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346428 No.346428 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any reason why McDonald's wages shouldn't be raised?

These Mickey D employees are protesting everywhere for better liveable wages. Personally I don't think they deserve more money, they're frycooks. But if they can have more money with few consequences then I don't care.

Educate me /biz/.

>> No.346441

People that work at McDonalds are subhumans. Keeping them at a low wage is incentive for them to go out into the world and make something of themselves and actually contribute to society (in a way other than making people fat) so that they can earn some money.

If anything, their wages should be dropped. Pieces of shit.

>> No.346443

The last time I went to mcd I was shitting goo for three days.

I wish they would just burn that company down to the ground.

>> No.346445
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>> No.346451

Tthey're very fortunate that everyone isn't just replacing cashiers with machines for the long term yet.

>> No.346461

Liveable wages help a very small percentage of minimum wage workers who are supporting a family of four.

Workers aren't incentivised to be more productive when the government is giving them handouts.

>> No.346462

Lots of places are. There's "self checkouts" all over the place.

They all fucking suck and I'd rather see an actual cashier any day, but they're there.

>> No.346467

I prefer the machines honestly, unless we're talking about a small 1-2 man corner store or something.

>> No.346472

It's a lot easier to scam a machine through various means
The cashier is nowhere near dead yet

>> No.346486
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>mfw people with replaceable jobs want a pay raise
>mfw their jobs are replaceable
>mfw they are upset

>> No.346495

Oh, Idk, maybe the bottom line of the franchise owner? Considering how McDonald's corporate is being fucking retarded and is basically forcing franchisees to sell food at low margin (Or no margin ie the whole free coffee thing) raising wages eats up a lot of profit.

>> No.346512

If the wages are RAISED, then sure, the dummies currently inhabiting the min wage jobs will be making more money then they really deserve
But people currently not seeking employment will re-enter the market, slowly pushing the lesser employees out and raising the overall level of competence

In essence, you are getting exactly what you are paying for, and not raising wages is short-sighted

>> No.346520 [DELETED] 

>not raising wages is short-sighted

So you're saying that in 2030 I'll still be ordering from a human being at McDonalds?

You're a fucking fool.

>> No.346527

Then we'll have more folks on the welfare.

No way to win, really.

>> No.346530

Not necessarily
Your average min wage employee works a second job (at least part time, if not full time) to help make ends meet
If min wage is raised, some of those people will no longer feel the need to work an extra job (or at least work fewer hours), which will then free up additional job openings for job seekers

>> No.346531

Valid point. The greatest problem with the economy and job market right now, in my opinion, is severe over-staffing and extremely limited skill sets preventing more reasonable counts of employees.

I suppose a wage raise could work, but would be a damn shame if it backfired.

>> No.346752


You are assuming that incoming workers will be more skilled than those being replaced. Maybe at engineering firms that is correct but chances are the unskilled worker replaced at McDonalds will be replaced by another unskilled worker.

Raising minimum wage isn't the answer. The answer is building the economy so that the Sr Accountant becomes CFO, the Accounts Payable clerk becomes a Sr. Accountant and the fry guy at McDonalds becomes the Accounts Payable person. And at each level they make more.

Only then will the unemployed person move to McDonalds and start earning.

>> No.346765

>15 dollars an hour to flip burgers
>meanwhile for $9/hr you need at least a year's worth of experience, 3 references, and a degree
This market is all fucked up. We need to regulate more fairly while divorcing government from big business, otherwise wage slavery for all.

>> No.346835

people bitching about only getting $9.00 and $10.00per hour meanwhile minimum wage for indiana is still fucking 7.25

>> No.346843

some of them might not feel the need to work an extra job, but some of them also might enjoy having two jobs and continue to work.

also, companies forced to pay higher hourly wages might consider dropping hours across the board, which leaves the poor nigger making the same amount of money.

the poor nigger complains that they aren't making enough money, and people start asking for an increase in the minimum wage again.

>> No.346946

>implying the aspies here with business degrees and shit contribute to society

>> No.346949

>implying you deserve more money than people born with low IQ

>> No.346960


the machines are great for relieving congestion at the counter

>> No.346961

Because most fast food employees are high school/college students. They get hundreds of applications every week and can be replaced within a hour after they quit or get fired. I was an assistant manager for Wendy's in my freshman and sophomore year of college. The average burger flipper didn't last 3 months.

>> No.346970

And because it's so easy to hire off the street, there's no incentive for the companies to try and keep people on, since workers are literally a dime a dozen.

>> No.346974

You literally mean figuratively.

>> No.346975


>doesn't use diamond dozen