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3466181 No.3466181 [Reply] [Original]

>he actually thinks a currency that relies on electricity, technology, non-hacked exchanges, and forgiving governments to succeed is a winning ticket


>EMP goes off


>gov bans it


>meanwhile gold & silver are untouchable

>> No.3466229


>> No.3466254

>what is space mining

rip your funny rocks in 15 years

bitcoin will be the universal currency of the galactic federation

>> No.3466279

there would be bigger problems then money if electricity ran out

>> No.3466292
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>> No.3466294
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP fell for the shiny rocks meme. Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahah

>> No.3466306

>EMP goes off
>miners on the other side of the world not affected

>> No.3466310

Crypto has always been something that the government fundamentally has no control over.

>> No.3466315

valid point. and people would start trading like the very ancient ways of goods versus currencies. Sell your furniture for food.

>> No.3466320
File: 165 KB, 1386x776, gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who would put their trust into a goddamn rock

>> No.3466326

not with a shitty name like bitcoin

>> No.3466328

You idiots, you should own both.

Also PMs are not rocks, they are elements.

>> No.3466342

wait for the 2025 rebrand

not even memeing

>> No.3466518


the rocks that power smart phones and have actual properties?

>he fell for the piece of data meme

>> No.3466536




>> No.3466546

this. diversifying is key.

>> No.3466558


>The number one use of silver in industry is in electronics. Silver's unsurpassed thermal and electrical conductivity among metals means it cannot easily be replaced by less expensive materials.

im sorry, what?

>> No.3466573

silver and gold can be turned into colloidal liquids for antimicrobial and antifungal properties.

>> No.3466591

>falling for the "ill sell you pixels for $" meme

>> No.3466619

yeah it's just some shit that runs on the network the government designed to survive a nuclear holocaust

>> No.3466622

>t. top commenter from every zerohedge article about crypto

>> No.3466648

and how you gonna trade on exchanges when you have no electricity?

to be a currency it must survive all odds.

crypto requires too much. look what china did. imagine if other countries follow suit.

too many options for crypto to fail to consider it a real investment. it's a gamble and that's all it will ever be .

>> No.3466656

Gold and silver are untouchable Lmao
Wait until soldiers kick in your door ans confiscate it

>> No.3466691

What did China do?

>> No.3466694


>your shiny metal is going to matter in a post apocalyptic wasteland where we can't even maintain electricity

probably best not to bet on that future

>> No.3466705

>not burying your main stash miles away in a desert

y-yes this is all the gold i have. yep. just 1 ounce, that's all.

do you even fish?

>> No.3466730


>no electricity

what are natural disasters for 500

do you think some poor sap in florida righ now who has to login to a computer with electricity and his passwords is gonna want bitcoin or gold that he can easily take with him and sell at a physical location?

>> No.3466750

Ahh yes, because that is so practical for a currency
Go hide it miles away in case of shit hitting the fan

>> No.3466752

Govs can declare cryptos illegal and ban the exchanges.

Game over for your Lambos.

>> No.3466764


I don't think anyone in Florida gives a single shit more about gold after being temporarily discomforted by the hurricane

are they clamoring for physical cash because using their credit cards got a little harder for a day or two?

>> No.3466782

this and only this.

forget the other stuff, this is the biggest threat. you can wake up tomorrow and the EU or some other government entity can ban the entire thing from their jurisdiction.

it was a good run

>> No.3466807

That's exactly why the price doesn't go up as much because it's not in industry interests to pay 4x more for something they use so much of.

Also mining and processing methods have gotten better than ever so the rate at which we are taking gold and silver out of the ground has actually gone up significantly and the miners are making plenty of money where the prices are now.

>> No.3466808

gold and silver are dying

>> No.3466894

thanks mr time traveler

>> No.3466948

>space mining
I bet you're still waiting on flying cars and jetpacks

>> No.3466976

They are both winning tickets

But crypto will rule the planet

>> No.3466993
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coiners internally BTFO