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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3461551 No.3461551 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else more happier in life after finding crpyto trading and a new hobby?

>> No.3461579
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Yes I find it an efficient and value hobby, I spend only a few £10's for over a week of entertainment. I eat one coin every time I win a big jackpot.

>> No.3461600

For sure brosif, i'm nearing my 30s and this is the best hobby i've had in the past 10 years. Im a massive wageslave since 22, and crypto is my closest simulation of running my own biz

>> No.3461615

I want to go back to fapping and watching anime.
This is too stressful.

>> No.3461627


It's only enjoyable because of /biz/

>> No.3461642

before crypto
>sit at computer 16-18 hours a day, sometimes longer
>watch movies
>play games

After crypto
>sit at computer 16-18 hours a day, sometimes longer
>watch movies
>play games

Why even live

>> No.3461763

lol what are you talking about.
>watch animu
>fap to hentai
>play vidya
>click a few buttons after 30 min of research a week
>watch animu
>fap to hentai
>play vidya

>> No.3461781

how do i get started on cryptotrading and how much money do i need

>> No.3461811

more like
>go to sleep
>wake up
>see price is down
>sweat bullets

>> No.3461814

its very easy you need $100 dollars and buy some btcs on gemini then send them to me and i can launder them to 10x.

>> No.3461843

Yes it's great hobby for me. Now just need some profits that would be really amazing...

>> No.3461861

Treat it more like a game and you wont be so stressed out.

>> No.3461871

Yes. This is a golden opportunity to acquire wealth.

>> No.3461886

normally a game doesn't decide whether I end up under a bridge or as someone who doesn't have to wageslave

>> No.3461887

I tried trading stocks and didn't enjoy it ,then I looked into forex and I liked the idea ,but I prefer trading shitcoins because of it being totally unregulated and off grid so the tax man can't see what trades I'm doing ,it's just a hobby for me.

>> No.3461902

stop being a pussy. sometimes the best games have to have consequences. simply losing isnt enough

>> No.3461910
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I'm just happy finding something that I feel like I can get ahead in. I never wanted to be a wageslave for the government to milk dry. I needed a new frontier to push that would give me a chance to find untold riches, but our society doesn't provide that anymore.

>Born too late to explore the earth.
>Born too soon to explore the stars.
>Born just in time to explore the depths of our minds, and we don't like what we're finding when we're left to stagnate.

If I can't forge a path across the Appalachians or mine asteroids, this is a nice consolation prize. I'll set up my descendants with a 1st class ticket off this rock.

>> No.3461911

What are you, a millennial? The best things always take risk. Pick yourself up, how cna you be in such a sorry state that you could risk losing a roof over your head? Do you live in some shit teir country?

>> No.3461927

Yes, Poland. I recently invested 3 months worth of pay to get 0.33 BTC and I'm worried.

>> No.3461943

So crypto turned you from a redditfag ito a /biz/nessman. You must be a low testosterone mouth breather to be such a newfag

>> No.3461944

seems like you've got it pretty good than. No rapefugees, Germany will most likely have to pay you gibsmedats from the war. Sounds comfy desu

>> No.3461966

No. Elections turned me into a breeding chad. I've always run my own businesses though.

>> No.3461974
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this. and pushing pull requests to peoples github projects - you learn a lot, even if you only write documentation for them. You can get coins as rewards too

>> No.3461979

Any real /biz/nessmen unironically independantly studies for less than 1 hours a day, and spends most of his free time unironically playing vidya games and taking the crypto advice of /biz/.

>> No.3461995

No. It's an empty hobby, a grasping for money with no true graft or creativity. It's shown me that money cannot even make me happy and I am left flailing with no higher goal or purpose.


>> No.3462013

Nah, I'm as depressed as ever.

>> No.3462159

dont fucking gamble your lunchmoney

>> No.3462958

This is where your new is showing. Trust me when you dedicate your whole day to chart watching you will be losing money. "The hungry don't get fed". Like I said keep watching animu and doing other stuff. People panic sell when something drops and doesn't go up for a while, only after for it to shoot back up higher. This is why you just invest and forget for a few days. Maybe it's easier said then done, but it's really not that hard either.

>> No.3463348

It's more like a drug.
Drug gives, drug takes off

But I'm having fun with you /biz/tards during the ride.

>> No.3463361

It's a very nice hobby. I enjoy it.
Fun and educational reading /biz/ as well for the most part.
Actually laughed out loud at some of the stuff that has been posted around here.

>> No.3463364

t. bagholder

>> No.3463422

would you please explain or share link on how to do this? seems interesting

>> No.3464150

For the first time in my life I feel like I've found an actual way to make money and be independent outside of wagecucking in a 9-5 until I'm 60.

I'm happier in that regard in that I feel financially more secure. I caught DGB at 115 sats as my first moon mission, and even though I was a retard and held it past the ATH, I still made 10 grand from a 2grand investment.

From that, I pushed everything into OMG at $7, and now every week I put $500 of my paycheck into a dip.

It's amazing. I feel like I work during the week, then put that money from work to work for me and multiply itself. I also actually do believe in OMG, and I've learned lessons on how to spot a shitcoin with DGB. My hopes are that I'll have a couple hundred k by this time next year, and at that point, I can afford to get a bigger place, finally buy some property, and spend my days living off investments and traveling.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you /biz/. You make me feel like all those years of browsing 4chan may have been the best thing in my life.

>> No.3464170

>For the first time in my life I feel like I've found an actual way to make money and be independent outside of wagecucking in a 9-5 until I'm 60.

/biz/ is the only board i go to anymore.

>> No.3464238

Actually no... I was a lot happier before finding crypto. I can't leave because it's like an addiction but I'm much more stressed. I'm at my computer more, I gave up hobbies to pay for this shit. But I have student loans to pay off and maybe this is a way out. Only 80k to go...

Debt is so much worse than I could have imagined, I signed the paperwork at age 18 with no guidance from parents or anyone. I really wish someone had sat me down when I was younger and explained what I was getting into rather than "you'll be fine, college is just what you do".

>> No.3464267

Crypto to me is love and basically applied buddhism. It embodies the hope of a new and better future. The markets eb and flow and teach you to accept yourself.

>> No.3464316

You'll need to learn how to code in most cases. The bare minimum is knowledge of how Git works.

Skills depend on the projects. Think of things such as documentation, optimization of code, bugfixing etcetera.

>> No.3464336
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>> No.3464346

not rly I am long term holder and even holding is stressful AF

>> No.3465448
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>> No.3465472

You aren't fapping enough, fapping and gains are 1:1

>> No.3465659

research won't do you shit
just follow the biggest meme coin on /biz/ and you will win. it has worked for me since eth

>> No.3465694

What's the current meme coin? Ark?