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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 18 KB, 512x512, OMG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3463584 No.3463584 [Reply] [Original]

Where are your gods now, no-Omises

>> No.3463600
File: 20 KB, 306x306, 543483873783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3463630

You do realize, things need to go flawlessly with the current amount of McDonalds, otherwise the rest will not follow. It is written in the contract with Omise.

>> No.3463632

i hold omg too but let's calm down

pets.com is regarded as a legendary flop and they only raised $82M, how the fuck is this worth a billion dollars because you can buy a burger in thailand

>> No.3463688
File: 99 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man these kids are fairies.

>> No.3463711

OMG is not a coin, dude.

>> No.3463713

35k by friday screencap this

>> No.3463765

Only if these are dubs

>> No.3463795

Yeah really vomit inducing. All crypto subreddits are cancer like that but the OMG one takes it to another level. Almost makes me want to sell.

This is LITERALLY the Reddit coin. I did sell a few hundred though.

>> No.3463822

bro. omg is reddit coin, 4chan coin, it's the entire internet's coin. theres more than enough for all of us

>> No.3463824
File: 19 KB, 448x480, stares ice cubically.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice blog you fucking loser

>> No.3463854

Yea it's fucking disgusting. Their positivity seems fake and forced.

>> No.3464245

What was the 'big news in September' or have they still not announced it? No-OMG fag here

>> No.3464264


>> No.3464280

Where do they officially state that?

>> No.3464301

OMG is old news now, volume is rapidly declining. Gonna end up just like the old NEO bubble of months ago

>> No.3464307

i just remember hearing it a bunch a while back, i dont have anything official to link you to

>> No.3464315

Nice just bought 100k

>> No.3464319

O look another person who knows jack shit about omise/omisego. Stay poor m8

>> No.3464345

There's no way you have more than a double digit IQ. A dumb, delusional supporter of a dying shitcoin. You're like a rat in the floorboard of /biz/. Dirty and smelly. Not even human. Shoo. Away with you. Go shit in the street with Pajeet. You clueless OMGmarines are a joke and will be joining the holders of DigiByte and NEO soon in a mass grave.

>> No.3464374

Omisego was more of a coin before it was even created compared to those coins and more. It's parent company omise is successful and already has well established ties with a bunch of people/corporations. They will be merging omise/omisego and every payment processed by omise as a whole adds to the value of omg

Are you a fucking brainlet? or just a butthurt noomg

>> No.3464381

That's some copy pasta that's been going around biz. Saw it for NEO and for some other coin earlier.

>> No.3464391

I'm pretty sure that this is a pasta.

>> No.3464394

Can you OmiseGoMariner's confirm they haven't released the 'huge September news' yet?

>> No.3464403

yea some pasta that is easily verifiable but some retards don't even look outside of /biz/.

>> No.3464405

>dying coin
>top volume everywhere for weeks now

>> No.3464420

they're releasing it on the 18th

>> No.3464421

does everything have to be in infographic form around here with fucking direct url's to their tweets or reddit posts? holy fuck honestly no wonder people on here are poor do your own god damn googling for once

>> No.3464635

; _ ;

I was talking about >>3464345
you meani

>> No.3464648

O wow my autism kicked in full force there

>> No.3464844

Just gotta wait until 2020 for those 10,000% returns

>> No.3465042


It's not going to be big news. It's hyped to fuck.

It's some conference between 18-20 September.

OMG guy is talking (with two non--OMG-affiliated persons) for 25 minutes on the morning of the 18th.

It's a fucking joke, but I can't help myself and I bought some more today.

>> No.3465073
File: 165 KB, 1200x704, paul-dano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy at low 270s
>sell at high 270s
>buy at low 270s
>sell at high 270s
>buy at low 270s
>sell at high 270s
making money is so easy with this coin holy shit

>> No.3465077

yeah it isn't going to be big news, if there are any at all.

The event itself is pretty big though.
It's Techcrunch Disrupt, basically THE event for technology startups of the Silicon Valley.
Lots of investors/ techblogs will be watching.

>> No.3465098


I'm just pissed at all the apple hype. As if that was going to happen.

And the talk isn't about OMG, it's about ICOs in general. Maybe we'll get some info but I suspect the price may dip once people realize they've been buying into hype that's priced in.

But that doesn't stop me from hoarding on each dip.

>> No.3465125

There is plasma coming up which will send eth/omg to the moon. Vitalik did say eth will be pos soon

>> No.3465264


Own them all, looking at 25%-50000% GAINZ