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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3460156 No.3460156 [Reply] [Original]

>Began working fulltime(40 hours + 2 hrs commute)
>No time for ANYTHING anymore
>All the self improvement memes like reading books, learning programming, lifting, etc that I engaged in has gone out the window

>At this point my life is Working(wagecucking of the highest degree, half a tier above fastfood or factory labour) ----- Commuting to work while crying in my head about how my only life is being wasted ------------- Posting on 4chan

End me. I'm finished my life is done just bury me I'm not alive as it is. Finish me off Please.

I wish I was a NEET but with money. That way I could enjoy lifting 6x a week, reading, studying, and exploring the world.

>> No.3460171


>> No.3460192

Know that feel. Started working on monday for the first time, it's a 40 hours weeks too. I'm going to quit on friday. Fuck that, it's not worth it.

>> No.3460207

Rise 'n' grind bitch

>> No.3460212
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Welcome to wagecuck life.


>> No.3460229

yup. 40 hours is a lot, but after the first year you dont start taking it serious anyway and just start surfing the web randomly/read news/buy groceries etc.

commuting more than 1h a day however is killing your soul slowly.

for me thats why i pay $1400 a month to live in inner-city. walking 15 mins each morning to work through the city is quite relaxed. no car though, dont really need it.

>> No.3460241

>Work 40 hours a week.
>No time to refresh blockfolio every 10 mins like in the good old days.
>Miss many moons.
>Can't buy the top or dip.

At least I have disposable income to put in crypto and hodl. But I swear to god I can't do this my whole life.

>> No.3460247

I work 40 plus hours a week lift /fit/ and go to school, learn time managment bitch
Plan everything
ubermench sleep pattern
have a day which you prepare all you food

>> No.3460251

i can't even get a job, nobody will even interview me

>> No.3460267

Dude if I can get a job you can too

>> No.3460270

is that 2 hours commute by bus? you could read or write in that time.

otherwise that's too long. even if you mean 1 hour. commute should be under 30 minutes. also your work should be your "anything." i spend about half the day browsing websites, talking to coworkers, and doing what interests me. the other half is directly invested into my career goals by completing assignments. i don't want to be a NEET, i want to solve problems and manage systems.

you'll get used to it.

>> No.3460277

Everyone thinks they'll spend their free time doing self improvement shit but noone follows through, you're better off working and earning money.

>> No.3460286

You get used to it OP. Maybe I'm lucky because my job consists of doing jack shit all day and I know how to game the system so that I can get out of working and still get paid to read books and browse 4chan all day.

Now that you have less free time it will force you to use it more effectively. I work 11 hour shifts and still have enough time to fuck around.

>> No.3460290

What do you work as? My current job requires me to phone random people and try to sell them shit. They also want me to sound excited and bubbly.
Do you have any idea how hard that is for an introverted ex-neet?

>> No.3460302

I know I can get one but nobody will even give me the chance, I just have a massive gap in my work history because I spent the past 4 years just enjoying myself being a degenerate so I think that's what is scaring them off

>> No.3460318

Tell them you were self-employed or something like that. Freelance journalist/translator/photographer, whatever.

>> No.3460319

Your entire life is going to look like that unless you invest in WTC

>> No.3460329


I know that feel bro.

Working 40-44 hours a week, 10am-6pm M-F, with a half hour commute each way.

The job itself is so mind numbing and motivation destroying that even when I'm not at work I absolutely lack the mental energy or motivation to do any of the things I used to do.

I used to work almost 50 hours a week and still did things in my off time, but it was at a crap tier job that paid me so little I was constantly just scraping by. My new job pays almost double what I used to make, but is thoroughly demoralizing and demotivating.

My stock portfolio is moving boringly slow and I keep hoping my crypto portfolio will blow up, but we can't seem to break the $5000/$400 walls and everything else is tied to BTC/ETH. I just want the money to build a cabin on the 1.66 acre parcel of mountain land I bought so I can get some bullshit remote work job and spend my days drinking tea and pissing off my porch writing clickbait articles or something.

>> No.3460334
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Welcome to the rest of your life, OP

>> No.3460350

learn to fake it, pretend to be someone else,
what did you think that normies are ;genuine" ?

>> No.3460371

wait till you have real obligations like kids then complain about being busy

>> No.3460383

I'm stuttering, have a retarded accent and am borderline autist. I can't play around with intonations and my voice is extremely monotonous, even though it sounds perfectly fine to me.

>> No.3460418

I to have-had a problem such as that,, how ever I found that reading aloud really seemed to help with it, I can almost pass for normal now even on a bad day

>> No.3460423

Don't work outbound. Work inbound and learn how to shuffle yourself in the queue. You'll end up getting paid 15 an hour just to fuck around.

>> No.3460424

>2 hour commute

Factory working wageslave here, thank god I live close to work cause if I had to commute that long I would've lost it. already on the edge right now

>> No.3460440

>shuffle yourself in the queue
? I work outbound in trucks at mega-corp, I earn 15 an hour already

>> No.3460462

Just get really good at your work. But don't let anybody know. Work 10 hour days. Spend 7 hours on /biz/ and get just a little bit more work done than anyone else does. You'll look above average still.

>> No.3460463

Factory working must be nice. Sure, it's physically taxing but you don't have to think, have no responsibilities and only have to do one basic monotonous task. Just repeat over and over and go home. Can't be too bad.

>> No.3460487

Here here bro

>> No.3460499

I load truck with boxes all day, and I ensure you that you are correct it is nice, Physically it is not to taxing if anything if keep you from being fat from walk and being on you feet all day.

>> No.3460504

its bad because the pay is dogshit and theres little chance to promote yourself

>> No.3460507


haha i used to think that. Your brain is used by doing the movements, you have to concentrate. You cant think of anything else during those hours.

>> No.3460520

YOUR brain is used by doing the movements, my mind wanders all day about cheeking shit to shitpost about when I get home

>> No.3460528

In inbound call centers they have an automated system that determines the order people get calls. When you finish a call, it moves you to the end of a queue that empties out as people get calls coming in. Most systems have a way of tricking it into thinking you just got off a call and putting you back at the end. Places w/ slave driver management will crack down on it, but most call centers let you get away with it. With outbound call centers they make you keep making calls until you drop dead. Not worth the money at all.

>> No.3460540

>Work 40 hours a week

When working in video games hours were 14-16 hours a day 6 days a week during crunch time (9-12 months before release).

wake up

no time for in between. Fucking pussy

>> No.3460542


I know exactly how hard that is. Misanthropic introvert working as an insurance sales rep currently.

I gently fondle my bedside handgun every night before bed, before ultimately deciding today isn't the day just yet for some arcane reason.

>> No.3460557

That's why I work 32 hours a week.

You need some leeway to keep yourself from ending up as a professional wagecuck.

>> No.3460569

Why not quit? I figured it's simply not worth it. Stay home, get neet bux, do something else.

>> No.3460581

what kind of job do you have and how much money do you make

>> No.3460590

Been doing factory work 5 years now, (metal industry, making agricultural machinery pieces) It's not even that monotonous because there are so many different things to do. I still absolutely hate it and it's very taxing on my body cause I sometimes have to carry around heavy pieces that are lasered out. despite this I'm not even sure if I want to change to an office job

>> No.3460613

>Decide to finally commit to wagecuckery
>Do what my boomer father suggested
>"You just walk right in a ask to speak to the manager"
>Manage to get a 50-60 hour a week factory job
>The people are nice
>The pay is good
>The factory is a 10 minute walk from my house
>All the people my age envy me for skipping college

The only negative is that all the manual labor aggravates my carpal tunnel. But everything turned out better than I expected

>> No.3460631

See, that's the difference between factory and office. In factory you do some real work and time flies. In office you sit on your ass all day staring at your screen, phoning people. And you have the clock right before your eyes all the time. But it doesn't fucking move. The longer you stare at it the longer the day gets.

>> No.3460686
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Same m8, I pack savoury goods 7am - 3pm. I live half an hour away from the place, any further and I'd probably begin to cry.

At work my mind wonders. Lately I've been dreaming about publishing a B2B bicycle magazine however I'm too pathetic to follow through with the idea when I get home, all I want to do is eat pasta and play vidya

>> No.3460733
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I cut down from 40 hours to 20. Cut my income by about 40% but I'm much happier. Is that a possibility for you?

>> No.3460863


>Get neet bux

What exactly do you think neet bux are anon?
Where do you think they come from?

You don't get unemployment if you quit your job. Only if you're laid off or fired without justification. You especially don't get unemployment if you're a physically fit, non autistic, non-addicted, 26 year old white male. I've never been diagnosed with any disability or disorder that would qualify me for some bullshit stipend. There are no government benefits available to someone like me, and I would rather kill myself than ever accept financial assistance from my parents again.

What kind of bullshit socialist dystopia do you live in where this is possible? Unless my investments explode or I come across a great opportunity for a different job, I'm financially dependent on my $38-40k/year pittance to live.

>> No.3460920

>What kind of bullshit socialist dystopia do you live in where this is possible?

Germany. If they can provide gibs to millions of unwashed sandniggers and literal niggers, then they shouldn't have a problem with giving some to me. And I shouldn't even feel bad about it.

>> No.3460957

>doesnt have a job with deadlines
youll wish time moved slower

>> No.3461090

Thanks for this entertaining post. I tweeted about it - https://twitter.com/eaglecrypto/status/908032798329581575

Hope you make it. It's not the end. Just save and invest money and don't spend it liberally. When I mean save I mean really save. Lower your living standards. Stay positive. Do with the minimal until you can afford the optimal. Stop wasting much time once you're home. Start finding a way out of the rat race. There are tons of ways you can start sidegigs on the internet. YouTube, Crypto, Forex, Reselling, Patreon, Gofundme, Steemit, Twitter, the opportunities are everywhere. A few years of smart work on top of existing hard work can give you a lifetime of harvest.

>> No.3461091

You'll be an arthritic cripple by 35.

Enjoy, wagey.

>> No.3461158


>having kids
>being this stupid

>> No.3461188

study till 6

And I still feel like I have a lot of spare time

>> No.3461203
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>40 hours
>a lot
>get 15 hour shifts from time to time as a driver

>> No.3461297

Work 40 a week in a metal shop with no AC
Have 30 hours of class a week
Have a GF who occupies any extra time.
Raging Stoner

>> No.3461395
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Damn, this thread. I'd just want a job for a year or two.

I'm 21 years old and have never had a job. I'm currently studying, but that ain't going to get me to places for at least five years, and maybe never.

It's hard to find a job right now where I live, most of the shit jobs require driver's license and I can't afford it. Only people that I know who have jobs, have gotten it through their parents or relatives. All my relatives are either NEETs and/or alcoholists. Also, I just don't have that good social skills that I could just talk myself a job. How the fuck do I get a job or make money?

I'd just like to get my savings to $50k and start a business, but how the fuck I get capital without a job. I currently have $1k in crypto, which is decent considering that I started from $50. This $1k is the most amount of money that I've ever held, it's sad.

It's fucking devastating to try make something out of yourself when there are no guarentees that you're going to make it. I started to go to gym an year ago and started to read books and study two years ago. I've been looking for a job that would fit my studies, but fuck I can't even get an interview, which I would very likely fuck up, filled in like 50 applications. I still haven't made any progress in life, and it's looking day by day more likely that I never will achieve anything that I've dreamed.

I've actually thought why didn't I take the easy way of going full-time junkie or just try to hustle, but I made a mistake three years ago and left that shit, cuz I also swallowed all these self improvement memes.

But, I guess in the end it's better to die trying than die regretting?

>> No.3461637


>But, I guess in the end it's better to die trying than die regretting?

That's the juice we're all on anon.

I just hope I don't die regretting having tried.

>> No.3462033


This guy speaks the truth

>> No.3462073
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OP, use heroin, thank me later

>> No.3462139

> tfw NEET
> tfw unironically spend my my whole day on /biz/ and /fit/ even though my crypto portfolio is shit tier and i dont even lift
>spend remaining time playing vidya
> tfw no gf
> tfw khhv
> tfw no friends
> tfw fell for the NEET meme

>> No.3462369

>nice couch in trendy part of austin
>good lookin
>have fun all the time
>go to sleep at 5am
>wakeup sometime after noon

life is grand

>> No.3462401

dude just keep at it with your crypto. You've 20x your investment so far. If you can get an appartment right next to where you work. It makes it more tolerable.

Be patient, it could take years and it sucks... but things will get better if you're patient.

>> No.3462423

>Construction manager here
>55+ a week
Kill me too

>> No.3462425

>not completing your singular biological imperative
>having your bloodline die out because you're too big a faggot to breed

ok anon

>> No.3462429

Search for the Montgomery method and find the book with the carpal tunnel exercises

>> No.3462514

Spend time on /out/ and learn how to farm or hunt

>> No.3462571


I already know how to /out/, I've done some hunting and fishing and could probably procure enough protein to feed myself and another if need be. Farming I admit I know nothing about, but I've often dreamed about having a nice hydroponic greenhouse for growing fruits, grains, and vegetables.

I just don't have the money yet to actually build the cabin, get a well drilled, put up a greenhouse, solar system, etc. Plus, hunting and fishing licenses still cost money, so do agricultural supplies and shit. I honestly don't want to sell eggplants or some shit for a living, so unless my investments go big and I can live on residuals or I find a good remote-work job that I can do over a satellite internet connection I'm stuck until I get all that shit built. About $100k probably all said and done.

>> No.3462575

This guy speaks the truth.

>> No.3462608

I work 40 hours a week programming and have time to go home, drink, eat, play 2 hours of VR, research crypto icos, put a few hours into my app, and still have 9 hours for sleep.

>> No.3462633
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Its your own fault that you are not living the life you want
Accept this fact and then you move on and start your new life

>> No.3462672

I did this when I was 17 and the repetitive tasks had me talking to myself within the first few hours of every 12 hour shift.

It was funny though. First day the warehouse owner came up to me and said I was manager material and to hang around and I would get promoted. I was the only white person there besides management. Muh privilege.

>> No.3462683

>2 hour commute
Take a bus and sleep or consume your daily dose of useless garbage TV shows / YouTube videos
Works fine for me

>No time for fit
We both know that's bullshit, manage your time better.

If you were reading and studying to begin with, you wouldn't be stuck in this position, so this is all your fault.

>> No.3462801

>Go straight into 40 hour/week job after getting my BBA degree
>Work my ass of for three years
>New boss
>Typical self-proclaimed, strategy changing visionary fuck
>Unemployed for 9 months
Stop bitching man, being unemployed is the worst fucking thing that can happen to an adult person if you don't count shit like death of a child. When you have a job your life is full of possibilities, you meet new people and you have money to actually do things. If you stop doing the useful things you did while unemployed, it's on you. I'm starting a new job soon and I don't see why wouldn't I keep working out and further improve my knowledge in programming.

>> No.3462826

>mfw military veteran able to live off benefits after 4 years of active duty
>mfw able to start own winery
>mfw passive gains in crypto

>> No.3462840
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Same here, I even started learning Japanese with my extra time.


>> No.3462890

The writing on the juicebox is Korean tho

>> No.3462935

1400 that's 3 weeks of pay.

>> No.3462954

yea but it's a KAWAII cat

>> No.3462987

This. Pair it with having to take care of my dying father and you have the most traumatizing year of my life.

>> No.3463060

Same dream, except I plan to live on a mountain where I can snowboard. My job actually allows me a lot of freedom so I'm not a cuck for money.

>> No.3463078

2 hours you could spend writing, drawing, or listenining to podcasts, every day, OP. I feels your pain tho...I'm 29 and currently unemployed, I may have nothing to eat, but not having to burn the last of my 20s away on wagecucking feels like I found my soul.
My advice: spend every penny on bitcoin, dips or highs - buy whenever you can and you'll probably retire at 30

>> No.3463084

>Being the first part of your genetic line in hundreds of millions of years to fail to reproduce, your single purpose in life
>Failing this hard as a human

>> No.3463100

Get out of manual labor as fast as you can.

>> No.3463122

>making video games in an comfy office

Pick one, faggot. I bet you can't even cook your own meals if you think 16 hours in front of a computer is "work"

>> No.3463142

I couldn't get that obese if I tried.

>> No.3463197

Lol at $1k being the most money you've ever held. I had over $30,000 at 21. If you haven't figured out how to make money at this point you're fucked.

>I made my first $1000 when I was 14 in two weeks with an old snowblowerd I got for free. Made $1000s more with it.

>I made $1000s doing other stupid yardwork shit like mowing and planting flowers.

>I made $1000s selling video game coins like Fifa coins, Madden coins, 2k coins.

>I made $1000s selling modified Amazon TVs that are "hacked" to watch torrented streams.

>I made $1000s selling used clothes from Goodwill clothes online

>I made $1000s selling trading cards

>I made $1000s selling my own products online

I'm just a year older than you, 22, these are just a handful of examples that have earned me money since I was young. Making money is something you're born with or pick up early on, if you haven't picked it up by 21 you're seriously fucked. Enjoy being a wage cuck. Start playing the lottery and praying crypto takes off because otherewise you're living wage cuck life.

>> No.3463228


What do you do? I just got the deed for my land and now I'm just itching to get out of this shit as quickly as possible.


This. I don't particularly want to have kids, and I wasn't particularly crazy about the idea of domestic living or being married either. However, I'm the product of millions of years of harshly optimized biological process. Through positive selection pressures, negative selection pressures, and pure chance, my genome has made it all the way to here.

If you don't feel the obligation to carry on your lineage, to produce a genetic legacy that will go on to inhabit and spread humanity throughout the stars, you're literally a failed organism. A dead end. Whatever other bullshit you believe or think about the world, first and foremost you're just a biological organism. A life form, and the absolute purest directive of all live is to survive, procreate, and proliferate. Humanity is the most successful organism known, the one most able to adapt its environment to its liking.

If you eschew that you're no better than algae.

So no, I'm not exactly stoke about being mated for life or having kids, but I'm going to do it because I refuse to be the weak link.

>> No.3463229


trouble with that is when they need to make cutbacks your the first one to go

>> No.3463286

complain to corporate EHS about needing ergonomic assessments.

>> No.3463310


For what I do see >>3463197

If you don't know how to make money on your own at 21 you are very far behind the curve of making money on your own. You don't even have to start a business to make money most of the time.

>> No.3463373


So by doing all that shit you manage to pull in at least $40,000USD/year gross income while spending 40hours/week or less on all of it?

If so, that's great. If you're making less, or spending more time on it, it's just same shit different details. Of course there's lots of ways to pull in side money, but generally you end up spending even more time on it then you would at a job, or your related expenses cut too deeply into the money being brought in.

Working outside where I live is a great way to become a disgusting, leathery old shit before you hit 40 because of our UV index and 100+ weather 8+ months out of the year. Only for immigrant shitskins.

>> No.3463572

OP you are right. 40 hours isn't nothing, like some people claim it is. My commute was only 30 minutes, my job 9-5, and i felt the same way. I still work the same job but barely go in to the office because I have no work to do (I'm an intern). Today I arrived at 1 pm, left at 4 pm and most of that was lunch. Obviously as someone with any seniority at all, that would not be possible. I also work a government job.

When I actually stayed from 9 to 5.30 with 30 minutes for lunch I was spiritually crushed. I was dumbfounded by how little free time I had after work. Obviously my mornings were gone. I resented all chores. Sitting in an office chair is like some sort of cuck shed tier punishment. My balls squashed in a chair, in an open plan office designed to breed conformity, hearing the normie platitudes all around me (not that I even talked to them, I could sit next to them and be classed as the ugly loser), struggling to hear myself think, was hellish.

With how little I work right now, such a ridiculously small amount, I am probably in some blessed period of life without being able to fully appreciate it.

Oh yeah, and all the stuff you're supposed to do: exercising 6 or 7 times a week (which I like), reading 30 to 60 pages of books a day to avoid being a philistine, cooking and eating healthily, socialising or internet to avoid insanity, learning new skills like programming, doing something practical, a solid 8 hours of sleep a nighg... there is NO WAY to do all this as a 9-5 wagecuck

>> No.3463588


Also a few more things. If I was doing a job that requires a brain, like programming, and which counted as developing yourself, I could definitely see myself liking my job.

On the other hand, fuck the UBERKEKS who say manual labour is better. It's worse. It's low status shit

>> No.3463607

Remove the 4chan and do something fun instead

>> No.3463703


I'm still essentially a NEET but I just picked up a part time job doing landscaping type work at some estate. The commute is 30 minutes each way. I have a laundry list of intellectually stimulating audio books on audible that I will probably never finish. Sometimes I take the long way home because I'm not even focused on driving. Today the guy just had me raking leaves (raking leaves @ 23 for money, just lol) and I was able to listen to my book for half the time. They make the day pass quicker and most importantly prevent your mind from devolving to the level of work you do.

Honestly though, social relationships are the key to fulfillment in life. The work place is no exception. That's why people can enjoy doing god awful work. Everything is improved when you're around people you can laugh with.

>> No.3463739

I don't necasarilly do all that shit now. Just examples of how I made money before I was 21, did most of that when I was 14-17 in High School.

Recently started selling my own products online through Amazon and my own online store. Advertise through instagram and it's great.

Also resell clothes that rich teens like to wear such as Supreme, Jordan, BAPE. I got in with bulk suppliers so I'm set for every release.

I automated my video game coin selling business through a supplier in China. I have my own store front and every order that goes through me goes directly to this Chinese company. I sell for double what they give them to me for. I literally spend 4hrs a month on it.

Between all of them I probably spend 5hours a week now.

I make about $2000 a week through all this after expenses. Some weeks I make more some weeks I make less. I have a normie wage cuck job where I make $40 an hour plus overtime which also comes to around $2000 a week.

That pay is before taxes. I plan on being a wage cuck for one more year before retiring from wage cuckery and working only for myself again. Fucking banks want to see "verifiable employment from a company for at least a year" before they'll give someone a housing loan at my age.

>> No.3463790

How can I fix this then?

>> No.3463801

exaggerated shit I did - the post

>> No.3463871


Already in the lottery game and crypto. Lmao.

But yeah, I never understood how to make money or didn't realize value of it. I grew up in a very poor family and I kind of got used to it, money wasn't never important until now, when im older. It's all about having a nice car and shit together.

And to be fair, I missed chances to do trades like you did, and I'm not sure do I even have the skills to do shit like that, I am not very patient. I spent my teenage getting drunk, playing video games and skipping school. Which was fucking idiotic, but I didn't really know better back then. Now I know and I am trying, but shit just seems so hard to achieve, but im not going to quit.

Glad for you bro tho.

>> No.3463956
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And a little update, I am now holding $1,3k because 50% IOC and 50% PTOY.

>> No.3464048

Is anyone doing Phd? Is it worth it and how much effort? I kind of like academia but not sure if I should go for phd or just try normal job but I have never had one

>> No.3464078

Enjoy it OP. I hardly even have energy for vidya when I get home. Very sad state of affairs.

>> No.3464123

Ah yes, the old "never stop working or you'll never work again because no will want to hire you" meme. Wonder who came up with that one?

>> No.3464141

I was a degenerate youth smoking weed, drinking, and skipping school. Doesn't prevent you from making money, the skill set does. I always considered it important to have money. Not to spen money but to have it. I'd rather get to look at a big stack of money each day than stunt on people with nice shit.

Through college I've been either high as fuck, xannied out, or drunk, for probably 70% of my waking hours the past 4 years. Still had no problem making money.

Growing up I always thought in terms of money. And I was very good at seeing where there was a place to make money. While other kids focused on chasing panties I focused on sharpenig my money making skill set.

Now I have a nice car and nice clothes and enough money to do whatever I want really in my freetime and girls just come to me. You don't have to be good with girls if you're good with money, remember that.

One of the best quotes I ever heard from any is my Uncle and he said this about me to my Mom when she was worried I wouldn't go anywhere in life because I was smoking and partying so much - "Listen, the only thing that kid likes more than weed and liquor is money, he'll be fine." Still smoke and drink in copious amounts, still make more money than most cucks. Somethings will never change.

>> No.3464160

Not worth going past Grad school. Seriously, even grad school might be pushing it. Every person I know who has gone after a PhD turns cynical and gain a disdain for life unless you're truly passionate about what you're researching. I don't mean you like what you're researching, I mean you love the research you're doing as much as you love to masturbate or have sex if you do that faggot.

>> No.3464161
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>cant minute trade anymore
>have to hold all month like a loser
the lambo is slipping away from me
come back lambo

>> No.3464289

M8 I know that feel.

I get up at 06.30, leave my house at about 06:45, walk to the train station for 07.30 delarture. Train arrives at 09.00, followed by a 15 minute tube ride, I roll into work between 09.15 - 09.30. Finish at 17.30, rinse and repeat I'm through my front door at the end of the day at about 20:00ish.

>> No.3464365


Damn, you sound like a fucking legend, man.

But yeah, for me I just fucking thought that you don't need money or things in this life. I got so used to that idea that it took me sometime to realize that you are shitty person if you don't do anything and just live off others. You're literally just a waste, you consume but you don't produce. But gladly I realized that I don't want to live that way, but hope not too late.

No-one ever thought me that working pays off. And I was dumb enough to not realize that myself. My parents were hustling through just to get food on the table, and so I never expected to get any things from them. I got so used to it and I thought to myself that you don't need money or things in this life.

Well, my coins are mooning fuck yeah.

>> No.3464385


holy fucking shit thats too accurate, I see myself reflected on that picture too much fuck this

>> No.3464407


How the fuck aren't you listening to podcasts on your commute? Are you retarded?

>> No.3464506


I'm in the same boat.

You can't think about it. You do it because you have to survive. You have to survive.

>> No.3464535

i know a lot of wage cucks some spend 4hrs on the road lol wtf it gest me 10 mins max to get home 30 mins if i stop and get a bite feels good bro working 4 days a week now

>> No.3464558


you are just like a wild mustang at the moment, dont worry, your spirit will break soon

>> No.3464563


Same man. Same thing.

We'll get there.

>> No.3464565
File: 87 KB, 1021x764, SLTBRTND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was the same bro minus the drugs, but loved to drink and party, always f loved i mean loved money, barely graduated high school, went to 3yrs of community college, dropped out picked up a skill made it to the top, making 65K a year chilling all day in 4Chan, thing is recently started to actual learn how to save i was blowing trough all my big salary and big bonuses bitches love money too

>> No.3464578

Wagecucking would not even be that bad if it wasnt for the ridiculous traffic before and after work.

>> No.3464582

Poorfag detected

>> No.3464583

Replace TV with something productive and you'll be fine

>> No.3464595

what products

>> No.3464601

Start laying the bricks one at a time. Read for 15 minutes one night, 20 the next, 25 etc.

>> No.3464605

>all these people crying about 40 hour work weeks.

Try 50 hours 6 days a week with an hour commute, i would fucking kill for 40 hours.

>> No.3464680

I have a friend who is a professional oboist in a major US orchestra.
>makes 100k
>has 2-3 hour rehearsals 2 days a week
>2-3 concerts a week
>12 weeks vacation

feels fucking bad man. i wish i set myself up for success when i was younger. so pissed i squandered my youth on videogames

>> No.3464684

I lived that during the summer and it was the worst thing ever, why are you lying to your self anon.

>> No.3464710
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same situation OP

Started working full time after college last October.

I used to have friends, hobbies, play instruments, sleep enough; now i have none of that.

Work 45 hours a week and commute 2 hours each day.

Ive fallen into a really bad depression these past couple weeks, and i dont know how much longer I can do it. It probably has something to do with this bear market too lmao. I just sit at my desk all day and think about how im never going to be happy, nothings ever going to change, and how im never going to get a fucking full nights sleep again. Sometimes i just sit in the bathroom at work because I feel like im gonna cry for no reason.

Crypto is my only chance at freedom and happiness

we have to make it

>> No.3464750

Now try doing that, but with a manual labor job and lifting. Is it any surprise we're all so desperately whoring out our Cryptos?

>> No.3464777


We have to make it.

There's no other option.

We have to make it.

>> No.3464973

you have skills that he hasn't.

he has skills that you haven't.


>spent years studying music sheets and music theory

it paid off

>> No.3465012


I'm living at home about to get a full time job and throw every cent into the most retarded crypto I can find until either I'm rich or I kill myself. Being a wagecuck is not for me.

>> No.3465055
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>> No.3465083

Stop working make a youtube channel. I did and Im already receiving money.

>> No.3465127

LMAO start a business fag.

Can't believe you would commute 2 hours, that's autistic beyond belief.

>hmm guess I'll just sit here in traffic hours every day.

>> No.3465137




>> No.3465171
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>tfw in thirties never had a job, have i missed something wonderful

>> No.3465179

Bullshit. You're just selling shit your parents bought you.
Good on you for hacking and selling tv's and selling video game coins but that's mostly luck that you could find a market to sell to.

>> No.3465182

>tfw not a trust fund baby

>> No.3465195

My most successful is a teeth whitening kit. Those teeth whitening kits hot sluts on instagram advertise. Coincidentally I pay some of those hot sluts to advertise my teeth whitening kit. I have a bunch of others that I wouldn't disclose.

>> No.3465216

but you need money to make money right?

>> No.3465234


How do you pick which products?

Teeth whitening is really clever

>> No.3465268
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>work 30hrs a week wagecucking
>disabled alcoholic parents living off SS
>blow all of their money on stupid shit and booze
>always borrow money from me, pay it back, but then immediately need to borrow again, also have to buy groceries too
>car costs mounting up
>fell for the college meme and ended $20k in debt with nothing to show for it
>racked up a bunch of medical bills too from health issues
At this point Ive already given up hope, I was fucked long ago. At least my parents wont kick me out until they die and I get their life insurance payout.

>> No.3465269

All depends what you're doing.

I've had easy, awesome jobs where I would gladly do 60 hours a week.

And I've had shitty jobs were 20 hours a week was a nightmare.

>> No.3465289

pay for a trading bot you ass

>> No.3465302

I did have a good middle class upbringing but my parents didn't by me much of the things I sold aside from trading cards I had from when I was like 12. Even those I got mostly on my own going to Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments and winning packs.

I source all my products from China myself. Started with $2500 and went from there, no that money wasn't from my parents either.

Someone understanding how to make money is not bullshit. If by lucky that I found a market I could sell too you mean me marketing the shit I have to sell then sure.

>Started selling video game coins. Would pay YouTubers who make video game videos to advertise my coins.

>Started selling hacked Amazon TV's. Posted on Craigslist, didn't even advertise, still sold 10 a week.

>Source a couple products from China. Start selling a couple products Amazon. Advertise on Google, Amazon, and Facebook.

>Source theeth whitening kit from China. Start selling a teeth whitening kit through instagram. Pay hot girls to post a hot picture and advertise my kit.

All this shit is easy as fuck and I do it in my spare time. All started with money I made busting my ass in high school.

>> No.3465314
File: 23 KB, 1270x206, ayy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, living and working in the US seems like total bullshit.
Do you guys have ANY rights over there?
It always seems like the average American's life is:
>get something unhealthy and quick to eat (or do "meal prep" for the whole week)
>come home
>too tired for hobbies/ anything that is good for yourself
>go to bed
Also no paid time off or insurance.

Here in europe we would classify this as literal slavery.

>> No.3465319

programming, or trying to learn how to program your own trading bots and budget calculators is great self improvement

just have to set a goal in your mind, and execute that motherfucking goal till finished

>> No.3465332

explain your disposition, i enthralled

>> No.3465387

I started with $2500. Really isn't that hard to come up with that money.

I just saw all these models advertising these teeth whitening kits. One day I was actually interested in them and looked at the price. They were selling these things for over $200 a pop and I couldn't believe it, I was actually laughing. I had already sourced a couple products from China for Amazon and knew those things were definitely cheap as shit. Found a supplier who would sell me 100 units for $20 a piece including shipping and went from there. So I sell them for a little less than $200 and make great money but to be honest the hot sluts who advertise it are walking away with the best. The hot sluts have no financial risk in it and get paid several hundred dollars to be a hot slut and post a photo with a caption I write out for them. Seriously the easiest job ever. Pro tip, be born hot.

>> No.3465402

Would love to see someone from /biz/ program their own trading bots and post the results. That would be pure comedy.

>> No.3465414

Sounds about right except the paid time off.

You're sort of correct. Minimum wage and anything close to minimum wage jobs never have PTO. but all of the better jobs do, even some factory ones.

>> No.3465424

>almost 27
>low IQ
>never worked a day in life longer than 3 months
>never had to pay for college
>got a degree in psychology
>havent found a job for 3 years but have gotten some wage ones in the meantime
>quit because dont like talking to strangers and it seriously stresses me out
>hate driving
>never think about how to make money, instead focus on girls
>think drugs are stupid
>never happy or satisfied
>parents hate you and threaten to move you out
>have gf who sometimes lets you live with her
>gf is more of a fwb because we "dont connect"
>think about offing myself daily since 15
>the only thing keeping you alive are your looks (its very easy for me to attract girls but at the same time rejection is still possible)
>tfw kind of want a modeling job but think its a joke
>never even got a oneitus to love you

Holy shit on top of all this, having no money STILL is the most depressing thing, it's like you have a mindset of your 15yr old self and are frozen with that.

>> No.3465434

60hrs/week here doing physical blue collar shit, welcome to the real world. do this for the next 30 years then retire and die.

>> No.3465446


Obviously minimum wage slavery is hellish but there's better jobs.

>> No.3465459
File: 1.34 MB, 1885x2600, teeth dont lie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look another liar

>> No.3465460

on top of that i think i am brilliantly gifted at feeling things and making funny art or sharing special things with specific people. i think its an INFP trait for those into pseudo-psychology (i studied a LOT of this stuff during college)

i just believe i wasn't ever ment to make money, and if i try, it would be just enough to scrape by and be horribly depressed because of it.

>> No.3465468

been a wagie for not even 6 months now. just got randomly selected for a drug test even though I passed one to get hired. gonna go fail for weed tomorrow wish me luck boiz. the prospect of returning to neetdom is alluring

>> No.3465470
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>adding miles to your car
>actively depreciating your car beyond commuting to work and for fun

>> No.3465482

I applied at wallgreens got a call over 1 year later.

>> No.3465485

certain bloodlines are better stopped. lol

>> No.3465490

what your pic related means?

>> No.3465500

i had a upper pay job like that but it was like 2-3 hours MAX of work per day. sometimes you drive to another location but who the fuck wants to commute that much. monthly paycheck still was shit so i didnt understand how it could literally be less than part time.

>> No.3465513
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I just want a comfortable living wage. Is that too much to ask for these days?

>> No.3465525

work at a retirement home or with disabled people. 80% you can chill in their home with your laptop watching anime and 10% of the time you have to clean poop. (but i never got to...yet...so i think i am lucky)

>> No.3465528

Is that all you applied to? Send 50+ applications a week if you in a city and looking for any job and ur not a specialist with a degree.

>> No.3465538

Exercise shouldn't take you more than 1 or 2 hours tops though. Don't be lazy

>> No.3465571


I can pretty much only laugh with 4chan at this point :(

>> No.3465591

Honestly id like to die in a civil war or fighting or something.

>> No.3465624

you are just on a downswing. tell this to yourself. it totally ok to feel the way you do...

understand though that you may have hyperfocused on this neglecting other aspects of your life

might need a re balance

>> No.3465628


you can also get on their will list. you're totally right.

>> No.3465634


playing as a job versus jazz jamming

>>it not that easy

>> No.3465695

My brain fucked up my job when it wandered so i had to focus 8 hours a day and it drained me. Factory work is dog shit.

>> No.3465696

depending on what state u have rights

if you know you are going to fail you should quit?

>> No.3465711

>>No time for ANYTHING anymore
well you're on 4chan right now

>> No.3465786

are you saying you want me to GIVE you my trading bot?

>> No.3465931


Yes. Please post code. I'll pay you in 1 btc

>> No.3466003

i dont agree with your procreation argument
just because you dont carry on your lineage doesnt mean youre not adding to the development of the machine that is humanity
if you can better contribute to humanity in other ways than creating a child who will have to take on your genetic flaws, you are by no means a failed organism

>> No.3466282


>> No.3466375

Podcasts are really shallow.

>> No.3466392

Just had a retirement lunch today for a boomer coworker, and I asked another boomer I talk to from time to time if he's planning on retiring. "Not till I pay off the mortgage"

The worst part is I know he has CCs maxed out as well, and the car is on a loan. You guys don't know just how smug I feel sitting with these dumb faggots. But yeah OP, 40h of work will leave you mentally drained, maybe you could still get /fit. Get up earlier and work on your own things, then go to work and grind, then after to gym. Once you're rich you wont have to deal with the bullshit anylonger.

>> No.3466631

My mum still hasnt paid off her mortgage. Shes 50+. Being poor is shitty. How does a tard like me become rich?

>> No.3466825

>be me, 24
>failed highschool
>worked as a janitor part time for a year and a half
>blew all my money on food and guns
>took about 6 months off or more from working
>now i work at goodwill 10/hr, 33 hrs/week

I still spend too much on food, but ive been trying to save enough money to buy a chunk of land with a well and septic so i can build a small farm. I just need like 50-70k..i dont even care about getting rich. I just want peace.

>live debt and rent free
>no car payment or anything
>even with that my goal is still years away.

>> No.3467043

>not lying on your resume

>> No.3467055

Dont trade your time for money, make your time/money work for you. Read "The millionaire fastlane" to understand what that means

>> No.3467119

>They will actually fact check my resume, I'm sure

>> No.3467991

was a NEET all my life. never had any money my family did. I was gifted 50k for graduating suma cum laude from a prestigious university then made myself a millionaire with 500 bitcins i bought because my wow guildmaster told me to at like 6 bucks.

>> No.3468285

Oh look, somebody else mad they never really figured it out in life and can't believe anyone else did either leaving you to live in spite of those successful.

>> No.3468291

You're fucked

>> No.3468530

Yup. Unless i find a supplemental income im scrood.

>> No.3468683

Audio books in the car.
Gym before bed or when you wake up.
You only need six hours sleep a night

>> No.3469571

i used to think this but now i work at the tax department as my first proper job

>> No.3469662

dangerous to tell my strat

front me it


>> No.3470254


this 's my life

commute 10 hours a week
work "40 hours" per week (minimum is actually 45, I have 8 hours work minimum + forced 1 hour lunch break I can't take)
most days are 10-11 hours
so I'm out of my house 14 hours per day
come home, shit, shower, pass out without making dinner
barely have time to deposit checks or pay bills
occasionally get on 4chins during lunch break if I get to take it

honestly it's only an 18 month contract and it pays relatively well and I only have 6 months left but it happened to show up the one year that this magical gold rush did.

I still have managed to buy low sell high btc eth multiple times since february, but have almost no time to follow any of the dozens of moons I missed. I hate myself and want to die. the rest of my free time is sucked away by my friends and girlfriend and occasionally video games (bery rarely though, 1.4 hours last 2 weeks on steam)

>> No.3470444
File: 48 KB, 1095x544, choose_a_job_you_love_and_you_will_never_have_to_work_a_day_in_your_life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>..never work a day in your life


>> No.3470540

Curious as to what /biz/ thinks of a friend working roughly 100 hours a week for a company. He's left now (Good on him) but why does this kind of shit happen?

>> No.3470552

I should have also mentioned said company wouldn't pay out holiday + other bonuses for that worker/my friend

>> No.3470627
File: 52 KB, 480x720, 10435790_10204670169457254_3524224987929596120_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 3,5 hours commute and 42 hours of work

>> No.3470817

you are supposed to work not to stare at the clock you cuck

>> No.3470881

>TFW registered my farm and did nothing there
>my 4 years of degeneracy look like productive shit on my resume

>> No.3470899

But it broke in 2001

>> No.3470924

fuck off normie

>> No.3470955

>something productive

THIS IS THE FUCKING PROBLEM THOUGH. what can i actively do after ive read all the best self help material. what can i ACTUALLY do with my T I M E to produce something of value and increase my quality of life??????

>> No.3471003

Wtf are you guys doing, just start a business lmao. I'm 21 run a tech startup and have no idea what I'm doing yet money is coming in like crazy.

Get connected with people in the industry and fake it until you make it. Make others want you to succeed, in the end we're a rounding error for larger companies and governments so it's easy af for them to fund and buy our stuff.

Find a passion and something very few people do and just build a company around that.

>> No.3471029

I can program pretty well but no idea how to get clients. Should I just go to random trade fairs or what?

>> No.3471043

I, for one, like to produce sperm

>> No.3471055

What does your company do, I don't program nor am I very technical, get deep into the industry that you want to build your company in and fast.

I've seen plenty of companies fail slowly with something because they didn't try it fast enough with the people who would want something in their industry.
Now we're well connected and we literally can't die, they'll come up with bs ways to fund us no matter what.

>> No.3471059

Stop reading self-help material and do something.
Just stop stagnating YOU PIECE OF SHIT motherfucker.
Set a fucking goal and GET. TO. WORK.

>> No.3471171

Also fun side note I walk to work in 1min every morning and I'm always like 10-15 min late. I'd never be able to commute like that.

>> No.3471194

where are you from?

>> No.3471205

Northern Europe

>> No.3471227

>Wtf are you guys doing, just start a business lmao. I'm 21 run a tech startup and have no idea what I'm doing yet money is coming in like crazy.

are you a very extrovert person?

that might be a problem for most of us introverts, i think

>> No.3471272

how can you be late if that's your company

fucking larpers can't even make 2 posts that match

>> No.3471276

No not extroverted, but I try to be. I'm amazing at public speaking though which is probably my biggest strength.

>> No.3471279

>what can i ACTUALLY do with my T I M E to produce something of value and increase my quality of life
Take an hour long walks or jogs each day or every other day at least. Clears your head and improves your physique. You would be surprised how much more energy you soon have and how much better you generally feel.

Also there surely is something you want to learn but haven't arsed to go for yet. If not, pick something, like how to play a fucking guitar or piano.

>> No.3471284


last week i had one 22 hour day, the total week 7 days was 91 hours. 40 minute commutes.

>> No.3471292

Because we start at 9 and I come in at 9015, I don't understand why that's a difficult concept. You realize that I'm an employee of the company too, beholden to the shareholder?

>> No.3471299

do you drive a car or a motorbike?

isn't a moto faster (skipping through traffic?)

>> No.3471319

Shareholders *. Being ceo or one of the founders doesn't mean you can do whatever kid.

>> No.3471391

you fucked up then, you're still a wageslave

maybe you enjoy it but that wasn't the point of OP

>> No.3471394

Hei kompis, har ikke wallet adressen min på meg men her er coinbase adressen min1CQXDEixh7AkoinpummneagiNicZLMhPkN.

Kan da være så snill og sende meg litt coins? Er nasjonalist og hater muslimer!

>> No.3471681

sold my car 2 years ago because the traffic in Los Angeles is a fucking nightmare. I'd rather get high in the morning, walk towards work for the first 30 minutes of the day and call an Uber whenever I feel like i'm ready.

Way lower stress - no dealing with idiot nigs behind the wheel, no parking, no 'keeping your eyes on the road'

This way - I get a walk in, the ride gets cheaper, and I feel healthier. Too much driving and sitting

>> No.3472011

only a 30 minute walk? ride a bike dude. its LA. /n/ will hook you up and convince you to buy a 90's mtb frame with slick tires

>> No.3472083

no i spend the first 30 minutes walking or 1 hour walking depending on how i feel - then phone an uber wherever I wind up at that moment

the drive is probably about 45 minutes

walking would be 3 hours

>> No.3472295
File: 135 KB, 421x248, 1493095103154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are all a bunch of dumb motherfuckers. I didn't even finish highschool and yet I didn't end up as being a wageslave.

>Start working retail at 15 years old
>Got offered a warehouse manual labor job when 16
>Learned Mig/Mag and electrode welding
>Start working at a car factory welding aluminum sheets together at 18 (already make $30.000 a year now)
>Company offers me to train me as an electrical engineer since I show potential and have electronics tinkering as a hobby anyway
>Start working as an electrical engineer at an offshore rig $80.000 a year
>Due to having 5 years of experience I got offered a managerial position and I now make over $100.000 a year.

Remember I have 0 degrees and I am only 23 years old. The point is to ACTUALLY DO STUFF. Don't just read and try to be intellectual. Actually build stuff. Don't be shy to try and weld your own shit and make your own electronics even though you never went to school for that shit.

If you are a wageslave in a first world country such as the US it's entirely your own fault. Both my parents were trailer trash and I didn't speak to them since turning 16 so "being born poor" doesn't apply here.

>> No.3472403

nice larp

>> No.3472434

You must be joking. I also work 40 hours per week (from monday to friday) and I have lots of free time after work (7:30 AM to 3:30 PM). I work in an office too, but I often spend time helping the conservator, so I do lots of physical work as well. I'm not even tired. I got back from work an hour ago.

>> No.3472458

Hardly, I love what I do and would do this on my free time if I couldn't. My team is amazing, really great and engaging people. I don't have anything against our investors either, I'm honored that they trusted me and belive in my vision for this company. It's a relationship built on mutual respect.

Furthermore what we do has a number of positive externalities outside of business which also helps motivate people to work with us.

I don't trade in crypto and even if I did I wouldn't give handouts, also we have a number of Muslims on our team that work great and I don't appreciate the sentiment that you're spreading!

>> No.3472493

Nice meme, 40 hours are rookie numbers, indeed if you stick to that you're gonna wagecuck your whole life, absolute minimum to make it is 60h per week. Now kys or stop complaining you're not putting in the time to succeed

>> No.3472494
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>tfw working at home for a software startup
>still not satisfied until I have 3+ million in the bank making enough interest to have me not have to worry about money any more

Sometimes I wonder if the investments I'm making are downright reckless.

>> No.3472624


How do you get around the wordfilter? I too want to say cu.ck

>> No.3472669

is it still filtered?

>> No.3472701



>> No.3472780
File: 199 KB, 1077x387, 2017-07-06_01.29.44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW NEET with money.
>barely any expenses.
>have a $3,000 gaming pc.
>go swimming in my pool everyday.
>never had to wage cuck.
>never had to go to university for "Education"
>plan on going to Amsterdam for a sex vacation so I can loose my virginity.
>read books online.
>have a small home gym that I workout in a few days a week.
>have unlimited time for vidya and anime.
>zero stress.
>eat delicious food everyday.

NEET life is God tier, thanks BTC and rich parents, pic related is my savings account. I also own 42 BTC. And 20k worth of stocks.

>> No.3472815


a bit will make no difference to you, and a fuckload to me

>> No.3472818


All that money yet he doesn't know how to take a printscreen.

>> No.3473134
File: 291 KB, 750x366, 1481247838799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More hours =/= making it. Bosses, doctors and other high-paying jobs around here work 30 hours a week (sometimes even less) and earn much more than me with 40 hours. Basically, the better position you have, the less you have to work (the job also tends to be easier) and the more you earn. And this stays true until you make it with say, good investments. Then you make so much, you don't have to work at all.
If someone works lots of hours, then it's only because they have to in order to make some "acceptable" money.

>> No.3473176

learning is a "meme" now eh?
get the fuck away from the internet for a few hours you worthless fucks

>> No.3473207
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>all that money and still has to pay for sex

christ you must look horrible

>> No.3473305

Yeah but he's not making his own videa, he's making some SJW bullshit clueless idiots who know nothing about gaymers told him to do.

>> No.3473360

I'm actually attractive, it's just difficult to meet females when you stay home all day, and I'd rather just pay than deal with the stress of chasing after females for sex.

>> No.3473713

Put in 40h into your work and 20 into entrepreneurial projects that will earn you a lot, progressively shift your time towards your own business and become free, quite easy actually. When you work for yourself, the amount of work you put in is directly proportional to what you'll earn

>> No.3473735

Nice blogs phaggots

>> No.3474014


Shut the fuck up faggot.

I've actually interned in a boutique doing M&A and worked 100 hours every week for months. I'm legit talking about 9-2 monday to friday and then another 8/10 hours on saturday and sunday.

After 4 months i quit, i was getting destroyed, sleeping 5-6 hours at night, couldn't see my gf or family, didn't even had the time to take a walk. My "joy" was going for lunch alone on friday and walk 15 minutes in the city to relax.

Stop whining, you have much more time than you think, you are young and can get by with 7 hours sleep.