbase and Kraken emails? Tell me and I'll show u proof faggot.

Aren't we all a bit autistic here? We're certainly not all rich though ;)

>> No.3467543

But how much fiat did you put in? People always flaunt their gains but never mention how much of a profit they actually made.

>put in 500k and made a 400k profit

>> No.3467545

Bank account screenshot and transaction log of withdrawl

>> No.3467551


>> No.3467555


>> No.3467570

Why do you keep posting this larp bullshit? Like why do you do it?

>> No.3467571

Leaving too early mate? You haven't even stepped in lamboland

>> No.3467604

Teach me senpai

>> No.3467764

where is the screenshots?

>> No.3467791


>> No.3467799

wow, apparently you never heard of a competent tax lawyer...no way am i paying 350k in taxes on 900k , when i could just wire that to some tax haven, get a visa card and be able to draw it out of any atm in the world.
youre gonna be broke in a couple years bro

>> No.3467816

>paying taxes


>> No.3467865

decided not to post it, because I really don't give a shit and I don't want to give away any personal info.

If you want to convert BTC to fiat you need to pay taxes. The US government isn't stupid, they'll know especially with the way technology works now. This was basically free money to begin with so I don't mind paying taxes to ensure I don't end up in prison like you retards... if you ever make anything significant which is doubtful


>> No.3467883
File: 7 KB, 177x251, tumblr_inline_og1vq0zdjV1tzc929_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not paying quarterly taxes on your fat crypto gains as you slowly cash out to take profit

Stay retarded anon

>> No.3467906

err no, again hire a competent tax attorney

>> No.3467930

You... do know that you're taxed on every trade you make that becomes profitable... right? I don't think you know how this works.

>> No.3467978

dude are you really invested in crypto, i been trading crypto for 3 years and ive yet to receive a request by IRS for profitable tax trades, or ANY trades for that matter.
How will irs even know its you unless youre being the idiot and providing the exchange with your SSN plus keeping a track of all your trades.

nah..youre larping

>> No.3467993

So i assume you went all in on eth back in march

>> No.3468018

he didnt go into shit

>> No.3468151


>> No.3468217

Nice job man! It's funny, so many people say "aww man, I wish I got into bitcoin back when it was a penny herpaderp" when the reality is 2017 was the fucking year to get in.

I personally am sticking around until I've made enough to not have to work anymore. I don't think $500k would do that for me. But more power to ya for taking the money and running.

>> No.3468232

lmao here's some advice: don't drop the soap