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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3461149 No.3461149 [Reply] [Original]

Is coinbase legit? And if so what payment method is best, paypal, bank account, or credit/debit card?

>> No.3461155

This girl isn't asian.

>> No.3461185

No coinbase is biggest scam, only use exchanges that accept cash by snail mail

>> No.3461187

asian girls only pls

>> No.3461207

stop perpetuating this absolutely forced meme. its not gonna happen. go back to /b/

>> No.3461213

Also, i made an account with coinbase months ago but did nothing with it, and now when i sign in it has the option for paypal and also requires me to confirm my identity and enter in lots of info and provide photo id. Did they add all of this recently?

>> No.3461289
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Coinbase might randomly cuck you into having to submit more info randomly, you're better off on something like (((Gemini))) to buy BTC then if you want to trade going to something like Bittrex. You don't have to submit a shitload of personal info for Bittrex to trade in BTC and shitcoins.
Buying on coinbase also has percentage feed for buying with a card, but you can just wire money to Gemini and buy under an hour.

>> No.3461363

Ok Stacey, go water your money tree

>> No.3461370

This girl isn't asian.

>> No.3461401

butthurt stacey detected

>> No.3461457

Kikebase is run by kikes too obviously, why the fuck do you think bitcoin cash isn't trading on it?

>> No.3461543

how the fuck do i activate secure3d? what the fuck

>> No.3461558

>is coinbase legit
lurk more, faggot

>> No.3461580

Hello, I am also a crypto newfag, just trying to add some bitcoin or etherume to my first wallet.

Is it really not possible to buy any without uploading an effing image of my passport, social security number, phone number and adress?

Or meeting people IRL via localbitcoins?

>> No.3461595

>wire transfer in under and hour

wire transfer can take days

>> No.3461762

Coinbase won't add my passport as ID, so I dropped them. Makes me wonder how all those silkroadfags could easily buy drugs.

>> No.3461810

It took me 4 times for them to accept my ID got really excited when they finally accepted it but then I couldnt purchase BTC with my debit card because of some 3d shit secure

>> No.3461817

Buy a bitcoin package instead

>> No.3461826


>> No.3461905

Wtf bank are you using that a wire take a days. Are you a 3rd worlder?

>> No.3461949
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Someone give me the QR on coinbase vs gdax vs gemini

>> No.3462191 [DELETED] 

How about you put in some effort and do some, you know, research that will ultimately benefit you?

>> No.3462265

Thank you.

>> No.3462448


are you talking about transferring a piece of wire?

>> No.3462507
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>tfw have made 3 different accounts on various cryptotrading sites but pussied out on all of them once it started asking for bank info and photo id

>> No.3462519

buy NEO, gonna moon soon
>Red Pulse ICO

>> No.3462656

But it has to be a copper wire.
The protocol is incompatible with any other type of wire.

>> No.3462693
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this guy

>> No.3462727

explain why red pulse is going to be worth anything

>> No.3462763
File: 58 KB, 492x498, think frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another newfag reporting

I don't need to be spoonfeed, I'll figure this thing out faggots.

My main problem I'm the poorest of poor wagecucks, is it even worth going into crypto if I can barely afford putting 100$ in it?

>> No.3462770

short term? no
long term? probably yea

>> No.3462808
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And that's a good thing!

>> No.3462811

>short term
No, I'm definitely in it now to try and maximise my profits, even it means holding until 2020.

It just sucks that some people are pouring tons in it and becoming millionaires, while for me it would probably be a very modest amount because I can't make THAT sort of investment.

Oh well. I guess it would still be an improvement for me if it works. I have nothing to lose

>> No.3462820

Are you me?

>> No.3463576

sorry to say but this meme is the best thing to come out of /biz/ in the last 6 months... pretty much the only thing going on here aside form shit posts left and right

>> No.3463650
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1 make account
2 fund with paypal
3 change USD to SLL
4 change SLL to BTC
5 send to wallet

>> No.3463671

We buy all our crypto from Craigslist OP

>> No.3464031

I think coinbase is great, People just say it's a scam.

I'm in the UK, I use Coinbase then transfer it to mew, then use changelly to get shitcoins.

Wish someone would've told me that, So to anyone, You're welcome.